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File: 12 KB, 279x279, atonement-what-is-resurrection-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7440943 No.7440943 [Reply] [Original]

How long until we figure out how to resurrect the dead?

>> No.7440946

define dead

>> No.7440952

With the way discoveries go we're at least a hundred years off even beginning to understand such a feat. Even if we did find a breakthrough into it nobody would be excited to pursue it because of issues like overpopulation and shit.
If we could bring back dead people who would you bring back? How much would it cost to bring back a family member?

>> No.7440964

For god this is a simple thing , for humans its an impossibility

>> No.7441057
File: 37 KB, 528x522, 027-godsFlowchart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A yes, the mythical divine necromancer... what he been up to lately?

>> No.7441060

we can already do it
it just depends on how long the person has been 'dead'

>> No.7441109

Well I don't think we can ever resurrect long dead people, too much information has been lost, be medical technology was been able to "resurrect" people from quiet some time, the problem is doing it soon enough after "death" and keeping them alive after

>> No.7441248

so we cant

>> No.7441295

death is a process
OP didn't specify how far into that process he wants to act
how long was jesus dead for anyway? we may have already beaten that time using science

>> No.7441305


Can you write your name neatly? Yes? Can you do it while you're being blasted with a firehose? No? So you're saying "it depends?" Well I guess you can't then.

>> No.7441310


3 days I believe.

Aren't some hypothermia survivors technically dead?

>> No.7441316

clinical death is a sketchy diagnosis tbh

>> No.7441330

It would be better to invest in extending life than in ressurecting lost life.

>> No.7441343

We have resurrected 12700000% more people from death than God has.

>> No.7441366

>OP didn't specify how far into that process he wants to act
dragon balls i guess

what point are you even trying to make?

>> No.7441375

He's working on the sequel.

>> No.7441388

>how long was jesus dead for anyway?

3 days, maybe. He might have been in a mild death like state from blood loss, and never actually died.

>> No.7441392

I think we ARE the sequel, and it sucks worse than the original because "artistic differences".

>> No.7441448

well, you can only get so far with clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of Geshtu-E

>> No.7441497

>what point are you even trying to make?

That your point was dumb, I guess.

>> No.7441525

best post

>> No.7441564

well, try harder, you are going nowhere with that argument.

>> No.7441643
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1405745291227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think we will ever be able to resurrect people who have been dead 3+ days?

>> No.7441648


God can't, so we must, especially since people with money demand it.

>> No.7441662

This is the vision of Nikolai Fyodorov: bringing back everyone through science. Physicist Frank Tipler explored the topic in "Physics of Immortality", where he imagined infinite computational power being harnessed to simulate all possible iterations and thus bringing back everyone.

A physical interpretation of Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence may be possible too: given enough time the system may return to a previous point (c.f. Poincare recurrence).

>> No.7441687

You will NEVER recreate a persons experience.

>> No.7441694

The subjective "I" of the individual's identity or soul is important: loss of this continuity over time still means death for even a simulated individual brought back at some point (unless there is some mechanism for the possible disembodied soul to re-enter a new instantiation of itself).

>> No.7441698

525 years, 8 months, 1 week, 4 days, 17 hours and 43 seconds. Starting.....

> NOW.!

>> No.7441711


What don't you understand about it? It's an analogy. The point is that most things you can do depend on circumstances. We can ressurect the dead in some circumstances and not others. You can read and write in some circumstances and not others.

>> No.7442401

what if i have a fireproof suit? i could read and write no matter what.
i understood the analogy, it just doesnt seem to go anywhere in this context.

>> No.7442415

>what if I have a fireproof suit?
You'd still be a simpleton...just one that can't be burnt.

>> No.7442445

already happened 30 years ago


>> No.7443148
File: 50 KB, 480x319, defibrillator-paddles_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please define "resurrect"