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7403911 No.7403911 [Reply] [Original]

So there's a discussion going on on /pol/ right now about this video:

I know that /sci/ isn't a political board(at least it wasn't supposed to) and my question is purely biological:
Who got the upper hand here and what's the most accepted consensus in genetics in relation to gender?

Keep it scientific as possible
>[pic unrelated]

>> No.7403913

>Who got the upper hand here
/soc/ pls go

>> No.7403915

> So there's a discussion going on on /pol/ right now
You goddamn parasites

>> No.7403925
File: 124 KB, 650x518, hillary_bill2_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gender is an ideology, a word, a campaign, a distraction from oil money, a way to keep viewership up, a way to stupify language, a cause for needless argument.

Do you think animals 'know' what to fuck? they don't even have language. There are ques, times of the year, the right temperature, feramones, diet, all these things affect when and how an animal will fuck. this is why its so damn hard to get snakes to breed, or pandas.

some people are aroused by red balloons. some kids carve holes in trees and fuck them. A dude likes ass and noticies people around him don't like him for liking ass and writes about how much he loves the dude that has an ass he likes and suddenly there's a gender issue.

inb4 some bullshit evolutionary psychologist tries to decipher fetishes.


>> No.7403929

I can't tell, both sides presented arguments I don't quite agree with and frankly I'm not sure I want to make such a hasty judgement.

Consider leaving this at /pol/, sorry if people are rude but realise that anything outside of a good peer reviewed article is going to get a ton of flak here and even when an you give well-respected sources there can be massive arguments and the thread will descend into name-calling and opinions.

Just watch what happens to this one.

>> No.7403941

The medical community has understood gender dysphoria as a legitimate medical condition for half a century. I think I'm inclined to agree with them. The consensus is that transgenderism is the best treatment and, again, I have no reason to disagree with them.

Seems to me most of the hatred comes from an "that's icky and I don't like it!" mentality.