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File: 153 KB, 1440x900, only doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7494554 No.7494554 [Reply] [Original]

How do animals really think?

>> No.7494642

they doge(nt)

>> No.7494647


Same as a drug addict.

>> No.7494653

They rely on a set of highly evolved instincts. Yes some animals show rudimentary intelligence and self awareness, but it's instinct that drives them to do what they do.

>> No.7494655

How are we any different from them?

>> No.7494662

Human brain is just a tiny bit better. That allows us to do quantum mechanics and fly space ships.

>> No.7494663

we ain't
we are doge

>> No.7494677

And if an alien were to observe us, how would we stack up to say an ant? I don't see any ants shitting on each other for pleasure

>> No.7494684

If an alien observed us they'd see us as ants because we're not even a stage one civilization.

>> No.7494688

I don't think any intelligent alien life would have trouble and discerning the difference between a human and an ant.
These hypothetical aliens probably evolved on their homeworld by some kind of Darwinian natural selection themselves.

>> No.7494692

>how would we stack up to say an ant? I don't see any ants shitting on each other for pleasure
pretty sure aliens would be able to tell the difference just fine. we definitely beat ants by miles.

>> No.7494708

How some of our species act is ridiculous, how do you people judge a chain? By the weakest link right? well ants dont shit on each other, we do.

>> No.7494720
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1410414215020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basis for which you form your idea of right and wrong and "shitting on each other" is purely a Human construct called morality. Aliens might not have a concept of morals, they may not even be carbon based who knows. I don't think your Human/Ant analogy is a very good one.

>> No.7494725

It's not an issue of morality, im saying that its not intelligent. Human are intelligent, yea sure, but how we've evolved is it really the science fair project taking home the 1st prize? Ants don't shit on themselves or commit suicide.

>> No.7494731

Feels good to see an enter lectual conversation about this tipoic

>> No.7494734

Ants CAN'T shit on each other or commit suicide?
And what if shitting on each other is a favorite pastime of the ayyliens?

>> No.7494736

Yea also true that,So guys WHAT IS THE MOST UNBIASED FORM QUALIFIED TO JUDGE? if there is even such a species.

>> No.7494755

I've always wondered this. Like what are instincts exactly? Is it the feeling of hunger we and animals get so then that drives us for food, like biochemical? But then what about more complex behavior that people deem to be instinctual? Like wolf dominance? Or baby turtles making it to the sea? How do they know? What about the patterns in different species of spider webs? How do they know when they weren't taught?

If a woman and a man were somehow raised in the bush but were not taught how to hunt, fire, etc. would they make it to adult hood? Can they raise a child?

>> No.7494757

Dude, think about this, the first life form had no instinctual behavior. How just how did it get to the next point in its life?

>> No.7494759
File: 41 KB, 637x324, EARLY-man-using-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a woman and a man were somehow raised in the bush but were not taught how to hunt, fire, etc. would they make it to adult hood? Can they raise a child?

Well the answer obviously is Yes, otherwise we wouldn't be here would we. Primal human instincts aren't something you see or feel often because they are suppressed by society and our intelligence.
Take away our electricity and creature comfort and we turn into savage monsters.

>> No.7494763

discuss this

>> No.7494771

>How just how did it get to the next point in its life?

Natural Selection.

>> No.7494772

How did it survive, with no intentions to survive?

>> No.7494784

Would you argue that though a dog can understand (as well as memorize) language, arguably one of the most advanced concepts of a working mind, it cannot think?

High level animals (most notably certain types of mammals, as well as birds) have culture, may express spontaneous situational adaptation, and I think above all exhibit mourning and mourning rituals for the deceased.

>> No.7494789
File: 27 KB, 323x303, 1439946911848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a dog can understand (as well as memorize) language

>> No.7494791

how could the first living organism surive, having no instinctual behavior ?

>> No.7494798

>teach dog [name]
>dog associates [name] with owner's desire to interact
>dog learns to react to [name] associated with itself and interacting with owner

>dog acts in dissatisfactory behavior
>teach dog, "[name], bad dog"
>punish dog in some way
>dog learns, through repetition, understanding that the behavior correlates with [verbal punishment] and discipline

This is different from teaching a child not to do unwanted things?


>> No.7494804

Not irrelevant, how is a being supposed to evolve when having no instinctual behavior?

>> No.7494806

pure luck tbh

>> No.7494810

that is irrelevant
that's what life is founded around?

>> No.7494813

Very basic like. If not they would do nothing but fuck all the time because it feels great.

>> No.7494815

The dog only simply associates a certain behavior with the inflection of a Human voice making the sound of a particular word.
The dog has no idea what a word is, what language is, why we are even talking or more importantly, a dog doesn't even know itself as a dog.
A Human child operates on this level only briefly.

>> No.7494816

You really can't compare the biomechanical automation of simple organisms to complex biological machines.

Even colonies of algae behave differently than protozoa.

>> No.7494820


Natural Selection.

>> No.7494822

Carefully now. Even simple one cell organisms show signs of intelligence. Once they come together and form a large colony.

>> No.7494823

I said it was irrelevant because nowhere in this thread had anyone suggested that the first simple organisms were not acting on instinct.

This is about complex animal life having thought processes.
Not the amoeba being life, or not.

>> No.7494830

is it life?

>> No.7494958

Nobody explained wtf instincts actually are.

>> No.7494967

Like default neural pathways wired into the brain of an animal that signal processing is routed trough when confronted with their related stimuli.

>> No.7495005

Fucking hell man, type INSTINCT into google you get

>instinct. an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species. a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency.

>> No.7495032



>> No.7495040

jesus christ. that's how natural selection works. when there was only single celled organisms, only the ones that did things that led them to survive, survived. ipso facto doing things that make you survive gets passed on. why are we talking about this?

pretty sure only a few animals get pleasure out of sex and dogs aren't one of them.

what do you mean think? i've heard people talk about self awareness as being able to identify yourself in a mirror... which apparently only some monkeys can do (and maybe dolphins?). but yeah they can think and they feel stuff like pleasure and pain etc. so i think it's probably worthwhile not go out of your way to be mean to them.
why do you want to know if they "think"? why does it matter?

>> No.7495131


Which actually says nothing you faggot.

>> No.7495357


MRI testing has shown that when a dog hears it's owner's voice, the same (or similar) area of the brain responsible for love is seen to be active. It's also a different response than the active area seen in food-seeking behaviour.

>> No.7495780

That's literally what he meant, although he failed to take into account that some protozoa also exhibit behavior that could be considered to be primitive multicellularity.

>> No.7495792 [DELETED] 

Damn you are fucking stupid. Don't you at least posses the ability to think critically?

>> No.7495797

Damn you are fucking stupid. Don't you at least possess the ability to think critically?