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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7442780 No.7442780 [Reply] [Original]

What class are you most excited for next semester /sci/?

I'm taking an intro to linear algebra course. Excited to see what all the fuss is about, plus it will allow me to get into a mathematical econ course that I want the semester after.

>> No.7442781

8.01 classical mechanics
it'll be a walk in the park

>> No.7442782

Is that an introductory classical mechanics or like the graduate school tier class?

I hate it when they name the courses the same when one is for graduates and one is for undergrads. Confusing when scheduling.

>> No.7442786

What kind of university has a Classical Mechanics class for graduates?

>> No.7442791
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I'll be taking a course on descriptive set theory, should be interesting

>> No.7442792

Entering my masters year, taken quantum field theory.
Excited and scared.

>> No.7442797

Plenty of grad programs have a classical mechanics course that incoming PhD's take I believe. I've heard that these sorts of classes are not introductory at all, and pretty much cover every relevant topic in the course of a semester.

Pretty brutal.

>> No.7442799

>incoming PhD's
meant people who go into the doctorate program, not people who already have doctorates

>> No.7442841


I didn't find linear that hard at all. I'm not sure why people are so antsy about it. I'm looking forward to modern physics.

>> No.7443799

Physical chemistry because I will be able to achieve QM turboautism.

I'm also taking a thermodynamics course with a grumpy old professor who gets off on crushing GPA's. I want to take it and see what I get.

>> No.7443815

Lewin's 8.01 = Best 8.01

>> No.7443819

Wait till you see what Goldstein has in store for you.

>> No.7443821

Nice Meme Brah

>> No.7443829

Functional analysis, pretty scared and excited
For winter semester, either intro to modern number theory or intro to riemannian geometry

>> No.7443830


"Computer design project"

Its a grad course, counts as two courses, and is pretty much reserved for the top asspies like me.

>> No.7443841


Forensic Photography and Documentation
math like that is for faggots

>> No.7443847

>"Thesis 701"

I'm so glad I'm done with coursework.

>> No.7443854

i'm taking a course on differentiable manifolds in the fall...not sure what book we're using but it should be a humbling blast

>> No.7443855

modern number theory = mix of introductory analytic and algebraic?

there's going to be a course in math of go, with a high ranked go player coming in to talk about the game. that'll be fun

>> No.7443857

That stuff isn't that bad.

>> No.7443867

i'm only going in with a casual understanding of point-set topology up to compactness (no course taken yet so no skills in the proofs)

>> No.7443869


>> No.7443875

differential geometry is the best field, enjoy it m8

>> No.7443876

Aren't those just smooth surfaces. What's the big deal

>> No.7443883

>all this mathy shit
what the fuck...

>> No.7443886

Grad Algebra 1

Gonna get my ass fucked hard by rings

>> No.7443895

The math in physics as simple as classical mechanics can get pretty damn sophisticated if you want it to.


>> No.7443897

Some people really are excited for math classes. It's freeing to learn math, makes you think differently.

>> No.7443901

Yup, some stuff about Dedekind rings, binary quadratic forms, geometric number theory and L functions

>> No.7443912

Engineer here, enjoy your mental masturbation, mathfags. In the meantime, I'll be learning how to make the world a better place.

>> No.7443915

Orgo I and this bio course with a qt professor

>> No.7443916

Have fun Engineer, no hate, do what you like.

>> No.7443920

> choose engineering major
> "I'm going to make the world a better place"
> get job reducing the cost of producing fleshlights by 0.3 cents each

>> No.7443931

I knew an engineer who expressed exactly those sentiments. Went back to school for physics because he said it was unfulfilling as fuck.

>> No.7443942

>get job reducing the cost of producing fleshlights by 0.3 cents each
>Save company $300,000 a year
>Company reinvests it all into R&D
>Design the greatest onahole ever, ending the institution of marriage, and making women obselete
>Sit back and watch human civilization fall apart, while jacking off to chinese cartoons
Nothing would make me happier

>> No.7443960

Bayesian Stats, should be interesting. Prof is apparently really good and Bayesian stat is pretty interesting anyway.

Our lives are determined by probability my friends

>> No.7443999

Mechatronic System Design

>> No.7444032

Grad algebraic geometry. I'm not prepared for all these fucking categories.

>> No.7444037

>enjoy mental masturbation
>helping people with literal masturbation
Male master(batory) race

>> No.7444039

happy I can still read

>> No.7444434

Wish my uni offered a class in this.

Any textbook recs sci?

>> No.7444454

9 credits of Advanced Research

>> No.7444460

round 2 of orgo i'm gonna kill this shit this time

>> No.7444461

>I'll be learning how to make the world a better place.

hahahahaha, I'm studying engineering and I think that you are very naive.

>> No.7444463


>> No.7444496
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Biochem, anal chem, physics and biological psychology

>> No.7444589
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> mfw my anal chem professor next semester is black

>> No.7444599

taking intro to AI with lisp which should be pretty rad
also taking linear algebra even though I technically couldn't have until next year

>> No.7444608

>Anal chem
Learning about suppositories? Or is a class dedicated to lubrication?

>> No.7444609

>taking intro to AI with lisp
Have you tried speech therapy? It'll help you verbal communication in the long run

>> No.7444613

ha, code monkeys like me won't ever need that

>> No.7445441
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of lubrication into my anal cavity.
Mines a Taiwanese man who barely knows Engrish.

>> No.7445526

Process heat transfer.
Excited to dig deeper into my major

>> No.7445680

Seconding this request

>> No.7445693

Check the wiki. As for Bayes Stat, no idea, haven't taken the class yet

>> No.7445702

physical chemistry, genetics

>> No.7445709

What book you guys using?

>> No.7445711
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Algebraic topology or hyperbolic geometry.

>> No.7445788

EE here. Real and complex analysis + a course on em waves, propagation and antenna theory

>> No.7445806

Looking forward to pchem, macromolecular structure and metabolism, and beginning acting for the major.

>> No.7445852

German 1 because all the classes related to my major this semester look like they'll be too easy.

>> No.7445870

Linear algebra and logical circuits.

>> No.7445873

>Real and Complex Analysis

This is pretty unexpected. I don't see how this can be of use to an EE, unless you mean you're taking a course on Complex Variables instead. Electives?

>> No.7446041

>Intro to Linear Algebra
>Learniing 10 different ways to describe high school algebra with slight variations

>> No.7446119

>Intro to AI

AI + functional programming sounds fun.

>> No.7446190

Theoretical physics 1
Really excited for my new major subject

>> No.7446206


>functional programming sounds fun


>> No.7446229

Why are you talking about a field you obviously know nothing about?

Most EE courses have complex analysis as a core, it's used in control theory and signals, especially loop stability analysis and optimizations.

>> No.7446231
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Functional programming is the pure math of programming.

>> No.7446236

the finite element method sounds like it's going to be fun

proud CE pleb reporting in

>> No.7446237


Warriors and Heroes, books are: The Illiad, Beowulf, Song of Roland, and the Nibelungenlied. Complex Analysis should be okay.

>> No.7446238

brap, where should I start in functional programming?
as in what book/what language

>> No.7446244

>y = mx + b
>y = Ax + b

Bravo, college.

>> No.7446260

>go to small liberal arts school and study chemistry
>class above me is adored by the professors
>help them out with getting into graduate school
>many make it into top tier grad schools (Berkeley, Princeton)
>my class is double the size
>professors don't give a shit about us
>can't get research until my junior-senior summer
>professor who I am working under does some really cool stuff but is addicted to something and procrastinates all the time
>Spend all summer trying to help out with experiments
>at the end of the summer I ask her for a recommendation
>she says she doesn't know me well enough to write a great recommendation (despite working one on one) and that I need to be more social, but she said she would write one anyways.
>she goes on sabbatical next semester along with half of the chemistry department.
>no one wants to do a thesis with me despite having a 3.8 in all chem classes
>I realize this is coming my junior year so I transfer to Columbia for chemical engineering.
>I just wanted to go to graduate school and study physical chemistry :(

My classes next semester are a bunch of thermodynamic and transport phenomena classes. I am looking forward to doing a non-waterdowned thermodynamics class. I just want to do some research with a competent professor.

>> No.7446266

follow the meme and read SICP

>> No.7446280

I would look into Scala, or Haskell. Though it can be done in any language. I am inclined to using C++11 which added useful features for functional programming to C++. I found a good intro PDF online if you are interested. https://meetingcpp.com/tl_files/mcpp/slides/12/FunctionalProgrammingInC++11.pdf

>> No.7446286

nice, thanks

>> No.7446292

I'm taking another semester on genomics. Should be pretty fun.

>> No.7446299

My grandfather wrote a similar book (to what degree of similarity, I do not know) with Gerald Jay Sussman (same guy who wrote SICP) called Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics.

>> No.7446315

I've been meaning to go through that book for some time, looks incredibly interesting. too bad it doesn't have the same amount of material as SICP does to help me through it (video lectures, etc)

>> No.7446336

>Be a pretty successful, smart man with a great family
>My son has his own son. I fall in grandfatherly love with him and adore him with all my soul
>As the years go by, he starts distancing himself from me
>Ends up shitposting/blogging on /g/

>> No.7446351

You know it, anon.

>> No.7446517

What's geonomics about?

>Inb4 gargle

>> No.7446518

>anal chem,
Based engineer.

>> No.7446550

I have to choose one of the following courses: mathematical programming, mathematical physics, real and complex analysis. It's not really the usual analysis course, it's mostly fourier analysis (after Hilbert, Banach and LP spaces) and distributions, with some functional analysis mixed in

>> No.7446699

Immunology, genetics and microbiology.

>> No.7446944
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GTA welding

>> No.7447024

Introduction to Biological Anthroplogy :^)