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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 940 KB, 1600x1461, 1441097857747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7503487 No.7503487 [Reply] [Original]

This picture is sickening.

Tell me what this means to you.

>> No.7503490

Nothing, it's clearly fake

>> No.7503492

>Tell me what this means to you.
I'll never get bored.

>> No.7503494

Zero sum

>> No.7503498


I want to live forever and explore the galaxy

>> No.7503502

What would you find, more stars, more planets.


>> No.7503513
File: 1.88 MB, 4608x3072, rsz_dsc_0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there's always something unique to find around each star and on each planet. Even here on Earth things change constantly. There's always something new to see

I'm a huge /out/ist so my wanderlust is insatiable

>> No.7503515
File: 129 KB, 1050x1050, Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it is disturbing. And humbling. But also empowering. When you think about how on this world we beat the cosmic odds and evolved to sentience and developed technology and now we launch craft into outer space. Of all the millions of random events that coalesced to make our Earth exactly as it is, we are the end result. Very special planet this is.

>> No.7503520

It tells me that universe is infinite and our capability to make science is infinite, we are literally only 85 years away from laser beaming our consciousness to other star systems.

>> No.7503523

Michio pls

>> No.7503555

what a fucking dumb ass thing to say

>discover unseen life, cosmic phenomena, and landscapes? how boring.

>> No.7503563
File: 473 KB, 1023x665, 000 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means somebody really didn't want experim.. I mean beings bumping on each other...

>> No.7503601

Holy hell when did Michio go on this board?

>> No.7503605
File: 27 KB, 400x400, oyj5obfw5nrjiqhtylp9_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


prepare ur anusholes

>> No.7503655

>anon hasn't explored the entire planet
Shit's fun, yo.

>> No.7503662

Untapped knowledge

>> No.7503666

So much possibility

>> No.7503670
File: 321 KB, 327x409, tumblr_mhqxfwMdFK1s3ot0fo2_r1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to live forever and witness the supermassive blackhole at the end of time, then throw myself in it

>> No.7503747
File: 927 KB, 2000x2000, tfwbedtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw the hubble deep field images when i was 5 years old
>fully grasped what i was seeing
>forever changed by it

>> No.7503756

Not Quantum don't care.

>> No.7503823

A sense of perspective that's both sad and encouraging. Nothing we do will matter, but whatever our fuck ups, someone out there will do better and get further.

>> No.7503832

80's Christmas lights

>> No.7504260

You're all going to feel pretty dumb when you live to see this be a normal thing. Kids might hang out now by linking themselves together and dicking around in cyberspace. People will vacation to Enceladus and Tethys with lasers.

Everyone will be obese.

>> No.7504265

>anon is 8 years old

>> No.7504460

Makes me feel like universe is a game and we humanity have to reach up the top score, else universe gets bored of us and probably discards us, but if we get high enough it'll keep us as trophy.

>> No.7504479

Row row fight the powa!

>> No.7504489

looks like a smiley face rotated ~45 degrees counterclockwise..

>> No.7504867
File: 157 KB, 524x262, Pepe star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one else sees pepe in there?
Is it just me?

>> No.7504895
File: 130 KB, 523x262, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw pepe is at the center of the universe

also great paint skills )))

>> No.7504919

It makes me feel very sad that there is a near infinite universe out there, but my monkey body will die before I can get off the planet it was squeezed out on.

>> No.7504932

It's okay because your soul will get to discover hyperspace.

>> No.7504971

I see an animal with a surprised look.

>> No.7504995

how do we quantify how far they are from just such visual observations?
the size can be an artifact of perspective
the brightness can be an indicator of size instead of distance
parallax measurements may not be accurate within such a little deviation zone in which we can observe the said parallax
how they relatively move?
i cannot fathom those measurements

>> No.7505000

sources of random number generation for events inside the matrix where we will explore variously inane universes because we're never leaving this solar system.

>> No.7505008

I remember getting sad sometimes over the fact that I would never be able to see the whole universe and everything it holds.
Then I found out about space engine and played it, and realized just how boring it actually would be.

>> No.7505018

use it as a list of names for my kids, yeah bring on the hate.

>> No.7505031

It means that humans are so incredibly insignificant that our illusions of grandeur are a cosmic joke.

>> No.7505036

It makes me feel humble

>> No.7505043

but we'll never hear them laughing, so even this quaint bullshit doesnt matter.

>> No.7505045

Aliens capable of interstellar travel would make us all look like babbling two year old's. Even Kaku knows.

>> No.7505053


They're laughing at us, not with us.

>> No.7505056

Rare pepe

>> No.7505059

if a tree falls in a woods, and no one gives a fuck, what the fuck does it matter?

>> No.7505062


If I turn to my friend and mention to him that you look like a buffoon, why should we care what you think?

>> No.7505066

so if the universe is laughing at us, but we can't hear them, wtf.

>> No.7505083

far too much to do in this puny life-span

>> No.7505095

It means the stars are aligning to give Trump a landslide victory in the upcoming election.

The entire universe wants to see America be great again.

>> No.7505101


I'm laughing at you, can you hear me? I bet you think that you're a real smart feller, which is why you cannot even capitalize your or appropriately punctuate your sentence, I suppose.

>> No.7505114


>> No.7505122

am sry lel

>> No.7505127


>implying Donald Trump won't elect a pop scientist as a VP candidate
>implying it won't be NDT

>> No.7505128

It means that i was born too early for intergalactic space travel.

>> No.7505133


>> No.7505729

Fucking THIS

>> No.7505787

I watched a popsci clip on the expansion of the universe (Veritasium); I didn't expect to fully comprehend the topic after watching, but it lead me to some questions and it would be cool if someone could help me out here.

Also if you have some sources explaining expansion of the universe "for beginners, post them.

1. In the clip he stated that the further away a star is, the faster it is moving away, mentioned the Hubble sphere at that point and afterwards pointed out that the Hubble sphere itself is expanding away from us. Am I right in assuming that if I want to calculate how fast the universe is expanding in one point the function of velocity is in the form of v(s(t))=.... ?

2.Does that mean that a chosen point in the universe always expands away from us with the same velocity (I don't mean same velocity as other points, but that it always maintains its expanding velocity)? Since I could also define a "100000 m/s"-sphere, or any other, where the universe expands at that rate and therefore the sphere itself expands at that velocity? That's kind of how I understood it.

Currently it would really help me just to get some answers to those 2 questions, it's very well possible that I totally misunderstood the concept, if so please provide me with some good sources.

>> No.7505791

The further away it is, the faster it expands because what is being described is the growth of space itself. As the thing gets farther away, there is more space in which "new" space may appear, thus causing an effective acceleration. This is why the Hubble constant has units of velocity/distance. For good sources, I can't think of any off hand and am too lazy to look some up.

>> No.7506485
File: 1.89 MB, 280x210, 1441012840068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That there are a lot of galaxies.

>> No.7506501
