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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 161 KB, 300x300, IQ-Test-Preparation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7388715 No.7388715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've seen stormfags bring this up a couple of times now, but I don't want to dismiss their points simply based on the fact that they are stormfags.

They usually claim that blacks (and others) have lower IQs than whites and asians. I know that this is the case if you look at the world map, but there are so many external factors at play there.

Are there any papers I can look at where other factors are controlled for? Or has this simply never been taken up by researchers? The wiki article on 'Race and IQ' is pretty heavily disputed and I doubt it'd be a good source anyway.

Google Scholar is giving me jack shit, too. Any truth to these claims, politics aside?

>> No.7388723

Are you serious? Race and IQ?

There is literally zero difference between the mental capacity of certain ethnic groups over another. The reason some demographics score lower on tests and things like that is due to policies and other factors in their educational systems and communities.

A human is a human, we all have the same brain.

>> No.7388725

IQ is a flawed concept.As a number it doesn't mean anything,but it was invented as a some kind of reference point for specific problem solving and note the specific part.
Because is not perfect it is not taken in account as cut off point in any situation.
People that take it seriously are autistic,elitist fucks or both.
>inb4 mad or whatever
Took the Stanford IQ test and got 130.It doesn't mean anything because Im broke,socially inadequate and in general not successful.

>> No.7388726

Blacks tend ot be dumber than whites, while whites tend ot be dumber than jews. This is fact, just like blacks are better at sports than whites, who, in turn, are better at sports than jews. Every race has something its better at than everyone else, as well as something they suck at, like everyone else.

Think about it like this, whites are neutral, they tend to be generally good at everything they do, but are rarely excellent. Blacks are excellent at things that require physical power and endurance, but suck at academics, Jews tend to be better at academics, rather than phsyical endevours. Why? Because of cultural differences on the emphasis of what makes someone successful.

Black culture leans towards sports and music, Jew culture leans towards business running and religious devotion. Whites? Whites do whatever their area needs and only specialize when they have the motivation TO specialize. Can all races do this? Of course, but most don't.

If you can see and accept the fact that every race is different, you're the true racist, because you're not just ignoring what makes every other race shitty, you're also ignoring what makes every other race great. Kikes are good with money, blacks are good at sports, chinese are good at ruining everything they touch, japanese are good at perfection, australians are good at banter, mexicans are good at working, get it?

>> No.7388727
File: 31 KB, 360x285, black white IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delusional as fuck
are you really this brainwashed or just trolling?

>> No.7388730
File: 33 KB, 327x265, aborigine meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero difference between the mental capacity of certain ethnic groups over another
Keep telling yourself that, anon. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.7388732

That races differ in average IQ is pretty much a fact (although some people are even starting to deny this).

The point of contention is wether or not those differences are genetic. The answer is "probably". We don't know for sure because our knowledge of genetics is still too small to know which genes contribute to intelligence. But we have established that intelligence is mostly hereditary, which would imply that races have different genetically defined intelligence, since races are basically extended families.

Sure is summer in here

>> No.7388738

k oldfag

>> No.7388743

>Blacks tend to be dumber than whites

If you want to start off with blatant bigoted ignorance don't expect to be taken seriously.

>> No.7388748

I can't tell if your b8ing

If you're not fuck off back to reddit you niggerlover

>> No.7388749

>That races differ in average IQ is pretty much a fact
This is /sci/ post your sources
And no some random graph from /pol/ is not a source

>> No.7388750

I was sort of looking for research on the topic rather than personal opinions of the traits of the different races... but don't let that stop you giving them anyway...

>> No.7388751

>"shit, I cant call him out cause hes right!"
>"I KNOW, i'll call him a BIGOT!"

>> No.7388753

>This is /sci/ post your sources
>And no some random graph from /pol/ is not a source
"The bell curve" is pretty much the best book on this subejct.

>> No.7388755


>> No.7388757

>If you're not fuck off back to reddit you niggerlover

lol >>>/pol/ you horrible creature

>> No.7388770

That's a pretty good read. That's what I was after. Seems to have a strong indication that IQ is somewhat dependant on ancestry/race. They should do this type of study every few years, to whittle down the margin of error, as it is a fairly low sample size.

>> No.7388777
File: 191 KB, 980x1190, Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent Racial Propaganda Thread

>> No.7388780

Quite some people brought up descendants of slave trade on this.

>> No.7388781

Op go the fuck to /pol/ you are not welcome here.

>> No.7388785


>politics aside

I asked a genuine fucking question specifically asking for research, I don't see how this isn't a thread for /sci/. Are you telling me I'd get a better more informed answer on the shitfest that is /pol/?

>> No.7388789

So you attribute differences to culture rather than genetics?

>> No.7388791

The questions you asked
>Are there any papers I can look at where other factors are controlled for? Or has this simply never been taken up by researchers? The wiki article on 'Race and IQ' is pretty heavily disputed and I doubt it'd be a good source anyway. Google Scholar is giving me jack shit, too. Any truth to these claims, politics aside?

Are astonishingly easy to answer with Google. Wikipedia's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_intelligence has one of the longest citations sections I've ever seen. Nothing was going to come of this thread other than a chorus of /pol/ and >>>/pol/

>> No.7388796

Fuck off racist

>> No.7388816


>> No.7388819


long story short: there is a correlation between race and IQ. The problem? Not only do we not know if it's enviromental or genetic (nature vs nurture) or both (and if so, what contributes more), but the IQ itself is a shitty quotient that does not mean much.

So no, we do not know.

>> No.7388824


You might also be surprised to find out that the distribution of intelligence is different for men and women.

>> No.7388827

Wouldn't it be insanely unlikely for two groups of people who are geographically isolated from each other and don't interbreed for thousands of years to have LITERALLY EXACTLY IDENTICAL brains, with absolutely no differences of any kind whatsoever? Almost everything else is different (skin pigment, bone shape, fatty tissue deposits, ability to digest alcohol and milk, height, knee construction, genetic diseases, height, hair texture, etc). Why would the brain be mysteriously unchanged from all this? Does the brain have some sort of mystical anti-change force-field?

The only logical assumption is that brains are somewhat different between races, which in turn would logically lead to the conclusion that different races should have, at least slightly, different IQs and baseline personalities.

>> No.7388840

Blacks are as smart as whites. They're just not trying hard enough. :^^)

>> No.7388844

I think if you were to get technical, races have more things in common with each other than they have differences between them.

i.e. they both have arms, digits on both fingers, ribs, stomach acid, etc. and on for ages.

You are picking out differences based on our species. If you zoomed out, homo sapiens are *very similar* to each other, while they are not as similar to homo erectus.

>> No.7388847

>races have more things in common with each other than they have differences between them.

>sexes have more in common than differences between them
>ergo, sexes don't real

>> No.7388848

This could possibly be the dumbest thing I've read on /sci/ in months.

>> No.7388851

nope. everyone is exactly the same in their intelligence. Brains are magical and not subject to evolution. Also, all races are exactly equal overall, so if one race A happened to be stronger on average than another race B, then race B must necessarily be better in some other comparable area, like having resistance to certain diseases that race A isn't resistance to.

>> No.7388856

How much you want to bet if I dropped you into the Australian Outback in the middle of December you'd be burbling incoherently and pissing yourself within 18 hours?

>> No.7388857
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>What is elementary biology

There are over 300 kinds of Dogs, they all vary slightly in physical makeup and appearance but guess what, they are all dogs. When you mate one breed with another you don't get a new race, you get a fucking DOG.

Humans have about 1% more mental capacity than chimps. All human beings are literally the same fucking thing.

>> No.7388864

Did they actually take an IQ test or are they just estimating based on high school GPA?

>> No.7388867

>lol no inventions
Inventions are a function of population density, which is in turn a function of inventions. It's a very slow process at the start.

>> No.7388876

Except we have no problem saying that some races of dog are significantly more intelligent than others.

Being able to interbreed != having the same intelligence

>People literally think this

>> No.7388883

>At the time of first European contact, it is estimated that between 315,000 and 750,000 people lived in Australia, with upper estimates being as high as 1.25 million.

>> No.7388884

>I'm too stupid to read a Wikipedia article.

Here you go, retard.
The original study used Stanford-Binet Form L-M, WISC or WAIS tests, depending on age, while the follow-up used WISC-R or WAIS-R.

>> No.7388886

>Took the Stanford IQ test and got 130.It doesn't mean anything because Im broke,socially inadequate and in general not successful.

This is basically the tried and tired argument "If you're so smart how come you aren't rich?"

The marshmellow test has shown us that executive control is a better predictor of success. It's misleading to confuse all of cognition as intelligence.

>> No.7388896

>IQ itself is a shitty quotient that does not mean much.
"g factor" in psychometrics determines general intelligence. This g factor is highly correlated with IQ which is highly correlated with academic success, income, health, and much more. This is why this topic is so important. It is a fact that IQ is heritable, and thus all of these implied goods are heritable.

>Humans have about 1% more mental capacity than chimps.
Oh god what has /sci/ become?

Read the article. Get out of your low-IQ-force-feed-me-knowledge status.

>"If you're so smart how come you aren't rich?"
Because it won't predict individual success for certain. The following will come a lecture of fundamental statistics... but essentially just because the sample positively correlates IQ with income or success, that doesn't mean each individual will have higher income or success as their is individual variance.

>> No.7388900

This has got to be the most irrelevant fucking response to anything I've seen in the last weeks.

> When you mate one breed with another you don't get a new race
How is this relevant?

Holy shit the Strawman is real.

It has been theorized that jews have an extremely high average IQ when compared to others because of the fact that they have been involved in banking for perhaps more than a millennium. They were the only group of people in Europe whose religion didn't forbid usury. This meant that good arithmetic thinking was desired and wealthy families had more children than the poorer ones. This, coupled with the fact that jews didn't interbreed with gentiles lead to the current situation of them having such a high IQ (and also lead to the high prevalence of certain genetic disorders).

> that doesn't mean each individual will have higher income or success as their is individual variance
And yet another fucking irrelevant point. Nobody ever claimed what you 'refuted' with that.

I swear to god.

>> No.7388905

>implying some breeds aren't smarter than other breeds
>implying some breeds aren't more likely to be agressive than other breeds
top fucking kek you just proved his entire point about races having different iq curves

>> No.7388907

>I swear to god.

Fucking blasphemer burn in Hell.

>> No.7388908

Sorry for not capitalizing the Lord.

>> No.7388916
File: 69 KB, 420x599, 1431265800135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people getting triggered

IQ is not a measure of how valuable you are as a human being. Really, it's only supposed to measure how well adapted you are to modern society.

The average Ashkenazi Jew comes from a bloodline that has been a big part of the rise of modern civilization for millennia. Wouldn't it make sense that, through natural selection, he would have genes that make him better suited to modern society?

The average African, on the other hand, comes from a bloodline that preferred other traits, such as running (http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/04/why-kenyans-make-such-great-runners-a-story-of-genes-and-cultures/256015/)), so they are less genetically suited to modern life than Ashkenazi Jews.

If we put an average modern Ashkenazi Jew in a time machine to Kenya 2,000 years ago, he would probably underperform, compared to his ancient Kenyan peers. Why do we expect a modern Kenyan to be able to live in a complex, modern society as well as Jews, Asians, and Caucasians? It's inhumane and unfair to everyone involved to believe everyone is completely equal.

>> No.7388919

Think about it this way:

What definitively makes a person of a particular race the race which they are?

Usually people say "Skin?" and follow up with "But changing my skin color shouldn't affect my intelligence!". After that, some poltard will, accurately, respond with "it's not just skin!", but typically not have anything past that, and simply say "some races are smarter, and others are dumber". The problem with that is it very quickly slips from "this race and that race" into just "high IQ and low IQ".

If that's the deal, then why not just discriminate on IQ if you need to discriminate? What's the point of bringing in this vaguely defined "race"? If your goal is simply to discriminate in favor of IQ, just discriminate in favor of IQ. If you're hung up on race instead, then you actually are just an idiot racist.

On top of that, not only is IQ arguably less than useful, even if it did accurately represent the rate at which someone attains knowledge, it still isn't necessarily a grounds to discriminate. Does someone being a slower reader make them less a person? What if they can't tie their shoes? What if they can't play tennis? These are all just standalone traits, there are plenty of scenarios where IQ isn't useful at all.

Probably a /pol/ack poser trying to pull you in OP. They do that.

>> No.7388929

Kill yourself

>> No.7388934

>not only is IQ arguably less than useful
And before someone calls me out on this, I mean the IQ test/measurement itself, wheras later on where I say
>there are plenty of scenarios where IQ isn't useful at all.
I mean actually having high IQ.

>> No.7388935

You are so retarded in so many ways.

>> No.7388936

That makes it even worse.

>> No.7388937

>If that's the deal, then why not just discriminate on IQ if you need to discriminate? What's the point of bringing in this vaguely defined "race"? If your goal is simply to discriminate in favor of IQ, just discriminate in favor of IQ. If you're hung up on race instead, then you actually are just an idiot racist.
Well y'see my friend because we assume that this as you say vague races are equal n all then when certain groups of people get arrested at 20x the average it looks like something's amiss; some kind of political oppression is afoot.

When they struggle in school we assume it's that the teachers aren't giving them as much attention or assistance, or grading them harshly because of racism.

See how actually knowing these things could be useful?

>> No.7388939

I get what you mean. The justification I see from stormfags is that they don't want the gene pool to be 'polluted', seeing as IQ seems to be inherited, so therefore lower IQ races should breed among themselves.

This is problematic for the stormfags though, because there are plenty of retard white people, and by that logic they should be cut off from interbreeding with smarter white people. Then you're left with a fucking Aryan race excluding dumb people of that race. Fucking hell stormfags.

I'm op btw

>> No.7388942

You're treating this interhuman-equality like it's a scientific concept with any relevance outside of sociology. People aren't equal, nor are they unequal.

>> No.7388948

You're an SJW

>> No.7388950

but that can't be, I'm jewish! :^)

Then have the kids take an IQ test. Still no point to using race as your basis.

>> No.7388953

lol, no. I think the SJWs would have thrown me out a long time ago for asking an honest question about IQ differences between races.

>> No.7388954

Look if you want us to provide you sources and facts to the heritability of IQ we can do that. If you are just going to call us stormfags you are only bathing in ignorance.

>People aren't equal, nor are they unequal.
oh god kill me

Jews have high verbal IQ but test mediocre in everything else, see they have to be able to deceive people.

>> No.7388955

>Then have the kids take an IQ test. Still no point to using race as your basis.
Ah but don't you see!
They will say that they score lowly because they're not fed well enough or taught properly or so and so and the real cause will be muddled.

>> No.7388956

>People aren't equal, nor are they unequal.
Really? I was under the impression that the rational consensus was that people are equal in the eyes of the law, but unequal in terms of their capacity for achievement in particular areas, height, physical structure, skin color, etc

>> No.7388959

I didn't say IQ wasn't inheritable, I actually accept that it probably is. The point is, why is this anything to do with race? What difference does it make if some races have lower IQs? I don't understand the overarching goal here. Stupid people should be isolated?

>> No.7388960

>Ugh, someone has a higher IQ than me!
>Time to divide IQ into more categories until something which makes me good comes out!

This is fundamentally why IQ tests are flawed and can infact favor less intelligent people if need be.

Being equal in the eyes of the law or in a 1000 meter sprint isn't the same as being scientifically or mathematically equal as a whole person.

>> No.7388963

You sound like someone who wants people to worry less about racism

Ironic, no?

>> No.7388964

So assuming 1 M people in Australia about .13 people per square kilometer, or roughly 1/3 of the density of modern Alaska.

>> No.7388966

The point is that many people are putting the idea that all races are equal into policies. Should a university or engineering firm give preference to blacks? Does their decreased likelihood to be accepted into college or hired as an engineer mean that they are unfairly being discriminated against, or that, proportionally, fewer blacks have the qualifications to be a good student or engineer?

>> No.7388975

Why don't they just make students take an IQ test

>> No.7388977

I'm sorry I've been up all night and am struggling to decipher the implication of your post

>> No.7388980

Because they score lower and the question is why; is this because they're equally bright but kept down by the man or because they're stupid?

>> No.7388981

I agree that there are some policies that seem to be made out of white guilt and out of fear of offending people, but whenever I see these graphs about IQs of the races this is never the issue. It goes like; blacks are inherently less intelligent, white people are superior, fuck off back to africa and leave us in peace.

>> No.7388982

Think about it

You want people to discriminate in favor of IQ, but when told to do that directly rather than through race, you reply by saying "but people will blame racial discrimination if I just have people take IQ tests!"

and you're saying that while advocating racial discrimination

you're the reason the problem you perceive exists

>> No.7388983

Well, they make you take an SAT, but still give racial preference because the SAT must be racist if it favors one race over another

Engineering firms have HR

>> No.7388987

I hope this is just the effects of summer. As a minority I am sincerely interested and would accept any data on this subject. Instead this thread (on sci of all places) is 90% uninformed opinions. Whether you are racist scum or beta bitch who can't accept that evolution happens with humans too, if you dont have data why the hell are you posting? Just ignore the thread and let people have an informed discussion

>> No.7388988

Pro-tip: There is no group of people in the world fighting for equality. Why have equality when you can make society favor people like yourself and your family?

>> No.7388990

Maybe the only reason why these threads exist are because white people are dumb enough to post in them without saging

>> No.7388992

Here ya go



>> No.7388993

IQ is blatantly bullshit. Does not prove anything. Nor does race have correlation.

Stop thinking IQ scores will matter in life and prove intelligence. I had my taken when i was younger and it doesn't prove shit.

>> No.7388998
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyyy lmao

>> No.7388999

The "stormfags" were just answering OPs question. If you are asking me why there are studies to understand this, well for the sake of understanding. Some people more politically oriented will take this to argue eugenics and whatnot, other people will use this to combat the arguments that "everyone is equal xD =^]" garbage or trying to disprove that certain races are putting other races down, merely its the race's fault for their lack of potential.

General intelligence just takes all of these different intelligence factors into account. It predicts success in a variety of areas.

Black/NA acceptance rates are way too high in many universities here in the US. You can get into some of the highest prestige schools with above-average academic performance. It's essentially reverse discrimination.

The SAT test is highly positively correlated with IQ, and the colleges highly weigh SAT into the equation for acceptance, so effectively they do.


Welcome to /sci/, hope you enjoy your stay.

>> No.7389000

I would like to add that intelligence is a vague word.

Some geniuses can answer ^10 equations in the blink of an eye, but struggle to lace their shoes, while some guys are illiterate but can repair cars with almost nothing. Both can be considered intelligent, but in different ways.

I'd also like to see how /pol/ supremacists would fare if they had to survive in some shithole, and how "superior" they'd be when they're not in front of their computer.

>> No.7389002

I want data on how many people from this thread actually have a respectable job. Or better yet, from pol. I'm pretty sure there'll be a correlation with its usage and low success. Does this mean anons are less human than other humans?

>> No.7389006

You guys are hurting my feelings.

>> No.7389007

Trips of truth

Not to mention, based Feynman only had an IQ of about 125. I'm 130 and dropped out of Intro to Atomic Physics because fuck that shit

>> No.7389016
File: 1.87 MB, 2704x3226, Our Lord and Savior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, my feelings aren't hurt. You must be one of pic related though.

>> No.7389020

>Does this mean anons are less human than other humans?
"By browsing 4chan, you declare giving up your humanity."

>> No.7389117

>and many other posts cause fuck reading all this shit

What is up with these fucking ad hominems and generally ill informed posts? What is this shit?

>> No.7389119

It's what happens when ethics and science play together

This is why I'm an engineer

>> No.7389122

>complains about baits

>> No.7389145

>Black/NA acceptance rates are way too high in many universities here in the US. You can get into some of the highest prestige schools with above-average academic performance. It's essentially reverse discrimination.
States can opt out of affirmative action on this level because of this. In Louisiana it's illegal for race based discrimination in universities even if they're trying to help blacks.

>> No.7389154

Stop trying to normalize your fringe lunacy and go back to your containment board

>> No.7389160

As far as average IQ# I have never seen anything other than
jews > asians > whites > blacks > abos
I'm white. Why this would bother anyone I have no idea. Accept the facts boyos.

>> No.7389172

I'm gonna add some opinion....

I think both hardcore liberals and stormfags have inferiority complexes which deny reality. Liberal whites have nothing to lose if an entire race is above them on the IQ pyramid since egalitarianism is central to their ideology, while stormcucks just flat out deny the legitimacy of every race other than theirs.

>> No.7389176

some SJW raid, you try to provide empirical evidence, and people get defensive

>> No.7389183

It's an irrelevant question to discuss

>> No.7389191

>The average Ashkenazi Jew comes from a bloodline that has been a big part of the rise of modern civilization for millennia

[citation needed]

>> No.7389193

it's not irrelevent for #whitepower #muhracebaiting

>> No.7389196

Because m-muh feeeeelings? It's science.

>> No.7389200

>As a minority

If you're non white you're in the majority, m8.

>> No.7389202

No one minority has a majority, m8.

>> No.7389204


>everyone is good at different things

feel good crap but it's probably true.

>> No.7389209

>you try to argue and people argue with you

see >>7389016

>> No.7389210

>I think both hardcore liberals and stormfags have inferiority complexes

ding ding ding. we have a winner.

>> No.7389211

>literally zero
Not saying you're wrong or right here but something tells me your conclusion was mostly based on your feelings

>> No.7389215



You are wrong and should feel bad and sad.

>> No.7389216


>> No.7389218
File: 1.16 MB, 1411x1518, race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is literally zero difference between the mental capacity of certain ethnic groups over another

>literally zero

Literally zero difference guys!

>> No.7389219



>> No.7389223

In whatever context you're considering Asians a majority, they are obviously not a minority.

>> No.7389224
File: 140 KB, 917x761, race differentiate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7389227



>> No.7389230


>intermediate on anything

I'm calling bullshit on this.

I'm not totally disagreeing with you but it seems a bit off.

Are white people like the most basic standard rule of thumb type thing?


>> No.7389233


>>intermediate on anything


>> No.7389234


>> No.7389236


Oh nice.


>> No.7389237

>qualitative observation
>white decidedly the norm
>no source

>> No.7389240

>>qualitative observation
>>white decidedly the norm

That's where I question it.

>> No.7389241

>no source

>> No.7389247

Haven't even read anything in this thread but the title

but holy shit would you simpletons and your small minded concerns like "race" fucking give it a rest already?

Who fucking cares? So what if niggers are dumb as dogs, or asians are the masterrice?

What does it matter? You're still going to fuck the first girl that gives you a chance regardless of her race, and most women, regardless of race, are too stupid to think about any future beyond the happy family picture they want so they don't give a shit which race they "should reproduce with" either.

Just let it fucking go already and let's talk about real science

>> No.7389253
File: 73 KB, 440x602, rKstrategy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same book.

Although r/K theory is used for animal, it can be applied to human groups as well.

>> No.7389258

Isaac Newton... genius & virgin

Nikola Tesla... genius & virgin

William James Sidis.. genius & virgin

see a pattern here?

>> No.7389259

>Who fucking cares? So what if niggers are dumb as dogs, or asians are the masterrice?

Well for starters, I don't like seeing my country flooded with Sudanese low life scum.

I'm not weeb or anything but I'd take some Chinks over nogs any day. Just like I'd rather have Japs over Chinks.

>What does it matter? You're still going to fuck the first girl that gives you a chance regardless of her race

Dat projection

>and most women, regardless of race, are too stupid to think about any future beyond the happy family picture they want so they don't give a shit which race they "should reproduce with" either.

How do you know what they're thinking?

>Just let it fucking go already and let's talk about real science

LOL? How the fuck is this not "real science"??

>p-please don't talk about things that trigger me...

>r-real s-science..g-guys...

>> No.7389260

>muh dik: the post

>> No.7389263


>tfw you were measurably more intelligent before you had your virginity stolen

Don't do it guys. Pussy and ass just aint worth it.

>> No.7389264

You were in highschool when you was a virgin

you're in college/working now and realise you're not a genius special snowflake

>> No.7389265

I'm sorry I should have said let's talk about science that's worth talking about

>> No.7389270

>You were in highschool when you was a virgin

No I wasn't.


>worth talking about

Oh, you're an SJW.

>> No.7389271

I asked a question regarding the research of IQ with regards to the different races. It is a legit question. How is this not 'real science'? Fuck that.

>> No.7389274


Bad reading comp.

I lost my virginity in my 20s.

>this is science related some how

>> No.7389279

Your attitude is the reason our white countries are being flooded with brainless shitskins and our tax payers are wasting billions dollars in aid to african countries hoping they can success as others if enough money are given.

Just face it you dont want other people to discuss this not because you care about worthier science. Its because you dont wanna hear about things that challenge your believes.

>> No.7389281

>Oh, you're an SJW.
nice try
but I'm sure you're not really dumb enough to think it's impossible for someone to just be annoyed at all the fucking Race and IQ threads /sci/ gets

no, I'm obviously an SJW trying to get everyone to hold hands right? Because SJW's totally use arguments like:
>So what if niggers are dumb as dogs, or asians are the masterrice?

>> No.7389286

this is a common tactics by sjws. Pretending to be the rational fence sitter but try their hardest to make people silence about topics they dont like

>> No.7389288

see >>7389281

no it's because I am almost completely certain race is related to intelligence
Does that mean I can't find these threads annoying and pointless as fuck? It's like I'm on /pol/ half the time

>> No.7389290

On these chart, yeah.

But reality is, Asians are the most common and the most average base.

Whites/Niggers are the lower ends.

>> No.7389291

>fringe lunacy
I never even claimed what my beliefs were. See it's always like that with people like you; when facing facts that conflict with what you believe in you start bullshitting to associate said facts with some lunatic strawman arguments, which in your feeble mind is just as good as disproving them.

How is it irrelevant? It is a discussion over the differences amongst humans. The discussion is literally about evolution.

Here's the strawmanning again.

No it is not true. A stupid person can be better at something than someone smarter, but on overall a smart person has more potential overall. The increased 'net amount of skill' is what makes a smart person different. Of fucking course there are exceptions, and tons of them, because you're bound to have them when we're discussing such a broad concept that is influenced by a shitton different factors. But exceptions do not fucking negate the law. They only show how complicated the big picture is. You can't value a person by their IQ (which is the closest measure of intelligence we have) but it goes a long fucking way in predicting the probabilities of people succeeding/failing in measurable ways.

Whites are in the middle. Literally what is your problem with the words used? There was no preconceived notions of what's the norm but whites appear to be in the middle and so appropriate words are used.

These cucks are politicizing anything they disagree with. Look at the whole thread for proof. You don't even need to claim anything political they will attribute anything they want to you anyway.

>It's like I'm on /pol/ half the time
Imagine if we could have a real discussion without half the shitposters throwing a tantrum.

>> No.7389292

>his is a common tactics by sjws
>I'm an expert guys
>trust me, it's the SJW conspiracy
>trust me, the man is out to get me

why does /pol/ always sound so black

>> No.7389294

This thread may have replies like those on /pol/ but the original question was fit for /sci/.

I apologise for wanting legit replies instead of the shitposting you'd get for the same thing on /pol/.

>> No.7389295
File: 116 KB, 405x320, Don't worry! I'm a wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my mana keeps me smart
Feels good being on my way to becoming a wizard

>> No.7389296

honestly it's probably the IQ part that's annoying. We get so many fucking stupid IQ threads on /sci/

>> No.7389298

theres a hide thread function if you dont like it

why dont you want people to discuss this perfectly science related topic?

Why do you pretend to be on our side of the argument but try to silent us?

Theres a thing called pattern recognition, Im not a lunatic conspiratard to point out a common sjw tactics

>> No.7389303

I don't browse /sci/ very often, so I wouldn't know but I did think that it was the place to go for a thread like this. Anywhere else and it'll just be a total clusterfuck, but looking back at the thread... not much better than that...

>> No.7389306

>Theres a thing called pattern recognition
Gonna bring this full circle and say that you probably have a high IQ


>> No.7389309

That wasn't me
but quit being so fucking paranoid
>Why do you pretend to be on our side of the argument but try to silent us?
I told you these threads are annoying, do you honestly think that not a single person on /sci/ can possibly find these threads annoying enough to try and say something about it?

>> No.7389312

Maybe blacks just have lower IQ on average? It doesn't matter. It doesn't mean anything. Stormfags point to that and think they've discovered some grand design, as if it would in any way validate their backward fucking beliefs.

You want to know who else has a lower average IQ? People with lower than average IQ. Whoooo big deal. What does this mean? Nothing. Not a damn thing. We are all individuals and none of us are the result of or responsible for averages of any arbitrary group you place us in.

Try this: Next time a sormfag points out that Africans score lower on IQ tests, instead of pointing out how unrelated IQ and intelligence are, instead of pointing out all the conditions that could lead to the same person scoring lower, just say "So?"

They won't have an answer. They haven't thought that far. I'll bet stormfags have a below average IQ too.

>> No.7389313

nah Im pretty low at 108

it doesnt matter since I hear this kind of arguments from sjws all the time

>Im totally on your sides guys but pls dont talk about this fuck woman and nigger I want to rape and murder anita sarkeesian

>> No.7389318

>so what

stop sending aid packages to africa and hope they'll become like japan or germany some day

>> No.7389321


and would an SJW call you a retarded fuckwit?

>> No.7389323

>just say "So?" They won't have an answer. They haven't thought that far.
There's actually several ways to go beyond that point. I don't think you've thought through it yourself.

>> No.7389325

yeah they would, ad hominem is the only thing they're good at

>> No.7389327

How would you respond to "so"?

>> No.7389335

> implying we send anywhere near as much aid as we did to rebuild German or Japan.
We didn't rebuild the south either and now look how fucking retarded they are.

>> No.7389336

>muh feels

so you want people to stop talking about topics you find uncomfortable? Sounds pretty sjwy to me

>> No.7389339

> implying we send anywhere near as much aid as we did to rebuild German or Japan.

you got any source to back that up?

>> No.7389344

>I never even claimed what my beliefs were.
Idk, when you go down the thread and complain about every post on one side of the discussion, it definitely comes across as taking a side. Namely, the lunatic fringe side.

>> No.7389346

It's 4chan, if I don't like something people are going to hear about it

these threads are just so boring, but maybe I'm biased because I'm into physics/math and pretty much all human issues are dull as fuck to me

>> No.7389357

>pretty much all human issues are dull as fuck to me

such a fucking edgelord sociopath lel

>> No.7389358

The consistent, demonstrable and very rapid rise of IQs in general would suggest that differences are overwhelmingly environmental.

>> No.7389360

Well I don't even need to mention the most extreme answers because they're the most obvious. They're also the ones that would get me lumped with stormfags.

Then there are the moderate ones such as; immigration fucking regulation. Not every immigrant is an investment into culture and advancement. Especially if the group of people we are accepting have on average a lower IQ that basically means they have a small probability of being a productive member of society, especially taking into account cultural and religious differences and the fact that a large mass of immigrants with these qualities have a sweet tendency to not assimilate. This will create schisms and ghettos. This will also lessen the integrity of said nation by them having to now ponder to the requests of those who were given a huge privilege in even being accepted in. Needless to say, it will also put a strain on the social welfare of the country and this will in turn burden its economy.

Unregulated immigration of very different and low IQ people is bad all around.

How about taking the side whichever the retards who write stupid shit are on? That goes both for the most obvious sjw we have here just as it goes for the stormfags who post stupid pictures >>7388730

But honestly the former are far more numerous here and so far I haven't seen a claim made by the latter that was disproven. Judging by this thread they're the rational ones here. Says something, doesn't it?

>> No.7389365

enjoy convincing yourself you're actually smart with your humanities tier baby science

>> No.7389366

>How about taking the side whichever the retards who write stupid shit are on?

Because that's where I'm at.

>> No.7389386

>If you want to start off with blatant bigoted ignorance don't expect to be taken seriously.
This is bait, folks

>> No.7389392

How come whites start by "blacks are dumber than whites" instead of "asians are superior to whites"?

Any studies that does race IQ should show that paradigm to be true consistently. Are the whites that bring that up ashamed of their own stupidity?

>> No.7389395

>Well I don't even need to mention the most extreme answers because they're the most obvious. They're also the ones that would get me lumped with stormfags.

Have you considered that everything you say makes it abundantly clear you deserved to be lumped exactly so?

>> No.7389398

Nah, actually that's a well-reasoned response to fedora crazy.

>> No.7389404

The most obvious as in the most straightforward and 'hands on' in eliminating the perceived problem the fastest way possible.

You can't deny killing everyone with sub 100 IQ would make the world a smarter place. You can't deny it being edgy as fuck either. Whether you or I support it or not is irrelevant because it's still an idea that accomplishes its goal.

>> No.7389411

>killing everyone with sub 100 IQ would make the world a smarter place

that would include many of your friends and family, you realise that

>> No.7389414

This thread, once again, proves that this question will never be solved in any meaningful way. Even the attempt of studying genetic differences on IQ (because that's what "race and IQ" ultimately boils down to) is viciously attacked by some.

>> No.7389415

>Whether you or I support it or not is irrelevant because it's still an idea that accomplishes its goal.
Stop being so fucking obtuse.

>> No.7389417

>You can't deny killing everyone with sub 100 IQ would make the world a smarter place.

That's actually really easy to deny. Organizational and environmental factors arguably account for far more of human intellectual output than individual merit; even putting that aside, the best you could possibly claim is that it would make the world a smarter place *per capita*, and then only briefly.

>Whether you or I support it or not is irrelevant because it's still an idea that accomplishes its goal.

No, whether you support it is eminently relevant. You're trying to claim being open to these sorts of ideas is a healthy middle ground, and it isn't.

>> No.7389418

>How come whites start by "blacks are dumber than whites" instead of "asians are superior to whites"?
Because that is fucking false. SEA IQ rates are almost nigger tier. The east asian countries that do have higher IQ are negligibly higher and for various other reasons...
1. The "highest IQ asian countries" are fucking cities basically like Singapore and Hong Kong, that's comparing apples to oranges.
2. The countries that are insignificantly higher have 70 hour a week school systems.

On the other hand, controlled studies for African Americans show their IQs are a SD lower on average.

I've already posted sources along with other people on this topic, the other 90% of the thread were SJWs throwing a tantrum and calling people stormfags.

>> No.7389423

>I've already posted sources along with other people on this topic, the other 90% of the thread were SJWs throwing a tantrum and calling people stormfags.

>hey guys look at these same fringe scientists as ever making the same claims as ever
>hey guys won't you please discuss my citations instead of speculating about my motivation
>no please don't say stormfront
>don't be like that please
>I can't go back
>I'm not going

>> No.7389425

>Organizational and environmental factors arguably account for far more of human intellectual output than individual merit
And how would a smarter population not have a positive effect on these organizational and environmental (as in what, nature?) factors.

>and then only briefly.
You can't say that. IQ inheritability isn't fully understood, though high IQ people are more likely to have high IQ kids than not.

>No, whether you support it is eminently relevant. You're trying to claim being open to these sorts of ideas is a healthy middle ground, and it isn't.
See this is exactly why I didn't want to mention them. No matter what you now assume I support them regardless of what I say.

>> No.7389432

Also what do you even mean by me being open to these ideas?

Being open as in thinking they're acceptable? Well that's wrong.

Being open as in acknowledging that they fulfill their goals? Yes. But the fact that in my opinion this idea would create more problems than not is apparently irrelevant because according to your criteria I fully support it.

>> No.7389433

>studying isn't part of intelligence
>memorizing isn't part of intelligence

I know your argument. Fucking retarded making excuses.

>> No.7389436
File: 11 KB, 220x279, Justus_Sustermans_-_Portrait_of_Galileo_Galilei,_1636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hey guys look at this same fringe scientist as ever making the same claims as ever
>hey guys won't you please discuss my citations instead of speculating about my motivation
>no please don't say atheist
>don't be like that please
>I can't go back
>I'm not going

>> No.7389437

>more problems than not
More problems than it would solve*

6am here so yeah

>> No.7389438

>And how would a smarter population not have a positive effect on these organizational
A suddenly smaller population would have a detrimental effect on every organization.

>and environmental (as in what, nature?) factors.
Environmental as in the environments people are raised in and the things we surround ourselves with in our society. You inherit your mother's blue eyes, you also inherit chunks of her bookshelf. The amount of information contained in genes is relatively static and mostly unrelated to intelligence at that, while the amount of information contained in the human living space has increased dramatically and measurably. Which do you think is more likely to cause the Flynn effect?

>No matter what you now assume I support them regardless of what I say.
Not really, I'm only assuming you think they're part of a healthy and productive discussion and I'm only asserting that they are not.

>> No.7389439

It has more to do with the fact that whites aren't mass immigrating into Asian countries and bringing them down in the most literal sense of the word.

Ofcourse if you weren't a fucking nigger you would've figured it out ;^)

>> No.7389446

I don't like people dismissing facts just because of some ethics. I don't have any real motivation behind this past removing delusion. When the media is always telling us that "we're all equal xD" and it's not fucking true. Accept the facts, and move on; ethics is an independent argument we can get into later, and people say I am a very ethical person.

I'm not sure about that, but studying definitely increases short-term IQ if anything, and this can account for the difference.

Because asian countries are shitholes and have their own set of problems.

>> No.7389450

>I don't like people dismissing facts just because of some ethics.

What you're asserting to be undeniable facts have been the subject of lengthy and high-profile public scientific debates for decades. You can look at what actual, prominent scientists have to say or you can seek out sketchy sources that agree more fully with yourself.

>> No.7389454

>A suddenly smaller population would have a detrimental effect on every organization.
[citation needed]

History and modern examples would say otherwise but apparently they're misleading.

>behavioral sink
>lack of intimacy
>lack of sense of individuality
>inherent corruption of big states/organizations
To name the first that come to mind.

>while the amount of information contained in the human living space
The amount of information in the human living space is irrelevant since the information there would be retained regardless of whether the people would perish or not.

If you were trying to imply that it is possible to make use of all that info only when there's people using it then you're wrong. 10000 people reading the same book won't produce a better enough result than 5000 people would, compared to the doubled cost.

Also if you were trying to imply that it is the amount of info people have gathered from their surroundings that matters, then take into account the fact that smarter people have more knowledge. I am fairly certain there is no info that can be found form sub 100 IQ people that wouldn't be found from 100+ IQ.

>I'm only assuming you think they're part of a healthy and productive discussion and I'm only asserting that they are not.
Didn't the mere fact that I didn't even want to bring them into the discussion kind of imply that I don't think of them as healthy part of the discussion?

>> No.7389458

Good luck providing me studies showing that "everyone is equal xD". I mean come on don't be retarded you know this shit is true and you are just putting your fingers in your ears.

>agree more fully with yourself.
I'm not even completely white.

>> No.7389459

Please, feel free to post some of what "actual, prominent scientists have to say", along with appropriate citations.

The fact that people of different races tend to score differently on IQ tests is commonly accepted. The reason is seemingly obvious. The burden of proof that this difference in IQ is due to a non-genetic factor is on you.

>> No.7389462

Ethics/morals are developed by higher intelligent society.

Discarding them or not regarding them, would be something a lower end being would do.

>> No.7389469

>[citation needed]
If we're talking about getting rid of welfare queens, sure. But how am I gonna go to work designing planes everyday when I've got no food, since all the farmers and meat processors are gone? For now, society requires a lot of manual labor.

I see scientists as more of a jury; we're here to determine the facts. We've spent years honing these skills, so let's use them. Let philosophers and legislators and priests judge what the appropriate reaction to these facts are.

>> No.7389473

Are you saying you're a scientist?

Or that you're a jury?

>> No.7389478

>But how am I gonna go to work designing planes everyday when I've got no food, since all the farmers and meat processors are gone?
Yeah because farming is a manual labor, right?

M8 this isn't India we're talking about.

>For now, society requires a lot of manual labor.
It's not something that can't be learned.

But yes there are problems with implementing what I mentioned. More than it solves, perhaps.

That's why I'm not advocating it.

Essentially what I was justifying in the previous post was just a smaller population.

>> No.7389482

>"everyone is equal xD"
Stop quoting yourself, it's unbecoming.

>Please, feel free to post some of what "actual, prominent scientists have to say", along with appropriate citations.

or maybe

>> No.7389485
File: 97 KB, 861x1170, 1432683497596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very wrong.
The vast majority of aboriginal tribes were situated along the coast.
In some places tribal borders were very densely packed, often bordering dozens of others.
Tribes would routinely make contact with each other and in the North sometimes make contact with seafarers from South East Asia.

There are lots of ways that lefties trying to debate about race and IQ can usually skirt around and avoid the issue.
But this is not so easily done in regards with Australian Aborigines.
Nothing you can say can sufficiently overcome the reality that they bring to this debate.

>> No.7389487

Did you even read my post? Low quality bait.

You "we're all equal xD" fags are actually starting to confirm retardation because you can't read which implies you fail at absorbing information and are purely emotional creatures.

>> No.7389490

So socially the aborigines are behind by what, 6k years?

And how much does that make biologically?

The most relevant question would be whether our current society will be able to basically 'modernize' them faster than the progress occurred naturally.

>> No.7389512

Hard to say, if you consider the incredibly vast amount of time they have had to make progress then they are probably far more behind Europeans for example. But being 'behind' implies they were in the race, which is hard to imagine. There is not much to suggest any real form of progression over their entire occurrence in Australia, there is no reason to believe that in 6k, 10k or even 100k that they would have been any more advanced then when they were civilised.

>The most relevant question would be whether our current society will be able to basically 'modernize' them faster than the progress occurred naturally.
Seems unlikely as progress in Aboriginal communities would require personal responsibility on their behalf.

>> No.7389519

>There is not much to suggest any real form of progression over their entire occurrence in Australia, there is no reason to believe that in 6k, 10k or even 100k that they would have been any more advanced then when they were civilised.
I don't think you understand how exponential functions work. You could've said the exact same about Europeans before the neolithic age.

Once you get the ball rolling it's get faster and faster.

Ofcourse if it would turn out they're biologically so far behind that they resemble an extinct species as I've read somewhere then you'd have a point.

>> No.7389527

I'm saying that I like metaphors.

In a courtroom, the process of finding ethical decisions doesn't rest on one person; it's split up. Witnesses, objects, records, etc. provide evidence, the jury uses this evidence to determine facts, and the judge uses these facts to determine an action, using laws created by legislators.

Likewise, observations of the world around us are evidence. Scientists use this evidence to determine facts. The ethical decisions derived from these facts should be decided by someone else, is all I'm saying.

You realize that the Wikipedia article supports a correlation between race and intelligence, right? Even experiments that make the environment between people the same still end up with a significant difference.

>> No.7389530

>The vast majority of aboriginal tribes were situated along the coast.
And the denser coastal regions had pretty much the social structures and technologies you'd expect for a pre- or early-agricultural society.

>But this is not so easily done in regards with Australian Aborigines.
It's very easily done. The evolution of technology is much more complex than intelligence x time. To briefly summarize (I'm thinking of Brian Arthur and the Santa Fe Institute mostly)
>innovations are contingent on long sequences of improbable events
>these events have opportunities to occur as dictated by the rate of encounter between humans
>rate of encounter depends on population density, urban organization, telecommunications penetration
That is, there is no 'rate' of innovation that simply follows from the application of intelligence over time, innovations occur as results of complex series of events whose probabilities greatly hinge on the local record of previous innovations. In such a system, given a long period of time, you should expect wide variance in the state of technology between isolated populations.

>> No.7389533

>You realize that the Wikipedia article supports a correlation between race and intelligence, right?
I feel like there's a really popular saying about correlation but I can't quite put my finger on it just now

>> No.7389536

>The ethical decisions derived from these facts should be decided by someone else
Why? All humans are free to be moral or ethical, unless you're living in a totalitarian country where thats limited.

A human being that doesn't exercise his/her moral/ethical value has no place in a society. Society thats built on moral/ethical standards is to be upheld by its people. Whoever says Scientists shouldn't use moral/ethical judgment are either totalitarian or idiots.

>> No.7389537

I agree the progress has been exponential, but I would argue the ball was rolling in Europe, albeit very slowly, since before the Neolithic.
At the same time, there was never even a ball in Australia.

>Ofcourse if it would turn out they're biologically so far behind that they resemble an extinct species as I've read somewhere then you'd have a point.
I don't know if this would be the exact truth but its certainly a lot closer to it then 'were all equal'.

>> No.7389540

Are you here to make excuses or here to make a point?

>> No.7389542

Also, we lock up those without morals/ethical standards in prison.

>> No.7389543

This board should be renamed to /pol-w/-"Engineers"

>> No.7389544

>Wow, it looks like race and IQ are correlated!
>But does race cause a lower IQ?
>Let's study the human genome and find out!
>Wait, we're still really far off from figuring out what genes affect IQ
>How about we remove any possible difference in 'nuture'? If 'nuture' has no effect, it's probably 'nature'!
>Adoption studies
>Abecedarian Early Intervention Project
>Well, these are helping a little, but doesn't really close the gap
>I guess that means-
>[Enter ethicists]
>"Hey, can you guys cut it out? We don't wanna do this Nazi and eugenics thing all over again. It was a real pain in the ass."

>> No.7389546

The point is that many processes cannot be described in simple terms as a rate over time. The lack of high technology in indigenous Australians is utterly unremarkable unless you are making exactly that error.

>> No.7389549

It's difficult to talk about science on /sci/. We should rename this board "Ethics and Emotions".

>> No.7389550

47 posters, 202 replies, I'm guessing you're the one that keeps bringing up ethics and ethicists

>> No.7389552

There's a big difference between making your own ethical decisions and enforcing your ethics on society.

By not pursuing a field of research, the scientific community would be enforcing their morals on society, because they're the only ones that can really fill that role. It would be like a jury deciding to dismiss an entire court case without ever examining the evidence,just because the accused looks nice.

Personally, I think it's a weakness of modern society that roles are so subdivided among groups of people, but it's a necessary evil if we want to maintain our current level of progress.

>> No.7389553

I am not talking about time. I am talking about Aboriginals.
There was absolutely no force in heaven or hell that could have caused them to become civilised, be it over 10 thousand years or a million.

>> No.7389554

>There was absolutely no force in heaven or hell that could have caused them to become civilised, be it over 10 thousand years or a million.

Okay, now support this claim in any way.

>> No.7389556

What exactly is your experience with aboriginals other then using them as a tool in political debates?

>> No.7389561

What exactly is your argument, if any?

>> No.7389566

Some things require a little bit of common sense and first hand experience. Its incredibly difficult to have any real experience with Aboriginals and to argue that they are equal to you and I on all levels. Its not something that becomes pleasant or easy to say, rather something impossible to deny. They are different, and they did not nor do they currently posses any traits required to make even the first few steps on the way to civilisation.