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7471565 No.7471565 [Reply] [Original]

realistically what are the most severe long term side effects of self harm involving hitting? i have a severe temper and direct it towards myself which usually ends in me punching the shit out of my face. my nose is misshapen, my teeth are crooked on the right side of my jaw, and the sensitivity of my cheeks is severely dulled. I've been doing this for about 4 years and have no intention of telling anyone let alone seeking any kind of help.

my main concern is the possibility of brain damage. i mainly do this around the jaw area.

how likely is it that this embarrassing coping mechanism has compromised what little intelligence i had to begin with?

>> No.7471567

negligible unless you manage to concuss yourself, which is doubtful

get a goddamn punching bag

>> No.7471570

Just look up long term injuries of boxers
Also stop fucking hitting yourself in the face, what the fuck

>> No.7471574

Yeah too bad you're a fucking nutbag

>> No.7471575

no your intelligence is fine but your face will be ugly as fuck. get a punching bag and start lifting weights and probably see a psychiatrist, there's a million healthy ways to deal with your temper.

>> No.7471583

I like how you changed this post to cover up how retarded you actually are, but alas the fact of the matter is you're still fucking hitting yourself in the head you dumb faggot

>> No.7471587

changed from what?

>> No.7471607

You're going to go down if you keep acting on those impulses. Your "intelligence" and your ability to handle emotions are one in the same. It's just you and you need to relax anon. Look around at other people and try to relate to them.

>> No.7471614

sounds like your brain is already damaged bro

>> No.7471617

You've posted this thread before, there are screencaps of it I wished I had right now

>> No.7472588

>thinking an autistic manchild having a temper tantrum and hitting himself equates to being punched in the face by a highly trained fighter

>> No.7472652

If you're hitting yourself on the jaw/cheek/nose and not actually high or hard enough to rattle your skull then you don't have much increased risk of dementia/alzheimers.
You're still going to have a broken face, though.

>> No.7473210
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Is your name Jack?

>> No.7473232

Lol I with many people avoid fights to keep the structure of face as one or maybe keep ourselves half decent looking yet some people punch themselves and don't give a fuck about it... amazing world.

>> No.7473409

I did this growing up. shit, I did this up until I was 28. I found out I had a low testosterone, Hypogonadism Primary, and take roids which really helped out. But I overcame the irrational seething rages (go figure right? I'd get into emotional tsunami's both rage and sadness but had low Testosterone) by doing everything I could in those moments to just control my breathing. Everything had to go into that. I still have a pop and grind in my neck from head butting a door frame. The technique didn't always work but I believe that it was working in increments. As I kept trying the episodes gradually shortened.

I don't have the episodes anymore and they stopped before I was placed on Roids. Interestingly roids just added more calm and confidence to my emotional state.

>> No.7473755
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There is literally no reason for you not to just go see a psychiatrist+therapist/psychologist instead of destroying your face AND feeling bad for the rest of your life. Shit works.

>> No.7473765

Hello friend