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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7440962 No.7440962 [Reply] [Original]

How would you describe /sci/ to an outsider?

>> No.7440966

A combination of math students, engineering students, and popsci fans. Where the math students and engineering students hate each other but share a combined hate against the popsci fans.

>> No.7440968

I wouldn't. Leave.

>> No.7440977

A board that has slowed considerably in recent years because of a few rude physics autists.>>7440966

>> No.7440986

By outsider I meant from the board, but if you wanna keep the secret club act up, be my guest.

>> No.7440990

a place where people go in order to propose ridiculous notions and claim its scientific for the very worst kind of reasons; a place where magical thinking is equivocated with scientific thinking, and a place where people actually think studies are reliable sources.

this place is a pretentious garbage dump of the human mind.

i come here to shitpost and make it worse.

i fabricate incredibly well made wooden tables and am of a superior intellect to all of you.

>> No.7440994

Superior minds capitalize their sentences.

>> No.7441007


Use proper grammar or GTFO.

>> No.7441008

Leave us experimentalists out of it mathfag

>> No.7441033

I would be way too embarrassed to admit to an outsider that I even know what /sci/ is.

>> No.7441047

You'll never reach Diogenes tier with embarrassment holding you back.

Goddamn I love the rude and autistic but exceedingly capable genius trope.

>> No.7441091
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Sometimes there's a gem in the spam.

>> No.7441107

"Inter-university discussion board for STEM students".

Honestly this place is far more "normalfag" then you people would like to admit.

>> No.7441113

It's a place full of Autists who don't understand advanced Mathematics.

>> No.7441128

Would you like to post your favorite advanced mathematical concept?

>> No.7441129

A place where math, physics and engineering students shitpost collectively to a higher plane of understanding how to shitpost.
Also sometimes an actual interesting thread pops up, but that's generally not the case.

>> No.7441130

>who don't understand advanced Mathematics.
Calling bullshit on this, we have tons of math PhDs. I'm willing to bet at least one is reading your post right now.

>> No.7441138

We have OHP, and some lecturer dude who posted his entire homepage here. We have our fair share of retards and undergrads (me) but these people really make discussions good sometimes.

>> No.7441141

>Also sometimes an actual interesting thread pops up, but that's generally not the case.
You could reuse this part if you alter the preceding sentence to fit any other board.

>> No.7441142


>> No.7441151

Forgot to add that shitposting is done in a usually very rigorous and scientific manner.
I'm reminded of Larson's comic "Yes they're fools, but exactly what kind of fools?"

>> No.7441153

No. There are boards where an interesting thread never pops up. Just look at the human shit hole that is /pol/

>> No.7441167

There are some smart people here. The average is much higher than the other boards. Can we all agree on that?
Yeah, there still is a lot of shitposting. What do you expect honestly. I come here to discuss ideas and science, and because I get bored if I don't get some new interesting things to ponder once in a while.

>> No.7441171

Nah, /pol/ has some really amazing threads on occasion, the problem is people look at the front page once and think the stormfag threads represent the entire board even though half the posters are leftist (they have less threads nowadays because everything is going their way so they have far less things to bitch about.)

/pol/ is great at spreading things the media refuses to report on, like if it wasn't for that Vietnamese poster, we wouldn't even know that there was basically a pro-Western/Anti-Chinese coup in the country.

>> No.7441195

Hundreds of high-schoolers, marijuana philosophers, and pop science lovers asking "stupid" questions and making poorly-understood statements, then being insulted. A large population of trolls pretending to be the former group. And high-schoolers and college students desperately insulting other fields of study.

The remainder is made of the same few threads on consciousness, free will, AI, space, race, sex, quantum mechanics, arguments over elementary math, misunderstood pop-math, and gender, constantly repeated.

Everything else is a rounding error.

>> No.7441209
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>>shift key is cruise control for superior minds

i present this as conclusive evidence supporting my assertion.

>> No.7441212

The problem is there is basically 2 populations on /sci/.

The one, ~40%, is normal STEM students/graduates and prospective students which are distributed about 20/60/20 respectively in high-school / undergrad / [postgrads, faculty (yup, at least 4 professors throughout the years that we know of) and working professional scientists/engineers ]. This group tends to discuss real science and math, they mainly here to discuss academia, occasionally post in textbooks and research threads etc.

The other ~60%, who thankfully lurk more than posting, mostly consists of pop-sci loving layman, NEETs and the type of below average performing high-school kids that tells people they're going to study a degree in "Quantum Physics", "Astro Physics" etc. These are the type of people who take memedrive seriously, they absolutely HATE any discussion of academia (probably bitter because of their own failures) and often post pop-sci threads. Now the problem is every time they say something retarded and people from group 1 correct them they become pissed because their hugbox is intruded, usually saying things like referring to group as "closed minded" and stupid because this one youtube video experiment proves that universal entropy can be reversed so all of thermodynamics must be wrong.

And that is why everyone thinks /sci/ is retarded. Whether you are in group 1 or 2 you've become so frustrated from negative reactions that whenever it comes up on /qa/ and other places you'll say /sci/ is full of autists and retards..

We might outgrow this one day. Problem is at least one of the janitors fall into the NEET group though, or at least he hates academia threads (despite most math and science research happening in academia, but whatever).

>> No.7441229

No, goddammit no, what the fuck is the punctuation in that pic. anon? You are ruining everything.

>> No.7441327

what about people who actually have a job doing science outside of academia?

>> No.7441346

I mentioned them.

>about 20/60/20 respectively in high-school / undergrad / [postgrads, faculty (yup, at least 4 professors throughout the years that we know of) and working professional scientists/engineers ]
>working professional scientists

I don't know if you've actually worked at public or private labs, but they're usually heavily tied to academia, especially larger labs. Academia pretty much is the heart of science, public lab scientists still post in academic journals, and attend academic conferences and symposia etc.

There's also people doing QA and shit, but lets just forget about those.

>> No.7441355

I don't support your ideas, and I think you value school too highly. School students follow the mandate, ask questions based on their school program. Not about some random idea that popped into their head. That's why you find them smart, for lack of a better word.

>> No.7441364

300k starting any job I want

>> No.7441365

I'm not a PhD, just a grad student who's been autistically adventuring in the Platonic realm for a long time now.

>> No.7441367

I've only been on /sci/ a week, but I've experienced enough of the board's culture to accurately characterize this space.

This board is primarily undergraduate STEM students using an anonymous messaging forum to relieve stress by putting down others bases on intelligence, race, field of study, nationality, age, school prestige. The difficulty of school leads us all to lash out to dissipate the negative pressure.

>> No.7441371

this tbh

>> No.7441395

First of all "random ideas" are good, creative problem solving is good, random dribble is cognitive dissonance.

Secondly people who have never studied the field should not be allowed to comment on it. I mean I don't go boisterously posting on philosophy forums about my ideas because I know that would be intellectually dishonest, I defer to people who actually have credentials to back it up. They think it's like current events or politics, that if they read a few wikipedia articles they can discuss it.

They're inputs area usually extremely superficial, incorrect and just plain disruptive.

Not that this problem is unique to /sci/, it happens all over the internet and in real life. People who think they are on the same level as university educated are annoying to no end. And of course whenever they aren't told what they want to hear and real scientists critique their stupid ideas, they yell closed minded idiots even though they are the ones who don't consider other viewpoints, mostly because they are incapable of understanding them and think everything can be explained in their stupid pop-sci terms.

>> No.7441402

Man no one here is actually lashing, it's just banter, get thicker skin, also you forget gender, probably because you clearly are a stupid women who can't handle banter and think studying an undergrad degree -on a beautiful, peaceful campus far removed from war, poverty etc.- is "stressful".

>> No.7441407

> "random ideas" aren't* good

>> No.7441418

>some random idea that popped into their head
the thing about those ideas is that if you don't know anything about the science related to them, theyre not worth shit and theyre usually wrong

>> No.7441595

What made you so toxic?

>> No.7441598
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Pop-Sci fan reporting in

what's trending in the blogosphere today, bros?

>> No.7441609

The NYT had a feature about Terrence Tao's more recent research. It explained the problem of regularity of solutions to the navier-stokes equations as "why doesn't the water of a fountain explode everywhere when you throw a coin in it."

>> No.7441612

>How would you describe /sci/ to an outsider?
Juicy, at the expense of flesh.

>> No.7441626

holy shit I saw that. small fucking world.

my reaction if I remember was:
"um...yeah I never really thought about that before...wait water explodes?"

>> No.7441627

I also remember him describing some ridiculous water machine that has smaller and smaller flows within flows that somehow build energy into an impossibly small space which then explodes. theoretical of course.

>> No.7441657

It's where a bunch of autists and retards gather to pretend to be smart for a while

>> No.7441713

autism is the biggest meme there ever was

>> No.7441838

Some of them know their shit about seldom discussed history and turning things of great nuance into easily digestible yet entirely factual meme arrows.

>> No.7441843

It's just a hangout for people who are interested in science/math

>> No.7441846

You almost got me there for a second. Look at this troll. He's reached post ironic.

>> No.7441847

*new sincerity

>> No.7441861

I'll be using this from now on. Thank you.
E Unibus Motherfucking Pluram

>> No.7441884

>secret club act
back to reddit

>> No.7441912
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It's a subsection of a Korean photography multiblog devoted to discussing the best atoms, planets, numbers etc

>> No.7441920
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Helium is cute! cute!!

>> No.7443626

You're joking right?

>> No.7444046

no /pol/ is evil and literally never produces anything of value because it has people who disagree with me on it

>> No.7444053

Speaking of pretentious:
Using the word equivocate because it's longer than equated, even though that's not the correct use of equivocate.

>> No.7444105

No /pol/ is full of racists, and racists tend to be significantly below their non-racist peers with regards to intelligence.

/pol/ is effectively the white version of everything they hate.

>> No.7445351

Lubis Motl is literally a fusion of /pol/ and /sci/ personified and he has one of the highest IQs ever measured.

You're stereotyping of racists is exactly the same thing racists do in the first place, the only differences is I haven't seen you post any studies or data to back up your assertions.

In any case, not wanting to be an anti-white cuck is not the same as being a racist.

>> No.7445396
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>tfw graduate student shitposting on /sci/ during breaks from research
>tfw will be a postdoc shitposting on /sci/
>tfw hopefully will be a faculty member shitposting on /sci/
feels good man

>> No.7445414

Please do this. I hope to still be here when I'm a prof (if I get there lol)

>> No.7447212 [DELETED] 

Thanks for helping me rationalise my board pollution. Now I know it's not below even smart people.

>> No.7447232

>falling for this attempt to distract from your studies in order to eliminate potential threats

>> No.7447238

wooden tables are boring as fuck

>> No.7447285 [DELETED] 
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Holy fuck... you're right. We're dealing with a shitposter mastermind here - he's trying to become the only successful shitposting prof on this board. Perhaps not even ONLY this board...

>> No.7447329 [DELETED] 
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So what do we do?

>> No.7447330 [DELETED] 
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try to give him the taste of his own medicine ofcourse

>> No.7447331 [DELETED] 
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Find him and eat him. That's the only way.

>> No.7447333 [DELETED] 
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There's only one way: we report him. Mods are on our payroll, it can be done.

>> No.7447584
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> lubis motl
>muh anecdotal evidence

I'm not stereotyping racists


> pic related, /pol/-tier interpretation of journals.
Most of the "data" /pol/ presents when it comes to science is very likely misinterpreted and misrepresented; so I wouldn't take what they say at face value.

racists are stupid

>> No.7447590

A place where academics can shitpost with all that entails. Adding to the hilarity is the anonymity making it an even bigger clusterfuck.

>> No.7447679

Ebin maymays and science men of colour

>> No.7447683

Scientists and Engineers doing cute things

>> No.7448005
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>he has one of the highest IQs ever measured

>> No.7448019

Basically a board for Uni students studying STEM.

>> No.7448038

Homework board for the slightly above average intelligence student.

>> No.7448059

I'm a lab tech who shitposts while running tests.

>> No.7448173 [DELETED] 

With you, m8. Sometimes I give actual advice having to do with academia, but usually I just troll people.
- Steve "Hawk with a big Cawk" Hawking

>> No.7448191

At least /sci/ has better memes than /int/ tbpfh lad m8

>> No.7448193

Pretty much this. Add undergrads in for flavour.

>> No.7448195


Damn phone.

>> No.7448199

That was your thread? Some quality shitposting that.

>> No.7448343 [DELETED] 

Yup. Which thread?

>> No.7448393

>This group tends to discuss real science and math
you are right about group 2 but frankly group one is just as bad. The don't discuss science, they attack anyone that presents their own ideas and dickwave about how high their test scores are and what university they attend. This is easily the worst 4chan board. At least on /r9k/ the spergs know they are losers but here friendless spergs think they are god and their lack of social skills don't matter because they got into MIT or something.

>> No.7448432
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I'd say something like

>It's the science part of 4chan, 4chan is a website where I've seen gory gifs of babies being shat on, and young women slowly being strangled to death by masked men. It's also where cat memes come from. Users are jobless men and, on /sci/, mostly school kids and undergrads, thinking they are some kind of gods among their piers..
Then I'd open the /sci/ folder on my computer, stare at her, deep into the eyes, and say: "Pick related."

>> No.7448484

A place where I expected to find science and math, but instead, unfortunately, found STEM.

>> No.7448525
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>masked man

>> No.7448647 [DELETED] 

> being this insecure
This is why I browse this site. Suck it up, cuck.

>> No.7448714
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Undergrads role-playing as their disciplines.

>> No.7448730

A collection of pseudo-intelligent/intellectual autists typing angrily at each other and insisting that all fields of research other than their own are pointless and those that study them are retarded.

>> No.7449498
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>Watching Bong Bag Trainee

>> No.7449505
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