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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7478029 No.7478029 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of these?
Electric sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvTWxrLzHZU
And this one talks about the connections of the megalithic structures around the world with phi and pi. Watch the first 20 minutes of this at least: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87zCgj-KMfU

>> No.7478036

A goddamn hour? Give me the abridged version. Also this better not be more electric universe bullshit. As for the other one, the fact that structures involving circles and triangles have some ratios that correspond to mathematical constants isn't that surprising.

>> No.7478088

I'm sorry. I want to be charitable to you and show you that the reason your theories are being ignored is not because of scientific arrogance but because you're wrong, but
>a fucking hour
>even 20 minutes
>Of listening to a fucking YouTube video explain things I'll probably think are infuriating bullshit (if past experience with the reference class of "People with weird beliefs asking me to watch long YouTube videos which supposedly explain why mainstream knowledge is wrong" is any guide
>Just so that I can get in an argument with you about why it's wrong which you probably (if my past experience with people with strongly divergent worldviews is any guide) won't listen to

I just don't have the charity or complete lack of value for my time to do something like that. I'm sorry.

>> No.7478121
File: 25 KB, 1856x206, Electric_universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I thought that I'd give it a try anyway and then at 46 seconds we get this:
>"Modern astrophysics is built on the foundations of "big bang" cosmology"

Which isn't right. Also pic related.

>> No.7478128

the first one is electric universe but watch the first 20 minutes of the second and consider the facts. it talks about more than just the structure s proportions it shows how they are all connected by a line going around the globe that is the same length of the equator and how distances between them are related to phi. it shows that they are connected in more ways than you think. just the first 20 minutes don't just dismiss something that might expand your mind. also get past the first minute of the collage of structures without closing it, that part isn't the same as the other 19 minutes at all.

>> No.7478134

watch more of it, don't throw the baby out with bathwater. watch a little bit and make a better judgement of the quality of the video. and >>7478128
watch the first 20 minutes of the second link, I feel you all will be more open to this one.

>> No.7478166

I've now watched to first 22 minutes, it's still crap. So far all that's happened is this guy has said "look at this system where electrodynamics is the dominant force", seriously he hasn't even made an argument against GR yet.

>> No.7478230

>Big Bang theory relies on a STORY!

And also, you know, mountains of evidence

>the Big Bang created matter at all scales, from particles to galaxies

No, galaxies came much later

>modern science is based on the religious notion of Big Bang Creationism

Nope. Love the irony of the accusation though. I love how religious types, when they want to attack something else, call it religious.

>cyano moieties could be a couple of degrees kelvin, according to hypothesis

Right, but that wouldn't explain the CMB

>clearly they are part of the connective bridge

but why?

>plasma exhibits a complex structure and morphology that sets it apart from gases

Not really, no

>magnetic fields are produced only by electricity

magnets don't produce magnetic fields?

>his papers were pioneering, but ignored by scientists

well? Which is it?

>the aurora are currents of charged particles

Why is it proponents of electric universe know so little about the fundamentals of electricity? I've never seen one of them demonstrate an understanding of the concept of voltage.

Anyway, that's enough for me. It's like these pseudoscience guys are like freshmen working on an essay. They dont' know what they're doing, but they feel if they just pad it out and make it longer, that makes it better. You could condense an hour video into about two minutes and still say all the same stuff, just without all the padding. Background music and pictures of space does not an argument make.

>> No.7478252

wow its like there's this universal tool people use for measurements. how mystical.

>> No.7478280

>And also, you know, mountains of evidence
By mainstream scientists that may have an agenda
>No, galaxies came much later
didn't imply that
>Nope. Love the irony of the accusation though. I love how religious types, when they want to attack something else, call it religious.
how did you get the impression the narrator is religious? he is stating how just like now, you are dismissing things that aren't inline with the mainstream just like some religious people might do. Your scientists are your priests.
>Right, but that wouldn't explain the CMB
implying you are some super knowledgable individual
>but why?
watch the video
>Not really, no
explain how plasma is pretty much the same as gas in how it is
>magnets don't produce magnetic fields?
maybe literally everything is an aspect and result of electricity, even gravity
>well? Which is it?
pioneering, some scientists are just too invested in the political aspect of science unlike others see nikola tesla

>> No.7478284

if the structures are all on the same line, that is the same length of the equator, and all have arc lengths between them that can be related to pi or phi, that implies all of those structures are connected in a way known to ancient people, meaning they were quite advanced.

>> No.7478311

>see Nikola Tesla

1. Tesla wasn't a scientist.

2. He didn't care about the science.

3. He was only interested in patents and dosh.

>> No.7478322

the 'big bang' didn't create matter, it caused the precursers of what we call matter to precipitate from what we call the void, but neither 'matter' nor 'the void' belie any real understanding of what something or nothing actually is or are.

you know how you can freeze distilled water, and it remains liquid below 0C, and then you touch it and it instantly crystallizes? the big bang was like that.

and there's still 'nothing', no such thing as 'mass' or substance, only structures in the void that precipitate and which we relate to as 'solid.'

>> No.7478327

>by mainstream scientists

So evidence should be ignored if mainstream scientists observe it? Only evidence claimed by kooks is legitimate? Good to know.

>it didn't imply that

No, it stated explicitly

>how do you get the impression that the narrator is religious

Electric Universe shit. It requires magical thinking, blind faith, and completely ignoring evidence and higher learning.

>implying you are some super knowledgeable individual

You don't have to be knowledgeable to understand that there's difference between heat of some actual physical object, and empty space

>watch the video

Video doesn't explain it. The video claims that because one distant object is superimposed over another distant object, the objects must be connected and equidistant from the observer. He dismisses, without any stated reason, that one thing could be behind the other thing.

>explain gases and muh plasmas

Gases also form bubbles, jets, and "filaments." The pictures he's showing as filaments are bubbles viewed head on.

>maybe gravity is a form of electricity

Maybe it's all psychic magical powers and witchcraft being made possible through the power of imagination

>I don't understand what pioneering means

Pioneering is when somebody carves a path into a new, unexplored field, and then a bunch of people follow. The fact that he was a crank, and nobody took him seriously and followed his lead, is contradictory to him being a pioneer.

>> No.7478332

>>only interested in patents and money

yeah, right. literally everything he ever did was not for profit but for prestige and discovery.

stop being reactionary.

>> No.7478343

I realize he ended up broke and penniless, but that's because he was a failure.

>> No.7478379

>he was a failure
He was more intelligent and inventive than almost any scientist. He wasn't as interested in money as he was in progress, and people liek J.P. Morgan fucked him over and wouldn't allow his shit to get out because they are about profit.

>> No.7478425

And I suppose you're one of those people who think he invented death rays and earthquake machines and alternating current, aren't you?

He didn't invent any of those things, you know.

>> No.7478474

the electric sun could be true but it would fit on a flat or non globular earth. the sun expands and contracts in circular orbit above the earth making the seasons. In the summer, its near the north pole and in the winter it is below the equator.

consider this:

>> No.7478484

>. He was only interested in patents and
Thats wrong though, but yeah

>> No.7478489

Well you said it, he was an inventor.
He wasnt really a scientist though.

Says who? You better have some proof [spoiler]chill out nigga, YOU ARENt helping

>> No.7478499

Anon, the sun expanding and contracting is not what causes the seasons. The sun is the same size in summer as it is in winter.

>> No.7478500

why is there so much /x/ shit on /sci/ today?

what is the evolutionary advantage of this?

>> No.7478519
File: 11 KB, 512x512, hrja7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the orbits. not the sun itself.

>> No.7478545
File: 31 KB, 352x450, intothetrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Bang is just a religious story
Into the trash.

>Look at these polished stones
>This has got to be more than a coincidence
Into the trash.

I will never understand how people fall for this retarded crap. You're just seeing patterns that aren't there or are meaningless. Fuck off.

>> No.7478550


>> No.7478560

Sorry, I don't speak gibberish.

>> No.7478613

apparently the flat earthers are launching some sort of "organized offensive."

>> No.7478764

literally retarded. you're so arrogant, the perfect representation of everyone on this board.
what do you think of this

>> No.7478766

this thread has nothing to do with flat Earthers you generalizing fuck
>they're all crazy and I'm always right. No one ever has agendas in science, mainstream science is my religion

>> No.7478841

take your meds, Captain Capslock