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7509074 No.7509074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I am a special snowflake whose genius is not understood by those around me
How many of you actually believe this? Be honest, this is totally anonymous. If it's even as little as thinking the university you attend isn't good enough for you because it's low in the rankings then the answer is yes, you're a tipper.

>> No.7509081

>average IQ for mechanical engineer is 125
>go to a below average state school for free
>131 IQ
But what if I am?

>> No.7509083

>tfw I and all my friends laugh at plebs who go to a uni outside the top 5
tell yourself that

>> No.7509103

animu figurines are not friends

>> No.7509130

I've been humbled by real geniuses at school before. People who comprehend and analyze unbelievable amounts of information with ease. I'm pretty gifted, but I've seen genius and I know my place in the intellectual hierarchy

>> No.7509134

You know that online IQ tests are not reliable, right?

>> No.7509136

As long as you keep it to yourself as a form of confidence boost, it's fine.

>> No.7509137

>implying I wasn't tested by my university's psychology department

>> No.7509140

my ego does

I hate my ego

>> No.7509141

There's nothing fun, let alone being 'better' about being a 'genius'.

>> No.7509146

Regardless of the ranking of your school, the guy teaching your classes probably has PhDs up his ass yet you who hasn't even completed undergrad are basically saying yore too smart to be taught by him.

>> No.7509154

Yes there is, you can look down on everyone and I don't mean mock Only those who aren't really anything do that in order to look special, I mean disassociate yourself from the rest of society because you're above it all. You don't care what anyone thinks of you because you know you're superior

>> No.7509167

I was tested with an IQ of 145 (WISC-R, not some online test).

School (gymnasium, Netherlands) made me depressed since it was so boring. I somehow made it through those 6 years but I made a vow never go to school (read:uni) again. So I work(IT), which is less boring so I'm less depressed and I lead a somewhat fulfilling life. I don't feel better than anyone else and mostly less since I'm a perfectionist and nothing I do is ever really good enough.

I'm sure more people with similar IQs feel the same.

>> No.7509169

My genius is being recognised by pretty much everyone that gets to know me. My academic peers included.

Feels good being the top dog mate

>> No.7509175

>hurr durr muh political correctness u r just liek otherz derp herp

Yeah I feel like I'm brighter than most of my peers except some ones who I can easily admit being likely brighter than me.
Fight me.

>> No.7509177

If I'm special it's not because of intellect

>> No.7509185

I have friend who can't stop putting his brain under mental stress because he is constantly thinking about every little detail that comes to his mind. He says this has been tiring him out for the past 5 years yet he can't stop. Doesn't sound like fun. Being able to just sit down and turn your mind off feels pretty nice

>> No.7509193

>Be at college studying mech eng
>Come up with my own physics theory and my own math result from complex analysis
>Show fluids professor both
>Not interested
>Show thermo professor both
>Not interested
>Show math for engineers lecturer only the math work
>He is impressed
>Lauds me with all the attention I ever wanted
>Get encouraged to publish by the rest of his department
>He is from different department, math
>Write angry letter to fluids professor who ignored my theories saying that I'm not appreciated enough here therefore I'm switching to math where I'm more respected
>He flips out completely, actually says he's had enough of my autism and the department should bot have to put up with me anymore
>I reply with one line
>"The die has been cast"
>Run to university admin crying about disability discrimination
>Make up shit about rich uncle with lawyers coming for them
>He gets relocated (probably fired), I get my tuition refunded in full for the year
I don't know whether I'm a fedora or a legit snowflake. On one hand the physics was probably bunk but the complex analysis work was legit and made it to arXiv. Either they read both but were uninterested in pure math or read the physics first and decided it was bullshit so didn't bother with the math.

>> No.7509195

I'm actually super smart and well-recognized for my brilliance.

>> No.7509197

Are you me? I too felt stifled by the academic establishment so now prefers to just make money and learn science in my free time.

>> No.7509201

Pretty much unless you're on a scholarship to MIT or Caltech you're not that great, regardless where you are in the world. I still go to a top 50 on scholarship for Science but I'm retarded as fuck compared to Caltech kids.

>> No.7509205

>You are totally anonymous just because the information is not visible to anyone on the screen all the time.

Oh come on.

>> No.7509208

What have you actually done that is genius?

>> No.7509210

>attending top university = genius
You do know that you can pay your way in right? You do know that wealthy kids get coached to reach these places from day one vs an inner city kid who was lucky to not get shot at school?

>> No.7509211

I'm just best at everything I do. Didn't do anything really remarkable though, so I do realize that they are wrong in their assesment and I am simply super intelligent.

>> No.7509215

I don't feel that way. I have massive doubts about my intellectual abilities despite having earned a doctorate and a postdoc appointment.

>> No.7509216

You're good at passing exams, big whoop. The questions are designed for you to get it right.

>> No.7509219


I can relate to this. Don't know my IQ, but my intelligence is high enough (and my mouth to flabby) to be worthy to try and fiddle with my confidence anyways.

I can relate to constant boringness if I can't engage in something exciting ( usually technical / theoretical challenges ). Also doing "research" in spare time. I managed to get a research degree (light) before I got fed up with organized studies.

>> No.7509224

Exams are easy, you just learn the material, and you'll do well, that's all that's required, your peers probably don't do as well because they're all out partying while you're at home studying.

>> No.7509230

Not him. I became first in the national chemistry and language competitions in high school. Changed my grades in high school(l33t haxx0r) and am a contributor to the Finnegan's Wake database. Was also really good at chess so much that my peers hated me for it and I choose to quit.

Don't know if any of that qualifies as 'genius'. Let's just call it 'irregular'.

>> No.7509232

The hacking does because it is innovative, the rest is jumping through pre-defined hoops.

>> No.7509236

I'm also best at playing the guitar, violin, piano, singing, toolworking and a range of other activities whether manual or intellectual.

I mean yeah I'm sure that there are people better than me, but I'm pretty sure that there ain't that many people like me around.

>> No.7509239

I'm constantly partying as well though. I just don't need that much to get straight A's.

>> No.7509244


Doing my MSc in condensed matter physics at Cambridge currently btw.

>> No.7509249

Make a hoverboard and then I will believe you are a genius.

>> No.7509250

Okay, let's grant you the generous assumptions that
A - IQ is worth anything
B- Saying you're IQ is above 130
Seems pretty spectacular right? Well 130 and above is 2.1% of the world, in which there are 7,364,705,500 people. That means there are 154,658,809 people with higher intelligence than you. 154 MILLION PEOPLE. You're not special.

>> No.7509251

I'm cool with that. Being any smarter would probably just be exhausting anyway.

>> No.7509254

Well we can agree on that, the whole point is just to say no one on earth should really have a superiority complex when it comes to intelligence.

>> No.7509255

This is impressive. My motor skills are really bad, but my intuition for music, math and technology is quite OK. I am a bit jealous of people who are good at both motor skills, brainies and social interaction. I mostly got the tech and theory "talent" and not so much else.

>> No.7509257

I like making others feel dumb in my presence though, it's fun.

>> No.7509261

I would say that it is nice to find people you are the same level on. It is easier to connect then. I've heard that being on top can be very lonely. You can see everything clearly. But that also includes seeing other peoples' mis-judgements, stupidities and failures. If you are an empathetic person that can really be painful to see but not be able to do anything about.

>> No.7509269

Anyway what's the matter with 70% of people in pure fields being asocial and absolutely autistic? What's the hold up? Why can't they grasp the social deal?

>> No.7509270

Let's see if you can solve this question.

As you probably know Buthan and Nepal have exactly the same bordering countries, India (inb4 DESIGNATED) and China.

Which two countries have exactly the same three bordering countries?

>> No.7509283

why, my peanus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus :) hahah

ITT: Countries that unnerve me - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


>> No.7509289
File: 65 KB, 300x199, You+do+realize+that+s+not+mike+tyson+_685154fd9ed40a0a4eab0b4621acdd6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7509292
File: 19 KB, 360x507, feelsgoodtbhfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7509293

>I am a special snowflake whose genius is not understood by those around me

That statement always screams "I don't have the communication skills to accurately expound my thoughts". The proceeding idea/statement is usually met with skepticism.

>> No.7509300

Sometimes I think like a tipper for a second and then remind myself to not be arrogant.
I think I've developed some kind of a habit that your duty as someone who is superior is not to be arrogant.
But that itself is arrogant as fuck. I've just decided that it doesn't matter what I think and only what I do

>> No.7509351

It is a natural tactic for people who suck at their skills to try and make people who are more skilled look worse in comparison.

>> No.7509358

Also consider people who are just barely smart enough to realize they're smarter than average, yet take this as a free pass to show off their smugness and unfounded superiority.

>> No.7509361

>Iq 141
>tested by mensa
>studied economics for 2 semesters
>boring and easy as fuck
>starting physics next semester
I don't think I'm smart, I am
And I hope physics will be a challenge

>> No.7509364

There are lots of not so smart people who are loud, that is for sure. But if a smart person is loud, then it becomes even more important to undermine that person to reduce the damages that could be caused.

>> No.7509365

>I'm pretty sure that there ain't that many people like me around
Nope, there are literally millions of people who aren't as clever as they think they are.

>> No.7509367

Mensa doesn't administer IQ tests you dense fuck

>> No.7509370

Yes they do?
At least in Germany

>> No.7509375

>And I hope physics will be a challenge
It won't be. See if you can do some undergrad research with a professor; that's where you can really spread your wings.

>> No.7509378

Ok I'll try
Thanks :)

>> No.7509390

i'm definitely at adequate university, and i know i'm not a genius by any means, but i'm in a semi-soft science which is afraid of real math that isn't statistics, and i get really annoyed that people dismiss me because i use actual math. there are a lot of people that push hard against even advanced use of linear algebra, and they are not gonna be happy about me using sheaves on pointless spaces when i defend

>> No.7509392

>ITT: /sci/ upholds every single undesirable stereotype about people interested in science and mathematics

good job, guys

>> No.7509401

So you ran a professor out of his job because he didn't notice your work?

Sounds like something somebody with a superior intellect would do.

>> No.7509414

I don't think I'm anything beyond above average but the opinions of my peers seem to alternate between he's a genius and he's an idiot. I'm neither really, I just think my demeanor's unassuming so when I do something smart people flip and assume I'm a hidden Einstein.

>> No.7509545

if they are not using advanced maths its because they dont need to.

>> No.7509553

well i kept being attacked in /sci/ threads for having "delusions of grandeur" therefore I made this thread to bring forth the reality that you all have the exact same feelings of superiority as I do. Now we all have a safe place to admit that we all think we're the next Einstien and we can move on to attacking each other about something else.

>> No.7509556

The only problem is if you actually got charisma to make a difference. That's when they really need to put you down.

>> No.7509558

As I said I have no feelings of superiority. I actually feel like I am worth less with one of the reasons being I should've achieved more, be 'better' with an IQ of 145.

>> No.7509559


What the hell are you on? If the university gives less work than other universities then of course people have the right to be annoyed. It makes no difference how smart the professor is if he gives out less work

>> No.7509593
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>tfw pretty sure I'm the dumbest person in my class

>> No.7509597

I bet you think you're a special snowflake being the one pointing this out like its something no one could figure out on their own

>> No.7509626

How much work you had to do is pure ego-stroking. At the end of the day you get the same qualification as the kid who was whipped at MIT. If you want to know more than what your lecturer is telling you then you know where the library is. FYI the universities with the "high workloads" dont even teach anymore than lower universities, they just throw it at you all at once. Oxford for example has a higher workload than other British universities simply because it has shorter terms.

>> No.7509634

In my opinion, if you are a graduate student at one of these schools OR an undergrad who made it without doing more than TWO of the following:
-200,000+ yearly family income
-Magnet HS/high school that requires applications
-SAT tutors/essay readers
-paid "mission trips" etc. travelling just to put it on resume, etc.
-research/internships acquired only through connections
-legacy with professors, notable alumni

WHILE being self-motivated (at least semi) in studying, practicing e.g. your parents didn't completely fucking tiger parent you and force you to do this shit 5 hours a day from when you were 8

Then, only then, can you actually feel like you've earned it. Top students at tier 2 schools are FAR, FAR higher in my estimation than these Yale/Princeton babies that were put there by money and connections. MIT/Caltech and to an extent Stanford are superior to Ivies in this regard (i.e. being harder to buy your way into) but still have a culture around them that selects from a group of "college privileged" children.

>> No.7509653

Nah I know a Caltech student; he's not really anything special compared to other people I know.

>> No.7509707

fuck man same boat here

>> No.7509719

I think it is somewhat normal to think you're the shit when you graduate highschool after being completely bored and not even trying very hard and yet still trump most of your classmates in some random small town highschool.

After that you begin enter college and here is where shits start hitting the fan. I thought myself pretty damn smart and was quite arrogant in my first two years of college. However at some point you kind of start to run out of excuses for yourself as you can clearly observe there are lots and lots of people getting the same shit done and a few of those seem to be quite a lot better than you are. Thankfully I was too assburger to really act out that arrogance. So for me it took some time, but eventually I realised that this mindset of arrogance doesn't help me at all and I have humbled quite a bit. There were a few situations that acted as a catalyst, like kinda fucking up a presentation and not being as prepared as I could have been and people posing questions there, which was a bit embarassing for me.

Now I have stopped blaming others for my failures (e.g. "the question was posed ambigious", "we hardly discussed this topic in the lecture", ...) and I went on to take all things more seriously and perpare my exams very thourougly now and my situation has improved significantly since then.

I have kind of forced my self to not judge the ability of other people, but rather my own abilities and I have stopped giving a fuck about how other people see me professionally just to keep up my ego and can live with it quite well.

>> No.7510644

I'm the opposite of this. I did pretty shit in school, mainly because I was bored fuckless by everything and didn't know what I was good at yet so some assignments I didn't hand in and tests didn't attend just to pass it off as being too edgy, but deeply insecure that I'm actually brain dead dumb. I barely scraped my way into a good Uni, and now realise chemistry is my jam since I didn't do it in high school. And despite now doing very well for myself, I'm forever convinced I'm a complete retard based on my school marks. I cannot shake it, every good mark I get I truly try and convince myself it's not due to external factors or that the work is easy but I simply can't.

>> No.7510653

>but deeply insecure that I'm actually brain dead dumb. I barely scraped my way into a good Uni, and now realise chemistry is my jam since I didn't do it in high school. And despite now doing very well for myself, I'm forever convinced I'm a complete retard based on my school marks. I cannot shake it, every good mark I get I truly try and convince myself it's not due to external factors or that the work is easy but I simply can't.
Are you actually me? Still first year and got a pat on the head academic merit for a HD in a chem unit. Still feel like I don't belong at uni.

>> No.7510692

My hippy brother keeps telling me to take acid and experience ego death.

Maybe you should try that, anon.

>> No.7510698

Education comes much easier for me than to others. But that's okay, doesn't make me better than anybody else on a human level. Just makes me a better scientist/student than everyone else.

There's nothing wrong with being confident in your abilities.

And by the way, just because I was born with better learning and information retaining capabilities doesn't make me superior on its own. You still need to put in the hard work and dedication to make it efficient. That's what makes me a better scientist than plenty of other people.

I have better genetics geared towards the sciences, plain and simple. Doesn't exactly make me the best either, but i'll be damned if im not gonna work towards it.

>> No.7510709

wow that is a retarded thing to say

>> No.7510711

Because trivia is a measure of intelligence 4 shaw

>> No.7510714

>semi-soft science which is afraid of real math that isn't statistics

>> No.7510768

I never said that. But since it hasn't been solved by now there must be some merit to it.

>> No.7510771

India and China border Bhutan, Nepal, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and even Pakistan depending on which version of the map you refer to.
Doesn't make me smart, just means I remember trivia about my country.

>> No.7510873

Only around the people I know because most of them are retards, but I know I'm a lot dumber than a large percentage of the human population

>> No.7510884

Wauw, kijk eens naar deze flikker.

>> No.7510915

>tfw you thought that knowing the capitals and highest mountains of every country made you good at geography
>tfw you did the GCSE and got a B
It was some gay shit, I was expecting country trivia and I got "discuss how to stop Indians from shitting in streets"

>> No.7511103

> There are millions of people smarter than you so you're not special.

This is so stupid. Maybe the millions of people that make up the top 1% are special? Being in the top 1% of the population isn't very common, even if millions of people are there.

>> No.7511117

Wauw je kunt Nederlands. Echt knap joh.

>> No.7511126

Wat ga je praten. Code aapje.

>> No.7511171

we mean IQ tests, not autism tests

>> No.7511207

He meant AQ

>> No.7511227

>be genius, do shit the whole way through university
>start graduate school
So this is what it feels like to be average.

>> No.7511233

>my uni has a 12 year old student.
>his mom walks him around between classes
>he's yawning his way through an engineering curriculum

he's going to be in my graduating class. i wonder what will become of him.

>> No.7511250

Hopefully virginity because I am very butthurt.

>> No.7511252

my field is very young and there is (necessarily) advanced maths, just of only one kind due to tradition. and it's not very elegant or effective. the people in it, while smart, are generally very mathematically illiterate, and famously so. many people in the field try to use mathematics, but most only know a tiny fragment of logic and computation and stats, yet have never heard of a stone space or know much beyond basic automata theory and a pumping lemma. effextively, they do need the math, and run around in circles inventing ad hoc tools all the time which sometimes is just reinventing the wheel (which they would've known about if they had been literate in modern math).

>> No.7511260

Tell me the specific problem and I will explain to you why an advanced mathematical formulation of it is useless

>> No.7511263

engineering isnt a young field

>> No.7511267

I believe this but it's my own damn fault for not applying myself. So I don't bother other people because of it.

>> No.7511270

Why is this mindset ok if you're an artist but not if you're a scientist?