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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7497460 No.7497460 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Sci! “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration,"

Is there a way this could be true?

He continues,
that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. ”

and you can comment on this too, but i'd prefer to keep it to physics.

>> No.7497463

Of course it's true.

>keep it to physics
You don't get it man. There is no physics.

>> No.7497466

Let me rephrase that. There is physics but it's just a finite representation of an infinite possibility dreamverse. So in reality there is nothing physical, we just do it for fun.

Of course people will disagree but that's only due to their own lack of understanding. We're all in the same game but each of us plays it slightly differently.

>> No.7497469

The funny part is that every single idiot that reaches this psychedelic profundity and is fulfilled by it and content with the experience will never truly unravel the mysteries of the universe or get closer to truth which in turn keeps physics undergrad courses pure of these cunts.

t. Physicist who used psychedelics and realized they hold no answers

>> No.7497472
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All matter is energy condensed...Fucking no slow vibes though.

I believe there is a universal aspect to human consciousness, but it is more related to breath awareness. Life is not a dream, we are not the imagination of ourselves. There is no such thing as death to because babies can't come from nothing. I can say possible states exist because we leave a room if a crazy man walks in with a gun, he may not even fire, so a man exists before he is born, and will exist after death aswell. We don't fear death rationally, not even pain is feared if you realise what it is and that it is finite.

>> No.7497473

Why don't you suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.7497475

and you too. Go back to /x/!

>> No.7497476

But ... this is /x/

>> No.7497486

he really makes you think...

>> No.7497487

Look at the adressbar.

>> No.7497499
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Expanding myself:

E = mc^2 describes how much energy there is in a mass m; c is 299792458 m/s, the speed of light in vaccum. A fission's energy comes from this. A fusion's energy comes from this. The idea of slow vibration is not part of this abstraction. Physically, mass vibration is heat, why didn't he say it? Is there a context to the quote?

I don't think we are a consciousness experiencing itself, but rather a consciousness experiencing the body. What did he mean with "a consciousness.... experiencing itself.... subjectively" besides redundancy and confusion? Death exists in this Universe, but so do potentiality. Potential states are implied by rules and set by position. There is potential for babies with couples and for murder with guns, and the potentials exist out of our minds. So death cannot destroy the potential for all humans and therefore our platonic archetypes exist forever. If we break our awareness to abstract elements, breath awareness can be a Universal constant for high intelligence and therefore immortal, while our thoughts and personalities are just our specific individual genes uniquely reacting to local environments. Life can be a dream if you consider the brain as a input output device and thus implying the weird informational bridge that gives us just the reflection in a mirror and not really the world. We are the imagination of ourselves can be understood by this way, since we can't access all our data and much is left for speculation. We are not the imagination of ourselves if you are talking about the Universal I that you related to when you said there is no such thing as death. At the next post I can prove that we can't be rational if we are worried about death.

>> No.7497510

Thank you for turning /sci/ to /shit/

>> No.7497546

You're a typical close-minded fool, but I think these kind of threads should be taken to another board, /x/

>> No.7497565
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bruh nice 2nd rate george carlin

>> No.7497568
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>I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are.

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7497577
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True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows when they only look at the screen?

>> No.7498376
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I will give a few scenarios and make the general statement.

Suppose you are at class and receive a death threat, you can't study until the threat is solved. Suppose that the threat is in 2 years, you will have to drop out. Even if your death is in 10 years, you will have to drop out. Also, the amount of years doesn't change the feeling of death coming, because that is a binary state. So even if you are dieing in 40 years, it feels as if you are dieing tomorrow. Consider a nuclear threat effect on citizens: hippies, pre-90s technology etc You won't build a house, which is faster than studying, that could be destroyed in a year.

There is also the surprise factor in death, you don't know when you are dying, you think it will be in 40 years and so on. So the conclusion is if you consider death, you can't learn. Let's expand on learning. IQ correlates strongly with learning and the ability to learn, which is no surprise. So if you consider death, your IQ is lower.

Behavior that competes with learning is based on death: anxiety is thinking there is not enough time left, boredom and tiredness is thinking further studying will damage you. The behavior that comes from dooms day scenario, is: orgies, vioence, drug abuse, crazy speech and so on but not study. To study you have to ignore death. It is kind of a noble trait, isn't it