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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7407371 No.7407371 [Reply] [Original]

Quantum Science/Mechanics: we don't fully understand it. Even those with degrees in the field cannot grasp it's entirety. Does what does /sci think of this? Will we ever have a firm grasp on this branch of science?

>> No.7407390

When we have a proven unified theory of physics.

>> No.7407394
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We already have one.

>> No.7407400

Could it be possible that we're still on the tip of the iceberg regarding physics, so to speak?

>> No.7407414

M-theory is mathematically incomplete and we don't yet have the technology required to test it.

>> No.7407509

bu but you can hear the strings move on tiny violins

>> No.7407626

considering how much quantum physicists disagree on alot of fundamental shit in quantum physics, I really think there is a whole heap of stuff we haven't even started to scratch the surface of

>> No.7407967

what fundamental shit are you talking about? Not junk theoretical physics that people are just throwing at the wall and hoping something sticks. And not 'interpretations' of quantum mechanics cause it's not relevant to the math

>> No.7408125
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tell me what to understand means ?

>> No.7408139

QM is probably better understood that an other theory, eg GR. For example, just look at the accuracy in determining Planck's constant h compared to the gravitational constant G. There's no comparison.

QM is the most successful theory in terms of prediction.

The only thing to argue about QM is the interpretation. Literally the philosophy of physics. We know what it is, but not what it means.

QED and QFT are a different story too.

>> No.7408168

link to full text.