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7487835 No.7487835 [Reply] [Original]

What's death, /sci/?

>> No.7487840

why don't you sit down with the bear and ask him

>> No.7487844


Because he seems to be depressed and not in the mood for casual talk

>> No.7487845

the beginning of the next cycle

>> No.7487846 [DELETED] 

Death is when you're worth more as fertilizer than as a living organism.

>> No.7487847

that's the trouble with knowing, you can't come back to tell anyone else

>> No.7487850


>> No.7487856

death is the cessation of life.

There is no single moment of death, it's a long slow process. When you fail to breath or respond for an extended period, most people agree you are dead.

People can be kept "alive" using life-support machines, but absence of brain activity is usually considered dead or "brain-dead", even if the heart continues to pump and the person seems alive.

>> No.7487859

Zionist propagandas

>> No.7487867

Death. Let's consider what is considered the ceasing of thought.

For the purposes of this statement, when the body can no longer support the complex functioning of the brain, that which produces a "unique individual thought pattern", you are dead.
When this event occurs you simply cease to be. You are dead. Your thoughts no longer continue. The biological functions that coalesce into what "you" are, are gone.

Let's consider, for the purposes of this statement, that when for instance a drowning victim is still recoverable, they are not yet dead. But when the fateful moment that they can no longer be brought back to full brain function, they have become dead.

Simply, death is the inability for the body to continue to keep the brain functioning on a level which produces unique control and creation mechanisms.

Terry Schiavo was the living un-dead.
The brain functioned to some basic capacity, but the mind was a badly corrupted copy of what used to be.

>> No.7487877

>eternal existence
>casual talk
though I guess talking about death isn't going to make him any happier

>> No.7487893

people expecting nothingness will be in for a shock

>> No.7487902

how likely is reincarnation?

>> No.7487906


If by that you mean your atoms being used by another person for sustenance, them 100% guaranteed.

If you mean your consciousness being inherited by another person and influencing their actions somehow, then I don't know.

>> No.7487918

What is life? This is not a trivial question, it is in fact very hard to draw a line concretely between life and not-life. Really I think, there is no "life" or "death" in any specific sense. There's just stuff happening, and a subset of those things we intuit to be "alive" but that intuition is not very concrete.

>> No.7487935

>people expecting nothingness will be in for a shock

Considering that nothingness is what happened to you for over 13.7 billion years, it can't be much of a shock. In fact, it can only be expected.

>> No.7487996

not him but i wouldn't have thought time would be an issue

>> No.7488005

Physical death? When consumption stops and the lifeform is either consumed or no longer self animated.

Spiritually, that's up for debate

>> No.7488052
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When the parts you are made up of fail to compound consciousness into a coherent structure.
People who have temporarily died in a peaceful environment often report a feeling of intense relief, followed by awe and ultimately warmth, unconditional love and relaxation. This has been hypothesized to be a result of the release of endogenous DMT by the brain.
After this occurs, consciousness is basically a non-experience until, as an inevitable result of the recycling of materials in a chaotic and infinite universe, a new being with comprehensible thought is formed. Whether this new being is actually you reincarnated or not is a non-question, because, even now, sitting behind your computer, with coherent thought after coherent thought, with a rich life of passions, love, fear, pain, anger, laughter, there is no "you".

>> No.7488079

Y'all are being silly. The brain has nothing to do with death, the brain has to do with cognition. A brain dead person is still alive.
The first thing you are supposed to learn in even highschool biology is the fact tat we don't even really know what life is. Viruses kinda count as alive, so do prions but bacteria are usually alive. When I take tissue from myself it's still alive and Henritta Lacks is more alive now then she ever was when her main mass wasn't six feet under. We don't know what constitutes alive vs. dead. We know three states, active, resting and resting that cannot be returned (death). We are studying it and probably it's gonna be some biochemical mechanism that when disrupted results in the final death.

>> No.7488084

The ascention to a higher plane of quantum existence

>> No.7488567
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>> No.7488581

Who's the fluid druid you got there?

>> No.7488584

annafaithxo on insta

>> No.7488620
File: 316 KB, 657x434, 1440454180750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.7488658

I just died a little. Just a little.

>> No.7488664

Where do ships and houses go when disassembled or destroyed?

>> No.7488669

A ship is a thing not only in space but in time. At the point where it ceases to function as a ship it simply ends.

>> No.7488677

The particle state within our brain that gives rise to the experience of "ship exists" if overwritten or stripped to be "ship does not exist" for those who knew of the ship, and nothing for those who see its previous pieces and don't / cannot resolve its likely history.

Theseus' ship is not in any way a paradox, even if there is something to be said for it as an idea itsef. Any inability to be resolved is forced.

>> No.7488679

this. People seem to assign nothingness or oblivion to death, but it is clear that without the waking mind to process and observe time, time is irrelevant and instant. To the non-existent, lifespan of the universe is but a blink of an eye.

>> No.7488681

That doesn't make sense. To that which doesn't track and experience change and the course of events, time isn't the blink of an eye. It just happens. It's neither instant nor drawn out.

>> No.7488682

Ya'll niggas need to start brewing them magic mushrooms and get yourself proper red pilled on the matters of life and death.

>> No.7488684

the frozen princess :3

>> No.7488714

the situation you will encounter resembles a timeless lucid dream

>> No.7488843

same as you getting laid tbh

>> No.7488974
