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7469393 No.7469393 [Reply] [Original]

I am a super rich investor willing to fund any research project you're capable of carrying out

Provided of course I can get a return on my investment

How do you convince me to give you my money to fund your research?

Throw me your pitch of what your research is and how it will make me my money back.

>> No.7469401
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>super rich investor willing to fund any research project
>browses 4chan

>> No.7469413
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I research existence

Can I get money for that?

>> No.7469415
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>it has the possibility to cure cancer

no, but srsly, this is what faggots pull all the time in the research community

>> No.7469770

I'm going to make you immortal.

>> No.7470393

You're hired.

>> No.7470438

I'm looking at that one disease where mixed-race people or non-white people have patches of apperatnly Caucasian skin. I think we can isolate the genetic markers that cause that skin to appear and then select for them. If we succeed, we can do some gene therapy to babies when mothers come in for pre-natal care and make all new babies white, effectively eradicating non-whites without killing anyone.

>> No.7470471

I'm a taxonomist and can name an obscure insect species after you.

>> No.7470490
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i've got a super wonderful and elegant design for a wooden table desk, and i also know how to mass produce them, they could be sold for 400 dollars, 600 for a rare hardwood model, and produced for about 75 dollars apiece, with a million dollar investment on the factory process line i could direct the construction of myself.

this is the solid model form of the desk, i've constructed the prototype and am typing on it right now! i won't release further data until we have some preliminary contract for making a deal on.

its light, its elegant, it will last a thousand years, you could throw it off the roof of a house and it would bounce. its a modern design. its minimal - in that no element is without purpose - but its beauty is the very heart of function itself, with no frills or decoration or facades that conceal its nature. it is an honest design, with integrity towards its purpose.

there are several models and configurations for different applications, and it makes an ideal classroom or engineer/drafting desk/table.

>> No.7470506

I would create a meta wiki layer over the existing internet, then sell all the data to the world government. I'd basically leech off everything and become the unstackable stack.

give me money.

>> No.7471485

We here at Green Clover Research Institute are carrying out research on a new fabric. It is years ahead of its time. We call it Invisiline™. Not to be confused with Invisalign. According to our anticipations it will be the NEXT new thing since wonderbread. You'll be able to build practically anything out of it. It is that universal. It will have a complete economical impact on the society of tomorrow. Discretion is advised, I cannot go any further, it's top secret stuff. We will need around $500m in funding. After funding is provided we will show you the fabric. We don't want Cicada robbing our ideas. According to rumors around the lab is that Cicada has been robbing GCRIs top scientists. Our team project manager is a little known scientist that has made the first successful silicon dioxide satellite. Thank goodness no one has heard of him. Whoever said the future is only a stone's throw away wasn't lying.

>> No.7471506

We previously had an interested investor. The computer scientist and founder of the masonic world audit program. Knowing his linguistic savvy humor, masonic is a play on the word messianic. But besides all the shits and giggles. $500m is the minimum amount needed for us to continue this research. We are behind in funding. Also $10m of your investment will go towards helping families in need in the continent of Africa. Thank you.

>> No.7471774
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It's a book about coffee tables.

>> No.7472228


>> No.7472236

If I had the money I would totally do that

>> No.7472245


but it's ugly, bro

>> No.7472251

sorry man that back part where the chair goes into looks like a pain in the ass and the whole design needs to be a little MORE "modern" it looks too industrial.

>> No.7472256

I can rip off a popular flash game and sell it on the mobile market and load it with microtransactions.

>> No.7472303
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10/10 desk.

Would buy.

>> No.7472337

lol did you remodel it

good job.


i'll take photographs tomorrow when my aunt returns my camera.

>> No.7472342

This is like the opposite of what I look for in a desk.
>Can only use a chair in a single spot.
>Weird table legs make it difficult for cables to go in and out and for anything to be stored under.
>In general very small.
>Has a "back side" from which the desk is useless. Likely meant to be positioned against other such desks or a room corner. In the latter case almost any other design would be more convenient.

Of course, it could just be because I have multiple projects that take up a lot more space so I use a simple 8 foot by 4 foot table with fold-up legs.
>Can be used from any direction.
>Different areas of the table can be used for different projects.
>Stuff (including cables) can easily be stored below the table.

>> No.7472472

it was built for a specific purpose and spot in my room. (indeed a corner, the square and rectangle are against walls of the same size and a window is to the side of the square, a door to the side of the rectangle.) the cables easily go through the open frame since it isn't pushed up against a wall but a trim, and it also lets you get to the outlets the desk is against. its also only 29 inches high at the tables, so i can get more 'on top' of things when i'm drafting, typing, or writing, although to be fair, i made it with using a specific spinning rocking chair in mind.

its a computer and drawing/writing desk, 29 inches by 66 inches is almost more then i can easily reach the back of while sitting and lengthwise it has room for many computer screens, or a cabinet/shelf in the back corner, while still having room to spread textbooks and papers and have a keyboard and not be cramped.

incidentally, i designed and made the desk because i'm starting college for electrical engineering and chemical engineering.

structurally, i designed it for the greatest combination of light-weight and strength, and it is indeed built like a brick shithouse despite being very 'airy' and almost not being there. and i left the legs open like that so i could easily turn and rotate in my spinning-rocking chair.

it'll probably make more sense when i post a pic.

>> No.7472483

>can't fold legs
>no drawers or storage
>unwieldy to move
>not designed for average XXXX-large American girth

I'm sorry, I'm going to pass.

>> No.7472523


It has no storage (drawers)

It cannot be disassembled or stored easy

the opposite side from were your legs would go is too far, ideally the opening would be in the middle so structurally it is symmetrical and you could fit a computer on one side and whatever you want on the other, also access the surface easier

get out of my office you piece of shit

>> No.7472556

If you give me money, you'll be able to control minds trough psionics.

>> No.7472587

it doesn't need drawers. its got more then enough room to add shelves and cabinets on top of it, not to mention strength. and no, it can not be taken apart. you couldn't throw it off a roof and it wouldn't come apart.


i'm doing woodworking, not geometry. making it equal on both sides would just make both sides equally shitty. you'd have no room for anything. even if you put a desktop tower on top of this desk, the way i have it, you could still swing your arms around on the table and not hit anything.

wait till i post a pic of it in my room tomorrow.

you'll all be amazed.

>> No.7472660

Have been researching using fluid dyn models for 2nd stage rocket burns. The modelling suggests that incorporating spin via engine design increases efficiency of lift 41.3% The first stage is much shorter thus cheaper but uses conventional 'no spin' lift.

Our aim is a payload increase of 50%+ with around just 13% increase in per launch cost.


>> No.7472684

I propose to you a belt with a superconductor so I can store a vast charge all day about my pants for to power all my peripherals; mah phone, mah e-ciggs, mah pocket rocket, etc.

>> No.7472729

I need 100K to develop in detail,work place that will cut down costs by 50% in my industry not to mention that will change the field all together.Plus the option to benefit from manufacturing units with existing companies and turn substantial profit.
The thing is it will never happen because I'm in fucking eastern europe.

>> No.7472892

>How do you convince me to give you my money to fund your research?

I stopped bothering with such bullshit over a decade ago. Rich people only care about money. Money, money, money. They know nothing else. The amusing thing is that they imagine they are well educated and visionary, but ultimately all the know is money and all the care about is money. And that utters blinds them to the potential of utilization of capital.

I care about the rich no longer. I don't need their money. I need very little, really. Since mortality will erase everything I've done and everything that I am, there's no point in caring anymore.

>> No.7473019


bitter idiot detected.

the rich care about life on earth. not paying people to pretend they're smart. if you can't pay your way and actually produce something of any value, starve to death.

mortality will erase YOU, meanwhile, Carnegies' footsteps still echo all across the world.

>> No.7473030

Yet they have heaps and heaps of cash that just sits there. Sure they spend big on yachts and stuff, but most of it is just being hoarded and kept from the economy. If they care so much about their legacy and eternal life, why don't they act like it?

>> No.7473031

I'm sorry, I forgot to insult you. Cuntfaced cunt detected, and you smell bad.

>> No.7473040
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>the rich care about life on earth
not him but nigga you talkin' bout the same rock I'm living on?

get the fuck outta here

>> No.7473048

>>they just let their money accumulate without doing anything with it

what? are you serious? at the VEERRRRY mininum, all of their money that they don't intend to spend in the near future is invested in businesses, the best businesses they can find, the ones that could actually use the money and who will grow and provide a return on it.

yeah, you think some shit covered swami in india has ever helped anyone? you think some buddhists in the mountains have ever helped anyone? no, it was the INDUSTRIALISTS, the men of pride, wealth, self esteem, and intellect, that conquered this planet and made it possible for YOU to own a fridge, and YOU to own a computer, and YOU to own a car, and YOU to have excellent medical care that adds decades to your life, and YOU to have lots of nice food, and YOU to have a million modern amenities that improve your life and provide a greater return to you for every minute you spend working.

who the fuck do you THINK cares about life on earth? >>7473031 this fag who never did anything to help anyone and hates those who did? you think that he has improved life on earth? you think his stoned day dreaming about the universe has provided a billionth of the value to me that the scientists who did something REAL, like invent PVC plastic and perfect it and make it cheaper and stronger has done for me? get the fuck out. don't bite the hand that feeds you. there's nothing meritorious about the non-profit motive.

>> No.7473104

You seem to think that all those inventions and technology that have amassed wealth for certian people were invented by those same people.

Are the wealthy people who exploit child slavery to bring you [insert thing here] the ones you should respect? Or the wealthy CEOs that take home dozens of times the salaries of their workers? Or the ones that use politicians, lawyers and lobbying to crush their competition instead of competing in a way that benefits the general public?

What about the who shirk their responsibilities even after causing mass death and destruction of humans, animals and everything else on the planet? From the bhopal disaster to nestle's global crimes against humanity to BPs oil spills

You can worship the rich fags that create conglomorates, monopolize patents, destroy innovation and research for their bottom line, abuse copyright, abuse their status etc all you want, I'll stick to viewing them critically.

We don't live in some magical utopian capitalist paradise where your wealth is proportional to the value you provide society

>> No.7473108

Wow. I bet you use the term 'job creator' unironically. You do know that you have to be over eighteen to post and browse here right?

>> No.7473115

>> were invented by those same people.

the inventions themselves are less important then the organizations that used them, since someone would have invented it, but someone also had to organize the processes to make it profitable. which is harder?

>>child slavery

lol, what does that have to do with anything? child slaves aren't profitable. they're useless. can't even mine coal with them. gotta pay them to mine coal.

>>wealthy CEO's

upon whom the success or failure of a company depends, unlike some idiot slacker pouring slurpees. who depends on whom?

>>describes communism

that's not a wealth motive.


accidents happen. you wanna make an omelette you gotta crack a few eggs.

here's a challenge: you stop using things produced by wealth and profit motive, and i'll stop using non-profit shit. we'll see who breaks first.

i'll know you broke when you use a computer to post something back, a computer made possible for you by the wealthy, and not by a bunch of people who think they're above helping other people in exchange for food and shelter and goods from them.

i'll see if i can find something i didn't pay for and i'll throw it out cuz its probably bullshit.



>>said some 19 year old with a che guevara shirt

grow the fuck up. no mustard on my big mac please.

>> No.7473127

You've completely lost sight of the argument which was:

>the rich care about life on earth

They largely don't. What they are doing is just profit motivated. I sincerely doubt that the people at the head of companies like Nestle give a single fuck about their fellow man. I doubt BP gives a fuck about any life on Earth. I doubt Union Carbide gave a single fuck about the lives and family lines they destroyed.

At nearly every juncture that large profiteering companies can trade 'improving quality of life' or 'improving the environment' they instead squeeze every last drop of blood they can to milk people and the planet for money.

How is that in line with
>the rich care about life on earth

>> No.7473129

That should have read
>can trade 'improving quality of life' or 'improving the environment' for a slightly reduced cashflow

>> No.7473142

yeah, those faggots don't care about life on earth! they should have invented a tree instead of capitalist refrigerators! how do they even get people to give them money?!?!?!?! not by improving peoples lives thats for sure!!!!!!!!


>> No.7473624
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>> No.7473629

I'll make closed source waifubots.

>> No.7473632

No fillets on edges. Support on open side hinders chair movement

>> No.7473635
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>yfw your waifubot gives you cyberaids

>> No.7473637


>>mfw my table design has already been stolen and is being showed to some executive


fillets are disgusting cosmetic frippery and no, it doesn't i'm using a giant rocking chair with this table right now and its fine. you don't comprehend how large this table is.

>> No.7473640

Shouldn't have gotten a used one then.

>> No.7473647

>>that new column

ugh. way to break the design.

wouldn't be stable btw. and there's no increased weight to make it necessary. the desk can easily hold 750 pounds. tomorrow. you'll see the real desk.

>> No.7473651

>wouldn't be stable btw

>and there's no increased weight to make it necessary

>> No.7473655


because its just fucking sticking out of the thing straight down , if the table had weight on it and it was pushed along the floor in any direct that column would have a large amount of weight put on it with nothing but the vertical joint to hold it. it'd bend. not to mention if it accidentally kicked it or knocked something into it. at the very least you could add the curved corner struts to either side of it, but it'd be equally as weak forwards and backwards.


kek you didn't put anything on top of it. what'd you do, shorten the footleg? why? why? why? putting a drawer there is silly with so much space on top for any shelving and cabinets, but, for the sake of argument, allow me to show you how it'd be done. give me a few minutes here.

>> No.7473671

>if the table had weight on it and it was pushed along the floor in any direct that column would have a large amount of weigh
How much weight did you plan to put on it? I was just expecting this to be a computer desk.

>you didn't put anything on top of it
Why would I? I'm only showing the concept of the table. I'm starting to think you don't under stand how strong steel is.

>> No.7473673


Prove that someone else did it already, but our twist will make even MORE money.

The idea is to latch on to someone else's success but add in enough information of my own to imply it's an improvement.

>implying salesmanship has anything to do with the project

>> No.7473707
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its not steel man its wood! and no you probably won't put that much weight on it but a joint like that sticking out lonely is begging to break. i've made quite a few desks and that column right there is a no-no. for wood. a steel desk like this would be incredible over kill, i wanted it to be light-weight, and this wooden desk can hold at least 750 lbs.

this is the desk with a shitty laptop camera... i'll get better pics tomorrow, i still have to do some sanding and apply oil to it. it was made out of reclaimed 70+ year old hardwood lumber that i planed and dimensioned, hence the mish-mash of roods, pine, redwood, oak, ceder.

>> No.7473711

>How would you like to have all the mineral rights to the moon?

>> No.7473712

So then just go for aluminum.

>> No.7473714
File: 194 KB, 2136x1108, desk with drawer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and here's what i just now drew up to demonstrate how a drawer could be tacked onto this thing. i plan to just make a shelf for the corner, its a huge amount of surface space.

but there it is anyways if you wanted a drawer with aluminum bolted rails.

>> No.7473715


yeah aluminum would be cheaper and lighter, but it'd be difficult and expensive to make a desk this shape that was really nice looking out of hollow aluminum. lots of little pains in the asses. wood looks nicer, feels nicer. i like to think of the desks design as a homage to the first aircraft, if that makes any sense, since i made it to do engineering work on.

>> No.7473718

Yeah but yours doesn't come with a buttplug like mine.


>> No.7473722

>>mfw i'm so innocent i thought it was a large 'pawn' chess piece

how do you know those drawers aren't full of dragon dildos

>> No.7473727


That file size is too small for those drawers to be filled with dragon dildos.

>Not using NURBS

>> No.7473768

>utters blinds

>> No.7473787
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What is that on the desk?

>> No.7473798

>mfw my thread has devolved into socialists and capitalists arguing and some faggot posting pictures of his desk project and arguing with people about said desk and dragon dildos

I knew this would be fun

>> No.7473799




>> No.7473804


its a good thread mang

btw i deserve the money because i'm the only one with a solid business plan and i am the only one who has produced an actual prototype

the spirit of the design can accommodate many variations and configurations, and my experience in wood engineering has led to my discovery of the most efficient and powerful joint technique for this graceful form that represents graceful, honest strength.

>> No.7473814

>tfw when super rich OP guy is actually a poor homeless dude looking to steal people's ideas.

>> No.7473822
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>>tfw i steal his idea to steal ideas

>> No.7473824
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>> No.7473832

I research your mom and how she can be a sustainable energy source for humanity. My team believes that she is the next step in safe fusion energy.

>> No.7473846

OP's mom here, describe your experiment.

>> No.7473931

Everyone will die, also the rich dudes.

Tell me, what is their money worth to them when lying on their death bed or catching a horrible disease?

It would not be smart of them to alienate the smart poor guys. Not if they want to be able to do anything worthwhile with their money in this life.

>> No.7473950

I have found that nobody is interested in stealing ideas, only trashing them.

>> No.7473952

>Being this jealous

>> No.7473959

*steals idea*

>> No.7473966

I hate investors. We do all the work, while you get all the profit while you just sit around showing off your egg-shell-and-romalian-type business cards.

>> No.7473971

I am not jealous. Why would I be? I am just stating some facts. Everyone dies including rich people and their money would not be worth much for them on the last day of their life.

>> No.7473989

Investors literally get zero profit that's not how investment works, they get to grow their stocks if your company becomes morr valuable that's it.

>> No.7474021

>they get to grow their stocks
= richer
= profit
You knew what i meant, faggot

>> No.7474046

nah profit is something else. profit is shared with the stock holders, but it is not the value of the stock.

>> No.7474108
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/pol/ approved.

>> No.7474124


I don't know why but every time somebody brings up ' stock holders ' I can't help thinking about sock drawers. Maybe I should be a rapper.

>> No.7474169


I believe that I can develop a novel gene-therapy technique to safely deliver an episomal copy of the telomerase gene. Such a treatment may delay or prevent the onset of, or reverse progression of a variety of aging-related diseases, to include osteopenia, immune system decline, bone marrow failure, and others.

This work expands upon previous work by Maria Blasco in mice (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22585399)), but includes a modification to avoid the cancer concerns raised by Dr. DePinho's (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22341455)) and others.
Instead of designing the therapy to provide a copy of telomerase that would be constitutively expressed, our therapy would be designed to permit telomerase expression only in cells that are experiencing a crisis consistent with telomere shortening. We would do this by regulating the transcription of the episomal telomerease gene using the promoter region from the AAVPG vector described by Bajgelman et al. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24210111).). This arrangement would permit expression of telomerase if the cells stabilized the p53 tumor suppressor protein, one of the early processes that cause cells to stop dividing in response to shortened telomeres (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15865944)), and a process which is almost universally perturbed in cancer cells. This clever method would ensure that cells would be able to express the episomal telomerase gene if their telomeres became critically shortened *only if* they were not cancer cells.

Other AAV based therapy’s are currently in Phase-1 clinical trials (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02122952)), suggesting that the regulatory environment may be amenable to this therapeutic approach pending acquisition of appropriate pre-trial data (e.g. from mice).

>> No.7474178

invest in a drug that makes people happy all the time and suppresses the suicide gene

>> No.7474190

no that is a horrible idea. people should be discontent and needy or they would become lazy as fuck.

>> No.7474196

>no that is a horrible idea. people should be discontent and needy or they would become lazy as fuck.

no, if we have people happy all the time and non-suicidal it means

> they are easily controllable
> can easily be manipulated and abused for profit
> global economic productivity will multiply over 9000%

>> No.7474202

no. if we have people happy all the time they would not be controllable. you control people by making them jealous and needy. Sigh.. that I even need to explain this...

>> No.7474205

no you don't

if we have a system with no accountability, the government can do whatever they want and the citizens will always be happy

and these days thanks to social media and internet, dictatorships can easily thrive

>> No.7474206

> Sigh... that I even need to explain this...

See, managed to control you ;D

>> No.7474215

Social media is used to make people needy. How should I adapt my behaviour to get more recognition? A dictatorship is not as powerful as advertisement ever was. You make people want stuff or social recognition or whatever. That way you get power over them. If you got no emotional pull on them you got no power over them.

The surveillance is used to get emotional traction on individuals. That would not work if they were constantly happy.

>> No.7474847
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>> No.7474853

So get your own money for research faggot

Oh wait you're poor

>> No.7474867
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applying 2 more coats of min-wax poly

>> No.7475035

Sit on the close right corner and if it doesn't break you have a good table

>> No.7475045

Yeah shame on that guy for being poor. Why can't he be more like me and my dad? We work hard (he's a hedge fund analyst, and I'm in college), and I'm already halfway to becoming a millionaire.

>> No.7475058

PS what I'm saying is that good things come to those who work hard. If poor people worked harder they wouldn't be poor.

>> No.7475068

If anything I did as a scientist has an almost guaranteed return on investment the government wouldn't need to provide me with funding.

>> No.7475079

Holy shit, you might just be the dumbest person on sci.

>> No.7475199


you know what, after thinking about what you're saying here, i have come to the conclusion you might be right. highly convincing argument.

>> No.7475205

You realize there's a lot of wasted unusable space?

Plus it's gonna be hard to clean that shit.

Simplify, nigger.

>> No.7475229
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>>unused space

if you live in chinese tenements, look elsewhere.

>>hard to clean

what the fuck are you doing, throwing stuff and spilling food everywhere?

this table is elementally simplified and pure of intent and purpose. besides, i don't even endorse that drawer, i was just demonstrating how one could be added to that area better then the other guys design, which is best left as air.

furthermore, its aesthetically clean. just two drawers suspended in space.

>> No.7476279


>> No.7476867


>> No.7476879


not the bump, but, its not over till the fat lady sings, bub

>> No.7477916
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>> No.7478571

Don't you have a camera that isn't your shitty integrated webcam?

>> No.7478573

i'm trying to get it back from my aunt, i'll be able to post a video tomorrow, might just borrow my friends iphone

>> No.7480108
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, D1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so my grant winning desk is finished and in service. its so shiny and nice after 2 pints of minwax silk satin poly rubbed into it.

>> No.7480113
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, D1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when i glued the top on, i had to clamp the rightside footleg in 1/8th of an inch. now its perfectly rectangular, 90 degrees all around.

>> No.7480117
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, D1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pocketholes are love, pocketholes are life. the 45 degree corners, the 3 corners this desk has, are each joined by 8 countersunk cabinet screws passing through the angle, 4 in one direction, 4 in the other.

>> No.7480120
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, D1 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a light and flexible desk. the desk will ring like a bell if you kick it. its like it wants to fly.

>> No.7480122

>white race is only skin color
stay stupid

>> No.7480129

I like your table :3

>> No.7480132
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, D1 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the pine tabletop shine. its been polished and waxed to a mirror smooth, glassy hard finish. you can spill coffee on it and it won't soak in. its utterly flat. the woods grain and whorls look like flames inside amber.

>> No.7480137

thank you very much :3

i'll stop spamming it, i just wanted to win the thread XD

>> No.7480142

I've perfected a machine learning algorithm which allows me to predict the day-to-day performance of the stock market with 75% accuracy. It is yours for the low, low price of $1 Billion US dollars. I'll need an answer in the next 10 minutes, though, as I'm expecting a call from some chinese dudes.

>> No.7480191

so, what did the slants have to say.

>> No.7480202

They wanted the source code and the private half of my RSA key, so I had to tell them to kindly fuck off.

>> No.7480205

inb4 they inception u

>> No.7480228

summoning op. who won? i want to know who won.

>> No.7480239

Inceptions are fun! It always depends what route they take.
Distortion machines are not. Those shit fuck up your vision have you seeing static and crap.

>> No.7480241

thats why i huffed laughing gas though

>> No.7480249

Yeah. I had my first distortion session way before I had my teeths pulled out.

>> No.7480252

that's cool. do you ever see things turn into bugs? its good practice to fly by instruments sometimes. LSD doesn't get me high anymore thought :/

>> No.7480264

Distortion machines. You feel that wind come in. And when it hits, you feel like the oracle of delphi from the 300 film. They always make something strange occur at the beginning. Once you're in there you realize if you look for another distortion machine within the distortion machine you become like God. Until they start screwing with waves and changing the amplitudes, ranges, and speed of excretion. Turning things into bugs is the fun part! All you got to do while in the distortion is go against the set emotional perimeters.

>> No.7480267

oh, so its just like aliens asking you to make art.

>> No.7480276

Yeah I had met someone who always used to be mischievous they had a relative in the armed enforcement. who never whipped them or cursed at them to punish them. He'd just put them in a specific device to teach then, So my buddy loved it! Literally he would perfect his mischievousness every time. And in every session he'd get smarter and smarter. Nowadays he's the most hard headed person you'd ever meet. You tell them it's white, they'll say its black. Technology is way better than any drug.

>> No.7480288

i knew a guy named nick, they told him he was the italian mafia, lol, and he just acted cool because of that. it was enlightening. i wound up with a degree in probability engineering even though i was trained to hate gambling. they put me in special forces when i was 2 and told me to blow stuff up, but, i smuggled books and stuff. and pokemon. now i use a sniffer to see if the perimeter has been tampered with.

my parents were chosen a long time ago for an experiment, i'm just a control sample, lost interest in me, but yeah, the bugs. plus i think i was possessed and re-consolidated at some point.

>> No.7480299


My buddy got chosen because of his ancestry. He's literally descended from someone everyone believes is dead. I don't even know who.

Me Idk why. I've always been the unfortunate one. One of my in-laws was close with a tech person. Who would try to find ways on how to make children smarter.

>> No.7480308


its better than getting your dick cut off on the highschool football team, and then having god come down on a horse dressed like a cowboy going yeeeeeeha! and shooting his pistols in the air, and then freezing time for eternity for you. most people spend their days sitting in the dark, you know. literally.

my great great great great grandfather was one of five signers to the texan declaration of independance. but i don't know before that. my mother was a stripper and my father is a programming manager for pepsi co, but my stepdad instructor was a total psycho who just wants to join ISIS. so i got a rounded education.

its better than nothing, i tell you what. i met an old jew in pennsylvania who told me it was just a secret economy.

>> No.7480309

For the most part. If I can remember they say they are descended from one of the shoe-making families of southern Bavaria.

>> No.7480312

I always used to taunt him saying, I am descended from the shoe-making people of spicsville.

>> No.7480322

I met someone who says they are 16th generation texan. Goodness those are prideful...i be like hush no you not you is mexican.

>> No.7480327


>> No.7480362

Some of those shoe rack/benches are damn cool. They create both lounging space and storage space at the same time.

>> No.7480367

eh. i just throw my shoes at the wall when i get in. i like to have lots of space in my room for throwing things.

>> No.7480388

OP here
>>7470471 won

>> No.7480398




>> No.7480403

fund my idea for a space ladder

>> No.7480428

My name will live on FOREVER

>> No.7480433

I do too but i realize its much easier when you have shoe racks, tie hangers, and shit...much more organized. In a bedroom the things you need are: bed, hamper, bookshelves, clothe hangers, shoe racks, clothing racks, vitamin/ supplement space, miscellaneous rack, if you watch tv in bedroom wallmounted tv. The household stuff that sell are those hat help you keep shit organized, sleek, if its multifunctional hats a plus.

>> No.7480439


not if i personally make that species of insects go extinct. this option is on the table right now.

>> No.7480448

I pump money into your business, believing that you are smart and competent enough to use that money I gave you to improve your business. Improve it to the point where you're earning more than you were before, and your business is worth more than when I pumped money into it. If it's successful, that means the money I pumped so many years ago is worth more now that your company is worth more.

You get money, I get more value for the money I put in, we both win, that's how investment works. If rich people don't give your business money, they are either too stupid to invest (isn't likely the case unless all their money is inherited), or they've arrived at the conclusion that you aren't a good enough investment. I don't think they care about salty ass wageslaves tho :^)

>> No.7480454
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I run a very successful bitcoin trading robot

currently have three running with different tick intervals. made $8000 in profit so far from $3000 worth of capital

so send me BTC with a description of how much return you'd like over time and don't be a little pussy bitch


>> No.7480460

I will make you immortal.

>> No.7480462

create and sell Magnesium candy products, with magnesium daily value in the nutrition using organic ingredients! Ex. organic magnesium tic tacs, organic magnesium gum and organic magnesium lollipops

>> No.7480546

hahaha Isis stepdad.

your old jew friend knows some shit. I didn't even know there was such thing as a secret economy.

>> No.7480556

the government can't tax favors between friends.

as i travelled the country on foot and encountered a lot of hospitality and spoke to many people, i saw A. people working for the jew and B. people working for themselves and each other.

the secret economy is by invitation only... merit only... there's actually a HUGE sector of people that live almost entirely on barter, in america.

>> No.7480565

>took 3 years to make ~30% return for 3K dollars

I wouldn't call 5 thousand dollars successful. You could have made that much with a few months trading

>> No.7480591

1. It's humanism. Gov't can, however, pass laws that end humanism.
2. People love working for Jews because they pay right. It is sacred to them, to pay their workers. I hold them in high affinity for that
2. People will always work for someone no matter what. No body can be an economy unto themselves.
3. People barter every day its called TLC.

>> No.7480593

Some things are also about sector and their duties. And laws that are passed. People don't seem to understand how laws change society. I had a friend who grew up in the 40s. When I used to make slingshots and bows he used to tell me how everything has changed. If I were born in his same era we would be making rifles and handguns via tubing and wood and buy some bullets at the convenience store. Now those homemade weapons are completely illegal and illogical to possess. Plus depending on the state, they'd exploit it as homegrown terrorism.

>> No.7480594

i worked for golub corporation for six years. they do in fact treat their workers very fairly.

when i say the jew writ large i mean the bloody marxist machine that is intent on pulping the way of things and anyone that gets in its way.

and the only laws that can abolish 'humanism' as you call it are the ones that seek to enforce humanism through violence.

>> No.7480597

in truth the only really terrifying thing is paperwork. everybody dies and sometimes there's just no good soil for building a home. but paperwork. that's where you lose your soul.

and i'm sorry that you live in a nogunz zone. truly.

>> No.7480614

Jews are a people who have learned to maintain shit right. Of course there is bad within every group. I don't know if its unfair to say, or misleading, but when the Jews came to the U.S. the U.S tweaked little things to take the Marxist out of them into capitalism. Naturally the Jews are a people who work hard for everything but are tight knit, which is why historically they saw Marxism as comforting.
The colombians got it worse, as a social group.
The U.S did to them what the Germans did to the Jews. The U.S. completely ran emergency recon on colombian-americans and took their banks and businesses away. Even those of some of the old money ones, who weren't tied to the drug trade. Made hostages under shady laws. Under Rockefeller draconi laws the U.S committed the worst heinous crime it could have on par with kristallnacht. That's why I say what happened to the $500 bill. They should do the same to the mexicans if people are so pissed with the war on drugs.

>> No.7480656

Emergency recalls are fun. Getting the molecular weight. Getting all the symmetrical circumferences out, like-value connecting. Put in a substitution.

>> No.7480670

iPlug - its a buttplug with a built in iPod, now give me my millions in monies.

>> No.7480677

I srsly have a million dollar idea. Nenenenene

>> No.7480699
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>How do you convince me to give you my money to fund your research?

I'm doing freelance research in a "social experiment"

It's a lucrative venture with a high incentive to invest in: your ROI is your wife and kids with all of their appendages intact

>> No.7480733


Fat loss experiments done in metabolic chambers for longer periods of time. Majority of the metabolic chamber studies are limited because they're expensive as fuck to use and we might actually make some real progress if we get such funding.

>> No.7482358

I have an idea to help fight global warming. It's a cool apparatus. Easy to use. And its use can even be implemented by gov't agencies via incentive programs...that's a plus.

>> No.7482533

Where will the exhaust go?

>> No.7482686

We make cool new rockets, go to Titan and suck up all the yummy liquid gas. Now we've successfully delayed the Great Oil Wars by a few decades. Yay team.

>> No.7483784

secret stuff

>> No.7483963

hello OP I'm an undergrad researching nano technology

my goal is to create nano machines which can be sprayed on people and when inhaled grow organic computer interfaces in peoples brains allowing me to control their minds and bodies and program them with false memories and even false realities and senses

interested in becoming god?

contact me. I need billions of dollars

here is a proof of concept

>> No.7483984

I work on nanomachines fag, we are no where near that level. Fuck, we don't even know how memory works in the brain.

Goddamn undergrads.

Oh and I'm funded by a rich dude too.

>> No.7483992

git gud fag

memory works by storing patterns of information in the brain, it works the same way thought works

>> No.7483997

>>memory works by storing patterns of information in the brain
how is this information stored?

>> it works the same way thought works
we don't know how thought works.

fucking undergrads.

>> No.7484008

thought works by input firing off certain patter recognition modules in the neurons of the brain, if enough fire, a pattern is recognized, this is governed by a decision center which is also modified by input

memory is stored by redundant firings of nerons which then record the firing pattern which can be called up later

ray Kurzweil just released a book called how to create a mind and it covers all of this in depth and better than me

>> No.7484026

how rich is your financer, what are you using nano technology for?

>> No.7484109


How exactly do you plan to create this organic computer interfaces? I assume you know nothing about biology.

>> No.7484590

Gib story

>> No.7484611

fucking spiders

all you spiders do is shitpost all over 4 chin.orc

gas the spiders species war now

>> No.7484622

Our financier is a billionaire. We are developing nanomachines. No, not like the ones in metal gear solid. Much much simpler than that.

ok, so how do you propose to implant false memories then?

>> No.7484625

car idea
>aluminum box-beam frame
>3 wheels
>1 door
>no AC
>no power steering
>plastic body panels
>2 seats, in line
>no paint, simply colored plastic (scratch proof)
>all electric with distributed propulsion
>short and stout for good city driving
>box-beam frame stamped and cut from two thin sheets of aluminum
>half-shells welded at seam
>plastic faring snaps on
>everything else is simple and can be bolted in
>factory is 100% autonomous
>car costs $2.5k to build
>retail for $5k
>sell all over world
>partner with tesla to get free supercharging and produce the batteries
>save world from environmental degradation (a return on investment in itself)

>> No.7484633
File: 146 KB, 600x1000, race is a social construct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are the results

>> No.7484639


what is albino, sperglord

>> No.7484690

>>3 wheels
Es gonna tip mang

>> No.7484696

>>no AC
So you have no interest in selling to anyone who does not live in northern Europe or Canada?
>>no power steering
Have you ever driven a car without power steering?
>>2 seats, in line
So we have no interest in selling to families?
>>no paint, simply colored plastic (scratch proof)
Have you seen with the sun does the plastic?

Shit car

Would not invest

>> No.7484709

Ok listen to this. I want to make a milk and cheese factory for asians. Now you're going to say but they are lactose intolerant. But here's the catch. Human milk. The asians will eat it up. Literally.

>> No.7486036

I will need a sample first

>> No.7487542

Last bump


>> No.7487701

Dear faggots,

You will all die poor.

Kind regards,

The Truth

>> No.7488267

Everytime I think of nanomachines I get the goosebumps.

There was a proposed theory that hiv was the first nano-machine built by humans. A supposed doctor spent years isolating a whole bunch of hiv and basically ended up with a piece of glass-like material the size of a golfball. The nano-particle was taught to replicate by means of manufacturing itself from available elements.

Then other researchers that believed in his theory invented a form of extraction from the body as an alternative cure.

>> No.7489772

I'll make you immortal for 1/2 whatever he's getting.

>> No.7490239

You're fired
You're hired

>> No.7490250

>proposed theory
>random shit that belongs in >>>/x/

pick one

>> No.7490259

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, that's pretty great. We can't engineer individual proteins much less an entire novel virus.