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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7386267 No.7386267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is biology the weakest science?
> at most only explains relationships while subjects such as chemistry and physics explain the universe at an intrinsic level

Im seriously debating this in my head because i was thinking about pursuing a biochemistry major

>> No.7386290

You might want to reconsider before you accept life saving surgery or cancer treatment.

>> No.7386299

Define "intrinsic level"

>> No.7386323

Biochemistry is not weak. You can have your physics-chemistry there.
Biological processes are very complex, and you need a lot of science to at least have an idea what is really going on.

>> No.7386337

>Is biology the weakest science?
>at most only explains relationships
lel, stick with biochem
proteomics/epigenomics is where it's at

>> No.7386338

No. It's just studying phenomena at a different level. You can't really explain things in the realm of biology using chemistry, except in the simplest cases, in the same way that you can't really explain things in chemistry using physics, except in the simplest cases.

In grad school, the best people to talk to about my astrophysical models were the people in the population bio lab. They had a lot of experience with tricky differential equations... one in particular had some good methods for conditioning matrices that really should have been published somewhere.

>> No.7386364

What kind of astrophysical models did you deal with? Not an astrophysicist by any stretch but curious.

>> No.7386392

every science is applied math

>> No.7386418

>physics explains the universe
Physics is just an approximation. Stop being an elitist faggot.

>> No.7386436

Regenerative Medicine

good bye.

>> No.7386593


>> No.7386604

Define weak. Every major field of science is equally important, like it or not.

>> No.7386908

If the field of Regenerative Medicine doesn't make Biology the most interesting science, I don't know what is exciting and interesting in the entire universe then.

>> No.7386911
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>> No.7387242

I don't know about weak, and I think biology is just as important as physics or chemistry.
However, from my experience with people in biology, the whole thing sounds like being in complete darkness. They vary something here, and something there, and see what happens, and if they find something interesting they move on to that direction and so on. It seems all purely experimental with little or no theoretical knowledge to back up, explain, or possibly advance their knowledge further. That's just my opinion based on limited knowledge, though.

>> No.7387249

Physics majors are engineering rejects, lel

>> No.7387252

>Every major field of science is equally important, like it or not.

>> No.7387254

Do Biochem instead

>> No.7387256

I like animals, I know alot about animals, and I want to work with animals.

So, if you want to look down at me because I'm following my passions, I'll be over here, happily taking care of my rats.

>> No.7387257

In a manner, they are. Everyone says biology is applied chemistry, and chemistry is applied physics, but there's a reason all three sciences exist independently of each other. We can't explain everything through one field yet, and maybe we never will, and yet there is a need to answer equally important questions pertaining to all three fields, so, yeah, they're all equally important.

>> No.7387264

ngs technologies is probably the biggest offender of what OP is talking about. it's like "oh lets generate a bunch of data and see what falls out"

>> No.7387284

It's "weaker" than physics in the sense that there's less math describing its phenomena, but it's still a field that has well-researched and tested theories that can make accurate predictions. Something like anthropology is always going to be inherently "softer" than biology because you can't test it very well in a lab.

>> No.7387288

>strength is determined by math

>> No.7387289

It is you weak faggot.

>> No.7387338

Funny, it was the other way around with me and my friend.

>> No.7387342

>equally important

No, that's bait and fucking stupid. However, all valuable? No denying that.

>> No.7387353

Not bait, just my opinion. Care to elaborate on why you think it's wrong?

>> No.7387398

You really should define "weakest" OP
Less math involved? Less probability of practical applications discovered in research?

>> No.7387461
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>> No.7387468

I mean "weak" in the sense that it is the most abstract phenomena to represent and understand. We can determine lifes processes but we arent any closer to understanding how or why life happens, etc.

>> No.7387470

Study what you're interested in, faggot.

>> No.7387516

Can't be as weak as my degree.

>CS Major
>Biology path instead of physics
>Minor in Pyschology

>> No.7387532
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>Chem dude not participating in meaningless argument
Yeah sounds right to me, it's gud to be Chem

>> No.7387560


>> No.7387562

>being old

>> No.7387565

Just curious, what for? How are you going to connect those? If at all.

>> No.7387571

He sounds like he'll do work in neural networks or something.

>> No.7387575

NGS isn't about 'generating data and see what falls out'. NGS and bioinformatics is the next step in biomedicine, like it or not.

>> No.7387576

Not to mention his Hitler haircut

>> No.7387584
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>tfw people think medical science is weak
>tfw people go to doctors to not be weak
>tfw contradiction

>> No.7387588

If you're coming here for advice, guidance, or decent conversations, then you're in the wrong place. I've haven't lurked /sci/ for too long, but from what I can tell, most people here just shit on all other majors besides their own. Leave so you don't get influenced by bad advice.

>> No.7387590

How about space colonization?

>> No.7387606

Well actually the problem with why life happened falls into the realm of physical biochemistry not just biology. Biology is the study of life, how it works and how it interacts. The thing is though that because, If you follow the purity idea of science where you go in order of math, math for physics, and math and physics for chem, then finally math physics and chemistry for biology you require quite a bit of stuff to understand biology at all. Biochemistry especially is mind boggling difficult to keep straight trying to figure out how all these varying chemical equations react in a heterogenous self regulating mixture. But I digress, the result I was getting to is that biology focuses on different portions of what is considered important to physics and chemistry. They need statistical modeling much more due to the aforementioned, >>7387284, and they need physics in how the water cycle works at a minute level and how organisms physical constitution withstand extremes. Chemistry in how the nitrogen cycle works and biochemistry as a whole. But to learn those things seems trivial to most solid chem and physics life choices. But the trick is not in the knowing it's in the connecting. In figuring out the reason a disease kill a person or why aphid populations boomed alongs idea ants.

Also deeper level biological concepts can be explained with math. That's most of inheritence because you can account for most everything in it using probabilities and calculations on population dynamics in equilabrium and otherwise.

>> No.7387612


>> No.7387628

>I've haven't lurked /sci/ for too long
Don't be to hard on him, I have a pure math degree and I already got a 300K salary job.

>> No.7387639

>Weakest science
Not even close.
>Only explains relationships
What are you talking about?

>> No.7387688

Well if we were talking about importance it would be

>> No.7387691

>We aren't any closer to how or why life happens

>> No.7387701
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>Don't be to hard on him, I have a pure math degree and I already got a 300K salary job

>> No.7387703

Physics and chemistry are very different fields buddy. Chemistry only used some basic laws from physics and that's about it.

>> No.7387704

Define weak.

>> No.7387710

>in the sense that there's less math describing its phenomena

>> No.7387850
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Go for it, man.

Here's my opinion:

A lot of physics is easier than a lot of chemistry which is easier than a lot of biology. I realize that there are areas of each field that can be singled out and evaluated on their own, but the subjects as wholes get easier with more math involved.

I've always been good at math, and so physics, which is the science of math and logic, e.g. "this is the single equation for determining escape velocity," was so easy once you were taught the equations themselves. Chemistry, especially organic chemistry, can be made-up rules and what "probably" happens. You get impurities in syntheses, etc.. Biology is the worst for me because there aren't absolute truths in it. They're almost entirely observations.

That's how it is for *subjects,* though. I've never worked in the field of physics, but I'm sure it's much harder than working in the fields of biology or chemistry.

>> No.7387858

biology is literally a tool for chemists. i used to respect biologists, but then I began working as a med chemist.

They just run our routine assays like monkeys and we do the thinking.

>> No.7387875


>not being biocentric