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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7391035 No.7391035 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone study/major in physics in 2015?

>> No.7391038

To learn

>> No.7391042

Why would they not?

>> No.7391045

Because if you have the ability to do it, there aren't many things that are better than solving a physics problem.

but im shit at math so

>> No.7391046

To be a physics high school teacher!

>> No.7391052

Some people enjoy physics.

>> No.7391064


TFW mathematics major but confused by physics problems/reasoning.

Plus I hate the labs and in general I hate computing things by hand.

>> No.7391075

I sort of understand how you feel, but I've found that computing things by hand (on occasion) provides insight on how some processes actually work.

>> No.7391099

I am totally the opposite. Love physics, am good at it, but I am so poor at math. That may be because I'm at a basic stage in both, maybe the math involved in physics courses gets more extreme as you go on... idk

>> No.7391105

>tfw I want to be a professor of math or physics but it's nearly impossible
why did I choose such a risky career path?

>> No.7391109

>Love physics, am good at it, but I am so poor at math.
How is this even a thin--
>I'm at a basic stage in both

>> No.7391111

They should learn engineering instead

>> No.7391118

Why do people major in English? Same retarded shit.

>> No.7391133

Because they want to learn about physics I suppose.

Anyway those 3k kids a year are hardly the biggest retards going around. Cast your eye to the 300k/yr business & management students.

>> No.7391138

Cause they like it. It won't make you rich or anything.

>> No.7391142

fuck, so physics and maths become butt buddies later on? well fuck that I'm gonna be an evolutionary biologist

>> No.7391152

IMO, primarily to get a good foundation for doing scientific research during/after grad school.

For interdisciplinary/applied:
>tfw can pick up a bio/chem (stamp collecting) book and basically learn all I need over a weekend
>similar with learning required software
>physics is in practically everything, so natural science groups like having a physicist around

Experimental physics is self-explanatory, but Idk, maybe an engineering degree would work, too.

For the record I'm gonna try for theory, so I'm combining it with math.

Some people want to teach high school.

I don't know what other reasons there could be, apart from curiosity.

>> No.7391163

quads tell the truth

>> No.7391178

Mental illness.

physicists are mostly lazy, too. I can't wait when chemists stop being undervalued by corporate America again. So sick of china thinking that they can force drug design by increasing quantity rather than quality. It's worked out really well so far huh stupid suits.

>> No.7391195

Inb4 OP is a butthurt engineer.

>> No.7391205

vimeo . com/115262006

If you can't see the reason to study physics in 2015 after this video... then you should stop being a pleb shitposter meme.

>> No.7391210

But anon, that's engineering.

>> No.7391243

The best physics in Portugal studied and study there. Just cause it says engeneering does not mean the degree and the people are shit. They go really deep into physics, but they have meme eng stuff like CAD and Bussiness.

I would say any Physicists stands by the people o study real Physics and maths. Not the meme physics and math that meme engineers study in meme engineering degrees.

>> No.7391275


I love it when STEM goons hate on brah business majors then end up teaching them math or science 101 at a local community college.

>> No.7391295

They have Engineering Physics in the US, it's in the engineering colleges. In the same schools they usually have Physics (sometimes Physics & Astronomy) as a major in the non-engineering college.
>They go really deep into physics, but they have meme eng stuff like CAD and Bussiness
Yeah, it's an engineering degree then. Tailored for industry rather than research.

>> No.7391307

>fuck, so physics and maths become butt buddies later on?
physics is applied math

>> No.7391313

What are you career goals?

>> No.7391320

Physics and math have always been butt buddies.
The physics building at my university is literally connected to the math building by an elongated hallway.

>> No.7391333
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>"deep into physics" Yeah, it's an engineering degree then.
>Tailored for industry rather than research.

>tfw when an anon does not even bother to look at the subjects and makes a judgement based on the name Engineering.

>> No.7391389

Research, 100%.
Don't know where, though.
I currently feel like I'd rather not go into acadaemia (not too fond of the idea of lecturing or writing grants, also it's hyper competitive), so I'm looking towards government labs or industry.
I could change my mind, though. If I get lucky (top 10 grad, great connections, etc.), find that I have "talent," and everything aligns right for acadaemia, I would definitely consider it.

>> No.7391445

I'm pretty much okay at both math and physics, but I get what you mean by why would anyone want to go through with a major in it. There are so many other areas that are mind expanding and enticing, why work on the same 2%, about the size of the same size milk carton you got all through out your academic career, of problems that are solvable by integration and differentiation--it's is not going to work. Everyone essentially turns to the dark side of quantum mechanics. Either that or try to expand relativity, but the real research is you shuffling through 500 years of advances, half of which might not be relevant because you're still narrowing down. Anyway. I dunno man.

>> No.7391447

because they failed to get into the engineering program

>> No.7391469

This is so true

>> No.7391481

Jeez, since when did this board turn to /eng/?

>> No.7391495

Expanding a bit:

What I mean is, I would rather not end up a professor at somewhere like University of Nebraska. If I have a chance to be one at Caltech though, then I'd go for it.

>> No.7391524

you can like the field and the topics it involves but also not be good at it

>> No.7391539
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>an pick up a bio/chem (stamp collecting) book and basically learn all I need over a weekend


>> No.7391566
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pic related

>> No.7391592

>tfw physics graduate student
>tfw don't know why I do it anymore

>> No.7391601


>> No.7391618

Since homosexuality became more and more acceptable.

>> No.7391647

Bitter engineering reject

>> No.7391652


There is actually a strong correlation between the spread of faggotry and the spread of engineering shitposters.

>> No.7391666


>> No.7391673

Because I want to learn math and physics, not dick sucking techniques and rounding pi to 4.

>> No.7391693
File: 3.98 MB, 2840x2628, you should be able to solve these its only engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would anyone study/major in physics in 2015?
because they cant cut it in engineering. pic related

>> No.7391701

le science is EBIN

>> No.7391706

This tbh
Engineering is for intelligent people. There's a reason why math and physics are so easy to get into

>> No.7391708

These are literally physics problems. All people with a physics degree can do this, some people with an engineering degree can.

>> No.7391712

pls, these are just undergrad physics.

This could apply to both engineering and physics.

>> No.7391713

literally every problem is from an engineering course.
>b-but engineering is plug-and-chug
no, it's not and that's the point of that image

>> No.7391724


That's not accurate. Math and physics are easy to get into because they are substantially less people entering into the programs, while everyone is trying to get a meme engineering degree for muh money.

>> No.7391736

>pls, these are just undergrad physics.

>> No.7391738

>There's a reason why math and physics are so easy to get into
Yeah, no one goes into them because everyone wants muh monies instead of knowledge for knowledge's sake.

>> No.7391744

I left engineering for math out of interest. I went into engineering because math and physics and realized it wasn't enough (god I sound like an autist). I kinda regret not double majoring in math and physics but whatever, I still had some fun in engineering and have electives from that degree now.

On a side note, my one engineering peer is insistent that my math degree being engineering except without labs, science, making shit or rather, engineering is a math degree with extra shit. I gave up on arguing.

>> No.7391749

How can physics majors say engineering is a meme field when popsci is 95% physics?


All meme scientists

Physics is LITERALLY a meme science

>> No.7391750

>people made memes about physicists

>implying Tyson and Sagan can be called "physicists"
Astrophysics is an applied physics field

>> No.7391753

/sci is a dickwaving contest. Nothing more, nothing less

>> No.7391925

*tips fedora*

>> No.7391952

it was hard and i liked it, got me a job

>> No.7391987

Serious question

If one became a physicist, what would their job actually be?

I understand it's a loaded question, but a generalized answer is all that's needed.

>> No.7391993

-government labs

/sci/ likes to pretend that the latter two don't exist and accordingly scream "NO JOBS" for some odd reason.

>> No.7391995

Same my school built the new math building next to the Physics labs just to connect them.

>> No.7392010

I took many physics classes and switched my major at the end, and was so far in physics that I nearly had a degree in it. I cannot even start any of these problems.

>> No.7392014


There are people who are charismatic and popular in every field. Physics is just particularly over the top. Also, the things I have read about Hawking suggest that he was genuinely great.

>> No.7392028

This is a very hyperbolic thread. Everyone who's shit talking math probably took, at best, some undergrad analysis, topology, or differential geometry and thinks "wow, all math must be this easy!" No offense, but you're entirely wrong.

To be blunt, and maybe a little mean, you're like kids who haven't even learned the entire alphabet yet. You're familiar with tiny corners of mathematics at best. There are entire continents, whole fields of mathematics, I doubt you've ever heard of. Every one of them is, just on a introductory level, so incredibly far beyond where you're at that it would take you years of formal study to even read papers about them. And the truth is that, for absolutely any pure mathematician worth his salt, the math involved in every single other field of science is child's play.

It's not to say that mathematicians are better or smarter, or even that they know the field-specific knowledge required to solve the problems. But math is their language, you're not throwing them something new. In face, the ways we use mathematics to describe the mechanics of the physical world as we know it constitutes a very, very small part of what math concerns itself with. To make a comparison, engineers may be very proficient English speakers, but mathematicians are polyglots who study linguistics.

Engineering is wonderful and useful and absolutely necessary for the world, but why pretend that it covers mathematics in a remotely comprehensive fashion? It doesn't, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7392035

What would you say of someone who selectively took bits and pieces of modern mathematics and incorporated it into a new system?

Would any of their "words" have novel meaning?

>> No.7392036

these are not terribly difficult problems m8

maybe you're all trolling or maybe it's vastly different at different universities but at Washington physics was by far the harder major. Most of those who graduated with me went into top graduate engineering programs with ease

>> No.7392054

Dude the guy that installed my cable was an engineering major. Get off your high horse

>> No.7392060

Depends what you mean by "a new system." Unless you're making new math, it's not going to be surprising to a mathematician. It might be really cool, but if it's application, then it'll just be a more constrained version of the mathematics via whatever parameters you choose/observe the system to have.

To frame it in an engineering situation, making a SUV after the invention of cars might be cool, but it's not all that interesting from a theoretical standpoint. Mathematicians think the application of math to other disciplines is cool as hell -- just look at economics. It's just that these new applications are not challenging from a mathematical standpoint. The challenge lies in the particular field of empirical science instead, which is why these things aren't particularly commensurable.

>> No.7393863


also if you didnt even take a look at the syllabous before getting into it, youre very clearly better off not beeing there.

in germany universities ahve open enrollment for physics classes (because demand is low). and also a 45-50% dropout rate. and getting into grad school isnt competetive either.

>> No.7393879

German engineering

>> No.7393908

youve a wide variety of jobs to choose from. most of them dont have anything with physics in their title/description. generally your field will be complex coordination.
because in physics youre becoming the best at breaking things down as well as acquiring surpreme quantative reasoning.

coding is also popular. engineering level, not codemonkey.

>> No.7393913

What's the difference between coding monkey and engineer level?

>> No.7393919

proper understanding of algorithms and data structures vs. retarded ruby hipster/indian outsourcing guy

>> No.7393925

its like private and major

codemonkey = write things others tell you to write.
engineer = structural composition, algorithym design. also some sciency / hard to solve problems -- requires much more than translating things into code.

>> No.7394049

It like a good secondary degree.

>> No.7394134

so when you are at college and soneone asks what major, youcan say physics and when they reply mech engi or conp sci, you automatically feel superior and they will know this.

>> No.7394154

no, they will know that you were rejected from their program lmfao

>> No.7394180

I'm starting to think you are some false flagging pure science cunt that got beat up by engineers so you're trying to start le engineers are retarded meme.

>> No.7394196

>how not to do physics

>> No.7394198

No, I'm not. Everyone knows engineering programs are way more competitive than pure science

>> No.7394320

>point of that image
I get it, you're trying to show that engineering measures up to physics.
But you do realize there's no way engineering > physics when the hardest thing about engineering is...the physics.

>> No.7394324

>the hardest thing about engineering is...the physics
it's not. try analyzing and designing a large, complex, nonlinear system and tell me its easier than deriving shit from first principles

>> No.7394335

>deriving shit from first principles
kek engineers only know highschool physics!

>> No.7394339

>cant derive pretty much everything he's learned from first principles
ayy lmao we got a pleb among us

>> No.7394380

What do you say about the physics major though?

>> No.7394385

>having an engineering program

>> No.7394422

That's because engineering (and compsci) are meme degrees. Everyone has heard of them and start school thinking they can get in on the demand, make big bucks after they graduate, and live a good life. Meanwhile, physics is an unpopular major, so only those who really like it pursue it.
Which is good. It should stay that way. Keeps the quality up.

>> No.7394429
File: 48 KB, 1066x252, nuke vs phys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJW tier delusion m8
>phys PhDs make what engr bachelors make

>> No.7394432

Honestly being a professor at a community college seems like a pretty good gig.

You get decent pay because you are union and generally you only have to teach 2-3 classes per semester, at least according to one CC professor I know.

>> No.7394451

Your point? Unless you're trying to prove mine.
Most people want to finish after four years and make 100k. It's great that that option exists. People like me who love research and want to get a PhD won't exactly be begging on the streets once we're done with school, though.

>> No.7395919
File: 50 KB, 616x391, bigthink-michio-kaku-brain-net-futureBCI-brain-computerinterfaces-video-e1349342122754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To uncover the secrets of the universe, of course.

>> No.7395931

i looked up my 28 year old hot english teachers salary, here in cali, and her base pay was $91k! plus she had 10k in over time and 30k in benefits.

>> No.7395952

Physics is definitely the hipster meme degree rather than engineering to be honest. They are streamed from pop science channels and the Big Bang Theory sitcoms into that meme degree, most of those faggots drop out though, but while they're freshman their insufferable shiposting plagues the entire internet.

That's not "Physics PhDs" that's "Physicist", most physicists PhD holders are not employed under that title, some earn even more under other jobs like quants etc., others earn much less.

Also that's only what entry level engineers make, since DoL files "engineering manager" under a different profession, which means the switch to the much higher mid-career salaries are not included in the early career dataset for "nuclear engineers". "research engineers" etc. are also filed under different categories.

>> No.7395957

>there aren't many things that are better than solving a physics problem.
>but im shit at math so

This is the kind of retard actively shilling for Physics.

No, it's not a difficult field, house wives get physics degrees for fun, get over it.

>> No.7395968

People study physics and math because they like physics and math. People study most types of engineering because they have an interest in the field. People study mechanical engineering because they're stupid, but they like money.

>> No.7395971

I'm doing it out of fascination. There's no other subject more intoxicating to me.

Also, having a physics major preps you for many other math inclined professions and opens the door to a lot of STEM professions.

It's like a owning a degree in the generality of engineering.

I'm planning on getting my Applied Physics BS, then doing graduate work for a Masters in Engineering (electrical, I'm thinking).

>> No.7395977

>Plus I hate the labs and in general I hate computing things by hand.
Are you referring to just number crunching? Or are you talking about finding an actual value for a situation like, "Determine the charge over this conducting sphere?"

I just finished up my Multivariable course and I can't say that drawing 3-D graphs to find volumes of asymmetric shapes or other things like applying the Divergence Theorem to irregular masses was any better than "computing by hand."

>> No.7395980

Are you serious?

Here's how things have usually gone down.

Math finds new methods, physics then takes said methods and applies it to phenomena, and the rest of the science world benefits. Everything came from math and physics, and physics didn't and doesn't exist without math.

>> No.7395990

It is engineering you frogposting wog. EP is a meme engineering degree we've all seen the curricula and it's been discussed to death on /sci/. It's like a watered down mechanical engineering with some easy intro to modern physics classes instead of more difficult control engineering, more detailed transfer processes, advanced machine thermodynamics and modelling etc.

I can understand people who want to do a Physics degree to eventually get their PhD and break into research.
I can understand people who want to do an engineering degree to break into engineering whether for money of a desire to design new things.
But if you study a meme degree like EP to try and break into engineering you're fucking retarded.

Also the vid is mostly film of women walking around trying to whore the fact that she's in engineering, don't bother.

>> No.7396006

He's has everythingology syndrome.

Years of being bombarded with vitriolic professors hiding in their academic hugbox from mean outside world have given them a unique arrogance where they honestly believe they can learn the entire field of chemistry in a weekend.

There is no cure I'm afraid. Just have to put him down.

>> No.7396015

I "respect your choice", but I don't understand people like you at all who think it's not enough when you haven't finished the programme yet. You keep learning (applied) math, including complex analysis, Z-calculus, new PDE solution methods etc. until your senior year.

But anyway my point is if you feel like you want to study analysis in more depth or set theory etc. why not just get a textbook and study it? Why do you need faculty to hold your hand? You could've gotten a more valuable degree and still switched in grad-school or whatever if you really feel like you want to be in academia.

>> No.7396019

Labs exists, but it's hard as fuck to get in and only 10% of Physics majors get in.

I don't think anyone is paid to consult as a physicists, consulting is usually for industries requiring specific engineering PE signatures etc.

Maybe outside STEM if you're doing very basic bitch math/programming for a company, otherwise if you're not in the industry no would pay you a consultant fee to sit around and study when they could just order their employees to do it.

Prove me wrong etc. though.

>> No.7396023


Statistics, god tier major.

Best of physics/math/engineering, but applicable to almost all real world problems.

>> No.7396036

Well of course not, Physics undergrad programmes don't touch that's stuff.

It's technically still "Physics", but for pedagogical purposes "engineering science" is a more accurate term since you wouldn't study transfer processes, applied thermodynamics etc. in such detail in an undergrad physics degree (which has more focus on breadth while going into more detail in modern physics etc.), and further more most modern developments in engineering science is done by researchers who hold engineering degrees.

>you're like kids who haven't even learned the entire alphabet yet. You're familiar with tiny corners of mathematics at best. There are entire continents, whole fields of mathematics, I doubt you've ever heard of.
Of course, now realize that you have this same perception about engineering and we might be able to clear up the butthurt once and for all. You haven't even heard of all the undergrad topics, never mind the countless postgrad topics.

>And the truth is that, for absolutely any pure mathematician worth his salt, the math involved in every single other field of science is child's play.
Sure, the problem is that it's not a math problem, it's not that you won't be able to manipulate the applied math it's that you won't be able to model the problem and write down the equation in the first place, and yes that would require "years of formal study" too. For engineers the math manipulations they generally do is "the easy part" for them too, not just for you. Realize that not everything on the planet is about understanding "the language of math" well and in fact sometimes requires new dialects and inventions and that you linguists wouldn't approve of, just like English isn't all that important for understanding science.

>> No.7396044



>> No.7396057

>Keeps the quality up.
You're delusional.

There a thousand girls graduating each year in physics which they studied as a hobby while they look for a chad to marry and eventually teach high-school etc.

The Physics degree is not standardized. It's piss easy to get one if you attend a crappy college.

>> No.7396073

>There's no other subject more intoxicating to me.
This is fedora as fuck.
>Also, having a physics major preps you for many other math inclined professions and opens the door to a lot of STEM professions.
This is a myth, read more posts on /sci/ and Physics Forums, it opens the door to IT, teaching HS and gradschool, which you also could've gotten studying an technologist degree or similar.
>It's like a owning a degree in the generality of engineering.
This is just childishly naive.
>I'm planning on getting my Applied Physics BS, then doing graduate work for a Masters in Engineering (electrical, I'm thinking).
Kind of the wrong way round since you can't get a PE due to not having your b while a physics post grad is better for a research career than EE, but whatever it's not me who's taking a salary cut to do the same job. For future generations always do BEng --> MSc/MEng --> PhD.

>> No.7396175

I've never seen this, I've only seen BSc. Is there any real difference?

>> No.7396206

phallic digits confirm

>> No.7396209

Britbong terms, ignore.

BSc in engineering in the US is equivalent to a BEng degree.

>> No.7396275

in canada an engineering is called a BASc at some schools (bachelor applied science) at some schools

>> No.7396279
File: 145 KB, 393x391, 1435185787105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like a watered down mechanical engineering
Well memed pleb. Very well memed.

>> No.7396283

Syrup niggers have always had the most retarded names for degrees.

One of their colleges still hands out MATH degrees iirc.

>> No.7397355
File: 63 KB, 1050x1485, pathways.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can pick up a bio/chem (stamp collecting) book and basically learn all I need over a weekend

Yeah, no. Just reading a bunch of names of proteins and molecules and brief explanations isn't the same thing as understanding what actually goes on.

>> No.7397381

I don't even think EP is ABET accredited.

>> No.7397385

I'm that guy. I did take a year of chem.

>> No.7397397

>It's piss easy to get one if you attend a crappy college
Ok? Well I care about my future, so I attend a good college, and I'm doing physics.

>There a thousand girls graduating each year in physics which they studied as a hobby while they look for a chad to marry and eventually teach high-school etc
Lel. Can't verify this at my school, maybe it's true elsewhere, but it did make me laugh.

>> No.7398036

biochem is stampcollecting 101

lrn 2 organic

>> No.7398039
File: 311 KB, 1409x1979, 81WBZFUfGgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7398042

I majored in physics and got my degree in 2012. I am now teaching physics, chemistry, robotics at the high school level. It is p great tbh

>> No.7398294

why would anyone do geology in 2015

>> No.7398348

>physics majors teach dumb kids
>engineers design cutting edge technology used for industry and research
You have no reason to feel superior. You pathetic slime

>> No.7398488

This. I often find myself puzzling over a worded explanation of something, but then I look for other explanations and find a mathematical description of it, then I try it out myself and everything makes sense.

I'm looking at you, Debye-Huckel theory.

>> No.7399216
File: 40 KB, 300x544, 1436886591118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To teach highschool

>> No.7399219

It's funny that physics majors talk about engineer's work being boring when we get to design novel things and physics majors teach algebra to dumb kids

>> No.7399231

Shit, being in Med Skoo with BioE is the best decision I've ever made.

It's everything but boring imo.

>> No.7399240

I don't get why engineers are so obsessed with how much money they make. By that logic fucking investment bankers are better than any STEM fag.

>> No.7399259

>investment bankers

Low end ones on wallstreet make ~$74k

They only exist on wallstreet (Engies are everywhere)

Become a neurologist.

>> No.7399268

Some of them are, but they obviously aren't accredited for working in any specific industry so it's worthless, you can essentially only do basic bitch manufacturing with it.

>> No.7399272

Your ego is getting in the way of you comprehending that post.

The point is to critique the fact that it is not standardized, so at most colleges with the low quality degrees it's a meme degree.

>> No.7399276

They aren't, you're the only one that thinks they care about money, the work is far more interesting because actually DOING something will all that knowledge is far more interesting than just studying it.

>> No.7399282

/sci/ is a fucking joke.
You know that new 3D printer that prints 100x times faster, the one that comes out of a liquid interface?
Developed by two chemists and a theoretical physicist, now to be used by engineers everywhere.
Fucking engineers need to stop shitting on science majors, this is /sci/ not /eng/ for fuck's sake.

>> No.7399302

>The point is to critique the fact that it is not standardized, so at most colleges with the low quality degrees it's a meme degree
You can say the same for every other non-trade course major though. No point in studying history at UC Riverside, you have to try for somewhere like Princeton to even matter. Science is at least objective. But I do agree, at shitty schools the profs just don't give a flip so they could give As to people who can't even multiply fractions.

>> No.7399315

>Fucking engineers need to stop shitting on science majors

First day on /sci/?

>> No.7399329

No, actually. In my first days the science majors were shitting on engineers. What the hell happened?

>> No.7399344

people realized that phys/mathfags are actually just autistic and that engineers are the true master race
get with the times sperg

>> No.7399348

I'm trying to understand how the world functions through mathematics

>> No.7399521


>> No.7399576

you're trying to be jobless

>> No.7399586

How to get smart
1 study mathematics
2 play sports
3 pick up women
4 reed shit tone of books
four steps is easy to understand

>> No.7399588

How to get smart
1 study engineering
2 play sports
3 pick up women
4 reed shit tone of books
four steps is easy to understand

>> No.7399607

i actually got a job as an EE

engineering is a meme degree confirmed

>> No.7399610

and engineers get jobs as physicists and shit too. /sci/ is retarded and thinks a degree in x = job as x
dont listen to /sci/ ever

>> No.7399626

This is purely the reason I'm studying science and anybody who gets into academics with the top reason is either a liar or in the wrong profession.

>> No.7399628

question 14 is literally a basic e&m problem and the others wouldn't be hard if you did a bit of background reading

>> No.7399633
File: 258 KB, 1920x2318, engineering circlejer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7399705

I get you're trolling, but literally fuck off. We're just doing what we want, not trying to persuade other people.

>> No.7399736

This is the /sci/ I remember.

>> No.7399788

Everyone I've ever known who's gone into physics or is thinking about it has a variation of the same reason; they really, really like it. Nobody goes into physics for money, very few go into it for approval or respect. People just have a passion for it.

>> No.7399893

Actually, I'd been wavering on this idea for a while now. I'm only a rising sophomore in college so my opportunities are still open. I'm going to hopefully transfer to nearby engineering college and go from there. Hopefully in NucEng or EE.

Thank you for the blatancy and I'm sorry you saw all your opportunities go by.

>> No.7399894

> meme degrees
god my sides.

>> No.7399932

People in physics seem to actually enjoy the subject, while engineering is becoming flooded with dudebros and anyone who did slightly above average in highschool because STEM is being pushed so hard (most of these types eventually drop out, giving engineering its "hardest major" stereotype)

>> No.7399935

If they're outstanding they can go into research.
If they're good they can work somewhere in the industry and make a buttload of money

If they're not good they should study something else.

>> No.7400030

That book is fucking massive

>> No.7400346

>STEM is being pushed so hard
this is a good thing tho

>> No.7400350

You're a good thing, though.

>> No.7400406

Not really. Physics drives mathematics.
It goes more like: problem arises, physicists come up with some hack way of solving the mathematical model (usually involving a lot of ignoring most terms, with a lot of unlike-mathematics lack of rigor), and then mathematicians in an effort to prove or disprove the model/approach add the rigor generalize the approach.

>> No.7400556

Ha I never said I felt superior to anyone. I just said I got a physics degree, now I am a teacher, and I am happy with my career choice. y u so mad?

>> No.7400563


>> No.7400612

what was your GPA?

>> No.7400626

Don't know what that is, sorry.

>> No.7400654

I graduated summa cum laude with a 3.9. Granted it was a public state university so I don't know if that lessens my accomplishment but I was happy.

>> No.7400660


>>7392028 addressed both things you brought up, dude.

>Engineering is wonderful and useful and absolutely necessary for the world, but why pretend that it covers mathematics in a remotely comprehensive fashion? It doesn't, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>It's not to say that mathematicians are better or smarter, or even that they know the field-specific knowledge required to solve the problems.

>> No.7400672
File: 62 KB, 297x508, 1432345086179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have physics degree from MIT and unemployed

>> No.7400675

post pic of your student card

>> No.7400695

long pause....... Y O U R E U H F U C K I N A S S H O L E

>> No.7400750

A little from both (e.g. Riemman)
Math drives physics and viceversa.

>> No.7400788

is that the one that introduces function groups using nmr spectra? How autistic