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File: 425 KB, 860x460, pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7474138 No.7474138 [Reply] [Original]

i swear almost every conspiracy theory always points back to egypt and the pyramids about how and why they were built


lost advanced civilization?


could people really have carved out the pyramid with such a high degree of precision using stone age tools?

why is the subject of how the pyramids were built still a heated debate and full of controversy in the 21st century?

discuss /sci/

>> No.7474143


>> No.7474145


you haven't answered my question

> why is the subject of how the pyramids were built still a heated debate and full of controversy in the 21st century?

>> No.7474148

This isn't really science or maths tbh m8

>> No.7474150

god took a shit and it all kind of went downhill from there

>> No.7474151

With the effort of thousands of workers, with the guidance of the smartest builders available, over a very long period of time. I don't see why people find this so hard to believe.

>> No.7474153


its called structural engineering

> which requires maths and algebra
> which requires knowledge of newton's laws of physics
> which requires knowledge of engineering designs principles

you were saying?

>> No.7474154

Because most people, when they see ancient buildings and structures, get impressed and ask "how?" and "why?". Most people however either gets bored, or go to wikipedia to read about it. Retards however are too lazy and use aliens to explain both questions.

>> No.7474157


ok pal

so you're saying stone age and bronze tools were used to carve GRANITE to make this all smooth and precise


>> No.7474164

I sincerely doubt you came here to talk about structural engineering.

>> No.7474168
File: 67 KB, 259x302, 2015-08-07 15.13.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here for the engineering.
Talk about it or fuck off.

>> No.7474172

We'll fuckin see u cheeky git.

>> No.7474175


not more of this numerology BS

can we please get some real scientific explanations?

>> No.7474185

Because there are retards who like mysteries so they see them everywhere

>> No.7474235
File: 1010 KB, 1293x818, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure :^)

>> No.7474240



>lost advanced civilization?

Well, kind of!



>could people really have carved out the pyramid with such a high degree of precision using stone age tools?


>why is the subject of how the pyramids were built still a heated debate and full of controversy in the 21st century?

It isn't, except among idiots.

>> No.7474244

there is no mystery, no controversy, no debate and it wasn't the stone age.

>> No.7474250

not the same anon, but, euhm yes, they used TOOLS.

>> No.7474258

ayy lmao

>> No.7474269

It wasn't that much of a mystery. I think that people who want pyramids to be a product of the alyum is underestimating the ability of human. You never really know what the combination of thousands of slaves is capable of.
I was playing osu.

>> No.7474276

People just don't give humans credit.
Or rather, retards don't give humans enough credit.
>>dohohohoho, humans couldn't have managed this that long ago
Yeah they did. It's why it's so amazing. Fuck's sake.. Just because people from the USA struggle to add 1 and 1 together doesn't mean the rest of the world is a drooling mass of retarded children.

>> No.7474552

Yes? There is a wonderful thing called skill and talent. Check it out, you might end up being good at something. Remember, it goes hand in hand with patience.

>> No.7474576

It was built by early Africans in respect to their divine chief

>> No.7474608

nice bait!

>> No.7474613

It's clear that they had better tools, specifically for the great pyramid which is actually older than the others. But it was still clearly built by humans. There's also evidence of superior tools existing before egypt.
Basically, there was a more advanced civilization of humans before egypt at some point. They're all still built by human powered means.

>> No.7474624

Where is the granite? I see soft lime stone.

>> No.7474757

I think this should answer your question https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMBlWE3m0rM

Honestly though >>7474151 already hit the naill on the head.

>> No.7474761

Combine ignorance with a desire to socialize and you get idiots to talk about anything simply because they don't know enough about the fine details of a subject to actually know whether or not their opinion is valid.

This is a basic human trait that is difficult to swallow because it can turn you into a nihilistic /pol/tard

>> No.7474763

They also had a boatload of fucking time with no 4chan to browse.

>> No.7474905


>> No.7474912

They already figured out structural engineering mechanics (like why they needed to space their columns so closely) so it's possible they also realized that a pyramid is the ideal shape for a building given that the compressive stresses will be largest at the bottom and a structure like this will have no tensile forces, which stone is horrible at handling.

>> No.7474945

Are you trying to imply that just because it happened a long time ago with people who weren't white they couldn't have made it?
No one questions the god damned greeks or Romans, but holy shit a non-white country did a good and suddenly its ayy lmaos helped them.
Literally racist.

>> No.7475090

peopel are always treating the pyramids as the monument of all historic achievements in engineering, but that's exactly what's so stupifying. We go after something big and complex and attribute it more value than all of the smaller, sometimes more complex and monumental discoveries.

There is evidence of people understanding platonic solids long before plato, and altho Pythagorean theorum is named as such by the original AUTHOR, an author is not always the first exploiter of a simple outstanding mechanical virtue. You don't need to read a book, or do your math homework, to understand ratios with your head and work with them to support a collumn, whoever built the first quality homes came long before egypt and knew plenty about their own versions of carpentry.

The egyptian alien conspiracies have more to do with a statistical growth in people being able to review something they're usually too uneducated to understand, ancient human history gets the brunt of a lot of useless critique.

>> No.7475201
File: 69 KB, 550x368, 1-1279200086-bent-pyramid-a-torta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bent pyramid is the only proof you need that they were made by men.

Its clear they fucked up the design, made the inclination to steep and had to mellow it out half way up the structure. The next pyramid, the Red pyramid was perfect, and it was the precursor to the great pyramid.

As far as actual construction, i think the internal ramp theory is the most likely explanation. an external ramp would have been more work to create than the actual pyramid itself, and there is no evidence that there ever was a giant external ramp. none.

>> No.7475209
File: 41 KB, 812x311, Melas_Chasma-Demon_Lady-Reull_Vallis-Pyramid-Atlanteans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more advanced civilization of humans before egypt
Atlantis was not a nation, land, island, or continent, but rather an advanced civilization of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge island empire, which, in itself, underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period. The pyramids (as well as Stonehenge and other megalithic monuments) were built by different factions of Atlantean descendants. -- Secret History

>> No.7475219


This is one Bong in Bumfuckinghamshire on his free time, imagine what 1,000 paid professional laborers guided by engineers who only use these methods could do over the course of a year.

Keep in mind it's entirely possible to carve very hard stone very precisely with suitably harder stone. That's exactly what the New World civilizations (Aztec, Inca, Maya, Zapotec, etc) did. You can even drill holes (Bow drill).

We're so used to heavy lifting being done with cranes and dump trucks that we never think of just how easily it is to do that with your hands an ingenuity.

>> No.7475243

>we never think of just how easily it is to do that with your hands

there is absolutely nothing easy about moving over one and a half million pounds of stone per day for 20 years to build a pyramid

>> No.7475252

Well they stacked rocks on top of other rocks.

They made it wider at the bottom so it wouldn't fall over.

That's pretty much it.

>> No.7475278

In so many words, this. Egyptians were as smart as you are, if not more intelligent because they couldn't turn to a codified knowledge base like libraries and the internet. They had to solve every problem they came across themselves, and this became good at solving problems.

>> No.7475283

They weren't more or less intelligent. Our brains have not changed at all in 4,000 years.
They just had absolute fuck all else to do with their time but sit in the desert and think of ways to move stone blocks.

>> No.7475298

Actually if they took 20 years, when more likely it took 40-50 years, they would only need to move 787,132 pounds a day, which is which 314 blocks a day, combine thousands of laborers and an efficient, for that time, method of moving the things its not hard

>> No.7475310

straight ramp till about the half way point. then a spiral ramp made inside the pyramid it self for the rest of the way up. using simple machines to provide mechanical advantage for moving the massive blocks.

>> No.7475318


>> No.7475350

The only people that think there's a controversy are the idiots that was Ancient Aliens.


They used cattle to move blocks too.

>> No.7475358


>> No.7475395

>Our brains have not changed at all in 4,000 years.
I know you just meant to say there's no brain differences between humans now and humans in pyramid times, but the actual number of years is closer to 100,000 years than 1,000 years

>> No.7475896

The Great Pyramid was finished in 2,560 BC, give or take a couple years. That's closer to 4,000 years ago than 10,000 years ago.

>> No.7475899
File: 219 KB, 865x971, 1420147169211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pyramids were built 100,000 years ago

>> No.7475927

That is impressive, it has always amazed me how far you can take something you find interesting that does not seem to have much potential. People give human ingenuity too little credit.

>> No.7475936

Pretty sure he is saying they did not have the knowledge to build upon. For example Ohm had to figure out the laws of electricity but that does not mean he was dumber than the guy who works with modern circuitry, only that he had to figure it out himself.

>> No.7476166
File: 11 KB, 200x200, tormund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw the Pyramids are almost 2000 years old when the Roman Empire is still at its infancy

>> No.7476174
File: 710 KB, 1200x963, 1402114142918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are closer chronologically to Cleopatra than she was to the great pyramids construction date

>> No.7476183

It's true, though it's all a matter of perspective.

Consider: I can remember as a child, visiting my great grandmother. She was born in the late 1800s. Now she, as a child, knew here great grandmother, born in the early 1800s.

That's only two orders of great grandmothers, and we're already going back 200 years. If you could get a time machine, and collect each great grandmother's great grandmother, it would only take about a small classroom size of great grandmothers, and you've gone all the way back to ancient Rome. Imagine the stories they could tell. The other classroom down the hall, that will take you back to the pyramids.

>> No.7476194

lay off the drugs bro

>> No.7476205
File: 9 KB, 292x305, 1433983418029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1990 was 25 years ago

>> No.7476214

dammit, why did you have to remind me that I'm 25 years old. I hate myself

>> No.7476224

He's putting shit into perspective. If you think drugs give you perspective you should lay off the drugs.

>> No.7476227

lay off the butthurt bro

>> No.7476246


>The pyramid remained the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years, unsurpassed until the 160-metre-tall (520 ft) spire of Lincoln Cathedral was completed c. 1300.

What the fuck have we been doing for almost 4000 years?

>> No.7476268

not building stupid shit

>> No.7476277

They werent repressed by a goddamn vatican church... they studied their surroundings and made the best out of it. Although things werent the best back then, knowledge wasnt considered a taboo like the frikkin popes did... man i hate them... we would be so techonologically improved if not for what the vatican church did back in the days of europe

>> No.7476319
File: 1.76 MB, 3538x3424, 1403271149364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw we would've been exploring space and colonizing planets if the Church and the Dark Ages didnt exist