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7432425 No.7432425 [Reply] [Original]

I've got a challenge for you, /sci/

consider a following scenario: you are transported back to the middle ages. For the sake of the argument, let's say that you're from our future and you are brought over together with a exploration/attack space frigate with production and self-repair capabilities. The ship's computers contain most of this future civilzation's knowledge, art, and so on. In short, you never run out of fuel, have no need for outside maintenance and you yourself are a cyborg that can live indefinitely. Let's say that you can also quickly load whichever language you might need at least at comunicative level.
To simplify the argument, assume that you know for a fact that there is no way for someone else to go back, or forward for that matter. You don't need to worry about an invasion from the future

The problem is: What course of action would maximize the benefits for the human race and its survival chance, while being the least immoral?

For extra challenge consider following changes if you want:
- no frigate
- limited lifespan
- figate has a crew that won't fully support you

>> No.7432432

>The problem is: What course of action would maximize the benefits for the human race and its survival chance, while being the least immoral?
Gas the niggers and the kikes.

Nip those two things in the bud.

>> No.7432456

Also Indians

>> No.7432470

not exactly what I had in mind

>> No.7432477


Why not? You are statistically improving the IQ of the human race which leads to people making better decisions and long term planning.

>> No.7432490
File: 71 KB, 450x266, 450px-ConquestOfConstantinopleByTheCrusadersIn1204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this question. I would warn against the fourth crusade in an attempt to spare Constantinople its gruesome fate in 1204 that severely weakened Byzantine Rome and paved the way for the Ottomans. Oh, I'd let em in on the existence of germs too.

>> No.7432492

Become their god, and accelerate technological progression by testing the population to identify the most intelligent, and using them to form an elite scientist caste supported by the rest of the population. I'll get my scientists up to speed with my own level of technology within a few generations, and then have them focus on advanced nanotechnology. I'd port my consciousness into a nanobot swarm, further cementing my godlike position.

That done, I'd kill the scientists and all those who truly understand the new technology, disassemble everything that was more advanced than when I arrived, and fuck off to the other side of the galaxy, leaving society more or less at the level where I found it.

>> No.7432500

this guy will crash and burn due to his ego

>> No.7432502



>> No.7432509

>Become their god
>form an elite caste
>kill the scientists
Do I have to spell it out

>> No.7432514

>you never run out of fuel

My frigate apparently contains some sort of perpetual motion device.

So I would ignore humanity and instead construct a matrioshka brain or something with the infinite power at my disposal.

>> No.7432515


I'd be perfectly benevolent up until the point that I started killing people.

Performing "miracles" and having formidable offensive capability is a pretty effective way to establish oneself as a god.

>> No.7432517
File: 21 KB, 240x264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through my understanding of psychology I will find methods to overthrow the monarchy and take over the lands. I will teach the people respect and knowledge, and most importantly on being humble with your knowledge (Unlike faggot here >>7432492 ) . Then I will spread the philosophical world view of emperiscism and finally attempt to leave my legacy in books.

>> No.7432520


The ship probably runs on fusion and processes water for the necessary hydrogen.

>> No.7432523

Please do.

>> No.7432541

Being that arrogant, ruling with an iron fist, and excluding people from the upper parts of your civilization will cause discontent among the people. Take it too far and they'll revolt. You could kill them I guess, but that goes against OP's original question.

Alternatively, your caste system will create some kind of steampunk India, and I don't think anyone considers that a desirable scenario.

>> No.7432545

oh, I also forgot that OP said "the least immoral". Artificially restraining people is not moral.

>> No.7432553


Guy you replied to wasn't me, but as I said here >>7432515
I would be a perfectly benevolent and loving god.

The scientists wouldn't be a ruling class, they'd be more like Christ's disciples. Their inventions would benefit the world in exchange for the world providing an environment and resources for their work.

>> No.7432554

Personally I would probably just hide on the far side of the Moon catching up with all the future TV shows and such stored on the computer until around the 1950s at which point I'll come along and help keep the momentum of the space race going.

>> No.7432557


Oh, I'd likely also bring along the genetic templates for a wide spectrum of the human race when I left, and examples of art and culture.

That way I could seed half the galaxy with colonies and still be able to have my solitude.

>> No.7432575

I guess that would work but you'd have to make sure your scientists are not egomaniacs themselves. History is rife with subordinates ruining shit (Judas, Benedict Arnold, Dick Cheney, etc)

>> No.7432590


That would be a concern, yes.

I'm capable of unfathomable paranoia, though.

>> No.7432607


This would make a great story. Like a novel or something

>> No.7432660

Since the question only outlines the time period, I assume I can allow my time traveler to go to china. If this is the case, then I will make sure to be in china. With the political system, I can be sure to pass as a prophet or an advisor, even if I am 'lowborn'. China also has great food and population. China also has a possible route to the americas. So I would make china an industrial powerhouse, at the same time, expand into the americas before europe, (also the southern pacific) and with the millitary and new industrial power, chinas neighbors will be influenced and brought under their wing, hopefully making the world more peaceful and centrelized. Btw, if I ccouldn't use china, I would attempt it with (get this) Venice, since the republic would be easy to come to power in, and the coast would be essencial for colanization... only thing different is is that I would keep my early 'research' mainly militarized, so that if the sorrounding powers get greedy from venices massive wealth, venice can defend

>> No.7433238

The frigate has a memedrive

>> No.7434330

Well, there is a number of issues to consider.

I might be taken as the devil incarnate, or an angel flying from heavens, both of which would pose problem in the long run. Religion will be a huge detriment to progress and will have to be worked around.

I thought about sharing the tech and knowledge freely but that would be used for extreme militarization and would very likely throw the world off-course and would not fullfill "the least immoral" part. To that end, you could consider becoming a scarecrow of sorts, intervening wherever there's a large scale conflict and forcing a peaceful solution but not only does it not solve the underlying issues, it might turn people against you and slow your progress.

The safest way seems to be following, even though the startup period would be rather slow. I'd make a deal with a some nation: I can advance their science and tech by centuries over the years, but I would only reveal secrets in return for societal changes they would have to find a way to implement - widespread education, empowerment of women, classless society and so on. Money would be of no issue as I'd know the locations of whatever minerals I'd want and could always exchange small bits of knowledge and tech for exorbitant sums. I'd find the brightest minds of the period (some I'd obviously know about, some I'd need to find) to shape them into leaders. The country would be obviously impervious to invasions, for centuries nothing will be able to touch me.
Other countries would be welcome to the same deal under conditions of a peace treaty and adopting the same changes.

the chief problem would be the dependence of the country on me - everyone would know that they don't have to fear outside forces and large scale problems would be solved as soon as possible, eroding self-reliance. There probably would be some way around that, though.

>> No.7435614

what I meant was that the ship has good enough production and self repair capabilities that it can be self-reliant. You only need to give it basic resources that you can get from earth.

>> No.7435620

Don't forget aboriginal people

>> No.7435646


Establish yourself as a King and with your superior technology eventually conquer the world.

Wipe out all religions. Destroy all religious texts. However enforce moral codes that promote civilized behavior, a sense of fairness and justice.

Establish a political, social, economic and cultural system that discourages the stupid and carelessly violent from breeding and encourages the intelligent to breed.

Promote critical thinking, tolerance to new ideas, a love of learning, a disdain for ignorance, a hatred of waste, and a respect for the ecosystems.

The rest would take care of itself. After that you merely have to monitor things.

>> No.7435674

Shit... Well when u fuck over a whole race u fuck over a whole bunch of people that could have been... Why not reform your statement. Kill all niggers, we wouldn't have the basis of all music today. Kill all nigger we wouldn't have Kevin Heart. Kill all niggers and we wouldn't have entertaining sports, and we all gotta agree... Them whites can't play sports as good as the blacks...

BTW I'm not black... I'm fucking Irish.

>> No.7435677

>Form nation with superior technology
>declare self lord of the entire world and sent emissaries to every lord in the land
>offer surrender and integration
>kill anyone who doesnt surrender (essentially what Ghengis Khan did except for the entire world)
>implement world banking and a constitutional monarchy with wide reaching courts and a solid meritocracy
>spread high-western culture to the entire world

>> No.7435680

Teach people Calculus and Abstract Algebra
Improve agriculture(?)
Introduce all sorts of fried food

>> No.7435687 [DELETED] 

>maximize the benefits for the human race
>and its survival chance
>while being the least immoral
choose two

To satisfy the first and the last you should secretly disseminate the ideas that will help steer civilization away from bloody pitfalls later on.

To satisfy the first two you should use your space ship to conquer nations to maximize your influence. For good.

For the last two you should fuck off into space and never come back. Then things will progress like they did before in your timeline. No benefits for the human race, but 100% survival rate and no blood on your hands.

>> No.7435688

>maximize the benefits for the human race
>and its survival chance
>while being the least immoral
choose two

To satisfy the first and the last you should secretly disseminate ideas that will help steer civilization away from bloody pitfalls later on.

To satisfy the first two you should use your space ship to conquer a few nations to maximize your influence. For good.

For the last two you should fuck off into space and never come back. Then things will progress like they did before in your timeline. No benefits for the human race, but 100% survival rate and no blood on your hands.

>> No.7435690

>- figate has a crew that won't fully support you
I'll take this extra challenge just to seem superior to the other posters.

>Immediately start spreading Western enlightenment ideas and humanism -->secular humanism to all European cultures.
>Give them some technology, especially modern irrigation, to free up the population and crash the construction of schools and universities to educate the populace in classical science and math until the foundations are in place for more advanced study.
>Murder the crew aboard the frigate one by one until I'm the only one left.
>Start genocide of races outside Europe and give only one nation the means to colonize resources so colonists throughout have to join to ensure one homogenous race, therefore minimizing future internal conflicts.
>Imperium of man is born.

>> No.7435725

you could argue that anything you do to further the human race is moral

>> No.7435735

You can also argue that my blue is your yellow, and that the sky is a vagina full of cloud pubes.

>> No.7436950

you could argue I asked for the least immoral, not at least somewhat moral.

also, to everyone who said "wipe out religion" : just how would you go about doing that? Your two immediate advantages are fear and knowledge. Fear and direct action against religion does nothing but strengthen it while knowledge...well, seeing as most of america borders on being devout christian, my guess is you wouldn't have much more success trying to convince people out of religion back in middle ages.

You'd have to either work around it or hope that a revamped schooling system could take care of it in several generations

>> No.7437020

>you are transported back to the middle ages
Impossible. No need to read any further


>> No.7437163

Easy, I use the frigate's self repair capabilities to reengineer the frigate to be able to mine, replicate itself, and make arbitrary products. I then have it replicate it self in the asteroid belt, within 50 years I'll have bignum of them.

I'll then use these self-replicating factories to produce space based solar power plants, which I then put in orbit around earth. I then have them produce hardened, solar powered phablets loaded with useful information and propaganda which I drop en masse over places that have people. I then allow the phablets to summon stuff produced in the factories IE, farming equipment, rectennas, and other things. I then establish a pyramid scheme where this equipment can be 'purchased' by getting other people to use the phablets to break down any resistance.

At this point I should now have a bunch of loyal followers and I can render the monarchies that are in place largely irrelevant and I can direct humanity to spread out into the stars.

We shall eventually develop the technology to move stars and then use said technology to spell out in the stars "OP IS A HUGE FAGGOT"

>> No.7437201
File: 363 KB, 550x1001, I can taste time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i instate myself as immortal god-emperor of earth and rule the planet into peace and prosperity under the iron grip of an undying, (from their view) all-knowing, omnipotent deity

warfare is abolished, modern (or since im from the future, futuristic) standards of hygiene and sanitation are instated worldwide, people live calm, happy lives devoting their existences to art, music, literature, and improving the quality of the world's life.

The Earth united, mankind turns his attentions to his true birthright: the stars

>> No.7437218

Guys I believe aliens are real. Sighted one unknown aircraft in the skies with my dad, along with a quite a lot of people whom some tried taking videos and sending to our news channel at that point of time but it was about 10 years ago in the nokia era so the footages were blurry. I saw it first hand that it was in the sky hovering behind the clouds(it wasn't moving and staying very still in the air) in the evening timing of about 6pm after my dad told me to look up in the sky which I remembered clearly as we were leaving our grandma's on a Sunday. Although we could not see the body of the craft as it was behind the cloud. We knew something was there as there were a pair of lights(like headlamps of cars) behind the clouds which later was able to change its colours such as red blue orange and green? It was weird cause these colours remind me of traffic lights. For a span of about 10 secs after it changed colours, it flew off with a white streak of light as though hyperspace which we often see in movies. I was stunned and was sure that aliens exist as no technology could have existed at our time 10 years ago. I have never posted this encounter before and only told some of my friends through word of mouth in my lifetime. Anyone met anything similar? Im from Singapore by the way :)

>> No.7437244

Become jesus, crucify everybody who disagrees.