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7493810 No.7493810 [Reply] [Original]

If /sci/ was offered $1,000,000 to get rid of the world's Mosquito population how would you go about doing it?
Because fuck these little assholes. They literally serve no meaningful purpose being on this planet other than to be parasites.

>> No.7493816

Send all of them to Africa.

>> No.7493817


>> No.7493819

Give humans pills/tablets that would kill them. Much like flea medicine for pets.

>> No.7493822

I would do the same. Infect a control group of mosquitoes with a virus that only effects their species, then relese them in the wild to infect the rest of the mosquito population.

>> No.7493825
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Oh, so you found mosquitoes annoying? Well, let me introduce Horse Flies. This motherfucking bastards are 100x times more annoying than a simple gay ass mosquito. If one of this thugs bite your ass, you are fucked. The pain varies between "I'M DYING PLEASE KILL ME", and "GOD HAVE MERCY AND KILL MY WHOLE FAMILY AND THEN SACRIFICE ME":

Next time you are bitching about a mosquito, remember Horse Flies, you faggot.

>> No.7493828

Ive been bitten by one those motherfuckers. It was one of the worst days of my life

>> No.7493830

From Mississippi, can confirm.

I also think horse flies aren't even sucking blood with a proboscis or anything, they're just literally gnawing on your flesh. Feels fucking painful, man.

>> No.7493833

>$1,000,000 to get rid of the world's Mosquito population
That wouldn't be enough to get rid of a city's mosquito population.

>> No.7493840


>> No.7493843

jesus fucking christ

>> No.7493873

Yes, you are correct. Those mother fuckers just fuck with your flesh like a blender, and then eat what they mawl.

>> No.7493878

Greg is an idiot.

>> No.7493921

Dat filename

>> No.7493938

I would create a pathogen that only infects mosquitos and is self-limiting. It's very important that it doesn't infect any other insects and gradually is removed from the environment.

I think there's a TED talk about this.

>> No.7493955

Nuke the world.

>> No.7494060

/sci/ and that 1 million dollar will never be heard from again

>> No.7494068
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Bring back DDT.
We almost did rid ourselves of them.

>> No.7494080

Put synthetic blood bags (traps) near areas with high mosquito population but the blood has a virus in it that kills the mosquitoes. Track mosquitoes with digital cameras and drones and follow them back to wherever there are even more mosquitoes. Once found, torch them all.

>> No.7494095

fuck these assholes

want to enjoy the sunny weather or work in peace outside? NOPE

>> No.7494097

I noticed mosquitoes like to hide in areas that are under the cover of trees. Atleast during the day. They don't generally come out in open fields where there isnt any trees or tall grass for them to hide in. They would easily get snatched up by dragonflies and other carnivorous flying insects.

>> No.7494129

Has nobody realized that $1M is a TINY AMOUNT? Illinois alone spends over $13M each year just to keep numbers down.

>> No.7494137
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(scientists already doing this)
popularizing a gene that causes sterility in male mosquitoes, thus reducing the population as a whole. My personal favorite would be to create a virus that rapidly kills mosquitos or maybe even spread a strain of cordicep fungi to latch onto them


>> No.7494140

That's what I was going to say... If you offered me a million bucks I'd say "you need another comma in there and maybe we can get something done."

>> No.7494141

>create a virus
>spread a strain of cordicep fungi

That's incredibly dangerous. You'll accidentally wipe out a dozen other species and throw everything out of balance.

>> No.7494144

You've yet to realize cordiceps are more worthy than humans

>> No.7494190

Are Biologists and Chemists even working on ways to get rid of useless bugs like Mosquitoes?

>> No.7494199
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>> No.7494235

>It was one of the worst days of my life
>Feels fucking painful, man.

Whiny ass faggots, I've been bitten several times and it doesn't hurt that much.

>> No.7494241

I am an undergrad chemistry/biology double major. I sincerely promise you i will dedicate my life's work to eradicating mosquitoes.

>> No.7494274

I would pocket the money and go on the run.

Mosquitoes feed bats and other animals in the ecosystem. You'd be retarded to get rid of them.

>> No.7494276

How do you spread a gene that can't be spread by reproduction.

>> No.7494288

it's fucking worth it. the ecosystem will fix itself long before a malaria cure could be distributed.

>> No.7494320

>Mosquitoes feed bats and other animals in the ecosystem. You'd be retarded to get rid of them.
pretty good bait, 7/10.

>> No.7494348

this is how i would do it.

>> No.7494369

I would perfect this GMO product, and then mass fucking market it. make it cheap enough that even africans can afford it, but market it so much everybody wants one. tv commercials, radio ads, internet orders, everybody fucking wants a dish of my mosquito eggs. the eggs will come with some instructions on where to put them, how much to put, and if i can make it so fucking everybody buys them, GG. but first the FDA and public opinion on GMOs needs to be fixed.

>> No.7494373

>Thousands of species, only a few hundred suck human blood.
>Adult mosquitoes eaten by insects and other animals.
>Mosquito larvae feed fish and insects.
>Swarms affect the paths herd animals take.
>Larvae help mediate smaller organisms improving diversity.
>Only adult female mosquitoes drink blood when needing to lay eggs.
>Male mosquitoes feed on nectar and pollinate plants.

>> No.7494377

In some parts of Africa and in a few other countries people have devised ways to catch large amounts of mosquitoes to cook and eat.

>> No.7494395

You are even more retarded to actually belive this. Scientists have researched and have already concluded that if we gotten rid of all the mosquitoes on the planet, it would have no significant impact on the environment.

>> No.7494578

>Being this pop-sci
All we've done is shown that it probably won't affect humans directly through a handful of means. That's not to say that there aren't things we haven't realized nor that it won't affect us indirectly.

>> No.7494595
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"Serve no meaningful purpose"

>> No.7494628

I think you're thinking of other kinds of flies than mosquitos.

>> No.7494821
File: 717 KB, 1024x576, JIMMY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They literally serve no meaningful purpose being on this planet other than to be parasites.
So you're talking about humans?

>> No.7494828

That is a deer fly you dumb fuck. A hourse fly it just a bigger house fly.

>> No.7494913
File: 20 KB, 341x255, fuckoff fly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah maybe, but there's these golfball sized sandflies that live on beaches in Australia that you can't feel land on you. A normal fly you can feel them land on your t-shirt. These things have feathery feet so you don't feel a thing until this massive fuckin sting, you look down and there's this satanic turd sinking it's needle into your arm or leg. You hit it, swipe at it, but it just shrugs and you nearly barf from the furry solid feel of it under your hand.
Hit it hard enough, it makes this fart sound like a ripping towel as it flies away fast as a bullet.
Now i know mosquitos spread some awful diseases near rivers, but compared to these flies, they are beautiful little fairies.

>> No.7494944

Either make it so that they only go after non humans or educate people to take antihistamines soon after getting bit. Although it doesn't change the spread of disease it does help with the itchiness. I don't itch at all if I take it soon enough. There is a small bump where you can see I got bit but it's hardly noticeable.

I don't know the long term effects or the safety of all anti histamines though.

>> No.7494953

we can wipe out a species faster than we can educate people.

>> No.7495244

>They literally serve no meaningful purpose
... aaand how do you know this, literalfag?

>> No.7495246

>mfw one landed on my grandma's leg and she asked me to get it off but i noped out because i was too scared. fuck those things