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7497329 No.7497329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are some people supposed to be gay? Or is it some kind of brain disorder birth defect?

>> No.7497330

You choose to be straight or gay, just look at all the "straight" men in prison.

>> No.7497339

It's genetic. Being gay is no more a disease than being straight is a disease.

>> No.7497340
File: 820 KB, 275x207, yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet your incest fetish runs in the family aswell, you degenerate.

>> No.7497353

>implying I have an incest fetish
Can you stop projecting?

>> No.7497358

Diseases can be genetic.

If you define disease as that which impairs normal function then homosex is arguably one.

But then so would be being african american, or poor.

>> No.7497359

>Are some people supposed to be gay? Or is it some kind of brain disorder birth defect?

>implying natural teleology


>> No.7497360

Read a paper where they controlled hormonal triggers during different stages of a rats fetal development.
What they found was that when manipulating testosterone triggers in the brain determines the sexuality of the rat. It was also believed that by manipulating these triggers you could also manipulate trans and cis gender.
This was based on how after the manipulation, they studied the rats behaviour, where they tended to go for the same gender, and studied the brains, where the structure was more similar to the opposite gender.
That's just a short summary of it all, the paper was hell of a lot more advanced than that.
I just wonder why this hasn't gathered anyone's attention. This pretty much shows that gay/trans is just an accident during the development of the brain, which counters any evolutionary benefit arguement and the good old "you choose to be gay/trans" argument.

>> No.7497363


>> No.7497364

>Are some people supposed to be black? Or is it some kind of skin disorder birth defect?
>Are some people supposed to be short? Or is it some kind of growth disorder birth defect?
>Are some people supposed to be ginger? Or is it some kind of hair disorder birth defect?

>> No.7497366

Both. Some people are supposed to be gay, but most of "gay" is actually people corrupted by modern sexual revolution discurs. They would have been normal if they were born in a different culture.

>> No.7497371

You don't get it, nigga.

It can't be genetic. There is nothing to which can carry the payload of Gay® from parent to the child.

Not to mention, most gays would not have children until modern times.

>> No.7497376

Are some people supposed to be black, short or ginger? Yes, if your parents carry those genes you will get them too. But if you for example become albino, then you are not supposed to be that way, because it does nothing but disadvantage you, so therefore it's a birth defect.

Obviously when we are equipped with two different genitals there to provide ability for us to procreate, it probably means we aren't supposed to be gay.

When we have two different gender roles to maintain balance in our, well, everything, why should they be mixed? It's a common phenomen for gay people to have traits of the opposite sex, and someone stepping out of their gender role has always been seen as unnatural for us humans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gays, but I believe all of us are supposed to be hetero.

>> No.7497382

>Not to mention, most gays would not have children until modern times.
Actually that's untrue, I think more would have had children - pretending to be straight to avoid being shunned and/or lynched.

>> No.7497384

>Both. Some people are supposed to be gay, but most of "gay" is actually people corrupted by modern sexual revolution discurs. They would have been normal if they were born in a different culture.

>And here's a link to my paper that shows this:

>> No.7497385

>Not to mention, most gays would not have children until modern times.


>> No.7497387


>> No.7497389

There are actually a few well researched papers out there that go somewhat prove that the brain structure of homosexuals/or similar is different than that of a heterosexual individual.

You forgot that you were talking about rats. In most cases animal studies provide only good evidence when it comes to medical research.

Behavioral or genetic research mostly only provides good evidence, if directed toward that species and not in an attempt to translate the findings to humans.

>> No.7497393

>What is not being deluded and having a logical reasoning?

You people seriously need to just start looking around and creating your own mental links to these kind of problems.

Your inability to make a distinct reasoned perception of your surrounding world without fogging your mind with exterior triggers is the reason why people like you don't ever find true satisfaction in life, why people like you always have a feeling of something being amiss, why people like you feel dumb deep down, although they may have a PhD in gender studies and philosophy.

>> No.7497396

And I think you're a faggot. You should keep your ideas to yourself.

>> No.7497405

>You people seriously need to just start looking around and creating your own mental links to these kind of problems.

Plato reasoned in the absence of empirical data, and came to the obvious conclusion that philosophers should be kings and bone all the ladies they want.

So if your conclusion in the absence of empirical data magically happens to be the one that aligns with your previous beliefs and politics, excuse me for not being too god damned impressed.

>> No.7497411

It's not my idea though, plus it seems reasonable enough.

>> No.7497426

I too, make hypotheses that align with my preconceived notions of the world in the absence of empirical data.

>> No.7497464

>There is nothing to which can carry the payload of Gay

This is bullshit, it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg. A gay person can go back to being gay.

>most gays would not have children until modern times.

Throughout history plenty of gay men simply married a woman because it was the traditional and respectable thing to do. They simply had to cope with the lack of sexual attraction.

In fact, homosexuality is so stigmatized that many gays can remain in denial.

>> No.7497516

Effects of fetal androgen exposure[edit]
While in the fetal stages, hormonal influences of androgen, specifically testosterone, cause feminine qualities in regard to sexual development in females and masculine qualities in males. In typical sexual development, females are exposed to minimal amounts of testosterone, thus feminizing their sexual development, while males are typically exposed to high levels of testosterone, which masculinize their development. Epi-marks play a critical role in this development by acting as a buffer between the fetus and androgen exposure. Moreover, they predominantly protect XY fetuses from androgen underexposure while protecting XX fetuses from androgen overexposure.[6] However, when androgen overexposure happens in XX fetuses, research suggests they can show masculinized behavior in comparison to females who undergo normal levels of androgen exposure. The research also suggests that excess androgen exposure in females led to reduced heterosexual interest in adulthood than did females with normal levels of androgen.[9]