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7462906 No.7462906 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for ways to decrease testosterone production and increase the amount of estrogen in my system. Where can I learn more about the endocrine system and antiandrogens and non-prescription estrogen supplements. I really want to be androgynous but doctor's refuse to treat me considering I'm not "clinically trans"

>> No.7462930

Cut off your balls and put on some abdominal fat.

>> No.7462932
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>> No.7462933


Lurk the trans threads, one of the generals has a link to a .pdf of all the informed consent clinics in the USA (which in your case can be used to acquire hormone therapy without jumping through all the gatekeeping hoops present in the current medical system)

>> No.7462947

Literally take birth control pills

>> No.7462954


you can crash your test levels by being unhealthy, dont get enough sleep, don't eat balanced diet, drink a lot of alcohol, experience a lot of stress (physically or mentally), do a ton of cardio, stay out of the sun and avoid vitamin D

>> No.7462956


>lowering Test as a male

this is a great way to also experience intense depression and no sex drive. Enjoy OP!

>> No.7462963

Why don't you just tell them you're "clinically trans", and then once you've achieved the appropriate level of androgyny change your mind?

>> No.7462964


OP you are a huge fucking faggot just so you know.

just cut your balls off

>> No.7462983


> Eat more: Semen


>> No.7463042

Well by that logic, I'm already a success.

>> No.7464023

any other suggestions besides cutting my nuts off? I'd still like to have a fully functioning penis

>> No.7464087

Become morbidly obese. Fat cells convert testosterone to estrogen.

But basically, this sort of transformation is going to ruin your body forever. If you just want to be a cute trap, learn to use makeup.

>> No.7464096

>non-prescription estrogen supplements
estrogen isn't a controlled substance, you can just buy it

same with anti-androgens

>> No.7464396


Ok, let's flip this on it's head. What should I do if I want MORE test

>> No.7464422

eat goat testicles

>> No.7464429

No man will ever love you. Give up.

>> No.7464432
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>> No.7464435

>tfw want to be androgynous
>tfw likes girls
life is hard baby

>> No.7464437

Lel are you me? I haven't even asked my doctor yet. My plan is to say self medding estro cured my depression and if you don't want to keep seeing this depressed autistic kid for the rest of your career you should give me estro.
I disagree, I did herbal estro and my depression went away. When you're on test you're never happy unless your dick is in a 10/10 model while cutting a deal for 1 million over the phone to your broker. Felt way more content on estro.

>no sex drive
Fucking excellent, it's not like I was getting laid anyway.

>> No.7464442

buy steroids

>> No.7464447

>if you don't want to keep seeing this depressed autistic kid for the rest of your career

>if you want to stop getting paid regularly for the rest of this kids life

probably wanna rethink the motivation on that one buddy

>> No.7464465

I don't pay my doctor. I live in the developed world.

>> No.7464478

There is so many things wrong with this sentence
and you are so retarded on so many levels

but I expect nothing less

>> No.7464495

So do you think your doctor gets paid the same for taking off early to play a round of golf as he would for sitting and seeing another patient?

Or do you not realize that seeing the same kid for the same problem over and over and trying different options on him is easier than starting on a new case where you have to learn all the details and start from scratch?

Either way, you really don't get how doctors prescribing shit works.

>> No.7464585

How will it ruin my body? Not the obese thing, but taking supplements?

Outside of pueraria mirifica? From where?

I know

> I did herbal estro and my depression went away
This is basically why I want it. How much of what did you take and how regularly? How did it effect you both physically and mentally?

>> No.7465302

just eat soybeans all day.

>> No.7465453

Stay mad amerifat.
I took 200 mg Pureria Mirifica and 800 mg spearmint. I swear to god it improved my mood but could be a placebo I dunno, I'm sure my skin was clearer as well. Further evidence is that I have not taken it for a week and I've generally been in a low mood. I'm going to take some now and report back.

>> No.7465583

Vegetarian so way ahead of you.

Keep us updated. Any experience mixing that with saw palmetto? Would that even work together or just couteract?

>> No.7465959

Will do. No because my friend said he had a bad experience with saw palmetto so I haven't taken it

>> No.7466786

Ok so I took the pills yesterday and I am feeling much more chilled than yesterday. Damn I'm scared, Does this mean that I don't agree with testosterone and would be better off female?

>> No.7466836

>being a genderfluid ayy lmao
what is your motive and what does it have to do with science?
Google maybe?
Medical school?

>> No.7466844

I'm feeling gayer as well. Currently arranging my porn folders by cock size. All in all positive so far.
Genderfluid is a term for faggots who don't want to be called male or female. Androdgynous is not denying you're male, you simply like looking female.

>> No.7466852

>From where?
from any online pharmacy

also phytoestrogens are so low potency that you have to take megadoses for years to get the same effects that you'd get from three months on human estradiol

and if you're taking estrogens AND phytoestrogens you're just blocking the effect of the estrogens

just fucking order some it's cheap

>> No.7467145

I'm more interested in Tamoxifen considering it doesn't target breast growth and I don't want tits. But I can't find any domestic online suppliers for it.

>> No.7467825

I swear that's a fuckin chemo drug? I'm with you on not wanting tits as well.

>> No.7467926


>> No.7469105

Hope you get the meds and get better :(

>> No.7470447

Pretty sure it's for treating breast cancer but I have a friend who's taking it for estrogen w/out tits.
