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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7459899 No.7459899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Delinquent emo released another video reacting to hate comments. How far can you make it in the video before raging /sci/?


>> No.7459912

Seems like a smart guy. Enjoyable accent, and he's got a point

>> No.7459916

saw the whole thing I was expecting worse tbh

he made a lot of valid points. I didn't' really learn shit in high school, I learned everything after going to community college

>> No.7459979

He is giving good points, I mean, we all know that education system is flawd in a way but I think he still doesn't get that most things learned, even in college, are not evidently "usefull", but they are great tools. Yes, at highschool we should expect a more choice based system that could prepare better for university level courses or for starting to work. However, because things like math and geomtry are thought horribly in schools, it doesn't mean by a longshot that knowing how to solve a quadratic equation is useless. Actually, it is more useless to get a specific type of knolwedge or skill than a general, well known math principle. I mean, many corporate jobs offer higher salaries for people who are adequate at maths because they can abstract problems mathematically. I will go as far to say that only the most hardcore post modern shit doesn't use math in any sense.

Also, knowledge in general opens more posibility to people who are not as specific as him as many people don't know what to do after highschool and not everyone should waste time and money on a college degree, but being prepared with highschool level knolwedge can give you an opportunity to start working.

Again, why should paying taxes or teaching first aid should be mandatory? Any adult, succesful or not learned that by their own. Knowing law is something I have not a big interest but I know my basic shit. Also, I'm not a delincuent. And knowing highschool tier law is pretty useless in the real world if you don;t become a practicioner.

Like it or not, math has outstandingly more applications in general. Even a low paid mechanic, smith or carpenter needs to know about basic geometry. And I've known people from shops around many parts that use optimization techniques and even higher stuff. It is just really necesary, but people are just butthurt that they cannot use their calculator in an exam.

>> No.7460000
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But how can he be smart if he looks like a fag:

>> No.7460006


He is a fag you retard


>> No.7460012
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>Proving my point.
>I'm a retard.
I believe you call that "self-owned"

>> No.7460034

>"kids, drop out of school right now!"
>"I've got 12 gcse's, 3 A levels in maths, physics and computing and a university degree
now I get it, that fag is trying to keep all the education to himself

>> No.7460035

I watched half of it, my rage-meter doesn't get a read anon, I find his views pretty uncontroversial.

False dichotomy, if you are a fag and look like one you are smart, because you want to attract other fags? Am I rite?

>> No.7460041

>a university degree
dude doesn't even say what it is. it's probably something completely retarded

>> No.7460051

Nah, I was just claiming that fags can't be smart.

>> No.7460052

I'm more surprised about all the likes to be honest

>> No.7460056

Just stop

>> No.7460060

>hurr durr highschool doesnt teach me basic shit
>hurr durr how im going to pay taxes
>hurr durr derp derp derp im a faggot
>im a fucking useless baby who cant wipe out the cum of his ass

Typical first world spoiled brat who cant learn things for himself. Fucking lazy ass prideful fagget.
3000 years ago he would have been succesfully killed by natural selection

>> No.7460062

make me

>> No.7460159

The original vid started off pretty good tbh, there is no reason to learn all that shit past a certain age. Then he started shitting on math, when he just said he'd like to understand the stock market. I mean I can see why someone wouldn't need math, but don't contradict yourself dude. Also he says how these things are useless, then says he'd like to learn a second language, when that is the most useless thing you can do as a native English speaker (coming from a non-native speaker). In fact, we were forced to learn two languages in my country, and it sucked big time. Although he might mean that he would have liked to, but it wasn't possible, in that case he has a point.

>> No.7460160

I sort of agree with this guy - most people will never use things taught in math or science classes in real life. I think school shouldn't be mandatory. When you get rid of the need to cater to the students who are just there to be babysat, you can have much higher standards in actual academic subjects. Everyone else can just drop out and go work in fast food or whatever, I don't care.

I don't get his complaining about things like doing taxes. How hard is it to google "How to do taxes?"

>> No.7460181

He obviously learned how to pay taxes by himself, but it would have been better if he can learn it in high school instead of things you don't wish to learn.
>hurr muh ego
>if highschool was hard for me, it should be hard for you
>you don't like it? lazy fag

>> No.7460275

I'll be honest
I'm a mechanic
I literally NEVER use math in my job... unless it's 4 tires total minus two bad tires leaves how many tires that are not needed to be replaced?
for being a mechanic you're more likely to need an understanding of electrical diagrams and the amperage that can be pushed through a given wire gauge at a given voltage.
that and common sense and basic understanding of how a vehicle works and the systems and components involved in their function.
you might need some basic arithmetic but that's really about it.
when you get into specialized skills is when you need specialized education.
i.e. a nuclear engineer doesn't need to know fuck all about liberal arts.
a choreographer doesn't need to know fuck all about STEM.

by the time high school or secondary education is reached you should have the basics of algebra and science down enough to function and use high school to focus on your interests and figure out what college degrees you'd be interested in as well as the careers you find interesting.

>> No.7460287

seriously in the US the "no idiots left behind act" is fucking over everyone who has any functional level of intellect

>> No.7460299

>I think school shouldn't be mandatory
That's fucking retarded. I agree that the way school works and the way things are taught need to change though.

>When you get rid of the need to cater to the students who are just there to be babysat, you can have much higher standards in actual academic subjects
That's no good either, we have to MAKE them learn even if they don't want to which is incredibly hard but it has to be done or else we end up with a shit hole 3rd world country.

>Everyone else can just drop out and go work in fast food or whatever, I don't care.

>I don't get his complaining about things like doing taxes. How hard is it to google "How to do taxes?"
just people being retards. they aren't in control of their lives so everyone else is because of that.

>> No.7460329

Why do I see people complaining about how high school taught them actual math and science instead of how to balance a checkbook and be subpar? If you can't figure that out by yourself, you're doing good enough a job of being subpar on your own. I'm not going to act like high school was the most mind jogging thing ever or that it couldn't have been improved, but if you can play Animal Crossing, you can balance a checkbook.

Don't get me wrong, the guy has some good points. Things like plug and chug math are bad things to teach, and science classes ought to explain the profession itself more. However the fact is that when you let scientifically illiterate people do things like teach, vote, run for office, etc, bad shit happens. I get that it's easy to say that you're some idiot who doesn't use what you were taught in school, but it's impossible to keep track of all the retarded shit your education has STOPPED you from doing to yourself and others.

>> No.7460439

Nice try

>> No.7460510

ITT: "he's cute so he must be right"

>> No.7460518

i'm pretty sure my high school taught me all those things he's complaining that he wasn't taught

maybe he just went to a shitty high school

>> No.7460526
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I'd be inclined to agree with this if he targeted actual useless subjects like all liberal arts instead of math and science, including technical writing.

>> No.7460549
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would you like to eat a shmuffin with Goofy mr. engineer?

>> No.7460656 [DELETED] 

>how hard is it to google "How to do taxes?"
There are a million things you need to know how to do, things arent even aware of. You cant just google your problems away, you need an adult with life experience to help guide you through life teaching you the important things.
You sound like a first world brat yourself, pampered by his parents breezing through life and being totally unaware of the issues people face. I did my best in school and I went to uni in a stem field, yet I know next to nothing about
living in the outside world, its not because I'm lazy, I dont know where to start.

>> No.7460748

>However the fact is that when you let scientifically illiterate people do things like teach, vote, run for office, etc, bad shit happens

We're in this position already.