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File: 54 KB, 481x363, Krauss1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7477797 No.7477797[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask a high-level quantum physicist who attends Church every Sunday anything! And yes, I have my pHD.

>> No.7477798

pic unrelated

>> No.7477802

How much debt do you have?

>> No.7477806

Do you think God knows you come on a Japanese image board and lie to a bunch of neckbeards in an attempt to boost ego or rustle some jimbos?

>> No.7477808

Krauss is a boss though. I love that "fuck you and what you believe its bullshit" attitude

>> No.7477809

Why do you think we should care? It's not like being both a good scientist and Christian is anything particularly rare or noteworthy.

Are you going to bust out the "I'm a girl XD" card too, so we can complete the trifecta of meaningless specialness-points?

>> No.7477818

I don't get how you possibly have a high level knowledge of physics and still be a Christian. I can understand being religious in some form, but not any of the Abrahamic religions. Too many contradictions and logical flaws.

>> No.7477820

It's noteworthy to you edgy atheists who think that atheism = science, but the fact remains that most scientists deny evolution in favor of creationism and vote republican during elections. Stay ignorant though, foolish atheist.

>> No.7477824

No logical flaws exist. Have you even read the Bible?

>> No.7477828

>I literally *just said* being a good scientist and Christian isn't rare in the least

>XD you're an edgy atheist

Hm, I wonder if we might have a troll here...?

>> No.7477841

Krauss fuckin owns though, proved the start of the universe, proved god isn't real, proved philosophy has done jack shit, and he doesn't give a fuck what you think about it

>> No.7477842

I have, and frankly it's full of places where you have to really stretch to make them fit into the world as we know it.

But it still works, because the mythology is absolutely not the load-bearing element. As long as the stories have power, the incidental elements like how exactly the world was created can be stretched and twisted as far as they need to - because the core elements are what matters, and those retain narrative power and mythical force no matter what. As long as there was a Jesus who was the son of God and rose from the dead - and regardless of whether it happened or not, there will never be enough archeological evidence to solidly disprove that - it works. The power of religion is in the community, the faith, the teachings, and the power of the myth; what the myth actually says and the exact relationship of the teachings to the "original" meaning of the text is practically irrelevant.

>> No.7477859

1. Causation exists.( Empirical Premise)

2. Act and Potency are terms that we can use to explain causation: When something is in Potency it has the capacity to become something else, but is not it yet. A fertilized egg has the potency to turn into a chick, an unfertilized egg does not. When a potency is realized, it is actual. To actualize a potency is to take a property that something had in potency and make it actually inhere in the thing.

3. When we find an instance of causation in the world we find some potency being actualized.

4. Something that is only in potency cannot actualize anything.

5. For some potency to be actualized something actual must actualize it.

6. If A is actualized by B, then B must first be actual.

7. Either something must have actualized B from being in potency to be in actuality. Or B is either necessarily actual, having never been in potency before. ( A v B)

8. If the left disjunct “A” is true then premise 7 applies to a new cause C.

9. If disjunct “B” is true there is a “first” uncaused cause that is pure actuality.

10. If disjunct “B” is never the case then there is an infinite series of actualizations. And we can apply 7 to C, then to a new cause D, and so forth. With every being having its actuality derived from another being.

11. If “10” is the case then there can be no actualization, as every being in the series has its actuality derived from another being, but there is no being with actuality on it's own to derive the actuality from.

12. If “10” is the case there is no causation

13. There is causation ( from premise 1)

14. Premise “10” is not the case.

15. If premise 10 is not the case, then at some point in the series “9” is the case.

16. There is a first cause, which is a being of pure actuality.


>> No.7477863

"Faith is believing what you know ain't so."

>> No.7477867

>"Faith is believing what you know ain't so
Like everything aside from my conciousness

>> No.7477872

This logic is faulty. Other equally likely possibilities allowed by these axioms:

>There is no first cause; causation extends backwards to infinity

>Closed loop: Rather than extending to infinity, there is some "future" event which actually causes a "past" event.

You may argue that these are equally absurd, but I find them exactly as absurd as

>Causality has a finite extent; at some point in the past, there exists a cause which does not need any other cause preceding it.

>> No.7477873

>10. If disjunct “B” is never the case then there is an infinite series of actualizations.

fallacy lies here

>> No.7477884

Have you?


>> No.7477888


>> No.7477891

Reported for spamming the forum with your advertisements.

>> No.7477894

>>thinks we 'don't know anything'

meanwhile nuclear power plants are made on incredibly absolute observation and knowledge of the universe.

fucking relativist faggot. gtfo of science.

>> No.7477897

advertisments? go fuck yourself, it's an easy place for reference, they're not selling corn flakes you dipshit.

>> No.7477901



>> No.7477905





>> No.7477917

time to take them tourette pills

>> No.7477918

>implying that's what I meant
Just sayin' we gotta have faith in our senses

>> No.7477927
File: 17 KB, 225x225, ghu689ugr54dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7477933

>God doesn't answer his prayers
>hates his father because he prayed

What a fucking dickhead.

>> No.7477945
File: 839 KB, 490x652, Kierkeggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related, tbh

>> No.7477960

>le rephrase the cosmological argument to look cool in a finnish throat singing imageboard maymay

>> No.7477963

This is true. Prayer is supposed to be done while fasting too. It looks like some synaptic pruning

>> No.7477971
File: 12 KB, 236x165, religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7477972

>can't refute the objective truth

>> No.7477977

>nuke engineer thinks he's tough shit
The measly computer you post here with contains more science than all the nuclear power plants combined.

>implying one cam define existence a priori
read kant kiddo

>> No.7478075

Read the thread.