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7486152 No.7486152 [Reply] [Original]

Blaming criminals for their actions is identical in logic to blaming a cat for eating a mouse.
Being an educated adult and desiring retribution or punishment (over rehabilitation) for criminals is nothing other than egotistical sadism.
No amount of complex behaviour will ever make humans more responsible for their actions than other animals.
Any opposing arguments are simply relics from a time when most people were so scared of reality that they would rely on mythology and magical thinking to understand themselves and the world around them.
Believing in an afterlife placated your evolutionary need for survival.
Judging ourselves to be good and others to be bad satisfies your violent animal urges and makes you feel as if your life has some sort of weird symbolic 'meaning'.
It has no base in reality.

No one wants to be impoverished, mentally ill or socially maladjusted.
Lives are inherited.
People who have comfortable lives will naturally disagree, in order to feel special and important, but that's just based on insecurity.
Nothing is impressive anymore.
Achievement is merely the product of opportunity, education, money, time and effort.
The people who have those things didn't earn them and everyone knows it.
Bears don't earn the salmon when they find them in the stream.
Starving deer don't deserve to die when they're stuck out in the desert.
We don't need fiction to make sense of the world anymore.
We don't need condescending awards and entry into creepy grand narratives offered to us as incentives for peaceful and productive behaviour.
Don't cling to delusions that flatter your ego.

>> No.7486153

People who ironically call themselves authority figures only allow you to have sadistic and ignorant attitudes towards criminals because they are too incompetent and impoverished to successfully rehabilitate them.
Just like how other toxic social phenomena like in-group biases are allowed to be a part of 'the human condition', instead of something to be outgrown in early youth through education.
That way the dumb public will support pointless wars and be able to condone or justify the murdering of women and children overseas by their fellow country men.
No one with any political or social influence anywhere is encouraging you to have a healthy and realist world view.
That's how manipulative people work.
You need to be smart enough to work their machines, but dumb enough to never realise they should be shut down.
How can you say "Who cares about them, It's all about us!" when you know there is no 'them' and there is no 'us'?

To summarise my opinion, I feel like you can have a PHD degree in rocket quasar biology and the worlds thickest coke bottle glasses; but you shouldn't seriously consider yourself to be an intelligent person if you hold any of these kinds of heartless and mindless opinions.
That's ridiculous.
You're no more intelligent than a clapping seal who can do one neat little trick from memory.
I don't care about your coffee table book about the comparative size of hypothetical planets.
I don't care about your 1080p virtual reality Angry Birds iPhone app.
I don't care about your medical science breakthrough patent you'll only lose to some evil billionaire's pharmaceutical drug cartel through extortion anyway.
Fix your lack of general intelligence before you start bragging about progress.
Nothing in this world is worth more than human life and universal equality in quality of life.

>> No.7486174

kk we'll get back to you

>> No.7486183
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this is now a cat thread

>> No.7486185
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>> No.7486188
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>> No.7486190


>> No.7486193

Nice story bro

>> No.7486196


>> No.7486199


>> No.7486201
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>> No.7486203

Yeah 'nigggas' hurt my feelings doesn't that mean I can believe in childish and entirely baseless concepts of identity and personal responsibility.
I'm totally not embarrassed by the fact I consider myself to be a super smart science guy but can't grasp basics of morality, ethics and other social concepts.
That's not it at all.

>> No.7486206


>> No.7486213

OP don't you realise people are born with magic souls and full knowledge of the world which they can articulate through fluent English?
Criminals really want to be poor and stupid you retard.
They like that.
(By the way this is sarcasm you sad morons, go build a rocket ship to the moon you time wasting losers).

>> No.7486220

Information is costly, that's why stereotypes pay. Nothing more rational than that.

>> No.7486223

You're still just too stupid to comprehend the most mundane facts of reality.
No amount of stereotype humour will change that.
Being a compassionate and emotionally healthy person isn't difficult, but people like you literally can't do it.
You're too weak and stupid.
I can do everything you can do and ten million other things.
Anyone can memorise maths formulas and steps in experimental procedure.
You people are slow brained idiots who feed off societal validation.
That's why researchers don't get dick all money.
You are ignorant, docile slaves who love nothing more than sucking rich white old man dick.

>> No.7486224
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Niggers do bad things because they are niggers.
Of course; you can't blame them for being niggers.
Are you going to blame God for creating niggers? Do you have the courage of doing that?
Everything has a place in this world, I believe niggers right now are simply serving as a stepping stone for the master race to get back in its tracks and set off to conquer the universe.

>> No.7486227


>> No.7486229

>calls cheap shortcut heuristic logic that never works rational
Sure thing buddy.
That's why when I think of Obama, I think fried chicken.
It's easier than taking the time to actually be logical about it and farmers from a hundred years ago think I'm a smart guy because I have a degree.

>> No.7486232

>oh shit we actually are dumbasses, better pretend we're doing it on purpose
Kill yourselves.
Fucking retards.
People like you are only alive to buy Coca Cola and vote.

>> No.7486244

Outside of unrelated pic in OP this thread wasn't even about race...
People are retarded.

>> No.7486245

Excuse me but I only drink water, thanks to my great parents and good education I received in my early years I have not fallen and will never fall for the sugary Jew.
And I am not pretending anything, the White Man is already realizing there is such a thing as being too good. These negroes roaming around and causing half of the murders in the US are enough proof of that and no amount of welfare or food stamps is going to change that.

>> No.7486246
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>> No.7486250
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>> No.7486260

This isn't a racial thread.
It's about the majority of people believing in baseless concepts of identity and personal responsibility.
You are a retard, even if you're just trying to mess with me.
You saw the picture in OP and just started straw manning racial bullshit.
Kill yourself you brainless twit.
This is your version of arguing: "you think a = b therefore c = z".
Either that or you're just a sad little internet troll.
There is no third option.

>> No.7486268
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>Blaming criminals for their actions is identical in logic to blaming a cat for eating a mouse.

My my, aren't we Marcus Aurelius today!

Now on with the cats.

>> No.7486272
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Been listening to too much pink floyd, op?

>> No.7486275

Fuck you commie piece of shit nigger, your thread is retarded.
Go make your own perfect system where everyone is equal (this is not going to happen) and criminals aren't locked up but "rehabilitated", see how that works out.

>> No.7486279
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>Now on with the cats.
I second this

>> No.7486360

I'm sorry, I don't agree with him because OP is a faggot, but you're an even bigger faggot for not knowing how to read.

>> No.7486403

>irrelevant philosophical, yet still poorly thought out truth
You're already a real /sci/entist

>> No.7486404
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Hate, dehumanization, and similar things are all methods by which a normal, average, everyday, psychologically nominal person can deal with the threat represented by 'barbarians', abstractly speaking.

Its the answer to the question: how do you get a population that has generally altruistic tendencies (which are adaptive on personal and local scales for things like having nice communities), but don't end up destroying themselves through pathological altruism (which is often unadaptive on a civilizational scale) when they gain knowledge of or come in contact with barbarians?

A person who can consign a population of untermensch to death with no second thought is probably a sociopath, and those kinds of traits are not exactly adaptive on personal and local levels (or even administrative levels). Yet it is often precisely that capacity on a civilizational level that tells the difference between a society that survives, or a society that falls to barbarism.

>> No.7486407
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To put it too a point, it doesn't matter to an average well adjusted altruistic western europoor that in 1949 the population of Africa was around 200 million, while today it is over a billion, a nearly quintuple increase in hardly half a decade, and that really something should be done about that (or at least stop making it worse). It doesn't matter because as soon as you show that average well adjusted person pictures of starving babies, he can't help but help feed the ever growing calamity, to kill himself to save barbarian.

Certainly, if you happen to posses a giant brain gifted with continent spanning imagination, you might be able to have your cake and eat it too; to contextualize your own psychological responses with a mind towards the ultimate teleologies of that which you advocate. But such people are not exactly common. It is precisely those average, everyday, well adjusted, well meaning people that need the proper psychological tools to square the circle of society, to both be a good neighbor and not be dissolved by the acid of entropy expressed in human forms. 'Awareness' becomes a memetic hazard, they are uncomfortable with talking about or acknowleding issues of the unpossesed. And it is very well that they are, for if they did, evidence so far clearly indicates that masochistic self-flagellation and sacrifice is sure to follow. To try and deny them these tools is akin to denying a crutch for the lame (dig that altruism plug), yet so much the worse, as the externalities of such matters implicate all of us as well in the deluge.

Give hate a chance op.

>> No.7486415

le jaded and disillusioned man on 4chan face

>> No.7486425


A cynic is simply an honest progressive; honest insofar that he recognized the intractability of his personal moral sentiments, yet all the same he still hubristically clings to the inherent goodness of those sentiments, in spite of all evidence. Thus he repeats the gnostics of antiquity in modern form, casting reality itself as inherently sinful for failing to cleave to his preconceptions. At the least, he acknowledges that it does.

>> No.7486721
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>> No.7486734

You're a a day late and a dollar short buddy.

>> No.7486782

I... I'm totally with you OP. I lost the motivation to talk this kind of things here, after all people only comes to shitpost or blame others for their lack of success (/pol/).

>> No.7486795

>I can't comprehend math
maybe because you're a stupid nigger? why are you trying to delude yourself that biology doesn't play a role in organisms. You're not super enlightened or anything. You're just a sjw.

>> No.7486803

I'm going to let you in on a little secret:
life isn't fair, justice doesn't exist

>Nothing in this world is worth more than human life and universal equality in quality of life.
But this is factually incorrect, I think you're letting your self-interest cloud your judgement.

One who holds this position must surely be able to look at the multitudes of 'lower' lifeforms and figure that there could just as easily be as many 'higher' lifeforms than us; for this not to be the case would be terribly unlikely.

>> No.7486812

it depends on how many planets there are that could support life, and we're pretty lucky considering how habitable our planet is out of all the planets in our universe, and it's interesting how higher life forms have never contacted us or made their presence known, it makes you question whether they existed at all. If they exist, only they know the answer.

>> No.7486816

>Blaming criminals for their actions is identical in logic to blaming a cat for eating a mouse.

If criminals are truly blameless for their actions aren't the ones prosecuting them equally blameless for passing verdict?

Even if you're right and our behavior is determined it seems like it would be extremely dangerous to start conducting ourselves acting like it was.

>> No.7486822

another baseless claim OP implicitly asserts is that humans are equivalent to animals, who lack consciousness of their actions and simply act in impulse

>> No.7486829

Nice pasta bro now fuck the fuck off

>> No.7486842

>OP implicitly asserts is that humans are equivalent to animals, who lack consciousness of their actions and simply act in impulse.

But doesn't that exact action invalidate it's own conclusion?
Like when was the last time we observed a cat arguing with other cats on a imageboard about the validity of abstract concepts.

>> No.7486852


>> No.7486857

>Blaming criminals for their actions is identical in logic to blaming a cat for eating a mouse.
Like it's a genetic shit. You don't have any arguments to prove the abovesaid. Just put it in my face, yeah. Retard.

>> No.7486865
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Good thread OP but r8 my new gf

>> No.7486888


>> No.7486894

>wall of text about 'general intelligence' and objectivity
>Nothing in this world is worth more than human life and universal equality in quality of life.
>makes totally subjective personal value judgment without a hint of irony

>> No.7486915
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100% with you, OP. Ignore the shitposting (they can't help it anyway) and spread the discussion. If even one new person begins to consider these concepts because of your effort, you have succeeded.

>> No.7486923
File: 202 KB, 358x352, pepe_tres_rare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont try to baitsteal OPs thread!

>> No.7486924

>Being an educated adult and desiring retribution or punishment (over rehabilitation) for criminals is nothing other than egotistical sadism.
Blaming egotistical sadists for desiring retribution or punishment is identical in logic to blaming a dog for chasing a cat into a tree.

>> No.7486935

my dude

>> No.7486944

>Blaming criminals for their actions is identical in logic to blaming a cat for eating a mouse.

and there is no place for a cat among mice

>> No.7487016

>implying criminals do things just because it's in their nature
I study criminal law and you have no idea how many crimes are done by otherwise innocent, well-meaning, intelligent people in a bout of confusion, paranoia, rage, etc. To say that they just did it because it was in their nature is a gross oversimplification.

>> No.7487284

Yeah well, for the sake of my post they don't even need to factually exist. Even if the higher forms are merely hypotheticals that we or another animal could evolve into, they -would- be worth more than us, and there are probably many such possibilities.

>> No.7488777


>> No.7488790

>We live in circumstance
>Therefore, there is no descision!

Circumstances directing or restricting a descision dosen't mean there isn't one. I get that the whole manifest destiny stuff is bullshit, but you still are what you choose to be; some people simply have less options available. If there were no such thing as personal responsibility, there'd be no reason to want to help the impoverished.

What do you think a person is, if not an idea? Their atoms? You completely cycle through those several times over in your life and remain your self. The only thing remaining is action relative to circumstance.

>> No.7488796

You sound like you have failed pretty hard in life.

>> No.7488831


You should read about super civilizations, and I forget the name... it's a term used for a wall in evolutionary and societal development where development stops for some currently unknown reason.

There are quite the few reasons we may not be in contact with other civilizations.

Math and all aside (because I can't quote for shit), there are a ridiculous number of earth like planets that could support life.

>> No.7489686

Yes, I disagree with OP. The value of an organisms life is proportional to their intelligence. Which is a huge factor of value and being valuable.

>Lives are inherited.
>Achievement is merely the product of opportunity, education, money, time and effort.
>The people who have those things didn't earn them and everyone knows it.
All this contradiction and ambiguity just so OP can sound super deep.

>> No.7489730
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>> No.7489737

I agree with you op. The ego likes to be revered.

>> No.7489745

Nobody said niggers should be blamed for their actions, but they're still niggers.

>> No.7489747
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This was always a cat thread

>> No.7489749
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You don't get angry ot blame zombies for what they become. But you don't let them loose on the streets either.

>> No.7489751

The point OP is the best weapon is education, and you and me assuming total responsibility for this problem.

>> No.7489754


I don't even know what you're trying to say but you sound like a retard who thinks he's supersmart, so smart he's too good for this world.

>> No.7489756

>Blaming criminals for their actions is identical in logic to blaming a cat for eating a mouse

Well then, I guess blaming a jury and judge for treating criminals as if they are personally responsible for their actions is identical in logic to blaming a cat for eating a mouse. It's just the way they are, it's not their fault!

>> No.7489762

>nothing matters, its all deterministic.

You know that's a depressing way to live life.

>> No.7489763

free will is the primary absolute of human existence.

>> No.7489769

>If criminals are truly blameless for their actions aren't the ones prosecuting them equally blameless for passing verdict?

Correct. Nothing is intrinsically blameworthy or praiseworthy in the absence of a subjective moral standard.

>> No.7489801

"Sigh", high school dropout i presume?

>> No.7489817

Wake up op... wake up. We need you... I need you. Please wake up from this coma.

>> No.7489837

I like your views but cite some sources instead of going on some tumblr rant.

>> No.7490334


>compassion and muh feels
>not weak

get a load of this fucking goy.

also >>>/pol/