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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 282 KB, 826x994, George_Washington_Carver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7507502 No.7507502 [Reply] [Original]

What's /sci/ opinion on carver?

Any agronomist here who can explain what he archieved?

Also black scientist admiration thread.

>> No.7507504

hes the founding father of america

>> No.7507739

Black science man?

>> No.7507750

some losers from /pol/ will argue how he didn't actually do anything significant and blah blah blah do we have to let these faggots play their broken record one more time?

>> No.7507759

Had to Google him but seems like a cool guy.

>> No.7507789

>Also black scientist admiration thread.
Gonna be a short thread.

>> No.7507895

Bad prediction. /sci/ has an even mix of edgy /pol/ kids and more liberal types. This could last a while.
Don't know much about him but from what I've gathered he did do legit science work in researching more efficient agriculture and was a bit of a "black science man" by spreading the word to the layman. Nothing wrong with this, actually getting the nation to follow your ideas is a colossal achievement if you think about it. How many times do scientists talk about governments and the public ignoring their advice because of politics or just plain ignorance?

>> No.7507900

Oh I'm sure he was a decent scientist, but let's be honest, if he were white nobody would know his name.

>> No.7507912

Nah they would because of his advocacy work, that is mainly what he's famous for. He was famous during his time, even the president was a fan, it's not like he was some obscure scientist dug up 50 years later by black rights groups.

>> No.7507918

>edgy /pol/ kids and more liberal types

>> No.7507931

...but still, nobody today would know his name. There were lots of people who did similar work and have been forgotten. Even during his own life, a large part of his notoriety derived from his race, from being someone to hold up as an example of the educability of the negro.

They've had to exaggerate him quite a bit to make his story seem worth telling. Especially "He invented peanut butter!" (of course, he didn't).

>> No.7507937


pick one and only one

>> No.7507939

I know some black mathematicians if that counts.

>> No.7507943

That's actually pretty surprising. Statistically few pure blacks have the required IQ to pursue a career as a mathematician.

How black are they? Do they have significant european admixture?

>> No.7507945

You know it doesn't.

Also, rollin' dice in the alley behind the gas station doesn't make you a mathematician.

>> No.7508242

>Any agronomist here who can explain what he archieved?
Dude, just read his wikipedia article, are you retarded?

>> No.7508247

I just did.
I don't know how hard is to acomplish what he did.

>> No.7508255
File: 41 KB, 350x448, gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did yall forget about me?

>> No.7508268

Morgan Freeman is hardly scientist

>> No.7508274

Ben Carson wasn't a scientist you fucking racist

>> No.7508279


>> No.7508308

I am really puzzled by your reaction.
Morgan Freeman is not a scientist, as >>7508255 seemed to imply.
Please explain your position on why an actor is relevant to this thread.

>> No.7508321

>Any agronomist here who can explain what he archieved?

He's basically the American Turnip Townshend.

>> No.7508372

Wait that isnt Morgan Freeman? Holy shit

>> No.7508379

>That's actually pretty surprising. Statistically few pure blacks have the required IQ to pursue a career as a mathematician.

Well that would imply that having a high IQ increases your chances of being mathematician. Part of what make IQ tests valid is the time it takes to solve a specific problem. However in the real world mathematicians don't have a time limit.

>> No.7508384

There's actually been a lot of black mathematicians, it's not a hard field to get into, however most blacks don't pursue that field.

Honestly if you told the kids in the ghettos that science and technology were the way to go career wise, i'm sure there'd be a lot more.

>> No.7508387


I know you're joking, but it's Jim Gates

>> No.7508390

isn't like the percetage of high IQ black males something like 15% more than 100 points white males?

wasn't friedman just a top physics guy with 125IQ?

>> No.7508399

>wasn't friedman just a top physics guy with 125IQ?

Obviously IQ can come in handy while being a mathematician but it's not all required to be a mathematician. Understanding and willingness to learn is key.

>> No.7508445
File: 23 KB, 225x225, IMG_20141118_023642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they all look alike is what anon was hinting you twat

>> No.7508461

>implying whites and asians aren't generic as fuck as well

>> No.7508643


>> No.7508647


>> No.7508648

Wasn't this the guy who invented the peanut?

>> No.7508674

I think agricultural science was damn important in the 19th, early 20th century, and certainly underrated by the modern perspective.

>> No.7508677

>Black scientist admiration thread
Why? A true scientific persona requires no bias if someone can bring results to the table. Stop bringing hoards of /pol/ and tmblr to discuss wymin in science and stupid shit like that.

>> No.7508737

It's Jim Gates you fucking idiots. known for his work in quantum mechanics i believe

>> No.7508754

>a certain IQ is required to become a mathematician

Kinda wish you stormfags had the required IQ to think this stupid shit through

>> No.7508755

Is this the guy that said we live in a simulation and our universe is based on 1s and 0s? because if it is, he's retarded

>> No.7508759

This. You guys have to realize anything hinting at race is just a reason for stormfags to flutter in threads and push their shit. Real science is color blind, men of all creeds and colors are allowed to study. One of the reasons America is so great to begin with.

>> No.7508779

Did you know that he made the first computer out of a peanut?

>> No.7509030

I just want to read about more cool black people.
I'm tired of hearing pol saying they're inferior.

>> No.7510182

> Statistically few pure blacks have the required IQ to pursue a career as a mathematician

This meme is terrible btw

>> No.7510190

Who cares its just edgy undergrads and high schoolers, give them some time to mellow out a bit.

>> No.7510216

I'm not that guy but he's right. No one who scores an 85 on an IQ test could ever consider becoming a mathematician.

>> No.7510228

>the only STEM that matters is physics or math
>you can't pick something easier

>> No.7510249


There is absolutely no reason to believe this.

>> No.7510265

>born a slave
>died one of the greatest botanists ever
what a guy

>> No.7510593

just kill yourself man, it's not worth living when you have such a pathetic mind

>> No.7510730
File: 463 KB, 581x332, get-thee-back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure blacks
>implying racial purity

>> No.7511091

>pure blacks
>western africans aren't pure because they're chocolate color
>eastern africans are the real deal because they're carbon black
>this is the mindset of pol

>> No.7511094
File: 3.12 MB, 4041x2651, zwarte-piet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's going on in this thread?

>> No.7511096

I too enjoy peanut butter

>> No.7511099

It's called "peanut cheese", kanker flikker

>> No.7511104

I hate this modern trend of making science about personalities.

I'm a britfag and we have a science documentary series called Horizon. Every time I see it now, some weedy scientist is pretending to be athletic and charismatic, as if this matters. It's the same with popular science books as well.

>> No.7511141
File: 10 KB, 170x240, norman the aryan god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey guys

>> No.7511298
File: 7 KB, 227x244, Al Bundi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, watcha thinkin' about?