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7443416 No.7443416 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here in medical school? I'm starting in about a week.

what do i do

>> No.7443420

Become doctor, rape unconscious patients.

>> No.7443424


>> No.7443428

What med school are you at
I'm at McMaster med in Canada

>> No.7443474

How's it feel becoming obsolete in the next 2 years when nanotechnology and genetic engineering is mainstream?

>> No.7443478

Dammit can we not get bitter, let the medfags give him advice.

>> No.7443538

If you knew anything about those fields you would retract your statement (penis)

>> No.7443644

Yeah I can't wait for my med insurance to pay off those ludicrously expensive nanotechnology procedures done to me in the next 2 years. Oh wait

>> No.7443682
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>genetic engineering
>mainstream within two years

too much, stop it you, that's silly.
religious organizations have too much political and social influence to allow those to go mainstream. look at what they did with the use of human stem cells for research, god forbid the aborted fetus gets something productive done with it aside from going into the trash.
planned parenthood ditching fetuses to research foundations?
>oh no! that's unchristian and uncivilized!
seriously it's a waste to let them go to the trash, it's got a use in research.
god knows as soon as genetic modification to adult humans becomes possible to be done and expressed, religion will be all over that shit talking about
>muh jesus
>muh bible
>playing god
fuck this planets stupid population holding science back with greed and stupid religious ideations

>> No.7444452

Started two days ago. Not much has happened so far, other than a lot of financial aid fuckups. Would like to know what's the deal as well, so you're not alone OP.

>> No.7444802


thats currently my biggest fear as I have absolutely no money until my obama money comes in.


im in the pacific northwest


please, the singularity is only for the richest of white people.

>> No.7444868

Med lobbyists won't allow funding for that to happen

>> No.7444904

watch scrubs. seriously. it's actually the most accurate show when it comes to stereotypes, hierarchies and what it's like being a young doctor.

>> No.7444914
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>> No.7444962

what about house and that show with mcdreamy?

>> No.7444968

so much love for scrubs

>> No.7444985

kek no. house is about crazy rare desease of the week. most patients you will encounter will have ordinary stuff like diabetes, heart deseases, flu, neurological disorders like morbus parkinson etc.

and that show with mcdreamy? kek they glorify surgeons it's ridiculous. all they show is good looking surgeons who can do almoust anything from diagnosis to managing a fucking hospital.
also hospitals are full of nurses, tech people and loads of other staff that get ignored completely in grey's anatomy.

believe it or not but scrubs is actually quite realistic at showing what it's like working in a hospital.
source: i'm a clinical pharmacist

>> No.7445019

Moreover, what does the scientific community at large think of medicine as a science? Always wondered that one.

>> No.7445032

medicine is a science. but not a natural science.
where i live med students need to write a dissertation as well before they are allowed to call themselves dr. whatever.
the funny part is that medical dissertations are short as fuck and med students only need 6-12 months for it. many of them even start before they graduate.
while in every other natural science you gotta sit in lab for 3-5 years before you can even think about having a PhD and calling yourself a doctor. needless to say that med students are smug as hell about it and they get lots of hate from natural science students.

i respects doctors for treating patients but as scientist they aren't worth shit. everything about lab work they learn, can be done by a biochemist, chemist, pharmacist, biologist as well.

yes i'm a bit mad, their work hours after graduation suck major dick though.

>> No.7445493
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>Medicine based in evidence is not a science

>> No.7445514
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Nice annon.

But, judging from your starting date it seems you're in the US, if so RIP debt. Come to based Australia, the only shit thing about our med is the amount of foreign chinks attending.

>> No.7445516

>What do I do?

Study, study, study...