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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7436628 No.7436628 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this board hate engineering so much?

>> No.7436633


>> No.7436635

Because most engineers are assholes and control freaks.

>> No.7436642

>Because most engineers are assholes
You are what you eat

>> No.7436644

>>the engineer crosses his arms and surveys the room full of airheaded scientists who spend all day thinking about technology, and then, once more, goes and makes their jobs possible.

>>the engineer explodes a complex process device in his mind and cross references for error-patterns stemming from most likely to least likely sources. 3d models of components whiz by his minds eye in rapid succession, sometimes connected to other parts and animated as he scans for the source of the error.

>>using his vast database of knowledge on material behavior in practice, he determines which element was lacking and quickly imagines a component and composition that will satisfy the requirements for the absurdly complex machine that the scientists, who use it, don't even slightly understand.

>>he tabulates the process of fabricating that highly specialized precision componenet. can john the machinist hold a tenth thou tolerance with that material? yeah, probably, i'll check it myself.

>>the scientists gathered around him, looking like lost puppies, are impatient, fidgeting nervously as the stand there looking at the engineer. their feet hurt. they don't know where to put their hands. why is the engineer just standing there? its not like he's doing science. we're the scientists here.

>>finally, the engineer speaks, "give me eighteen hours, i'll have your mass spectrocyclotronimicon hadron analytical defribulation thuemanns probe working", and without ceremony, strides out of the room.

>>the scientists breath a sigh of relief. they don't really like the engineer. they're scientists, after all, with far superior minds, suited for calculations and specu - i mean research! people depend on them!

>> No.7436645

envy + inability to handle bantz

>> No.7436648
File: 3.98 MB, 2840x2628, you should be able to solve these its only engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.7436652

>>my job is literally controlling the universe to tolerances of thousands sometimes millionth of an inch and qualities down to the composition of every molecule of a material that must perform incredible feats upon which lives depend and which allow our society to function

>>and they call me a control freak

>> No.7436656
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>>engineer fantasizes about homosex

>> No.7436658
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>Because engineers are the heroes the world deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt them. Because they can take it. Because their not our heroes. They're silent guardians. Watchful protectors. Dark Knights.

>> No.7436662

OP, there's two types of engineers.

1. Engineers which just regurgitate specifications based on conservative regulations and do absolutely little work in creativity.

2. Scientists which solve problems and are called engineers by laymen.

>> No.7436665

Scientists hate engineers because they get more recognition as well benefiting the most from the monotimization of new ideas, even though it's necessary, technology must be advanced along side the progression of pure fields.

>> No.7436667

Engineers = Chad or Jason

Scientists = Brandon or Caleb

>> No.7436677
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Dr Engineering, i'm sciance.

>> No.7436693
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This is literally the most autistic thing I have ever read on /sci/

>> No.7436700

>>my job is literally controlling penises to tolerances of thousands sometimes millionth of an inch in my asshole and qualities down to the composition of every molecule of the penis that must perform incredible feats upon which my asshole depends and which allows engineers to perfect the science of gay sex

>>and they call me a control freak

>> No.7436704

It's the most homosex thing an engineer's ever said.

>> No.7436707

>my job is to make sure I type 0.0001 into CAD instead of 0.001

Alright anon, let's not glorify the art of following a specification and inputting numbers into your little CAD machine

>> No.7436709
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I always like how that became a meme

>> No.7436712
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>Why does this board hate engineering so much?
pic related

>> No.7436718
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>be nuclear engineer
>never invent anything since 1970
>reproduce designs from 30 years ago
>no anon, we can't change the design
>presses 0.0001 into tolerance menu, adds an extra dollar to reproduce the same part that's been produced since 1980

>get money to be a sophisticated drone

>> No.7436719



its one thing to type it into cad.

its another thing to know what to type.

and another thing to know if that's going to work.

remember scientists, when you're playing with the toys us engineers build to keep you busy and out of our hair, if we mess up even a little, you could die a horrible death.

so don't give us incentives to mess up and have a nice day :)

>> No.7436726

Because we make so much more money than anybody else. Yes, people are this shallow. They hate you because your job makes more money. Pffft Americans...

>> No.7436729

>presses 0.0001 into tolerance menu, adds an extra dollar to reproduce the same part that's been produced since 1980
>adds an extra dollar

This triggers my autism

>> No.7436731

Are you kidding? The example you pointed to is literally the definition of regurgitating information. All you have to do is know a bunch of formulas and when to use them. That's not understanding, you're no better than a parrot. Tell me why the formula is the way it is, the historical motivations, anything at all besides babby-tier calculus and linear algebra and then we can talk.

>> No.7436733

>can't cut it
>be mad as fuck
>Tell me why the formula is the way it is, the historical motivations, anything at all
study engineering and youll know all that stuff

>> No.7436734

>read regulation SFE (stupid fucking engineer) 213.032.01
>regulation requires 0.001 risk factor
>type 0.0002 in cad script
>hit print


>> No.7436736

ayy elmo

>> No.7436739
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Tesla is the perfect combo of engineer and scientist.

Also, this engineering vs. science dynamic is derived from a cultural meme by the big bang theory tv show and an extreme lack of wisdom.

>> No.7436741

>study math and youll know all that stuff

>> No.7436744

They don't even need that anymore.

They need to figure out how to go through an UI and locate variables X, Y and Z, then type in whatever the regulation requires of them

If they get to use their imagination, it's whether to fuck their client with a 5$ part or 10$ part.

>> No.7436750

>wants to be creative
>starts regurgitating acronyms
>engineer detected

u mad bro?

>> No.7436756

scientists ego is wrapped around being smart.

engineers are smarter then scientists, so, that triggers their autism.

>> No.7436759


I'm pretty sure you're confused. Scientists use imagination, invention and creativity to understand the world.

Autists become engineers.

>> No.7436764

still havnt answered any of the engineering questions that were asked. not smart enough?

>> No.7436772

Anyone can put numbers into calculators if they're told what formulas to use. You can't even prove that a normal operator on a complex inner product space admits an orthonormal basis of the operator's eigenvectors.

>> No.7436774

>plug and chug meme
you didnt even read the questions lel

>> No.7436777

there were questions asked? I thought we were talking about engineers.

>does the regulation require 0.001 or 0.0001? Oh, just to be safe, we'll do 0.000001

>> No.7436782

> You can't even prove that a normal operator on a complex inner product space admits an orthonormal basis of the operator's eigenvectors.
That seems really easy...

>> No.7436783

it is. he thinks lots of math jargon in a string will sound impressive. the delusion of NEET mathfags is hilarious

>> No.7436791

Engineering programs are some of the most competitive with admission rates as low as law school and med school, whereas it's piss easy to get into pure math or science programs and even well ranked universities.

>> No.7436793

Send me the script, i'll figure out if I need to put 0.0001 or 0.0004 in it for you

>> No.7436794

>Because we make so much more money than anybody else
not more than people in finance or medicine

>> No.7436798

were pretty much top of the heap for bachelors degrees

>> No.7436799

that's true but who wants to be a simple bachelor you're basically an idiot if you don't go to grad school

>> No.7436808

>you're basically an idiot if you don't go to grad school
no, you say this because bachelors degrees in math or a science field are mostly worthless. you're trying to ascribe an intelligence level to your perceived worth of a degree.

>> No.7436813

im aiming for md/phd brah so i can be a clinical researcher in an academic based hospital and cure cancer

>> No.7436814

8==========================================================================D ~~~~~

>> No.7436818

i know engineers that do work on cancer research. people should remember that when they shitpost about how shit engineering is

>> No.7436824

>no, you say this because bachelors degrees in math or a science field are mostly worthless
Not if you just want to get a job. The reason science majors need grad school is because they want to do research, so (shocker) they get a research degree. People who want to do research in engineering are in the same boat.

>> No.7436828

IT eh?

People should try to stop expanding the meaning of Engineer, and they wouldn't have issues with technicians and IT staff considered engineers.

>> No.7436833

no they developed a fuzzy model of cell growth that matches their 2 years of experimental data that predicts a method of treatment that would essentially cause the cancer to starve itself to death

>> No.7436835

i didnt say engineering was shit i just think the best engineers are the ones that have masters or doctorates in engineering

>> No.7436836

he also works with pulsed power

>> No.7436850

Can confirm, here's an article from my university


Asmatulu's a total bro, but his voice makes you fall asleep, so lectures are rough

>> No.7436869

>state uni
fucking lol

>> No.7436877

>more memes

>> No.7436878
File: 83 KB, 678x751, 1381110291252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in deed

>> No.7436887

>i'll call certain people scientists because they dont fit my ideology of what an engineer is
lel top beta

>> No.7436897

What if I'm an engineer by nature and I love building, designing, and implementing things as a hobby? So why would I go to school for something that comes naturally to me? I go to school to study pure science. I don't really care about money. Am I scientist or engineer? Why the fuck not both?

>> No.7436902

You didn't get into engineering mate

>> No.7436909
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I don't wanna say but I can spell it

" B"...."U"...."T"

>> No.7436910

Toppest kek. I didn't even apply. I can transfer to my school's engineering college now if I really wanted to.

>> No.7436941

> this is what math majors really believe.

>> No.7437149

i love how there are apparently 40-50 people browsing /sci/ who are wealthy geniuses going to ivy league schools to get their post doctorate and win a nobel peace prize, who also happen to talk as though they're absolutely disgusted with, and hate, anyone who does less then that. in slang, half the time.

pretty sure that anyone with a bachelors in mechanical engineering from a state university is smarter and richer then 99 out of 100 people browsing this board.

and its weird how like, most of the really successful people i've met loved to encourage people to do their best and didn't seem to give a shit about proving that they were better then others.

>> No.7437171

Simply put, there are masters and pjs candidates that look at engineers fresh out of college starting at salaries that they will reach as tenured researchers in academia or will take 20 years to make in industry. Employers see math research and shrug but see design projects and cream themselves.

This is why.

>> No.7437195

>and its weird how like, most of the really successful people i've met loved to encourage people to do their best and didn't seem to give a shit about proving that they were better then others.
/sci/ = insecure undergrads

>> No.7437250

Engineers are ok. I respect what they study, I gotta read electronics seriously one day, it's good for building stuff in the lab.

>> No.7437335

>when your private school is BTFO by my state uni for half the price

>> No.7437350

Because it's a meme job

>> No.7437366

That's the publics fault that there's slow progress in nuclear engineering.

>> No.7437410

there's a man who is superior to both the scientist and the engineer, and his name is the inventor.

>> No.7437471

We don't hate engineers. Some of our best friends are gay.

>> No.7437476


there's nothing wrong with being gay therefore there's nothing wrong with being an engineer

>> No.7437488

Because engineers actually found companies that capture and create value. Even your average non-entrepreneurial engineer lives a better life than every pure science dude who has to beg and suck cocks for his stipend and tenure.

For a lot of "smart" people, you sure do have a lot of defense mechanisms.

>> No.7437492

being smart has little to do with being secure.

>> No.7437513

that depends how far out of context you want to drag intelligence.

>> No.7437516

>and its weird how like, most of the really successful people i've met loved to encourage people to do their best and didn't seem to give a shit about proving that they were better then others.
Abundance mentality.

>> No.7437631
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, uranium.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuclear engineering best engineering

>> No.7437661

>tfw chemical engineering major, applied math minor with internship experience
>tfw will make more money than most people mid and late career just starting out in oil and gas companies

Honestly I would hate engineers too if I took a hard STEM subject, but ended up starving my whole life doing pure math. Like its just the best fucking stem degree for making money, nothing even compares. Maybe finance or actuarial science.

The days of math majors and physics majors casually walking into high paying engineering jobs are over.

>> No.7437665

holy shit, is that actually real and representative of particles radiating off of the uranium?

>> No.7437668

pretty much, all the complicated things that mathematicians and physicists figured out are pretty much rule of thumb methods now that you can train someone to do in a month.

>> No.7437669

yeah, theyre not that big but yeah


>> No.7437829

Math major? Where did that come from?

>> No.7437837

Finance grad with 3 actuarial exams
Finance is a shitty field right now. The competition is huge and the pay is low. You guys are better off in enginering
We make a good salary on paper, but keep in mind we work 80-100 hours per week. The pay isnt great per hour.

>> No.7437851

Aren't we a team? What the fuck guys

>> No.7437860

It doesn't. It's just a meme. Don't tell anyone though.

>> No.7438054


>> No.7438074

Damn I'm glad I don't live in the countries where Washington Accord applies so I can literally cuck unknowledged engineers out of their jobs as a physicist with Master's lol.

>> No.7438079

Even better than that if you do live in a country with the Washington accord you can still work as an engineer, I live in the UK and know two people that didn't do an engineering degree (both did mathematics) and are now both employed as engineers, even better one of them is applying for Charted Engineer status.

>> No.7438086

It's just a meme. I'm not really homophobic.

>> No.7438090

/sci/ is obsessed with theory, they think making some shit up on a piece of paper makes you a genius. I do engineering and actually making whatever you made up is far harder than any theory behind it. On budget and on time as well and understanding quantum mechanics starts to look like a piece of cake compared.

>> No.7438119

Because people like you think it's about some bullshit sketches on graph paper.

>Then I realize you're in college and have never done real engineering.

>> No.7438133


pretty much this

/sci/ tends to be more academics focused while engineering in general tends to be more practical/real life focused. Engineers are under much different constraints than scientists, namely in that the things they build actually have to be useable and implementable in the real world.

>> No.7438228


>> No.7438232

What a cancer thread, eeeeek.

>> No.7438350

>you can just train all the complicated things that mathematicians and physicists figured out now
>that's it guys, physics and math is over, engineers now just have to apply all of it, man we're the best
This is what engineers actually believe.

>> No.7438411

>On budget and on time
Tbh engineering sounds kind of cool, but this turns me off so much. This isn't academics, this is trade study.
Yes, very true. The really cool thing about engineering is your results are effective immediately, as opposed to science/math where it's like, "Wow, you found something cool! Ok." and then applications literally come decades to centuries later.

It's hard to decide between studying science or engineering.
One anon on here once asked, "Would you rather come up with the theory behind a warp drive or build/design one?"
Why not both?

>> No.7438418

>Why not both?
that's literally what engineers do

>> No.7438422

Engineers don't come up with hardcore theory, don't kid yourself.

>> No.7438423

ayy lmao

>> No.7438430

I'm doing my bachelors in engineering w/ a minor in math and planning to go to grad school for physics. Anyone else doing the same?

>> No.7438435

>planning to go to grad school for physics
Why get an engineering undergrad if you've decided you want to do physics? You should really commit to something.

>> No.7438437

I'm doing a bachelors in engineering and a minor in math. I'll work for 5 years get my PE licensure then attend grad school to get my masters in engineering. Don't do physics unless you are EE and need to learn QM for a career in microprocessors and shit

>> No.7438439

you're drunk kid, go home.

The majority of engineers follow regulations and specifications, and prepare cost estimates.

They don't think about how to warp space-time.

>> No.7438455

Engineering seems to provide a good background if I decide I'm more of an experimental physicist rather than a theoretical one. Also Francois Englert did his undergrad in electromechanical engineering before getting a phd in physics and then winning the Nobel prize for work in theoretical physics. Also Ramamurti Shankar studied electrical engineering and now he researches quantum physics and statistical
mechanics at Yale
Engineering is just applied physics

>> No.7438463

Well I did a general first year and starting EE in September
I actually want a career in academia not industry, but I picked engineering because if academia doesn't work out I can fall back on it. I'm not a risk taker

>> No.7438468
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>> No.7438479

DON'T FALL for this. Watching this is the same as watching it live. You will get cancer my friend.

>> No.7438480


>> No.7438503

Most places will take a year off your PE if you do a master's, and most employers will pay for your master's classes, so why wait?

>> No.7438507

Currently a physics/math double major and compsci minor but considering something like what you're doing. I might stick with my path because I'm dead set on physics grad school though and it's better, even mores if I find out I like theory research.
I was considering what you're doing on the off chance I don't get into somewhere good right out of undergrad, so I can…do engineering. It's a job, but hey it's still STEM. Maybe I'm just overestimating how hard it is to get employed as a science/math major.

>> No.7438515

Engineering is all about to gain problem-solving skills.

Solving real-world problems doesn't include just technical/physical aspects but also design, economical and even social aspects.
Because of the wide-range of skills an engineer needs, it also include to be selective which things one learns. That's something an one-field physicist can't really understand.

>> No.7438517

I'm not sure what it means if my employer pays for my masters classes. Do you sign a contract that says you're in for 10 years after the degree? Will I feel indebted? I need more info

>> No.7438521

It's usually pro-rated over some lifetime, say 5 years.

So they pay 50%, and say: ok, anon, for ever year after you get the degree, we'll forgive X/5.

So if you leave, then they'll request a certain portion returned.

>> No.7438524

>in for 10 years after
Depends on the employer
>will I feel indebted?
Yes, but not cripplingly. My brother left after getting his masters on the company's dime

>> No.7438527

My employer just has a straight tuition reimbursement program. I pay my tuition, get at least a B, and they pay me back at the end of the semester. I go to a state schiol though, so it's just 5k a year anyway, but it's nice

>> No.7438540

Thanks bros, I'll shift my plans accordingly

>> No.7438543

>how hard it is to get employed as a science/math major.
It's not, that's just something /sci/ engineering majors spew.

>> No.7438556

that's cause the engineers are autists who can handle applying (kek) their knowledge to anything other than the very narrow field they learn engineering in.

>> No.7438564

Meh, I mean there were physicsforums posts about some people ending up working at Target after a physics BSc. I guess it's their fault though. I'm at least trying to have some employability with the compsci major and self-learning a variety of stuff like electronics and CAD (it's fun to, though).

>> No.7438588

>Engineering is all about to gain problem-solving skills.
>Solving real-world problems doesn't include just technical/physical aspects but also design, economical and even social aspects.
>Because of the wide-range of skills an engineer needs, it also include to be selective which things one learns. That's something an one-field physicist can't really understand.

I have to finish reports by fridays, sit-in on phone conferences, and listen to clients telling us how to do something that won't work

>> No.7438600

You can't act superior to physicists because you're just applied physicists

>> No.7438622

Then a physicist with focus on applied physicists would get the same jobs as an engineer without that he would waste his time with the wide range of courses.

>> No.7438624

>> a person who actually does things in the real world can't act superior to someone who just mentally masturbates

you're right.

its not an act.

>> No.7439788

fuck engineers

>> No.7441765

engineers are fukbois

>> No.7443681
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Guys should I study chemical engineering, computer engineering, or actuarial science? I'm going to being attending Purdue University and I need a little advice Thanks

>> No.7443716

Because 75% of engineers I interact with are disgusting smelly indians and asians that cheated their way through some shit tier state school and don't know shit about shit and play lost in translation when you ask them a basic fucking question.

>> No.7443718

So let me get this straight, sci hates engineers because they're salty?

>> No.7443720

Because scientists feel that without engineers they couldn't do any of their research (no high-tech tools hehe).
Also they sometimes feel that their own work will never help humanity (like string theorists that were put into oblivion by higgs discovery).

The truth is that the majority of global and local problems of humanity - energy, food, automation of labor, health are engineering problems.
Science is due to some reasons much more public and popular than engineering: it's easier to sell scientist as a celebrity and get laymen to relate to process of discovery. Relating to engineers is more complex - they do not discover new facts about this universe, but they make systems that make our civilization, lifestyle and science itself possible.

>> No.7443734

electrical engineering with a concentration in computer

>> No.7443737

What kind of engineering that some who's only ever been interested in math, cs, physics and geo do?

>> No.7443751

It is just a superiority complex they got from watching the big bang theory and they think the lanky fag from that show is cool for belittling engineers.

And this 'engineers are cocksuckers' meme is just projection because people here actually have to suck some old man's dick to work in a lab or to get a grant whereas engineers can find decent jobs easily.

>> No.7443760

Electrical and computer engineering obviously. It's the most abstract and applies physics beyond classical mechanics

>> No.7443781

But I don't

>> No.7443800

Well don't go in actuarial science. It's really fun and great demand, but you don't need to study in it to pass the exams. The exams are the most important aspect of an actuary
But do both if you want to be at the top.
Be an engineer and some actuarial exams to show that you understand business.
Than you'll be golden for life.

>> No.7444785

you don't make shit

most engineers start out at 55k IF they can land a job which only 1 out of 3 graduating engineers will do

orthodontics is where the real money is at

>> No.7445374


Nobody hates other disciplines except undergrads who have a need to feel superior to other people. In the real world engineers, scientists and physicists are pretty much interchangeable.

>> No.7445381

Interesting. The only good physicists are ones with doctorates. Some of us want to make a contribution without slaving away to academia.

>> No.7445383

>mfw discovered my Physics prof got PhD at 21 from Cambridge, and in GR no less.

>> No.7445408


>> No.7445753

This is a big problem. These days we have scientists coming up with the theory, and then it goes to the engineer to create. The problem is the middleman that is the businessman that controls the engineers, they only let their men work on theories that are simple to implement for the most cost. In the old days things were simple enough for the engineer to come up with the theory themselves and implement it themselves with a few workshop tools.

>> No.7445755

>tfw you're 24 with no education eating cheetos while browsing /r9k/ 8 hours a day.
feels bad man

>> No.7445772

>tfw you're 24 in a shitty college doing a shitty degree wondering how everything went wrong

>> No.7445814

What the fuck are you talking about? Why would engineers concern themselves with whatever is going at high end physics currently? Physicists will design and build all their tools themselves or hire people necessary for it. An average engineer will never deal with anything involving condensed matter physics, material science, particle physics, quantum mechanics or relativity.

>> No.7445820

>material science
>not engineering
Do you know what material science even is?

>> No.7445822

Um, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of engineers involved with materials science, even if it's the more boring aspects.

Also, any time physicists want to test anything, they'll need engineers.

Lastly, there are plenty of physicists at national and industry labs working alongside engineers.

>> No.7445831

To add to the range involving jobs for physicists that engineers can NEVER EVER spoil with their gay non academic fingers

Astronomy and astrophysics
Meteorology and climatology
Optics and optoelectronics
Physics of ionized systems
Nuclear and subatomic physics

>> No.7445838

>any time physicists want to test anything, they'll need engineers

In shitholes falling under stupid legislation like the Washington Accord. Thank the God I don't live in a third world shithole that requires glorified technicians to sign off my constructions.

>> No.7445866
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1. I think you're misunderstanding which country is the third-world shithole here. I'm sorry your schools are shit, anon.

2. Personally, I would define a physicist as someone who generates hypotheses, tests them, and writes about the results in order to increase our collective knowledge of the natural world. An engineer, on the other hand, uses present knowledge of physics, along with basic standards and business practices to create and implement designs. So, I'm sorry you have to waste your time being an engineer (since your schools are shit) and therefore can't spend all your time being a physicist. Here in America, we separate tasks between engineers and physicists, so each can excel at what they do. I would offer to gay marry you so you could have American citizenship, but I'm a little busy designing weaponry for the world's largest and most technologically advanced air force, so I don't think it would work out. I'll keep you, and your underprivileged brethren in my thoughts, though :'^(

>> No.7445884

That are all fields where you see engineers all the time.

But how should you know it?

>> No.7445900

The joke is even if you study physics you will baerly hear anything about all the meme topics from Big Bang Theory and all your favourite sci-fi movies.

In fact you will get lapped from engineers in all the classical physics topics and you will specialize yourself in some niche topic which you didn't know that it would exist 5 years ago.

>> No.7445905

>Why would engineers concern themselves with whatever is going at high end physics currently?
I don't know, why don't you ask the 3 engineers who won last year's Nobel prize in physics.

>> No.7445915

Well, blue and white LEDs is quite is more application than high end physics.

I would rather use 2013, which had also an engineer.

>> No.7445925

If I wanted to list engineers doing pure physics, not engineering physics, I'd start with Dirac, Bardeen, Wigner and Alfven.

>> No.7445938

High school students on /sci/ don't really understand that you have only 5 years time to learn shit. And no the pace you learn all the stuff isn't faster just because you picked physics and not engineering.

There is no way you can learn more stuff but just different topics.

>> No.7445964

All the engineers are actually working, instead of lurking.

>> No.7446235
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>> No.7446243
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If you're coming to west La La then you should step up and do some Aerospace Engineering, its only proper.

If you do chose engineering then on the first day of your 131 class look to your left and to your right. Only one of you will survive the weed out.

>> No.7446245

They hate us cause they ain't us, fam.

>> No.7446262
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>> No.7446328

I love it

>> No.7446383
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>> No.7446413
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>Two sub-fields of mechanical engineering having a dick-waving contest

>> No.7446433

>two branches of engineering superior to mechanical engineering demonstrating their superiority to plebE

>> No.7446450

>every engineer that did work noted in physics is an electrical engineer

>> No.7446458

>Astronomy and astrophysics
meme subject
meme subject
>Meteorology and climatology
meme subject too easily hijacked by politics
>Optics and optoelectronics
electrical engineers and computer engineers/scientists are doing work in computational neuroscience
>Physics of ionized systems
chemical and electrical engineers
chemical and electrical engineers
>Nuclear and subatomic physics
nuclear engineers
electrical engineers (deigned the LHC)

>> No.7446462

because you don't know anything about fluids?

>> No.7446465

Engineers are the Javascript of the careers

>Everybody says its not hard but when they try to do something right they can't

>Computer science hates it because they say its an unplanned shit but it behaves like lisp

>Lot of people claims to hate it and they don't know is everywhere.

>There is lot of people doing funny and useful things with it.

>> No.7446561



pick one

>> No.7446573
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>> No.7446578

I'm majoring in Chem E and Applied Math, and the stereotype doesn't really bother me. I personally love mathematics and consider it the core of all my work, but plenty of my peers aren't interested in anything besides the BE. At least I can take solace in the fact that they'll amount to nothing beyond college.

>> No.7446584

at Purdue, i'd go with nuke, ee, or aero

>> No.7446708
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>> No.7446720

^^ exactly! But for real, can't we all just be happy that we're smarter and better than 99% of the rest of the human population and be fine with that?

>> No.7446722

There's two types of engineers guys.

The first kind learnt how to be an 'engineer' from an institution that teaches only how to be an engineer now and doesn't teach how to solve problems in the future or when you encounter a unique scenario. These are essentially glorified technicians and will eventually be replaced by robots.

The second kind is actually smart and got accepted to an institution that knows what the fuck they're doing and are respected for their engineering degrees and gets taught how to innovate and create unique solutions to problems they encounter. This is a real engineer and won't be replaced because robots can only handle data they're created for.

>> No.7446725

>because you don't know anything about fluids?

>> No.7446727

>Implying any university teaches you jack shit about being an engineer
Not even a great internship will teach you to be an engineer. The only way to learn to be an engineer is to be an engineer. That's why PE certification requires 4 years of industry experience.

>> No.7446729

Because it takes an engineer to learn but it takes a scientist to discover.

>> No.7446743

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.7446746


Even though he's misguided he's kinda right in that some people with engineering degrees are basically robots in human form. There's a difference between a guy who knows how to use equations and a guy who knows why he's using them and whether he can use that knowledge elsewhere

>> No.7446750


Like the other guy said, that doesn't even make sense, and I'm doing a degree in both

>> No.7446751

Stop watching too much BBT

>> No.7446760


I get the response the first guy but why me? I was agreeing that he's an idiot. Also BBT is fucking shit I hate that laugh track crap there's nothing funny in it

>> No.7447106

In my experience are people from the natural science department extremely nice and easy going, so they have all a second Internet shitposting personality or /sci/ is just full of underage idiots.

>> No.7447201


>> No.7447520

>a person who licks the cum of the masturbator and makes dessert with it can't act superior to the masturbator

>> No.7447583

Because they hate that science can really be used to build useful stuff

>> No.7447646
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amazing post

>> No.7448200


Well this board is full of science undergrads and self-proclaimed scientists, who dont need no math to understand anything. They subconciously know that they are not smart enough to ever be on the research frontline and do anything that they actually proclaim makes their field superior to engineering.
The sad thing is that I actually believe that a physics major could easily learn a field of engineering if he wanted to, but only a small percentage of the suckers here could, considering they are just a bunch of pop-science faggots spouting memes all day instead of actually learning.
Engineering is an own construct in itself and scientist only offer tools for engineers to work with. There is no superiority, how could someone objectively proclaim who is more important, the toolmaker or the one using it? Scientific progress always revolved around gaining insight, using it to build more precise and new tools and use this tools to gain even more insight to build even better tools. Scientists are destined to work hand in hand with engineers, engineers have to work with people who actually build shit and so on, the only people spitting around their nonsense are autists with an inferiority complex who think their job will revolve around sitting on your ass all day and solving formulas.

>> No.7448308

>80% of my chemical engineering department are either boring as fuck or foreign and want to steal my hypothetical boring ass job when we graduate

I would rather suck dick trying to get into investment banking than spend my life around boring engineers doing boring work so our profits are passed onto shareholders. I wish I had studied geology so I could at least pretend I'm pursuing knowledge for the sake of intellectual curiosity.

>> No.7448520
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I don't hate engineers, but engineering is pretty much the utilization of what scientists and mathematicians have discovered through years of rigorous research and testing of hypotheses.

Trial and error is a beautiful thing that scientists embrace, whilst engineers exploit these discoveries to create beautiful machines that abide by such laws. You can't have one without the other.

>> No.7448539

because /sci/ is homophobic

>> No.7448545


>> No.7449021
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I am a HS drop out so I dont really have a say.
But judging from simulation programs such as LS-dyna and the simulations used in solidworks I see plenty of differential equations used where simulations of car crashes takes into account of evey single material's tollerance. All being calculated with one seed, imagine being the programmer of perhaps LS-dyna and other similar simulation programs. There is so much physics and matsh that has to be taken into account when programming and all of that you have to think about how efficient the program will be when it comes to computer power. An ordinary PC is not used for the complex calculation of the simulation, people who use ls-dyna require server halls to do the computing.

It is not just about making it functional but also time efficient.

Computer engineerign/scientist can't do shit without the scientist when it comes to that shit but then again, I doubt a scientist would be able to do the computer engineers work.

>> No.7449111

I'm EE I can't solve any of these

>> No.7450344

Speaking of which,
Is anyone here on /sci/ working on such projects about creating complex FEM simulations?

>> No.7450351

/sci/'s Hyperloop group will eventually

I'm ME and I couldn't solve problems I did a year ago, let alone ones from a different major.

>> No.7450411

I don't know if this was a parody to WITNESS ME, but if it was, I just wanna give you a hug, m8.

>> No.7450845


I do FEM particle accelerator simulations, mostly on code I built from scratch. Ask away.

>> No.7451456

I'm not sure if physicists or most scientists are interested in FEM. The huge push for FEA has been mostly by mathematicians doing numerical methods, and the engineers for aerospace, civil, mechanical and electrical.

How complex are you talking about.