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7449236 No.7449236 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it when I throw a punch in a dream it feels like I'm restrained and it's very slow and weak. Kinda like punching in water.

>> No.7449237

Wish I could punch you

>> No.7449238

I dont know, but I know the feeling you are describing. Whenever I am running in a dream I feel like I am running through water, and my legs will barely move.

>> No.7449247

Physics doesn't into dreams. Shit happens to lots of people.
On a related note I tried running sideways the other day and it helped. Didn't know it was a dream and it felt retarded, but I didn't get eaten either so whatever.
Anybody have valid studies on dreamlogic that aren't humdrum pseudo nonsense?

>> No.7449253

sleep paralysis. prevents you from flailing around and potentially hurting yourself or others while you sleep.

>> No.7449255

Interesting question.

This is probably part of it. It must be some proprioception leaking into your dream. You try to move your arm, but you don't feel it moving. In a dream state, you might interpret that as moving weakly.

Ever have sleep paralysis slowly wear off after you become conscious, so you can only move a little at first, and gain your strength bit by bit?

>> No.7449263

>Ever have sleep paralysis slowly wear off after you become conscious, so you can only move a little at first, and gain your strength bit by bit?

fortunately not yet. it must be a terrifying experience.
that's the reason why muscle relaxation for surgeries is only applied after the patient has gone into narcosis.

>> No.7449283

I have. It's terrifying while it's happening, but it's like having a nightmare. You realize afterward that your sense of needing urgently to move was based on some stupid thing from a dream, and there was never really anything wrong.

>> No.7450818

Because you don't have confidence in yourself; you expect your punches to be feeble and powerless, and therefore they are recreated in your dreams like that.