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File: 75 KB, 418x281, over-population.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493230 No.7493230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The world is running out of elements, energy, and food. Why do people insist on having more children and not trying to limit/shrink the population.

>> No.7493236

Muh rights, muh freedom.

>> No.7493239

>running out of elements, energy, and food
[citation needed]
Name something we've actually run out of.

>> No.7493241

Oil. :^)

>> No.7493249


>> No.7493250

>The world is running out of elements
Few elements are actually being destroyed or leaving earth. Mass is generally conserved on our planet.

Actually the Earth is gaining energy. Maybe you've heard of global warming?

>and food
We're producing more food than ever.

>> No.7493251

>Name something we've actually run out of.
>Oil. :^)

I'm pretty sure we still have plenty of both.
Still waiting to hear something we've actually run out of.

>> No.7493253


>> No.7493255
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>> No.7493256

Don't worry, I'm sure there are at least a million NEETS on 4chan who will never have children. That will make some sort of impact

>> No.7493257


Not op but space for good quality arable land (farming) is running short to the point where scientist are modifying plants to grow in special rooms with pink lighting vertically.

>> No.7493260

>Still waiting to hear something we've actually run out of.

>arable land (farming) is running short

Oh, sure we're always "almost" out of something.
Be we never seem to actually run out of anything.

>> No.7493263


>> No.7493265

>to the point where scientist are modifying plants to grow in special rooms with pink lighting vertically.

That would be a good idea regardless, though.

>> No.7493267


>> No.7493268

Yeah, not to mention that Over population is really only an issue in the places where they aren't farming as much as they could. For example, there is plenty of unused arable land in Africa, Zimbabwe (as Rhodesia) produced a surplus of food enough to feed the entire continent in the 60s and 70s, but now faces famine, because they aren't farming it. And desalinization hasn't really taken off the ground yet' which basically fixes our water issues for a long time.

And you'll know when things start getting bad. Once Africa, India, and China start having negative population curves as people really really start to die off from famine and drought because the west cannot send them enough food to take care of themselves, THEN, we will have hit overpopulation levels.

And of course once the die off happens, we'll hit a stabilization point because that is how populations work in environments.

>> No.7493270

Antimony, silver

>> No.7493271

We're not running out of those elements though, they still exist and are actually easier to reclaim then mining them.

>> No.7493272


Because we've spent so long trying to take care of people who can't take care of themselves that we forgot how to take care of ourselves.

You want to know how you can help the world?

Leave it the fuck alone and mind your own fucking business.

>> No.7493275


Overpopulation is a liberal myth to get you to pay carbon credits.

If you removed all the Africans, Indians, all the Muslims, and Chinese, you'd completely fix the "overpopulation" problem with the world.

>> No.7493277
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Implying that its the developing world where the population is growing is consuming all the resources.

>> No.7493278

Isn't the population boom decreasing and expecting to plateau or have a small rate of increase by the mid 21st century according to the un?

>> No.7493282

>they still exist and are actually easier to reclaim then mining them.

>> No.7493283

why do you, probably a western person, who overconsumes everything and wastes even more by proxy, would have the right to have 1 child when an african or an indian could have 2 or 3 with the exact same resources ?
Maybe we are the ones who should get sterilized.

>> No.7493302

>Name something we've actually run out of.
A sustainable environment.

Fucking greentards and leftcucks always want to protect the environment while importing billions of shitskins, people need to realize that just because there is physical space to fit a person does not mean there is enough agricultural support. Every individual we want to sustain means cutting down more shit and replacing it with monocultures, adding more trash etc.

Natural regulators simply cant handle all this entropy generation, I'm not even talking about just climate change, several other shit we need is being destroyed like cheap natural water filtrations etc.

>> No.7493312

>over consumes everything
So I just shouldn't eat food or purchase products available to me
I see your point but why do underdeveloped nations have so many kids then get aid from 1st world nations

>> No.7493325

Western people actually achieve something with their lives.

Do you want all of humanity to look like some rat shithole like India or do you want a civilization that actually cares about the environment (which only Westerners do) and has the best chance to get us off this rock.

Clearly the "breeding yourself into poverty model" does not work.

>> No.7493346
File: 22 KB, 299x475, shocktober.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5% of the population wastes 50% of the worlds resources. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. They need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Shocktober, they said, it has already started.

>> No.7493348


The kinds of people actually causing over population dont care about over population rhetoric, obviously. It only affects nice ideologically minded western european people, who are exactly the sort that *should* be having more children.

>> No.7493354

The US consumes 25% of the world's energy with a share of global GDP at 22% and a share of the world population at 4.59%.[71] The most significant growth of energy consumption is currently taking place in China, which has been growing at 5.5% per year over the last 25 years. Its population of 1.3 billion people (19.6% of the world population[71]) is consuming energy at a rate of 1.6 kW per person.

>> No.7493362

>During the last decade, opposition to Agenda 21 has increased within the United States at the local, state, and federal levels.[18] The Republican National Committee has adopted a resolution opposing Agenda 21, and the Republican Party platform stated that "We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty."[19][20] Several state and local governments have considered or passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21.[4][13][21][22][23][24] Alabama became the first state to prohibit government participation in Agenda 21.[5] Many other states, including Arizona, are drafting, and close to passing legislation to ban Agenda 21.[25]
Activists, some of whom have been associated with the Tea Party movement by The New York Times and The Huffington Post, have said that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy by the United Nations to deprive individuals of property rights.[4][13] Columnists in The Atlantic have linked opposition to Agenda 21 to the property rights movement in the United States.[13][26] In 2012 Glenn Beck co-wrote a dystopian novel titled Agenda 21 based in part on concepts discussed in the UN plan.[27][28][29]
Republicans, great for the world

>> No.7493374

two contradictory statements one after the other, interesting

>> No.7493377

>Be we never seem to actually run out of anything.

>15 Things we're "running out of"
>Antimony, silver
STILL waiting to hear ONE thing we've actually run out of.
Call me back when there's ANYTHING we're actually out of.

>affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected
The ONLY reason population isn't growing out of control with no end in sight is western hegemony,
Thanks for playing, tho.

>> No.7493381

your products are available because your government probably allows subsidies to go to agriculture. Otherwise there would not be much agriculture in the west in the first place. (see strikes and demonstrations in europe almost all the time, wasted milk, and so on). This artificially lowers the price of what african farmers can/could produce. But they don't have any subsidies on their side to support them, so they just sell at a loss, or can barely survive before being forced to do something else.
So yeah, sending help is nice, but it's ignoring the larger problem.

I see your point, but you're talking from your own cultural point of view. To you, success is about having a good job, making a great discovery, having a lot of money or [insert own opinion about success].
But to other people, their success could be to have a very big family, lots of sons, and so on. This is cultural once again. So while, by your standards, they fail at life, you can understand that by their standards your are failing at yours and they're quite successful. Maybe not as rich as they'd hoped, but still. And they're not gonna change that because muh big mac or whatever your country's stereotype is.

>> No.7493382

I would imagine people like to send industrial jobs to Africa, but their factory would be raped and pillaged on the first week

>> No.7493397

>The world is running out of elements, energy, and food.

I don't know about elements and energy, but food isn't a problem. We pretty much controll the production of certain plants. We grow our own. I was watching a documentary (Botany: A Blooming History Part 2 out of 3) and basically went over how we can manipulate plant growth in green houses by storing the Suns energy throughout the day and releases said stored Sun energy throughout the night. With that we can produce massive number of plant grown foods. More Sunlight for plants = more plant base food growth.

We've pretty much got that down pat. Now as far as meat goes, i'm not too sure, but food isn't a problem.

When you say energy I wonder what you mean? Because within the next 20 years we WILL pretty much be able to copy what plants can do with machines. To some extent we already can.

>> No.7493399


They already send industrial jobs to Africa. The problem is China will try their best to undermine it unless it suits their purposes thus the increasing presence of chinese politics in Nigeria and east/south africa.

>> No.7493401

Electricity is what I mean by energy
As more and more products are introduced and consume more power and more and more countries strive to use the same amount of resources as the US, how can electricity keep up?

>> No.7493402

>This artificially lowers the price of what african farmers can/could produce.
Actually Africa has a pretty large death rate. So I hardly think it's Africa that would end up consuming most of the worlds energy. I actually think all you have to do with Africans is let them farm their own food for a while.

There was a military leader by the name of Thomas Sankara who tried to make his African Nation more self dependent, but sadly politicians had him killed as he was a threat to their system of money making in the area.

>> No.7493405

>I watched a documentary
>I'm now an expert
>fite me

>> No.7493406

>The ONLY reason population isn't growing out of control with no end in sight is western hegemony

You mean famine, drought, diseases and China's one child policy ?

Didn't know that shit was operated directly from Washington.

>> No.7493410

He's just relaying some information he has seen, don't be an asshole.

The US and Russia alone would have enough farming capacity to feed the whole world where it not for (mostly meat) overconsumption and distribution problems.

>> No.7493415

It was a good source of information. I'm not pretending to know more than anyone or be standoffish when I relay said information.

>> No.7493431

Both sides in this debate fail to understand one fact: it's not Europe and the US that's overpopulated, it's Africa, India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc.

>> No.7493448


Overpopulation is technically relative, thus why more emphasis is placed on the issue of resources.

Which means the main focus should be on U.S., Europe, China and probably India at this point. Nigeria will probably join the four in probably in a few decades though.

>> No.7493455
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>> No.7493477

that simple huh? If only we could red pill more whites into believing this simple truth, all our problems would be solved right? fucking 12 year old idiot

>> No.7493481

Read "Limits to Growth". It was written 40 something years ago, and thusfar has been completely accurate.

>> No.7493483
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Why do those shitskins breed so goddamn much.

>> No.7493486

So they can send their excess population to Europe.

>> No.7493489

How about an actually relevant list.


>> No.7493509

>the liberal gas tank says "empty" but the car is still going! I'm not gonna refuel until it runs out completely

>> No.7493513

>You mean famine, drought, diseases and China's one child policy ?
Famine, drought and disease have little impact on population growth.
But China's one child policy is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Everybody wants to be like the U.S.
And, ultimately, that includes zero-population growth.

>> No.7493518
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Not quite

>> No.7493521

I dunno OP. china had the right idea with their one child policy tbh.

>> No.7493523

>The world is running out of elements, energy, and food.
nice meme

>Why do people insist on having more children and not trying to limit/shrink the population.
I agree with preventing poor fags from 3rd world countries from having children should be a top priority. They make low IQ offspring that are nothing but a strain on the systems in place to keep them alive.

>> No.7493525

I also agree with this. Anymore children and tax their ass off.

>> No.7493528

New technologies duh? This is why we are constantly looking into new methods of electricity generation. If you think the world's power grids will remain static in the future then you are the perfect example of a legitimate retard. Or maybe you are one of those liberals who believes power plants are the devil. In which case maybe you should sterilize yourself because you are the one causing mass starvation in the third world. Also:

>>Fucking renewables, how do they work?

>> No.7493533

>kill all niggers
>kill all slavs
>kill all females because they are too dumb to live anyway and replace them with artificial wombs
>kill all Norwegians because they are scum of the Earth
Fixed the problem. We need another holocaust.

>> No.7493535


>>overpopulation is relative

No it isn't
If a region produces a quantity of resources x per year, and the popuLatin consumes resourses y per year, then as long as x>y shit is fine. Once y>x then people start to die from famine. In America x>y in Africa x <y

>> No.7493537


what happens when shaniqua can't afford the taxes? the taxes don't get paid. we need to abort the little shits.
or at the very least refuse welfare to parents with more than 1 child.

>> No.7493545
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>> No.7493594


Did you know that most welfare recipients in America are white? Surprising but true.

Anyway, direct incentives not to have kids don't work. All they accomplish is make sure an even greater proportion of births are to dumb and irresponsible parents. What does work is proper sex ed (ie not "abstinence only") and free contraception and abortion.

>> No.7493625


Did you know that ratios are A Thing?

>> No.7493725

What about nature, and more specific: bees. Yeah sure we can still fit 8x more people on this freaking planet than at the moment, but I don't think nature would like it. Once bees die and can't pollinate plants anymore, humanity is bound to take a big beating, and that's assume we won't go extinct altogether.

>> No.7493736


>morons like this browse /sci/

>> No.7493767

>Once y>x then people start to die from famine.
Looking at the 20th century, most famine is the result of war or the Communist takeovers of Russia and China.
Honorable mention goes to ineffective application of Capitalism in Africa.
Resource exhaustion just isn't a thing (yet?)

>> No.7493772

>Did you know that most welfare recipients in America are white?
It would explain why most welfare recipients are working poor.

>> No.7493777

>Name something we've actually run out of.


Perhaps you missed the part where I said:
>Name something we've actually run out of.

We aren't out of bees yet...
...but I'm sure Monsanto is trying.

>> No.7493809

Niggers lack a prefrontal cortext developped enough to understand ratios.

>> No.7493856

Nice trips, sorry, I meant that that's something that's something that might happen in the near future and is related to overpopulation. So if you wish to argue that overpopulation isn't creating problems, my point would still stand.

>> No.7493895


>idiots like this are on /sci/

>> No.7493905

>buttblasted by objective facts and empirically proven methods

You don't belong on /sci/.

>> No.7493928

Maybe we don't run out because people heed the critical warnings and fix the problem?

>> No.7493950

I live in a country with free contraception and good sex ed.
The place is still filling up with crotch spawn to parents who cant afford a single kid nevermind the half dozen they popped out.

>> No.7493975

"we" as individuals - yes, sure
"we" as a species - already used up most of easily accessible ressources
"we" will be fine, our grand-grand-children are fucked

>> No.7493985

Pf. Why to think about future when right now you feel good and comfy? Peoples are just don't know becouse there is no global consciousness about what will happend in next 50 years at ths rate. Hawking once said that we will be able to land on the Mars but he is not sure that we will be able to have enought time on Earth to colonise it.

>> No.7493988

>Why do people insist on having more children and not trying to limit/shrink the population.
Which peoples?
I hadn't noticed European peoples suffering from this affliction. In fact they don't have high enough birth rates in most places to sustain their population long term.

Why don't you address the real problem directly, that is people in Asia and Africa?

>> No.7493998

That's not the point, with over population in this unsustainable way of life we all have, we need to be looking ways to make it sustainable instead of continuing the way we are.

>> No.7494003

>instead of continuing the way we are.
Who is we?

>> No.7494006

right now all the problems we have are "merely" political and economical and can be solved by burning less coal, not transporting bottled water from africa to europe, not producing a smartphone per person per year and similar simple things.

The real problems begin when we start colonizing other planets. There is simply not enough oil to transport the entire population into orbit, if we dont have fusion by the time the sun goes boom, its game over.

>> No.7494010

>There is simply not enough oil to transport the entire population into orbit, if we dont have fusion by the time the sun goes boom, its game over.
By the time sun goes boom more oil will have formed on earth.

>> No.7494031

>Why do people insist on having more children and not trying to limit/shrink the population.
Because that way we get overran by the African niggers fucking like monkeys and then moving to other places, it's them who need to stop having children, not people.

>> No.7494040

overpopulation is a meme. solar will be universally viable within the next hundred years years and water's literally everywhere

food isn't a problem either considering we'll have widespread lab-grown meat within the next 50 years

>> No.7494052


Africa's population has gone from 200 million to over 1,000,000,000 in the space of 50 years. Obviously the popular perception of third world problems is somewhat, *distorted*, in light of facts like these.

The real failure was the end of colonialism.

>> No.7494061

>overpopulation is a meme
"is a meme" is a meme.
meme-tier literal autism

I weep for the English language.

>> No.7494064

The real failure was not genociding the africans when we had the chance.

>> No.7494072

All of these potential problems could go either way

Did you know that most of the surface of the earth is water? If we can make relatively cheap green house boats and use the best in water and fertilizer conserving techniques the oceans could easily produce 4 times as much food as the land does now

The ultimate destination of human electricity production is either solar or nuclear fusion. If we can just find a cheap way to aim mirrors were pretty much set to use thermochemical and electrochemical processes to get ~40% efficient solar to electric which means 1 sq km of dessert puts out ~500MW

Elements are not running out at all. What's running out is cheap ways to produce certain elements and even that isn't to bad right now. The price of rare elements will go up with time and use but down with electricity prices and ocean mining and in some cases the price will go down when an alternative completely kills its current use

>> No.7494077
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>food isn't a problem either considering we'll have widespread lab-grown meat within the next 50 years
>ever even considering to eat that
God has warned us many times to stick to nature's ways, you will be the next warning.

>> No.7494081

>There is simply not enough oil to transport the entire population into orbit
What population?
Are you seriously proposing a moral obligation to transport everyone in buttfuck Africa to another planet?

>> No.7494085

>The real failure was the end of colonialism.
Basically this. The world is like a baby which lost its parent, its never growing up on its own.

>> No.7494092
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>Africa's population has gone from 200 million to over 1,000,000,000 in the space of 50 years
Is this not because of the aid they have been given?
If they were just left alone, I don't think Africa would be able of getting even close to that number on its own

>> No.7494099

Hard to say exactly I suppose. But there is no doubt aid does not help one bit with the situation in Africa. Nor does trying to mitigate African diseases. Not much frustrates me more then seeing idealistic young Western doctors and nurses going over to Africa to help Africans.

>> No.7494104

California detected

>> No.7494166

As far as I know the aid isn't really distributed or used that effectively and is generally just a small help in a huge sea of screwed people.

>> No.7494170

>The world is running out of elements, energy, and food.
Only idiots believe that.

>> No.7494173
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>there will be a point at which we won't be able to produce new memes and will have to recycle old ones
>tfw memes are a nonrenewable resource

>> No.7494195


For everything in the universe, there is ((everything indivisible thing)!)! physical things that can represent it.
There are an infinite amount of names you can give it.

You can't run out of memes.

>> No.7494196

I was going to say something about people that should stop having kids for a while (To decrease overpopulation), then I read this.

Yeah, people have kids because it's a right and being a father is something that adults with a serious life want (Having a kid is a big responsibility, don't expect to have a kid and think that your life is going to be the same).

We ran out of:
Oil. The most stupid way of getting energy, it's bad for the nature, one drop of oil can contaminate 25 liters of water, produces smoke with global heating as result, kills animals due to the poisoning when a tanker boat leaks on the sea and a lot of bad things. But it gives a lot of money, the only thing that the government cares about.

Trees (Really... Woodcutting is stupid, it's unfair to kill those who keep you alive, trees are going to disappear if we keep acting this way).

Food. Really if we need GMO's to make our food grow faster and bigger, that's a clear evidence.

We've run out of a lot of things.

Don't have a picture for this topic...

>> No.7494207

The Chinese are establishing industry and mining operations in Africa actually. They are also investing substantial money in infrastructure projects there to support/bribe the governments to accept their investments. I believe china aims ultimately to control Africa as it emerges/use it for their cheap labor.

>> No.7494217

No NO. For every thing in the universe there are

<span class="math"> \sum {k=1} ^ {n} n ^{n - k} [/spoiler] physical arrangements of other things to represent it.
The amount of thoughts to represent it would be limited by the rate of thoughts per second times every being times all the time they are alive.

>> No.7494227

for every k <span class="math"> \sum_ {1}^{n} n^{n - k} [/spoiler]

>> No.7494245

We haven't run out of oil.
Woodcutting has traditionally been used to convert land to other uses.
And lastly, GMOs have been around for tens of thousands of years. One result being corn which was originally only a grass seed in Central America.

>> No.7494268

One element I can think of that's easier to "recycle" than mine is lead. 98% of the lead in batteries is "recycled"

>> No.7494272

Guess you didn't see his implication that overpopulation is a ruse by his use of quotes.
And he forgot Mexicans

>> No.7494278

Is this blurry or are my eyes getting worse?

>> No.7494314

>Overpopulation is a liberal myth
>but it's actually real

What does this mean

>> No.7494325

>Reduce consumption of resources
>People stop working on ways to remedy scarcity of resources
>Eventually end up in the same place we are now, except it took twice as much time to get there, which means the time frame for an interplanetary disaster to possibly fuck us up is twice as big
Yeah, nah. We can't evolve if there is no pressure.

>> No.7494366

It's pretty fucking blurry but if you are asking that, your eyes are probably already bad

>> No.7494418

>I can't produce any children
>Therefore nobody can
Pretty childish thinking.

>> No.7494428

>Call me back when there's ANYTHING we're actually out of.
Dodo birds.

>> No.7494443

OP should check out the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.
Also, China has the right idea I think, but the problem is that even there economic growth is coupled to population growth. To really get a handle on the population explosion for the benefit of posterity and the environment (not to mention the 150+ billion orphans of the world), radical economic change must be a priority.

>> No.7494464

>not including per acre productivity

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.7494575

Thanks pal

>> No.7494577

Fresh water is a growing concern and while there are vast deposits remaining, these will inevitably run out. Quick lesson: Fossil water aquifers like under the Sahara have no recharge rate thus once pumped will be forever empty. Regular aquifers CAN refill but they will become empty due to pumping more than they are refilled. As they are emptied, subsidence can kick in and the now empty aquifer will be gone. Pumping practices all across the world are unsustainable in the long term and combined with inefficient agricultural practices, both surface and groundwater sources will dry up. This is further compounded with extended droughts that are dampening the precipitation runoff that could refill aquifers. Desalination won't be the immediate savior. It is expensive and takes craptons of power to manage. Until it is made cheaper and power is cheaper, we will never see majorities of water coming from the sea. Plans like the one to refill the Aral Sea through a desalination plant on the inlet of the Red Sea could one day be viable, however, political gridlock could delay these types of projects until its too late.

>> No.7494584
File: 192 KB, 677x444, BartlettExponential-1a-Jan05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth a watch:

>> No.7494957


>> No.7494999

Overpopulation's source is subhumans.
So saying they should reduce their population is racist.
Population size means bigger markets. No rich person would want a lower population.
Europeans are below replacement rate, as they are the most suceptible to understand the issues of overpopulation thanks to being humans. What happens is that the rich faggots import fast breeding subhumans.

We have a lowering and replacement of humans on the one hand, and absolutely no effort on lowering the subhumans on the other. But considering the vast subhuman population rely on technological civilisation to sustain itself, it will be soon a self-correcting problem once humans die. The subhumans will simply starve and kill/rape/bothh each others, as is their nature.

>> No.7495004

>we are running out of water

Why is nobody talking about this?

>> No.7495011

Why are nations set up by white skinned people being flooded with immigrants and refugees fleeing their own countries?
Why are white nations so successful?
Why do we hate whites yet want part of their system so badly?
I really wish I was born white

>> No.7495044
File: 72 KB, 602x1001, skin deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat after me.

Race is skin deep.
Evolution stop at the neck.
We are all equal.


>> No.7495150

LOL they look like downies.

>> No.7495159

Africa only uses African resources. I don't get the hate against them. Places like USA on the other hand import shit from all over the place.

>> No.7495161

Whites just happen to be more successful right now. the Chinese and the Arabs once had their day, the Chinese look set to have their day once more.

>> No.7495169
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>> No.7495172
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It's funny that they are white but everyone can tell they're black. This wouldn't be the case if it was just the skin color.

>> No.7495176

Alright, tell me what you guys think.
>Half the size of a football field... producing 10,000 heads of lettuce per day
>cut discarded produce from 50 percent to just 10 percent
>cut its water usage to just 1 percent of the amount needed by outdoor fields

Farms like these sound like they would solve a lot of the problems ITT. Why aren't they being used more?

>> No.7495179

"Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops
a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment;
but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply
and multiply until every natural resource
is consumed,
and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area.
There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern.
Do you know what it is? A virus.
Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet."
— Hugo Weaving (as Agent Smith), "The Matrix" (1999)

>> No.7495186
File: 181 KB, 684x764, 1429973504-20150425[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7495207

>Why aren't they being used more?
because as efficient and affordable as LED lighting might be, it is never going to be anywhere near as cheap as that free source of light available 10-14 hours a day year round, you know THE FUCKING SUN.

>> No.7495211

This is the only goal of life. We are winning.
When shit gets scarce and populations are decimated, evolution will advance by a giant leap.
Evolution has historically advanced in leaps and bounds.

>> No.7495229

can't we use solar panels to power the lights? :^)

>> No.7495234

>Food. Really if we need GMO's to make our food grow faster and bigger, that's a clear evidence.

You might as well say "If we need agriculture to make our food grow faster and bigger, that's a clear evidence."

>We've run out of a lot of things.
Name one.
Aside from species going extinct, I can't think of a resource we've actually exhausted.

>> No.7495237

>Aside from species going extinct, I can't think of a resource we've actually exhausted.
This is becoming a shitty meme.

>> No.7495240

>Name something we've actually run out of.

Can you not read?
>Name something we've actually run out of.
I can still buy tanks of the stuff at the store.

>Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops
>a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment;

Every mammal is a predator or prey.
Instinct has nothing to do with the equilibrium they develop.
If sheep weren't eaten by wolves, they'd eat every last blade of grass on Earth.

>> No.7495242

>Aside from species going extinct, I can't think of a resource we've actually exhausted.

No shit idiot, we didn't lose a particular resource yet because if we did, society would collapse. But so far this year, we've used up all the resources Earth can provide and so by the end of the year, we'll be taking more than the Earth can create. We've lost the means to live sustainably, which drives the flow of resources.

>> No.7495243

Only if we put them under sun lamps, that way they'll generate electricity 24/7.

>> No.7495251

>No shit idiot, we didn't lose a particular resource yet because if we did, society would collapse.

Go smoke some more weed, hippie.
We COULD run out of something (let's say boron, or maybe helium), and I seriously doubt society would collapse.
Even burning the last drop of crude oil probably won't result in the end of society.

>But so far this year, we've used up all the resources Earth can provide
Apparently not.
What does that even mean, anyway?
We're using crude oil, iron ore, etc. far faster than they can be renewed, sure.
But farms aren't shutting down because the Earth just can't keep up with agricultural demand.
Hell, here on the east coast of America, tree farms are planting trees faster than they cut them down.

>> No.7495284

Because Jesus, Allah, other jibberish.

>> No.7495329

They look retarded