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7447481 No.7447481 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about this being in the news and trending on twitter?

>> No.7447486

This is the 3rd thread about this dude. Anyway I'm indifferent about it, it's no better or worse than your average drama.

>> No.7447500

I don't get it. Is it because her name is Isis?

>> No.7447508

I think you're an idiot.

>> No.7447555

I think it means we should add more protection to the word "Engineer". I can't spend a few weeks on Wikipedia studying anatomy and call myself a doctor, or study dental hygiene and call myself a dentist. Why should she be able to call herself an engineer?

>> No.7447557

Yeah I mean what's a "platform engineer"? Also "sound engineer" is another dumb term to describe non-engineers.

>> No.7447574

The US should consolidate all the state boards into a national board, start calling licensees 'Engineers' instead of 'Professional Engineers', like our Canadabros do, and make every non-licensed person change their business cards within a year.

Yeah, first time I heard 'sound engineer', I thought it meant like an acoustical engineer. Nope.

>> No.7447588

Why is her name ISIS?

>> No.7447589
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>> No.7447591

>trending on twitter
Also know as Mainstream SJW Media Seal of Approval.

>> No.7447592

>I like sucking cocks
>because I'm
>an engineer

>> No.7447603

Well Audio Engineer is an actual thing, where they study the physical hardware, musical composition, etc. Obviously you'd probably be hard-pressed to find PhDs in Audio Engineering, but it's still neat.

>> No.7447615

Sure, it's 'neat', but it's not engineering. You can't get licensed with an audio engineering degree, I'm positive it's not a 4 year degree, and only involves the application of math and physics to a real-life problem in a superficial manner.

>> No.7447639 [DELETED] 

It actually is. Audio Engineering gives you full understanding of the physics aspects of sound and the math needed to make it work. Making sound is easy, making it sound good is not. You need to be aware of how your hardware spreads sound, how long, if the architecture of your place works, and that's only the technical aspect. Then you'll start designing shit yourself.

Pretty much all professional audio systems are designed by sound engineers, and also do other things like by example amplifying an acoustic guitar

t. sound systems renter

>> No.7447644

It actually is. Audio Engineering gives you full understanding of the physics aspects of sound and the math needed to make it work. Making sound is easy, making it sound good is not. You need to be aware of how your hardware spreads sound, how long, if the architecture of your place works, and that's only the technical aspect. Then you'll start designing shit yourself.

Pretty much all professional audio systems are designed by sound engineers, and also do other things like by example amplifying an acoustic guitar

t. sound systems renter

>> No.7447648

>probably likes men
she's an engineer

>> No.7447658

Can someone explain this to me?

I googled it, but it all just talks about "spreading diversity", "Sexism in the industry" and other meme phrases

As far as I can tell, a girl who is more attractive than the average engineer featured in an add, some guy made a joke about how she is attractive and engineers usually arnt, and now its some great movement for woman to join the neck-beard party.

>> No.7447666
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Sounds about right

It feels kinda like pic related. Girls who actually work in Science are pretty great tho.

>> No.7447677

It's not engineering. ABET considers it a technologist qualification. Which in itself is infinitely more impressive than all these code monkey fuckwits calling themselves software engineers.

>> No.7447678

>tfw this picture is true
I never checked the MS level. Women are awarded 60% of MS degrees in the US.

>tfw Health is more sexist, and Education and Psychology are almost as "bad"
>tfw EACH of them are larger fields, yet Engineers get the shit end of the stick

>> No.7447680
File: 87 KB, 942x818, Bachelors-Degrees-Ten-Most-Conferred-in-United-States-by-Sex-Male-Female-2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn 4chiggers

>> No.7447687

>The US should consolidate all the state boards into a national board
Agreed. We should write to ABET to try and get them to lobby for this, most non-shitty states already have the law, but it's hard to enforce and confusing. We should have a federal standard like medicine. A reactor blowing up influences far more lives than a MD will in their career, it needs to be better protected, not just for consumer protection.

>> No.7447695

>As far as I can tell, a girl who is more attractive than the average engineer featured in an add, some guy made a joke about how she is attractive and engineers usually arnt, and now its some great movement for woman to join the neck-beard party.

Yes, but also in case you missed it she's actually a "self-taught" codemonkey, not a real engineer, the SJWs posting their ugly faces and coloured hair in the tag are all codemonkeys calling themselves software engineers too.

The irony being that actual female engineers are too smart to give a fuck about their stupid internet dramas.

>> No.7447697

Basically what it is.
>"I'm a girl! Gibs me special treatment!"

>Audio Engineering gives you full understanding of the physics aspects of sound and the math needed to make it work.
I really don't believe that's true; at least, not the degree programs I'm seeing.

Now, it may be true for this program: http://www.acs.psu.edu/ProspectiveStudents/DistanceEducation/MEng/default.aspx
but, you'll need a degree in proper engineering just to get in, including calc 3, diff eq, calc-based physics, etc.

I'm sure Audio Engineering gives you the skills necessary to provide the technical services the recording and live performance industries need, but I believe that the term 'engineer' shouldn't be applied to that. Same goes for 'software engineer', 'social engineer', etc

>> No.7447717

If you're being a cunt about things, then an actual engineering degree doesn't prepare you for work either. How often do you think I'd need Differential Equations for a machine operator position? (a job I was requested to interview for because I have an AS in Engineering and Applied Science)

You don't need to know the Kreb cycle to tell someone they're being a baby and take aspirin. You don't need to write a 20-50 page thesis to be a politician, and you certainly don't need a 200 page thesis to be a psychologist.

>> No.7447719


The point in contention, I felt, was gaining an "full understanding of the physics [of sound]".

>> No.7447723

You do understand that an AS is not "an actual engineering degree" by definition right?

And yes actual engineers do apply what they learned in undergrad, most of my day is spent modelling, solving and optimizing PDAE or designing process control systems.

>> No.7447734

>You don't need to know the Kreb cycle to tell someone they're being a baby and take aspirin.
No, but you need an MD to make money by telling people to take aspirin, to gain the trust of the public, and to take responsibility for the possible consequences.

And, you're right, an engineering degree doesn't prepare you to be an engineer, which is why the PE license requires 4 years of industry experience and a total of 12 hours of exams, as well as continuing education for the rest of your career. I just want the word 'engineer' to mean something, so that stuff like OP's post doesn't happen.

Someone go on change.org and make this happen

>> No.7447737

And I know other engineers who sit there and replicate aftermarket vacuum parts with BS's, and their boss is either an Industrial or Mechanical MS, but still doesn't do his job fucking right, which is what me and a "colleague" have to deal with.

Get over your cunt horse, you're an elitist shit that would be better off in a social science field.

Engineers shouldn't have a full understanding, they're engineers not scientists. I'd want an Audio Engineer to know CMMR's before thermodynamic events on wave propagation.

>> No.7447743

We don't need change.org, that's for people without money. Just write an email to your institutional leader. The professional societies were literally created for things like this.

>> No.7447744


Do you know the difference when someone is clarifying a point and when someone defending it?

>> No.7447754

You're doing both at the same time, you realize that? By arguing a definition you're legitimizing the concept.

>> No.7447761


No, I believe the poster was trying to disagree with the claim that Sound Engineers HAVE an indepth understanding of the physical phenomenon known as sound. Another poster than rebutted in a manner that seemed point that they didn't fully understand the concept of the first post.

I then tried to rectify this.

>> No.7447766

it's perfectly fine to clarify a point and then have others reply to that clarification as if it's the defense. this is an anon board, there's no you, there's no him, there's no me, there's just the content.

it's better for organization if you let the clarification be part of the defense, even if you don't agree with the post as a person. just clarify points you don't agree with.

this meta stream of "i didn't think that" though, is useless

>> No.7447770

And I'm arguing against the concept of engineer being an establishment of some baseline competency, Colleges and universities are jokes when it comes to competency, and from the beginning, it's illogical to use a label to legitimize the work someone does. To argue that "Audio Engineers" aren't "real engineers" because they don't... do what other disciplines don't do, i.e. EE's don't need QM, ME's don't do SR, let alone QM, is ludicrous. They have to know the electromechanical properties of a system, they have to know how waves propagate, they have to know the resulting impact on perceived sound quality, probably going as far as designing audio components themselves, is plenty "engineering".

One argument that came up was "in the field" they wouldn't need their theoretical work, so therefore they must not learn it. The counter is most fields, period, could be done by trained chimps.

>> No.7447774
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Why are you calling me elitist? I'm not the one who cares about image, get more than enough validation in real life thank you. You're the one trying to call yourself something you're not and by the sound of your post you don't seem to know anything that the greater majority of professional engineers do. An AS is not and has never been recognized as an engineering degree. It's just a fact.

>Engineers shouldn't have a full understanding, they're engineers not scientists
Except ABET requirements literally states degrees need a full background in science and professional engineers are supposed to be able to perform scientific research, being a professional scientist is regarded by ABET as being a subset to a geniune professional engineer.

AS and technologists are the one's who "shouldn't have a full understanding", much like nurses don't need the same theoretical background as medical doctors, but medical doctors in fact do need a full understanding because there is no one else in the field above them and the knowledge must be preserved. The same thing with engineering (and no the engineering science fields are not the same as the pure sciences, it's related but they entirely different fields, just like how chemistry and physics are related, but different fields with different knowledge and expertise). Again you're confusing your own job and qualifications with actual eangineering, which it is not.

>> No.7447778

Isis was a name before it became an acronym.
It's an egyptian goddess, how can you not know this.

>> No.7447779


I know what you are arguing. I never espoused any view to the opposite. At best, I merely agreed with the point that SA do not have a complete understanding of sound. I never even spoke on whether this was necessary for the duties.

Then out of nowhere you start saying they don't need it. I agree with this.

>> No.7447786

>but medical doctors in fact do need a full understanding because there is no one else in the field above them and the knowledge must be preserved
Oh you seriously believe this you social cuck.

>> No.7447788


I am even fine with the assumption that my clarification was an implicit defense of the poster. However, this point was never that SA don't need to study the fundamental principals of sound. It was to rebuke the claim that they don't study it.

>> No.7447800

It's not a belief dumbass. It's federal law, and a good law at that.

We would have shittons of malpractice suits and thousands of Bopal disasters every week if you practical people with your limited understanding had a say in deregulation.

>inb4 b-but muh bureaucracy!

>> No.7447818

>if you practical people with your limited understanding had a say in deregulation
How many doctors are there on local, state, or federal lawmaking bodies? How many doctors are judges? Why do we even permit drug companies to interact with medical professionals if they're beholden to a standard of medicine, as opposed to a standard of "they had more money growing up than you"

>> No.7447834
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>ITT: We shame Isis for being a fake engineer and a drama queen, and go on to show that real engineers are the real drama queens

Extremely lovely digits

>Off by one

>> No.7447839

Also for >>7447766
Very nice

>> No.7447885

its rounding up of 7447777.777...