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7486920 No.7486920 [Reply] [Original]

What are the current scientific estimations of what the world will be like in the next 20-30 years? What major changes will we experience?

>> No.7486925
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In 6 years
>Max computational power reached
>Tight oil supplies cause medicine, plastics, and other petrochemical shortages
>Economy in ruins from the bust of the VLSI bubble, subsequent lack of innovation, material shortages, and taxes from economical wars.
>Historic global depression and unemployment which leads to widespread banking and business failures
>Terrorism explodes
>Extreme weather and land erosion dislocates countless number of people
>Loss of all privacy with increases in population monitoring, spying, and tracking
>Internet traffic becomes monitored, censored, and activism is stifled

In 12 years
>Unprecedented crop failures
>Large scale food, water, ore, and oil shortages
>War everywhere
>Lack of clean water, medicine, and sterile plastics goods cause global pandemics
>Ethnic strife and massive increase in genocides

In 26 years
>Nuclear and Biological weapon proliferation
>Large rise in random acts of killings
>Behavioral sink kicks in
>Effort to force peace by the formation of a Global Government by surviving NATO powers begins, those opposed are mercilessly dealt with.
>Increased Atheism and Nihilism
>WWIII begins

In 44 years
>WWIII ends
>Extinction of the human race

In 45 years
>Jesus returns

>> No.7486927

We'll be in the midst of a mini ice age by then.

>> No.7486928

This was a nice piece of writing to read, but are there any reports which look at this from the scientific point of view? Like The Limits to Growth report by the MIT, for example.

>> No.7486931

I can't wait until population growth reaches the point where the only immediate solution is mass killing. It'll be a fantastic time if you can survive until the aftermath

>> No.7486942
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I think there would be a WW3. Not in the next 20 years, but in the next 40-50 years (most of us will be alive but old by then).

Why? Because most of the currently authoritarian post-Soviet countries are becoming more and more revanchist and pro-war. This is due to the propaganda which is used in these countries - it basically treats the West as some kind of an evil empire. Even now, many people call for war against the Baltics there, for example.

Just imagine what it will be like when Putin and other dictators are gone. They will be replaced by nationalist and revanchist leaders who would escalate conflict possibly to the level of WW3. It's sure that they will try to reclaim the lands of the old Soviet Union. An attack on the Baltics, which are the members of NATO, is pretty certain.

>> No.7486947
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>post-Soviet countries
>call for war against the Baltics

Who calls for war other than ruskies?

>> No.7486952

Population growth is slowing.

>> No.7486953

>Deutchland wird Neue Türkei

Meine Leute kann nur so viel tun...

>> No.7486959

We are headed for massive change. In the grand scheme of things we are right on the brink of it.
I'm quite excited about changing climate and changing conditions. Events like these are massive evolutionary drivers.
We have survived long enough to become what we are. We will continue to survive and improve.
Sounds macabre but an event that wipes out 95% of the human population would be a huge step forward for mankind.

>> No.7486963
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it's like you think facts are opinion when you include them in anecdotal writing. Putin was democratically elected, and his presidency continues to be re-elected democratically.
Putin is a nationalist, why else do you think Russia hasn't been integrated into the capitalist hegemony of NATO.

By 2023
Conservatives and libertarians will cease voting in USA, realized that the Bolsheviks would rather not have freedom.
This causes revolution in south - eastern states, race wars, KGB tier fascism in states which are currently most regulating of rights.

Russia becomes more libertarian focused as it industrializes free from the economic cold war Bolshevik sanctions from obunga, this won't last. If a revolution hasn't happened by this point in USA, NATO will go to war with Russia and China, Russia will eventually threaten the use of WMD, USA will keep shitposting across Europe and asia, Russia will throw bombs, china will throw bombs, USA will throw bombs; EU, ASIA, north Africa are now blowout zones where stalkers collect artifacts for a living. USA accepts all citizens of Iseal into new york and gives them dual citizenship.

Jesus comes down from heaven, resurrects the holy armenian empire, granting the large nosed midgets holy powers. The 5'5 angels proceed to purify the planet by removing capitalism and primitive sub species.

Earth now speaks one language, a mix of Armenian, English, German, Russian, and Italian. Earth is ruled by a philosophy of nationalism, everyone believes each other capable, and many are, because those physically incapable died during the holy purge.

>> No.7486965


Wählen Sie eine andere österreichische führer. Er wird wissen, was zu tun ist

>> No.7486967
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>Putin was democratically elected, and his presidency continues to be re-elected democratically.

Yeah, this would obviously explain why the election results are not normally distributed, and have huge skews towards Putin's party.


That would also obviously explain how he stole billions of dollars from the state budget and state companies, and how dissent is suppressed in Putin's Russia. And how the media is controlled.



If Putin was democratically elected, Kim Jong-Un was too. He's very popular. And there are elections in North Korea.

However, if you have media which is owned by Putin's friends and the state, you end up with elections and popularity having no value at all, since people's opinions were influenced through lies and propaganda.

>> No.7486970

Hoffentlich er weniger ein "künstlerischen Visionär" und mehr zu einem Marktführer wäre. Hitlers Untergang war seine Minderwertigkeitskomplex.

Sorry for my broken German. Going to school in the US doesn't really help my practice so my grammar is going to shit. T_T

>> No.7486971

Also, how his friends all have top-government position, as well as ownership of top state and state contractor companies. And how they channel their wealth to Swiss banks.

Turn on English subtitles.

>> No.7486972

You've just described American politics. I could care less about the sources you cite when you cite sources from American "news" business.

>> No.7486976

>American politics

No, regardless of how much Americans bitch, elections can actually end up in someone company's don't like getting in power. Bernie Sanders might actually get a nomination by the "liberal" party in the US, and he is literally a Socialist.

>> No.7486978


fuck me, *companies

>> No.7486982

Yeah, keep obeying thief-Putin. Obviously, the Putin-funded and Putin-started RT is far better than the American pig news. It obviously doesn't push forward an idiotically ridiculous conspiracy retard worldview.

I hope Putin would get shot in the head from a rooftop, with a sniper rifle.

>> No.7486985

I'm from USA. It's funny that you've become so defensive, clearly trying to rustle my jimjams, but you can't because i could care less about some anonymous shitposter. Your entire comment is contradictory to what i assume you think i implied being that RT is somehow better than western news sources? I never implied this.

>> No.7486987

It's 6am in the US, Borscht.

>> No.7486995

>I'm from USA

Yes, and that would also explain your horrible grammar. It's "I'm from *the* USA".

I'm from Russia, and I hate Putin. I hope he dies of cancer. Better yet, I hope he gets shot or blown up. He steals money from the state budget and the state companies, engages in huge corruption, and turns friendly nations against Russia with his imperialistic aggression. He's also a murderer, and would be tried for that in the Hague tribunal.

His money won't save him.

>> No.7486996

It's sad that that there's no armed resistance movement against Putin yet. If there would be, I would join it for sure.

>> No.7487011

Unrelated from the "I'm from USA" guy.

The way you type is very Russian. Your grammar is extremely clunky and you speak as though you are using grammatical structures which technically work in english, but no one would ever use. I would not school that guy about grammar when yours is just about as bad.

>> No.7487020

It has nothing to do with my English skills. I have an Autism Spectrum Disorder, and idiosyncratic speech is one of the symptoms.

>> No.7487025

Oh you claim to be an academic, yet swallow that blue autism pill just like your jewish phama-overlords instruct. There is no autism just like there is no depression nor adhd. Your entire point is nullified, Ruskichyca

>> No.7487029

Yeah, and there's also no cancer and no diabetes. What a retarded idiot.

>> No.7487030

This has devolved into such intense shitposting that I can't help but be captivated.

What does this have to do with science & math any more?

>> No.7487033

Bring up one peer reviewed ISI article on brain physiology of autists. I'll wait...

>> No.7487035


>> No.7487037

And I'm sure you think homosexuality is genetic and shit, amirite?

>> No.7487040

I'm not the guy you replied to but:
What is sexuality if it is not genetic? You don't believe its a lifestyle choice do you?

>> No.7487042

I'm refuting Facebook-level evidence that autism exists. That's pretty fuckin traditionally scientific to refute such academic drivel, no?

>> No.7487045

How old are you pretending to be? It's 4am, i could give a shit about your autistic need for proper grammar.
>i have nothing to say so i'll randomly shitpost
>i don't like what someone says so i call them liars
You're pathetic.

>> No.7487048

I've personally known people who are definitely autistic. By denying the issue you potentially hurt entire groups of people around the world who need help for their disorders. You know jack dick and if you did you wouldn't hold your opinion.

>> No.7487049

Stop shitposting, Putinoid retard.


>> No.7487055

I'm guessing you're >>7487020
I've never met an autistic person, like you, who didn't deserve the ASPD you've developed. Enjoy living alone and afraid.

>> No.7487057


>> No.7487060

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Shut up before you make an even bigger fool of yourself, Putin faggotboi.

>> No.7487062

"Uuuuh waaaaah you don't understand ANYTHING!!1 Leave me alone, REEEEE"

>> No.7487212
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Gewöhnt euch daran, Hundesöhne.

>> No.7487216
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>> No.7487230

Now now, Putin is just as pro capitalist as the Americans...

>> No.7487240

If you kill everyone outside of the North America, Europe, and East Asia then all of this is prevented and humanity enters a golden age.

>> No.7487735
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Autism as in aspergers doesn't exist, they are just introverts lacking social experience. Severe autism as in real autism is indeed a thing and I too have had the displeasure of running into a few of them.

>> No.7487761

>difficulty expressing self, may use gestures
Italy confirmed for autist capital

>> No.7487782

I thought this was common knowledge? I don't usually have the chance to talk about retardation with people IRL, but only one person has ever insisted that aspergers is autism even after i show them the obvious misnomer and reality that it's just severe childhood ASPD caused by bad parenting; ironically, my mother was the only person that denied my thesis.

>> No.7487823
File: 25 KB, 500x458, SCIENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps humanity can overcome its weaknesses and grow a societal structure and political function based on evidence? maybe in a few years Whole Brain Emulation will become feasible and desirable, maybe genetic engineering will make our lives long and our children mighty, maybe crazed religions will supplant rational thinking and tear down all enlightenment has worked for resulting in a worldwide theocracy and widespread "faith" until all humanity has regressed into believing in Santa and fairies.

who can say anons who can say....when chaos drives and madness holds the reins....but it sure is a fun ride.

>> No.7487843

Only in the most intelligent races.

Get ready for Detroit World.