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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7380583 No.7380583 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings! It's me again, and as the /sci/ Hyperloop team we're steadily on progress

old thread

Heads up for team: We have our third general meeting tomorrow at UTC 3 PM on Slack. Today is the first team leaders meetings, hopefully we'll set up internal meetings soon.

Updates: Teams are almost set - leads are chosen, everyone settling in workgroups. Project Programme put up. Currently design philosophy will be discussed.

NEEDED: Aerodynamics Skills - preferrably able to handle a leading position. We want someone from /sci/ preferrably, as the rest of the team is, but it looks like we'll have to outsource our Aero leads. As always, if you're interested in joining the team, email:

pic related: neat Hyperloop illustration from the Popular Science Hyperloop issue

>> No.7381326

Hopefully we will have something to show you all soon! At the moment the team is organizing itself, and major top level documents are being written. Work will begin within next week.

>> No.7382072

>he does it for free

>> No.7382074

What is the price of the competition?
Working at SpaceX?
$1 billion?

>> No.7382107
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>tfw want to contribute but chemistry knowledge not needed

>> No.7382322
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>pic related
Congratulations, you are everything wrong about the current research environment
currently nothing. none of the involved are doing it for profit
we'll wait until the official august 15th announcement to see if anything changes
I won't speculate on SpaceX but this is a great opportunity to make yourself known to them
+ if you make it to the construction (of the pod) phase, you'll be funded by companies already. the winners will likely secure a funding from investors to carry on with their work

all of the above omits the challenge of tackling a particularly difficult and long problem, which is thrilling to us /sci/entists
chemistry related skills are of course needed. for example, how involved are you in thermodynamics?

>> No.7382335
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Best of luck to everyone involved, I'm also a Chem undergrad but I'm probably not learned enough and I'm not sure I can spare the time. However I'll be behind you guys all the way, make /sci/ proud!

>> No.7382340
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Thanks bro, much appreciated

>> No.7382495

A bit. I doubt the kind of thermodynamics I do is related to engineering though, I'm more concerned with the thermodynamics of chemical systems rather than engines, for example. Looking forwards to updates nonetheless.

>> No.7383650

Yeah, what we really need is an embedded systems engineer, aero engineers, and generally more mechanical engineers. Also, members who have the time to commit themselves.

Small status update on what's going on: Drafts of major documents have been finished and await further revision by lead members. The documents in question are the Design Philosophy, Team Agreement, and Systems Relations. A general meeting was held today, but we had extremely low turnout, and have learned that general meetings during weekdays does not work. Most points on the agenda were postponed to the next meeting on Saturday 3pm utc. As soon as we have slotted all active members in workgroups and subgroups, we are ready to begin the pre-preliminary design phase, which run until the 15. August when detailed tube specs are released.

>> No.7384135


>> No.7384365

Jesus fucking Christ. Be serious guys /sci/ is monitoring this whole thing, even thought we don't post in the threads.

>> No.7384418

for an anonymous board, it's going really well IMO

also team members are great and we're having fun talking about this and communicating. I'm really glad this happened and that I'm on a team like this, my university would never get in on a project like this

>> No.7384921

do you people seriously think that this is every going to be built? elon musk is such a joke, he would be bankrupt without government subsidies propping up his businesses.

>> No.7384992

They're called contracts.

>> No.7385032
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According to Musk, who is sending rockets to ISS in spite of naysayers and who is building a country wide supercharger smart-grid for electric cars in spite of people who doomed electric cars a novelty for short range driving, Hyperloop will be cheaper than the conventional $60 billion railway project Californian government is considering.

So when you add how influential Musk is in terms of job creation (Gigafactory) and as a top-bitch Silicon Valley entrepreneur, he has a good chance swaying the state decisions in his favor.

>tfw i became a Musk shill because of you

>> No.7385034
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I meant top-notch, but top-kek

>> No.7385067

We're all a little musk shill on the inside

>> No.7385105

Best of luck to the /sci/ team. HS Senior right now, would contribute if I knew anything

>> No.7385164

I do a lot of computational work involving large data sets (physics). If that is of any use to you guys I'd be happy to help.

>> No.7385440
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>> No.7385784

So? That's exactly why government subsidies exist. Fucking oil companies were propped up by government subsidies in the early years of US oil exploration. It's part and parcel of technological development. Deal with it.

>> No.7385819

Hey, it's greenbagels. Mind adding my email to the slack team so I can register?

>> No.7385824

a link to the slack team page would be helpful if that's necessary, actually.

>> No.7386021

Hey guys, going to make it short for a quick first response.

I am a german mech. eng. currently writing on my bachelor thesis, following by a MBA. I have around 4-5 years of practical experience as mechanical drafts person. Currently I've been working on some development projects for some electrical/mechanical systems. My focus is on project management, lesser the detailed calculations. I am working in the field of tool machines with batch sizes between 1 and 250.000.
Do you see any way you could need some help? Would love to make some new experience on the side.

>> No.7386057

> My focus is on project management
ding ding ding
we're currently developing the design documents and we have a project manager lead, but you'll definitely be of much help. he's an EE and you're a mechE so that's also complementary

please email to possessedmanager@gmail.com

>> No.7386067


>> No.7386072

Hey, it's greenbagels. Mind if you pop in the irc and link me the slack team homepage, Possessed?

>> No.7386244

Why don't you make foundation to reduce tax payment to gov? if you gather money by donation, you can save cost more.

>> No.7386313 [DELETED] 

Well, looks like i'm a bit late

>> No.7386317

If the prize for the winning team is Elon's dick, I would join you guys.
If not then sorry, I will stay off from this one.

>> No.7387508

PROTIP: the loop is the dick

>> No.7390075