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File: 55 KB, 229x209, dark cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7450780 No.7450780 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best combination of benzos + alcohol to kill yourself with at leat 95% of probabilities?
I have 120mg of klonopin, 60mg of xanax and two bottles of vodka.

>> No.7450785

Take it all, then go play by a large bridge

>> No.7450788

sell everything. buy shotgun. win.

>> No.7450792


>> No.7450796

if i sell all that shit i don't even get a air gun with micropellets, and exit bag is too complicated

>> No.7450807

>exit bag is too complicated
If you can use the internet, an exit bag is not too complicated for you, you're just lazy enough that you would rather die in a potentially painful way instead of mellowing out to a soft, blissful death.

>> No.7450817

yeah i'm lazy or just too tired of bullshit i just need somo dude who knows about meds and tell me the answer
and exit bag IS complicated, i want to kill myself now or ASAP

>> No.7450834

You have more than enough.

>> No.7450876

Don't do it. Just wait.

I can assure you after a week or two your problems will all but become worse and you will regret not having killed yourself as you intended earlier and do it anyway.

>> No.7450886

Sell all of it, buy a gun and ammo and a bullet through the head will be 100% effective.

>> No.7450897


>> No.7450912

not really. Even with a shotgun you may end up with a hole in your head and live. Plus the person that finds you is damaged goods afterwards.

>> No.7450914

Take it all.

>> No.7450929

OP I'm taking the bait here, don't take your life. Please don't. You are a valuable person man we all have challenges but there are outlets.. Family friends or a doctor who can get you to a counselor. Don't do it dude it'll pass give it time and drink some water

>> No.7451018

I actually have the answer to your question, something that will pretty much work (most meds sucides don't work, mine will). I was about to post it but I can't bring myself to, because I know one of you faggots will read it and remember my post in a couple years or so. Fuck it, why do I feel this, it's very surprising.

>> No.7451098

take a train that takes you into the forest, and camp out a couple days and try to survive, if life still seems not worth living then make your choice.

there's always an alternative

>> No.7451128

Heroin overdose.

That is my way out if I ever decided to off myself.

>> No.7451163

Go back to reddit you weak-willed faggot.

>> No.7451166

I'm not going to lie and say I've never been there. There have been times where i seriously considered offing myself (helium tank was that I was considering) but the thought of doing that to my family kept me from doing it. But if it weren't for my family I think I'd probably just buy a lot of camping gear, a hunting bow, and try to live off the grid. The best that happens is you become some stoic woodsman hermit, the worst is you die anyway. All I'm saying is that if you really are at rock bottom, look at it like this, you literally have nothing left to lose, so you're free to do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.7451167
File: 53 KB, 241x230, 1366853407818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats with all these noobs trying to kill themselves without first getting rejected literally 50 times at the closing hour of bars

>> No.7451366

On the same boat. Only I'd do straight opium. It'll be even more soothing

>> No.7451438

Is closing hour good?

>> No.7452470


>> No.7452476

Human suicide. Does not compute.

>> No.7452686

whoa, so I just looked this up. this shit is dark. you know why? because death is typically imagined as some horrific event, some accident, some tragedy. but no, some people have this all figured out. they've found the "easiest" "most painless" "relaxing" "effective" means of committing suicide. somehow the " convenience" factor and the rationalist, calm demeanor which these bags are described makes it all the more creepy. its like some craft project, you need x y and z. make sure x and y. there! now you're dead! (smile) shit's fucked up. well, not for the terminally ill I suppose. its defined on an individual basis of course. still, shit's weird. and dark. its a little too thought out

>> No.7452722

OP, please donor your organs. Someone who wants to live needs them. You will be dead so you don't need them anymore.

>> No.7453138

opiate overdose can actually be a very painful and frightening experience.

>> No.7453140

Heroin is much more potent than opium, kid. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7453170


Shotgun to head

Overdose illegal drugs

Overdose prescription drugs