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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 513x277, electricalengineeringMSrevised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7477234 No.7477234 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy who failed highschool math and wants to become an electrical engineer anything

>> No.7477237

Get out.

/sci/ doesn't accommodate failures.

Go to reddit or some other hugbox for retards and cucks.

>> No.7477238


>> No.7477242

will my ex ever come back to me OP

>> No.7477250

why do i go on my crush's blog and jack off to her selfies and her text posts where she writes about hooking up with random guys on tinder

>> No.7477257

sorry I'm becomming 18 this year, even though I'm still in 12th grade, I'm strong and indepedant and won't do what you say
Probably not, try to move on.
You find her hot and you are horny. Even though porn is better, reality is what your brain is craving for. The only way to reach that is by masturbating furiously white fantasating about her

>> No.7477261

Gtfo piece of shit, my 3 y old korean cousin is better than you.

>> No.7477263

>sorry I'm becomming 18 this year, even though I'm still in 12th grade, I'm strong and indepedant and won't do what you say
You could not be more of a faggot if you were literally a tumblr landwhale.


>> No.7477265

I don't think a 3 year old is smarter than me. That's just unrealistic. Try again troll
Sorry I'm too mature for reposting lemons.

>> No.7477268

Mc donalds is always looking for new employees

>> No.7477271

There is no MC donalds within the 20KM range of where I live.
Must be a 'murican thing

>> No.7477282

who needs maths anyway?

>> No.7477333

it's ok op. I almost failed out of highscool but got my bs in ee. I never did anything homework in hs but went to community college and transferred with good grades. if you're not stupid it's definitely doable.

>> No.7477340

thanks for the kind words anon
you need less jesus and more math bro

>> No.7477343

no, that's what happens when you live in a forest. lumberjacks don't need math anyway

>> No.7477350

well, I believe jesus didn't fail his highschool math

>> No.7477358

Just stop pursuiting such an academic career and get a solid manufacturer degree. They're usually financially more safe.

>> No.7477361
File: 44 KB, 540x960, 1438997831821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7477365

I don't live in a forest
Jesus didnt even know what a complex number was, pfuh.
I don't know man, my ego is too high to go for a pleb job.
I just didn't do shit trough out the year.
If I work harder, or if I just work at all, I will succeed.

>> No.7477369

post the blog

>> No.7477378

You can do it OP I believe in you. Just don't be a faggot and study hard.

>> No.7477382

are you retarded? Jesus invented complex numbers

>> No.7477383

But are you going to work harder?

>> No.7477391

what makes you think youre special

>> No.7477395

no he didnt
it was da vinci or some other guy from french guy who invented it

>> No.7477426


>> No.7477429

full house

>> No.7477476

German detected.

>> No.7477722

Why is there so much demand for EE? I don't get it. Everyone majors in it. It's more of a meme degree than CS and Mechatronics combined.

>> No.7477833

the only class I ever failed in high school was chemistry and now I'm studying biochem and excelling in academics for the first time in my life. shit happens

>> No.7477843

There is thudding sound coming from my passenger front wheel. I checked the brakes, rotors and tie rods and everything looked ok. Looking back I probably should have inspected the control arm but there was no play in the wheel, so I didnt suspect that

what else could it be?

>> No.7477852

I don't know, it just has a nice ring to it.
nice to hear that, gives me motivation
maybe it was an insect

>> No.7477860
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, VNyk86kh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ doesn't accomatate failures

>> No.7477881

I doubt it was insect, its a very pronounced thudding sound that goes away when driving past 40mph

Do you think it might be the bushings which are being worn? Also, whats the best way to remove ink stains from a white shirt?

>> No.7477886


shamefur dispray

>> No.7477912

Nice, if you cant do math you should try physics aka electrical engineer

>> No.7477964

Underage, yo.

>> No.7478022
File: 21 KB, 479x282, shinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just graduated last year and I'm not sure whether I should study EE or CS.

I've always been interested in computers and technology but I feel like it would be full of people who are annoying autists or people I just wouldn't enjoy being around. I'd then end up getting sick of going to class and dropping out.

I've haven't even conducted any research concerning EE, so I don't exactly know what it's about.

Which one do you consider is better?

>> No.7479026

Perhaps yeah.
As for the shirt, try to put it in the laundry.
Or ask advice mom for advice
well, electrical engineering is with the electricity n stuff and yeah that kind of thing that electrical engineers do

and CS is more in the direction of computers, sooo

Up to you bruh

>> No.7479042
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1387487722526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like this browse /sci/
>the same people shitpost in engineering threads

>> No.7479052
File: 53 KB, 539x297, a56eca5885be36d67e90689387de7dd37375693737e4afa2fb1c7cadb2ecb5af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7479055

I think you should just do the one that seems most fun to you.

>> No.7479072

What EE-related books are you reading?

>> No.7479077

>failed highschool math

so you are going to be one of those typical dudebro gamer engineers that barely gets through or drops out?

The reason engineering is considered so "hard" is because so many people like this think being an engineer is such a cool thing

>> No.7479111

none at the moment, I'm just in highschool like I said.
How did you know I'm a gamer?

>> No.7479118
File: 68 KB, 400x274, 1403108201788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting other people effect your academic performance

>> No.7479464

What else is there other than reddit?

>> No.7479494
File: 779 KB, 900x509, beerusama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't like a a bleak failure to success against all odds story.

>> No.7479505

If you're not good at math, why not try doing something you're good at?...

Why become a second class scientist?....
Engineers are faggots.

>> No.7479543


>> No.7479903


Brush up on your spelling. You have a big ego but nothing to support it.

>> No.7479927

I failed pre-calc in 10th grade and I'm about to enter my 3rd year in electrical engineering. You can do it OP

>> No.7481176

What's it like being a cuck, faggot?

>> No.7481413

You will be right. It's engineering, you just will be computing counts and shit like that. No proofs nor spivak.

>> No.7482004

My crush is not in my class anymore
I swear to god there was this proof on 8 points,if I managed to pen that one down I would have passed.

Now I get nightmares about it

>> No.7482105

Study CE, it's a reasonable tradeoff.

>> No.7482180

PhD in Theoretical Physics here.
I scraped a C in GCSE maths, you can do it OP. Uni maths is completely different to the bullshit hoop jumping at school.