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7421176 No.7421176 [Reply] [Original]

Take a sphere the size of a basketball.

How much mass would this object require before it could start affecting the local gravity of things around it, attracting them to itself from a distance of say, 50 feet?

>> No.7421180

A lot tbh

>> No.7421184

Any amount of mass. Gravity doesn't shut off at a certain distance from an object. Even if you put a regular ass basketball 50 feet off the surface of an earth-sized ball of iron, it will affect the iron planet. It will be unmeasurable, but it will still be there.
Put a mote of dust a lightyear away so far in dead space that both the dust and basketball won't be affected by something more massive than either, and it will have a pull on the bit of dust. It will be miniscule, but it will be there.

Pedantry aside, take the equation for the force of gravity and fuck around with it in WolframAlpha to get a feel for what kinds of masses have what kind of effect.

>> No.7421225

Wolfram Alpha is interesting, too, but it's gonna take me a while to be able to use it and comprehend any of the gobbldygook.

Would said basketball sized object need the mass of earth (but not the volume) to affect objects the way earth's gravity affects them?

>> No.7421250
File: 13 KB, 220x241, 220px-Cavendish_Torsion_Balance_Diagram.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cavendish torsion balance experiment (with which Cavendish directly measured the value of the gravitational constant in, like, the late 1700s) used masses smaller than a basketball.

OP, what exactly do you mean by "the way earth's gravity affects them"? All masses, no matter how small, have gravity. It's just proportional to their mass.

>> No.7421278

You'll have to forgive my presumptions, I am not a very well educated person trying to convey questions I have of things I do not fully comprehend.

I don't know the proportionality of mass to gravity. I guess that may be what I'm asking.

Just playing around with fantasy/junk physics. Comic book and tabletop level ideas, you know? A theoretical object that can be given increasing mass, and proportionally, affect objects all around it more. How much mass would a basketball sized object need to pull objects under 500 pounds towards it?

>> No.7421309

Even a small object will pull, but it pulls with such a small force that it's unnoticeable, or undetectable without a really sensitive balance.

A mountain exerts enough gravity to pull pendulums slightly off-true, a large enough effect that land surveyors have to account for it.

Neither of them pulls hard enough to make an everyday object move visibly (overcome friction, be perceptible by your hand, etc).

So, slightly different question: how much mass would the basketball need in order to make something roll or slide towards it across a smooth table? Things will slide across a table if it's more than, (wild guess), five degrees off-level. That's equivalent to a horizontal force of around tan(5°) = 9% of the vertical force (their normal, Earth-attraction weight). Earth's gravity is about 10 Newton/kilogram, so that means the basketball must be exerting about 0.9 Newton/kg.

Let's say the basketball is 20 feet away (6 meters). Attractive force (in newtons): <span class="math"> F = G { { M_{basketball} \times M_{object} } \over { distance^2 } } [/spoiler]. Rearrange that to <span class="math"> M_{basketball} = { F \over M_{object} } \times { distance^2 \over G } [/spoiler]. F/M is 0.9 Newton/kg, distance is 6 meters, G is <span class="math"> 6.67384{\times}10^{-11} {N⋅m^2 \over kg^2} [/spoiler] according to wikipedia. Do the multiplication, and the basketball's mass must be 486 billion kilograms. That's a lot, a (fairly small) mountain's worth of mass compressed enough that you can get within 6 meters of all of it.

A 1-kilogram ball exerts gravity in the same way, just 1/486 billionth as strong.

>> No.7421365
File: 164 KB, 1000x988, charlie-reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of OP for you all.

>> No.7422096

use google retard

>> No.7422142

Any mass has an associated gravitational field that extends to infinity. So really any basketball of ordinary mass will do.

>> No.7422650

OK I did the math. A basketball sized object with the mass of 14 earths gets you a black hole.

>> No.7422838
File: 148 KB, 410x391, 1411583018037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfffft, that only takes one of ur moms.

>> No.7422845


>> No.7422869

gertje er wordt geklopt want de bel doet het niet

>> No.7422893

If the basketball weighs a pound, then its own gravitational field actually pulls up on the Earth with a pound of force.

>> No.7422926

"It will be immeasurable"
no. The ball will exert the same force on the planet as the planet exerts on it.
The planet won't move because it has orders of magnitude more inertia than the ball.

>> No.7422929

Won't move much*

>> No.7424075

> affect objects the way earth's gravity affects them?

a basketball sized object as massive as the earth would absolutely fuck your shit up from 50 feet due to tidal forces.

>> No.7424107

That's not a helpful answer anon.

>> No.7424115


No. Both the earth and the ball have the same effect to each other.
But only the force is the same.

Since the earth hass much more mass than the ball and there is something called inertia, the ball does change his velocity dramaticly, while we can't messure the change of the velocity of the earth.

>> No.7424129

the answer is within your question.

>> No.7424130

Any mass you dolt.

>> No.7424131

>It will be unmeasurable
uh, you mean in space? or is it just a mad mad mad world.

>> No.7424142

This. People always forget Newton's first and third laws.

>> No.7425289


It wouldn't need the mass of Earth because you're orders of magnitude closer to its centre of gravity.