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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7476080 No.7476080 [Reply] [Original]

Math major here.

Am I fucked if I don't get a Master's or PHD?

>> No.7476100


teach yourself programming, program some shit, maybe get a minor in comp sci.

you might sell yourself to a software engineering company. Otherwise ya, you're fucked and need a Phd/masters

>> No.7476128


at least you'll have the eternal glory of sharing a passion with a very large percentage of clinically depressed genius's

>> No.7476190

This honestly.

>> No.7476231

I see you don't have to worry about sharing his fate, anon.

>> No.7476236


>> No.7476262

math major who graduated this year.

You won't get any job that pays a good wage. My advice to you is quit now, get a trades skill job and never look back. Math majors are just neets that were "good enough" at math. I have no idea what my future will be like but I really regret wasting my time with this shit degree.

>> No.7476280

You must have been a pretty mediocre student. There are math majors that go to med school and law school and it's a pretty good degree for getting into grad school overall. You could've tried finding an internship somewhere that would teach you to be an actuary. You could've landed a great programming job or research gig with just a little bit of programming experience. You're either trolling or went to a shit-tier uni and hardly tried. If you're not trolling it's probably not to late to get your shit together again and get a nice white-collar job.

If you look at median mid-career salary people, and this is for people with only a bachelors degree, math majors do better than most. If you look at the 90th percentile median salary math is 4th highest. Since most of /sci/ claims to have genius-level iqs 90th percentile should be obtainable.

>> No.7476291

learn how to program n shit
plus your future career doesn't need to be about your bachelor's, it can be anything
i'm a pure math major with cs minor
i know how to write in 3+ languages, not impressive but still pretty decent for a undergrad, and i know the basics of front/back-end web/server
but i'm a soph going to junior and i'm translating movies for a living and it pays pretty damn good
it has nothing to do with math at all while i'm busting my ass off for math and cs in uni
life finds its ways, ma niggah

>> No.7476296

This, he is retarded

>> No.7476337

I'm not trolling and I know that it's my fault for having mediocre grades and not doing anything extra to make up for it. Spent most of my time playing dota and cs and fapping. Also 2 things:

1. You can't just "get an internship and become an actuary", you have to pass 4-6 exams and then they might hire you. I'm not gonna go that way since it's not what I want to do in life (probability and stats bore me to tears, and I'm bad at it)

2. You can't land a "great programming gig" with "just a little bit" of programming experience. I mean you're the one trolling me here since I shouldn't even mention this point. Anyways I AM trying to become a programmer right now, but it is taking a long time. I'll probably have to do some crap job before I get enough skill/experience. No one hires beginner programmers, they hire intermediate programmers or experts. Also theres a shitton of dirty indians with degrees that are cheap as fuck to hire and if you can't beat them in skill theres no point in trying to get hired.

Anyways, fuck you too buddy.

>> No.7476384

You should have spent time programming instead of playing video games.
You are literally a retard for wasting your time with such an activity.

>> No.7476389

What exactly did you intend to do with the degree when you started it?

>> No.7476391

>literally retarded
That's his prerogative, in the end he might choose to pursue game design or game development while you're here judging undergraduates, most likely he'll flip burgers and shitpost.

>> No.7476397

I'm an undergraduate myself but instead of playing videogames I read and program to get most out of my day.
I limit myself to 30 minutes of shitposting each day because all boards are shit anyway ,':^)

>> No.7476401

All STEMs are fucked if they want to go into their respective fields without a Graduate degree

>> No.7476410
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>> No.7476412

That's splendid anon but it doesn't mean you're more talented, it just means you're more disciplined and less susceptible to distractions. Everyone's not like you ya know? It's not an excuse to make them feel like shit.

>> No.7476417

>if they want to go into their respective fields
This is key. If you don't mind doing something mathlike instead of doing actual math, you'll have more options. You can also seek corporate certifications, to increase your employability substantially.

>> No.7476983

EECS master race.

>> No.7477075
File: 373 KB, 333x252, you know it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga

>> No.7477089

>tfw so undecided about what you want to do that you double major in math and ee

i have literally no idea as to what i am going to do. going into soph now. i know english and german. i also can program in java, c++, vb, and sql. considering going for phd and working for a government organization like the DoD, NASA, Army Corp of Engineers (civilian division). or a goverment contractor.

ive been putting my full effort in at school, does sci know about making it in this?

>> No.7477110

Well when I first started I was actually in a double major math+physics, wanted to be a string theorist (yes I know, don't laugh but that was a while ago). Then after a year it got too difficult so I switched to math only with some cs courses sprinkled in(so think math major and cs minor). I thought that I could either do research or program or maybe do statistics or data analysis or something. In the end I never had time to do anything except a few papers I wrote for some courses, and I was really bad at programming. I hoped I'd find a math subject I could invest myself into but nothing clicked, I read/did pretty much everything: differential geo, abstract algebra, combinatorics, stats, prob, classical geo, logic, topology, pdes, group theory, etc... They're all interesting topics but nothing really makes me want to spend my life doing them.

So in the end here I am with a degree but no real skill, so in the end I just started doing programming again. Maybe with some hope I'll be decent at it.

I dunno if you played diablo2 but imgine that you're playing as sorceress and you put 2 skill points into every skill. It's a horrible build but it's kinda what I did in real life with math.

>> No.7477126

This is why we need to push back on this meme. Not just here, but everywhere those "math can do anything" people gather. Otherwise you get kids getting what is essentially a hard liberal-arts degree.

OP, try and salvage what you've got by migrating to another major that's in demand.

>> No.7477218

>what is any engineering (arguably other than mechE or nukeE)

>> No.7477223

Actually you're fucked if I don't get a Master's or PHD, FROM A TOP 3 SCHOOL.

>> No.7477567

Why do you say so?

>> No.7477582

You should probably switch to something heavy in math but useful with a BS.

>> No.7477610

if you want teh monies, another option is to study quantitative finance, graduate, get an MBA, and then sell your soul to wall street.