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7489955 No.7489955 [Reply] [Original]


tfw pharmacy major.

All your engineer are laughable.

>> No.7489972

Over 100K per year to hand out pills that are prescribed by doctors?

Or am I way off about what it means to be a pharmacist...

>> No.7489985

What's the purpose of displaying these on different pages? It's really annoying.

>> No.7489986

Ad revenue probably

>> No.7490015

you'll still have to sleep at night

>> No.7490026

Not trying to diss pharmacology because it's certainly a goo field to go into, but this list is deceiving because they say "highest paying majors" but you can't become a pharmacist with just a bachelors degree. Your degree in pharmacy won't do you anymore good than getting you get into pharmacy school, which isn't any better than what you could do with a bio or chem degree.

>> No.7490030

I wasn't aware that "pharmacy" was a major

>> No.7490042
File: 8 KB, 235x164, nucl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those engr degrees in the top
>pharmacy is like 8 years of school
fucking lel

>> No.7490065
File: 135 KB, 315x406, 1361153002147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw no biology major

Fucking kill me now. I fucked up big time.

>> No.7490084

It's a stupid list don't take it seriously. If you can get into med school you'll do better for yourself than 99% of the engineers on /sci/. If you can't then yeah, you fucked up big time.

>> No.7490128

>not doing grad school anyways even if you're an engineer

>> No.7490156

This, unless you want to be pleb-tier for a decade or two, until you get pushed into management.

>> No.7490182

You shouldn't be doing anything beyond a Masters in engineering before you get a job, otherwise you're fucking your career prospects. When employers see a PhD in engineering with no work experience they assume:
1. You couldn't get a job out of uni, so you stayed and did a PhD.
2. You're expecting to be paid more than a regular graduate despite having no experience.
If you want to do a PhD, do it after you've spent the best part of a decade in industry first. Hell, you may even get funded by a company to do it.

>> No.7490222

At least your not a psychology major........

>> No.7490261

22 pages = 22 page views for each ad
something along those lines
really cheap tactic really

>> No.7490277

If you're an engineer, you should really only go to grad school if someone else (a company) is paying for it.
Well, at least in my field (Mechanical)

>> No.7490292


That is a dumb idea. You don't get the bump in pay that justifies the cost of grad school. Even so, most companies will pay for a masters (MBA) anyways.

>> No.7490327

>doing engineering for the money

>> No.7490823
File: 35 KB, 432x432, tDVwvfF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yfw you major is already becoming obselete
>This fall, nurses at UCSF Medical Center will begin to use barcode readers to scan the medication at patients’ bedsides, verifying it is the correct dosage for the patient. The automated system also compounds sterile preparations of chemotherapy and non-chemotherapy doses and fills IV syringes or bags with the medications.
Yfw a high school dropout working as a cashier is more qualified to be a "pharmacist" than you

>> No.7490919

I live in a country where grad school is completely paid for buy the government. So If you don't go on to grad kill yourself.

>> No.7490921

Pharmacists have to go through almost as much schooling as doctors do.

>> No.7490950

>child education on the list three times (of course it's refering to public schools)

And people wonder why US education is in trouble, how the fuck do you convince a non-altruistic person to major/go into a field that pays a fraction of what you can make some where else especially if your interest is in math or science.

>> No.7490957

>not owning your business
Some engineers are laughable in whatever country you are, but...

>> No.7491072

I fucking hate it too. I tend to not bother if I can't even read it on one page.

>> No.7491127

>people are drug addicts
Especially true on /sci/

>mass drug addiction leads to a high profitability in the industry

>Very high up positions in said industry can get paid a lot of money
Another surprise

>Companies do advertising and especially social manipulation to further sales
A given
>Playing into people's fears and desire for social acceptance to sell more, more, more
Standard tactic when you're morally corrupt
>Most non-vital to life drugs are as effective as a placebo when treating their intended issue
But let's keep that a secret

It's great I am sure, when you don't actually care about the long term aspects or the people and only the money.