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File: 840 KB, 1301x911, CV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7382738 No.7382738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As we're approaching a new round of graduates I was hoping to get a 'rate my cv' thread going on for those entering the industry

Should I move my address to the end and maybe create a section for interests?

Also I have 2 years experience as a waiter but that seems pretty pointless to put on this

>> No.7382742

It would be ideal to elaborate on some of your listed skills.

>> No.7382748
File: 249 KB, 929x1170, resumenew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my resume. don't really have much real experience unfortunately, and i'm in the middle of know where and always get beat out by local candidates

>> No.7382752
File: 28 KB, 353x500, 1402686146188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those red underlines
Wait what? Did you write that in fucking word. Absolutely disgusting, get that shit outta here.

>> No.7382787

You have many core stengths, OP.

>> No.7382793

MATLAB should be in all caps.
This isn't an advice board though.
Read the sticky >>>/adv/

>> No.7382797

this isn't a popsci/pseudoscience board either

>> No.7382802
File: 76 KB, 654x805, 6274515faed4bfc4463b225dfcf1c020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slacked off b/c of gf this past year, fml. All mostly B+'s in STEM though, with a couple A. r8/suggestions for next year? thinking of going into AE instead, or both

>> No.7382804

> popsci
it kinda is.

>> No.7382807

it's not. its becoming that because the mods suck dick and keep the worst fucking threads up and people respond to dumb shit and awful bait but its not meant for popsci bullshit, we just dont have enough intelligent posters. theres nothing wrong with this kind of thread

>> No.7382823

do you really think 4chan is the place for intelligent discussion?
I mean sure it happens every once in a while, but we're only a click away from /pol/ and /b/.

>> No.7382827

>GPA: 3
>Experience: not major related gipsy jobs
>Skills: touchtype and office
Step your game up anon, get a student assistant position or git gud in programming or enjoy unemployment

Your typesetting is off, first point after the line needs 1-2mm more space, and the header 2-3 mm less. Skills & Awards must have the same font and size as the other headers.

>> No.7382868

I shall do this thanks. This was the intention of my 'personal development' experiences at the end however I shall build on this to make sure they include all the skills I've listed

Perhaps build up a base of relevant independent work or work experience to show you're going the extra mile? Not too sure about other peoples ideas but your layout looks like it could do with improving to make it look more professional

For small 1-2 page files I stick with word. It's only larger projects do I rely on latex. Especially when there's images

Is this good or bad? My line of work is thankfully something I can practice and improve on at home as well as at work and as I enjoy it so much I spend most of my time doing that

Thanks. I've posted on here as I know there's a larger base of 'hard subject' professionals and I'd prefer those opinions over most

>> No.7382916
File: 78 KB, 832x584, 1385195296983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no employment history

>> No.7382920


>> No.7382924

BTW I pointed out a spelling mistake: CORE STENGTHS and you ignored it so I'm letting you know for a second time.

>> No.7382927

Fresh graduate with a year and a half employment history

>> No.7382932

Ooops, thanks

>> No.7382995

Then why haven't you written it down?

>> No.7382999

are you blind you fucking retard

>> No.7383006

>save your introduction/mission statement for your cover letter
>split your technical skills into programming languages, computer software, laboratory equipment, etc
>Matlab should be MATLAB
>professional experience descriptions are a bit awkward. get rid of the fluff and be more straight forward
>the whole resume should be just one page.

I'm an American, so my advice may be irrelevant.

>save your objective statement for the cover letter.
>add GPA if it's greater than 3.0
>cut relevant coursework to 6 courses. make sure those 6 courses are actually relevant
>expand your projects. since you have no professional experience, this is your most important section. give each project a subsection with descriptive bullet points
>get rid of laboratory experience and move that information into projects and skills

>if your linkedin profile isn't complete, don't post it on your resume
>condense your work experience
>add projects, such as programming projects
>aesthetically, your resume is very ugly. consider learning latex.

just a tip, use sans-serif font for titles, and serif font for the content