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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.7395643 [Reply] [Original]

i have a question for you /sci/:
Was i born a lesbian or was it my childhood environment?

>> No.7395653

Who cares

You choose what you are

But I read something about lesbian having an hypothalamus with a size similar to heterosexual men or something like that

Basically, if you have a bigger hypothalamus you're a straight female or a gay man

If you're not, you're a straight male or a lesbian woman

>> No.7395664

do spiders learn how to spin beautiful webs and patterns or are they "programmed" to from the start?
do birds learn to fly south of the winter and give no shit about the Coriolis effect because its bullshit or are they "programmed" to?

>> No.7395680

All sexual phobia and degeneracy alike is attention whoring.

People find pleasure in fucking all kinds of things and it's not that big of a deal; you stimulate genitals and you derive pleasure from it. Only mental illness involved is the attention whoring special snowflake syndrome people try to push who are desperate to show everyone how oh-so-fucking-special they are for preferring to fuck certain things while hating on others who prefer to fuck different things.

The only people are even worse about their intolerance than straight homophobes are lgbt fuckwits with all their made up terms about their special snowflake preference and "cis" intolerance.

>> No.7395691

Does it really matter tho?

>> No.7395692

it's an instinct, it's different.
You learn to love something from looking at it.

>> No.7395708

>women on 4chan
post timestamped tits or no one will believe you

>> No.7395714


>> No.7395722

Oops, didn't realise I was browsing /b/.

>> No.7395741


Impossible to tell, lesbianiism is quite a bit more complicated than buttloving. But it's almost certainly a combination of genetic predisposition combined with environmental stimulus.

>> No.7395746
File: 13 KB, 263x192, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oops, didn't realise I was browsing /b/.
You're on the internet.
Nobody online is going to take your claim at face value.

>> No.7395798

Maybe have a sandwich or a wank or something dude.

>> No.7395821

a mixture of both, really
you're born with some sexual tendencies, but especially your relationship with youre father/mother plays a large role as well

>> No.7395903

I reckon people should own their identity. You think what you think, you feel what you feel, you like what you like. If it helps to analyse why this is then power to you.

But fuck cunts trying to tell you who you are or how to be, that's for you to own and be responsible for, and to throw at what you will.