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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7423588 No.7423588 [Reply] [Original]

>While Kepler-452b is larger than Earth, its 385-day orbit is only 5 percent longer. The planet is 5 percent farther from its parent star Kepler-452 than Earth is from the Sun. Kepler-452 is 6 billion years old, 1.5 billion years older than our sun, has the same temperature, and is 20 percent brighter and has a diameter 10 percent larger.
>"It’s awe-inspiring to consider that this planet has spent 6 billion years in the habitable zone of its star; longer than Earth. That’s substantial opportunity for life to arise, should all the necessary ingredients and conditions for life exist on this planet.”

There is an exoplanet that we found that has all the conditions for life as we know it to evolve and flourish. There could be other sentient creatures walking on its surface looking into the night sky and seeing the same stars that we see.


>> No.7423592
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>There is an exoplanet that we found that has all the conditions for life as we know it to evolve and flourish.
>should all the necessary ingredients and conditions for life exist on this planet

can't read what you posting ?
they dont know shit whats on this planet, it can be filled with lava and volcanos all over the place
until we lunch James Webb telescope
Kepler can suck big black dick

>> No.7423600


question is, would you honestly want to be part of the first batch over or wait to find out what happens to the initial few batches of guineas??

>> No.7423604

Imagine if we somehow communicated with them and they also knew of Jesus. Would this finally cause atheists to burn their fedoras?

>> No.7423605

i've heard it before about kepler. all around, same song.

i would wait to see what happens.

>> No.7423607

imagine if you had a brain...

>> No.7423709
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>Christians have no brain

>> No.7423850

Chances are that this planet is a desert planet. It's probably near the point of becoming a Venusian like planet.

>> No.7423854

>There is an exoplanet that we found that has all the conditions for life as we know it to evolve and flourish.

That's odd, I didn't think there was any agreed upon conditions for life to evolve and flourish.

>> No.7423877

It probably has an atmospheric pressure 3 or 4 orders of magnitude greater than Earth's. Even with higher temperatures, the ocean likely wouldn't have evaporated, due to the high pressure. Furthermore, the ocean is probably 20-30 miles thick; there is no land.

>> No.7423879

Wait a tic

Isn't there a better, nearer earth like planet like Gliese 581c? Why do we give a shit about Kepler 452b?

>> No.7423886

the solar system its in is very similar to ours with a jupiter sized planet outside the orbit

probably helps soak up asteroids and reduce the likelyhood of life being destroyed by an asteroid strike

>> No.7424119

>we are seeing the planet as it was 1600 years ago

its probably already exploded into a billion pieces, and anyone who lived there is probably already dead.

>> No.7424122
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the planet is nothing like earth

optimists need to be exterminated

>> No.7424124

the sentient life there could say the same thing about Earth too though.

>> No.7424127

WHAT THE FUCK!? THEY SEE FUTURE US?! how does time and space work again!?

>> No.7424137

>when will you plebiaens realize that UFO sightings are real, crop circles (some) are genuine?



>> No.7424140

No, because:
Jesus was an alien hybrid, implanted into the virgin Mary, to spread religious control over humans.

>> No.7424148

not sure if anon is trolling or stupid

>> No.7424156

>Jesus has been chilling there the whole time since he saw how fucked we were
I'd be OK with this tbh

>> No.7424164

How The fuck can they tell how old a planet is by just having some shitty picture of it or what does The keplsar satellit do?

>> No.7424165

Except Jesus preached free will, forgiveness and to not be a douchebag.

Most of the crazy 'do what i say or you'll be smited' comes from the old testament.

>> No.7424177


You mean spread knowedge and gulide us the right path

Aliens is supersmarter than us. They know their shit

>> No.7424186
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i'm not religious. and actually, Jesus didn't spread religious control. he taught spiritual freedom and was a rebel, to say the least. he also marked foreheads with an X, to signify the body as being an empty vessel and that you can begin on a path of free will, which is naturally a path of "goodness." but i know you have no idea where to begin with that do you, you empty head fucking nobody. know your history, then decide, you idiot shitbird piece of trash.

>> No.7424188


>Jw telescop launch 2018
>to look for first lights after big bang
>big bang


>> No.7424195

None of that shits real though
>Free will
>Advocating not being a douchebag
Jesus confirmed shitposter

>> No.7424215
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>None of that shits real though
>Free will
>Advocating not being a douchebag
I'm advocating that last one right now.
prove the rest you dumb little fucking cunt shitbird.
/sci/ is about proof of fact and replication for critique.

just confirmed, >>7424195 is a useless nobody running its piece of trash asshole.

>> No.7424218

Keep it sciencey guys. Cheesus dont belong here.

>> No.7424220

I think they date the age of the star. I could be wrong

>> No.7424222

Not really considering I've been hearing about Kepler finding potentially habitable planets for the past 7 years now.

>> No.7424223

An adequately low IQ response as expected from a shitty troll.

Hey, moron, did it even occur to you for a moment that by 'religious control' I meant 'spreading goodwill to mankind'?

Aliens want us to survive and evolve, because they benefit from mankind mutating good genes. For this, population stability and selection pressures are the recipe.

now, fuck off dumbass

>> No.7424241
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hahaha, oh my word

>> No.7424252

The truth is stranger than fiction.

Because nobody has written good fiction.

>> No.7424261

Unsure if born shitposter or full blown retard

>> No.7424267
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no nothing huh, just ho hum

>> No.7424458

*tips mitre

>> No.7424461

>yfw it's a communist shit hole full of two headed niggers and space Arabs

>> No.7424468
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>An adequately low IQ response as expected from a shitty troll.

>Talking about Aliens like you know they exist and their agenda

>> No.7424660

I know all about them m8

>> No.7424678

tfw i dont have a big black dick for kepler to suck

>> No.7424769


“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (NIV, Matthew 5:17–18)"

J.C. was not telling people to ignore the Old Testament. Quite the opposite.