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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 83 KB, 762x300, MemeDegree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7364518 No.7364518 [Reply] [Original]

>Just got my first job doing java development as a self taught programmer
>People actually go to college for this

CS majors why do you waste 4 years and thousands of $ doing something you could literally learn for free?

/sci/ is this the ultimate meme STEM field?

>> No.7364520

Apparently they hire a bunch of self taught people as well with different art and business related degrees.

Companies only really care if you can program not if you have some glorified sheet of paper.

>> No.7364527

CS professors just assume you're gonna do research with them, so they waste your money.

>> No.7364530

Definitely not the ultimate stem field lad.

Like degrees in physics, maths and business any pleb off the street can do your job if he spends a bit of time with a textbook. They're only useful if you're going into research.

The GOAT degrees are engineering, medicine and accountancy.

>> No.7364543
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CS jobs pay more than excel-jockey and cad-jockey jobs

>> No.7364555

Alright so as a physics bachelors holder with limited (but some) real programming experience (C++ / Java) and a boatload of matlab experience

How do I into your job. I thought all the CS majors would snap up everything worth getting.

>> No.7364560

Not all CS grads want a min wage job at a java startup.
Some want to teach.
Some want to research.
Some want a job at intel.
Some want things that requires a credential.

>> No.7364567


>going to university to learn skills for jobs

I genuinely wish I get hit by a car and get reborn 50 years earlier. Keep this low class philistine trash outside of fucking university!

>> No.7364576

> living in the time when you can learn anything without leaving the comfort of your bed
> being in debt for the rest of your life in order to get just a taste from the fountain of knowledge

>> No.7364577

You forgot the part where you are paid less to do the same job and will also reach a career ceiling in 10 years.

>> No.7364584

Yes because a faggot who wrote a Hello world tutorial in JavaScript is much more knowledgeable than any prof with 20 years+ experience in the industry.

>> No.7364585

I feel the same way sometimes. I don't like that university is liked at as job training, and the people who look at it that way tend to annoy me.

>> No.7364625

Some people want more than $12/hr and being the first to go when people are getting laid off.

>> No.7364659

I'm a CS major but my focus is on theoretical CS. I find it much more interesting/rewarding to study than just programming. Programming feels like a fun hobby compared to what I'm actually studying in school/doing research on

>> No.7364697

>I don't like that university is liked at as job training, and the people who look at it that way tend to annoy me.

I used to be young naive and idealistic like you.

I loved the subject and worked for understanding instead of studying for the test.

Then I realised academia wasn't for me and fell out of love with my subject. My grade wasn't quite the top grade anymore because I didn't cultivate skills cramming for exams in material I no-longer care about like my peers.

Everyone that treated uni like job-training is heading off to happy jobs and here I am stuck in the middleground. Not smart and driven enough for academia, didn't spend uni building networking connections and worker drone job skills.

>> No.7364700

OP forgot to add its a minimum wage job
enjoy being outsourced by an indian

>> No.7364743


>minimum wage
Lel CS degree fags actually think the real world works like this

Actually its 45k starting and it'll be at least 80k by 23 but think whatever you wish.You'll be making around the same once you graduate, only difference is you wasted time and money on a degree to get to the same place.

All you need is projects and to prove yourself in the interview to get hired, you literally don't know the amount of people quitting their jobs and moving to cs right now.

>> No.7364747

>doing java development
>confining yourself to a single language

I've never understood why people want to label themselves as a Java developer or .NET developer. What's wrong with just being a developer? I use Ruby, Python, Javascript, Java and C on a daily basis and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.7364750

>any kind of real world experience

lol you're a funny guy.

>> No.7364762

enjoy your pay cut

i'm a cs major and paying for nothing other than my own necessities

>> No.7364766

>literally straw man the post

>> No.7364772


for 2 years getting a degree you could've started at 75k and gone past 100k
and those 2 years go towards learning about really useful shit that separates you from code monkeys

>> No.7364781

45k is nothing... though I guess you'll be making the same amount of money as CS majors in about 5 years time. In my experience, the difference is that people with shit education often end up being very narrow as they have usually only done pretty much the same thing since they started programming.
People who actually attended universities on the other hand are often open to trying new things and are quick to learn.

This could of course be due to the fact that pretty much everyone with talent attends university and the rest are forced to teach themselves and then get some shit-tier programming job.

If you are driven and intelligent I am sure you can make it without going to university and getting a degree, but I wouldn't have traded my university years for anything. Those were some of the best years of my life

>> No.7364790

>making 45K for a year or 2
>go to uni for 4 years and be 80K in the hole

this math should be easy even for CS majors

>> No.7364791
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>> No.7364792
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>The GOAT degrees are engineering, medicine and accontancy

>> No.7364911

> young naive and idealistic
Yeah, that hits the nail on the head. Honestly, I've always expected to end up like you, so this should be fun.

>> No.7364979

>80k in the hole
>twice the starting salary
>greater negotiation value on pay
>more flexibility in career path
>already networked
>significantly larger mid and end career salaries(Non-degree fags never get a management position in tech)
Easily adds up to more than 80k over the course of your life. There is no reason to not go to uni if you can in 2015.

>> No.7365003

Java is a code monkey language, nobody goes to college to do it

>> No.7365019

He's sort of right. Actuarial sciences, accounting, applied math, law (with a JD, but not working as a lawyer), engineering, and finance are the real god-tier degrees in terms of ROI on your tuition and job satisfaction, assuming grad school and/or full qualifications. Pure math is probably the best academic field in terms of satisfaction, but academia sucks for a ton of reasons. Medicine is just 8 years of indentured servitude followed by 40 years of being ok affluent while having a shitty job, though.

As far as "plebs off the street" doing jobs that are hiring math/physics students, there's a core of truth in that, but it's not what he thinks.

>> No.7365045


>Actuarial sciences
ie math undergrad with an emphasis on probability
this one is actually good
>applied math
no applied/pure distinction meaningfully exists at the undergrad level
>law (with a JD, but not working as a lawyer)
enjoy spellchecking docs for your neurotic jew partner bosses at 10pm on christmas eve
btw if you quit you become a debt pauper for life because you wanted to cop dat jd
this is good if you are studying an employable field
hope u went to a target. otherwise you have a fair chance of ending up an excel monkey for some no-name business because you thought GOLDMAN was going to pick you up from podunk U

cs is so hot that you can be a sperglord faggot and not even be good at coding and still cop a 70k job out of school if your gpa is good

>> No.7365123

I'm learning Java at the moment at Uni, Object-Oriented Programming mane.

>> No.7365134

Java is taught in introductory programming courses too, but it's used as a tool to teach you OOP theory as opposed to teaching you java as a skill.

>> No.7365139

>I didn't cultivate skills cramming for exams in material I no-longer care about like my peers
>implying this is because you didn't treat uni like job training and not because you're lazy and unmotivated

>> No.7365173


1. Because Computer Science isn't about programming.
2. Majority of employers want at least a bachelor's degree to filter out the garbage
3. Enjoy your minimal pay with the fear that you can get fired instantly because you don't have a degree.

>> No.7365184


If I couldn't do engineering, can I do Accounting? I'm currently at a CC taking Calculus III with a B.

>> No.7365189

What about Computer Engineering, lads?

>> No.7365192

Programmy salary is going down while Sysadmin and Devops arw going up.

You can pick up programming in a few months, but takes years and years of experience to be a server janitor.

Not to mentio that most sysadmin and devops are decent programmers and master scripters.

>> No.7365193


>> No.7365199
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good luck. fuck all these fags that are gonna be mad cause they spent over50k and you didn't. they'll try to discourage you cause they're mad bro.
so, how long have you been "teaching yourself"?
where did you find the work? freelance?
how did you know you were ready to take it on?
what sites or books did you use to gain the knowledge you needed to start making money??

>> No.7365203
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agreed, sysadmin master race

>> No.7365210


but really only god can know

>> No.7365215
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>> No.7365221

This level of delusion is crazy.

>> No.7365246

Why can't you do engineering?

>This could of course be due to the fact that pretty much everyone with talent attends university and the rest are forced to teach themselves and then get some shit-tier programming job.
There are a lot of employers who have this mentality, which makes sense considering we live in a time and place where most people continue education after high school.

>> No.7365268

This is just a doves and hawks scenario. The more people that go to university, the less value a degree has. Employers are then more likely to hire people without degrees because they are a better value (relative to their skillset) as people with degrees tend to get more entitled.

>> No.7365290

I know quite a lot employers who aren't enthusiastic about many University gradates since they made bad experience with them. A lot of these companies are exactly looking for people withot degrees but programming experiences. These will get the job.

Of course not all self-taught people are gud. Many of them lack in knowledge of theoretical computer science, design-patterns and so on. These things which will differ between a mere code-monkey vs. someone who knows his stuff.
But in the end it's just the result what counts.
Good people will always find a jerb.

If you wanna go into research or similiar, that degree is of course necessary.

>> No.7365295
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once you think you learned enough, where do you start? how do you know which freelance jobs to go after or which places to apply?

>> No.7365298

You won't find hot young pussy at a cs job

>> No.7365303

you will if you're working there ;)

>> No.7365308


>> No.7365335

>Thinking CS is about being a code monkey.

What's the big O of the last code that you wrote?

What are the merits and flaws of quicksort?

Why would you use a functional programming language over an imperative language?

Does the JVM that you seem to know so well pass objects by value, by reference, or are object references passed by value?

What is a way that you can determine if a linked list has looped back upon itself.

How are messages passed in the Windows API versus POSIX

Name one deadlock avoidance method.

Which of the three primary desktop operating systems use deadlock detection and avoidance?

Do you even know what the halting problem is?

You don't. That's why you're a code monkey and that's why you'll stay a code monkey.

>> No.7365349
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Don't act like you can't learn this stuff on the way.
I'm a CS graduate and I think that a degree will qualifiy you for anything at all. I get the feeling that you are mad.

That's coming from someone who has seen all kinds of programmer and know the answers to your questions.

>> No.7365353

will not qualifiy* Sorry for typo.

If someone is really dedicated to his work, he'll learn about this stuff.

>> No.7365358

>Do you even know what the halting problem is?
Why is the the only one of your questions I can answer the last one? Not that guy btw.

>> No.7365367

I'm just kind of bored with hearing the argument that CS is just about programming. It's like saying that aerospace engineering is all about the different welding techniques because those are the main tools you use to put an airplane together.

>> No.7365368

You can strictly be a code monkey and have a great job. Yes it's a plateau but most people are happy with that

>> No.7365373

Anon you are a genius. I never thought I'd say this on /sci/, but you are. I'm going to use this line on my next job interview (or at least a modification of it.)

>> No.7365374

The funny thing is, CS is neither about computers nor is it a science. Its magic, motherfuckers. Magic.

>> No.7365383
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x1024, comp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. why are you so butthurt? don't be so mad just because i will be making more money than you in less than 4 years from now; that's probably shorter than the amount of time you went to school. face it. you are behind the times and you were scammed by a jew run college. you owe your life to information i got for free. have fun working the next 10 years to pay back the bank for things i gained through freedom of information sharing. just be happy that it's possible. stop being a mad bro faggot

>> No.7365386

Have fun spending the rest of your life writing front ends for an endless string of social media apps so that even more people can share even more pictures of cats.

Meanwhile I'll be doing important shit because I know how computers actually work.

>> No.7365398

CS isn't a programming degree and I don't know where you got the idea that it is. You are expected to already know how to program in your CS classes. So you know how to program. Congrats, you're now qualified to start an actual CS degree.

>> No.7365408

if you wanted a technical job why would you go to college? you go to college to get started on research or because you're stupid

>> No.7365409

Why are there then programming classes? And why do fail so many people these?

>> No.7365418
File: 305 KB, 640x470, comp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your stupid fucking mouth, youre so dumb. that's total bullshit. CS is not much more than programming. its processing and stupid shit like that. its simple.
my deftness at problem solving is equalled by no one who has been brainwashed by a university, such as yourself. YOU DONT KNOW SHIT. i build computers. i study their mechanisms inside and out. i would win in a me vs you contest of overall computer knowledge. i make semiconductors on the side, for fun. i know how computers work better than you, my weak minded friend. you are the kind of person who is baffled by the halting problem while, me, i understand it fully. you dont even know the true definition of a string and their full capabilities toward the application of this problem, but i do. i not only know how computers work i know how quantum computers WILL work and how the internet works on the whole as well as anyone can know. i have been onn the internet since i was 6 in 1991. you fail at seeing the depth of my knowledge and how it is superior to your small intellect.

>> No.7365424

CS will automate engineering, doctors, accountants in 20 years so there's that.

>> No.7365444
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not even possible. you have no clue. get your head out of your ass, kid

>> No.7365448
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Congratulations. You have just enough knowledge to pass a formal languages class with a C+.

>> No.7365459

you know nothing. i would destroy you in a competition of computer knowledge. i know computers inside and out.from the first one that was built to present day, i know how they work from the most basic principles to the most complex. you eat shit and get fat at your computer. i get my dick sucked while i learn. there is no comparison. i gotta go fat fag, bye

>> No.7365462

>CS is not much more than programming.
Yeah, and mathematics is not much more than writing fancy symbols.

>> No.7365468
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Pic related. It's you with your self taught programming.

>> No.7365479

Alright, we'll see in 2035 whose head in their respective asses then.

>> No.7365485


>tfw you're hitting 43 in year 2035.

What a great time to be alive!

>> No.7365487

I did a semester of CS before switching to engineering. I felt like half the freshmen already had a pretty good grasp of programming, which made the rest of the class feel pretty behind.

>> No.7365489

more like
>people pay money for java

>> No.7365511
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anythign else is to supplement the programming knowledge. without code nothing else would matter so you just lost bro. you just got blown out of the water with your whole theory on computers, shows how smart you are. eat a chromosome brome
you dont know shit about business. loser dude. youre a loser. wtf just like this moot dude no1 on 4chan knows business. dude should have been a millionaire many times over but bad business sense like you. computers are about money #1, face it. money and control. smoke some more weed and lie to yourself some more losers

>> No.7365530

Programming is just a means to an end. It's the most convenient way of telling computers what we want them to do. If there was any other way then programming wouldn't be taught. If there were any other way to find the integral of a function, then we wouldn't need calculus, and calculus isn't even the end all be all of mathematics, it's just one tool in the toolchest.

>> No.7365553

I'd rather be 43 forever than dead

>> No.7365561

CS is as much about computers as geometry is about compasses

>> No.7365707
File: 57 KB, 550x413, Let-me-explain-to-you-why-that-is-bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS majors why do you waste 4 years and thousands of $ doing something you could literally learn for free?

Because you have misconseption about what is computer science. CS goes further than just programming, in fact we see programming just as a tool to solve problems efficiently. For instance I studied computer science and took very heavy math stuff like modular algebra and computational complexity and linear algebra. This subjects are tools to solve problems or develop some new technology If you study computer science you are supposed to develop this technology.

>> No.7365709

>not doing research with them
go make yer video games fag

>> No.7365729

>very heavy math stuff
>modular algebra
>computational complexity
>linear algebra

You do realize that shit like this is part of why people shit on CS majors?
These can all be taken by freshman, and almost any cs/math major (math majors don't take comp complexity) will have taken them by the end of sophomore year.
Also, in the context of this thread (self taught vs degree program) these math classes are all easier to self teach than programming is.

>heavy math
you're a meme

>> No.7365738

Do you realize that you study linear algebra and calculus for engineers?.

Do you realize that you dont know shit?. Dumb fuck....kek

>> No.7365752

Math degrees have more math than CS degrees?


Fucking idiot

>> No.7365753

>I know how to use a screwdriver
>this makes me the same level as a mechanic

>> No.7365790


>> No.7365793

Do you realize linear algebra, complexity and modular algebra are all really deep fields? Introductory subjects without rigor aimed at engineers exist, that doesn't mean they're the real deal. It's like saying algebra can be taken by high schoolers, it's technically true but it's retarded.

>> No.7365903 [DELETED] 
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this, the third and fourth ones are why i went back to school with a resume already 2 pages long
i have interviews next week with space-x and northrop

>> No.7366743
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>>7365707 you are a fool. CSs not real knowledge.
thats just what the jews want you to think. programming is the main thing in CS. the rest is just jew propaganda to mold your mind and steer your programming in a certain direction.
>pic related-its where gay marriage eventually leads to

>> No.7366752

Ummm I just signed up for CS because I like discrete math linear algebra and automata theory.

Also programming and linux is fun.

Don't bully pls

>> No.7366920
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you"re a fucking pedophile

>> No.7366921

>Some want to teach.
>Some want to research
>Implying 95% of people who study CS actually want to do these things and arent just in it for a stable careerSome want to teach.
Some want to research.

>Some want a job at intel.
>Some want things that requires a credential.
>Implying you cant do this with a degree

massive kek, jesus christ m8 thats the funniest thing ive read in awhile

>> No.7366944
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I live in France and I get paid for studying

>> No.7366959

>very heavy math stuff like modular algebra
>very heavy math stuff like modular algebra
>very heavy math stuff like modular algebra


No. CS theory is even easier than programming.

>modular algebra are all really deep fields
>modular algebra are all really deep fields
>modular algebra are all really deep fields


No. RSA doesn't make modular algebra hardcore. The Theory of Numbers is deep, clock math is a fucking joke. All you do is clock math.

>> No.7366974

That's how I feel too. Anyone can learn to program. I'm at university to learn all the Complexity Theory stuff that would be difficult to do on my own.

>> No.7366984

It's the weed-out process.

>> No.7366987

what the fuck is modular algebra? you mean modular arithmetic?

>> No.7367025

>bragging about a 45k cs job
Not even indians make this low.

>> No.7367069

>what is a reciprocity law
>what is p-adic analysis
>what is the most efficient way to compute discrete logarithms
Fermat's little theorem isn't the end of the story you know

>> No.7367074

is cs really bad guise? i am about to enter uni and i wanted to go to cs to be honest.

>> No.7367092

You are buthurt.

>RSA doesn't make modular algebra hardcore
When did I mention RSA?.


>> No.7367093


Most of the time you are better off studying something else and then taking the few classes you want from the CS department. You will be learning programming on your own in either case.

>> No.7367135

serious question. How do I break free from this chain? I do this shit just because it pays well, people think I'm a demigod because I understand data structures, algorithms and I have strong math foundations.

The job is so fucking dull and I want to do some meaningful shit, I do have some projects I work on my spare time but I want to do that for a living and don't know how.

>> No.7367183

is that you terry?

>> No.7367325

On the flip side, how do I stop feeling bad about not being a CS major?

>> No.7367364
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I mean maybe just a Java programmer can get away without a degree, but a DSP engineer or an A.I. guy won't have a fun time explaining to the hiring staff their lack of degree in such specialized, technical fields

>> No.7367453

i told you before, call me hulk hogan

>> No.7367460
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>java development

>> No.7367472
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as of last year, here are the top 3
countries that get paid the most, to study
spain ><budget failed
greece ><budget failed
next in line
france ><budget failing
>lol @ the frenchman not knowing he is in more debt than the rest of us >debt >debt >sheeped in debt
>debt >debt

>> No.7367508
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>rank correlation
>therefore causation

>> No.7367534

>What's the big O of the last code that you wrote?
all code i write is O(1) bc im not a scrub
>What are the merits and flaws of quicksort?
merit: quick
flaw: gay name
>Does the JVM that you seem to know so well pass objects by value, by reference, or are object references passed by value?
lol way to be a pussy and not even set up your trick question seriously
>What is a way that you can determine if a linked list has looped back upon itself.
with my dick
>How are messages passed in the Windows API versus POSIX
POS my neg API
>Name one deadlock avoidance method.
bolt cutter
>Which of the three primary desktop operating systems use deadlock detection and avoidance?
>Do you even know what the halting problem is?
it's when you write a program bad and your program halts

tbh that's a list of questions that anyone who has taken 2 semesters of cs freshman courses could answer. a code monkey could very conceivably learn anything on there from wikipedia.

>> No.7367542

I agree with you, OP.
That's why I'm in CompE.

>> No.7367568

Is that Boxxy?

>> No.7367674
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>borrow money
>waste it on social experiments like paying people to read books
>MOST of those people produce absolute nothing of worth and change their study field repeatedly to just keep collecting
>read the article and the others attached in the links
>wait, sorry you cant profit because you're so far in debt
>sit in drum circle with your other homeless friends &talk about all the books you read& complain about the bourgeoisie

>> No.7367720

>DSP Engineer
An employer wont care if you have a degree or not if you can prove yourself you can get the job.
Considering DSP is a glorified python job this really shouldn't be too hard.

>A.I programming
So Lisp and Haskell programming? Most CS grads wouldn't even be able to do this without self study anyway.

These fields are specialized, but if your implying someone could not teach themselves how to do this its time to wake up and smell the coffee.

>> No.7367736

OP is actually correct (to a degree that is) becoming a software developer in this day and age does not take a degree. I actually think you saved yourself a lot of time and effort not going to college, and this is coming from a fucking CS major. Don't know why your getting hate most people will end up where you are unless they want to teach.

There is literally a subreddit dedicated to people becoming developers https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions I would have gone your route if I didn't want to go to grad school. I'm personally thinking of becoming a Financial Engineer or go into Econometrics.

>> No.7368207

>implying education programs are "social experiments" responsible for the debt
fgt pls

>> No.7368255

Let's hope you are being sarcastic because I wouldn't hire anyone that doesn't proclaim himself an Xlanguage-dev that's just way too pretentious and close-minded

>> No.7368292

We just learn it the right and effective way. Sure you can program stuff but we know how to optimize it and other stuff that will worth more money than just program it somehow

>> No.7368300

>all code i write is O(1) bc im not a scrub

well then you don't write a lot of code

>> No.7368318

>What's the big O of the last code that you wrote?
it was a page rank algorithm for my final operating systems assignment. the most processing demanding part ran in O(n^3)

>What are the merits and flaws of quicksort?
+good for paralleling
-randomised quicksorts can have a poor run time iirc first year's data structures correctly

>Why would you use a functional programming language over an imperative language?
no idea - i know they're used with supercomputers

>Does the JVM that you seem to know so well pass objects by value, by reference, or are object references passed by value?

>What is a way that you can determine if a linked list has looped back upon itself.
some global count, the node class has a boolean variable

if count == 0//give the head the only true boolean value
temp.bool = true
count = 1

not very efficient having n-1 bytes unused

>How are messages passed in the Windows API versus POSIX
eh didn't use the windows api

>Name one deadlock avoidance method.
cycle locks! avoid cycle locks!

>Which of the three primary desktop operating systems use deadlock detection and avoidance?
probably windows

>Do you even know what the halting problem is?
according to wikipedia it's a problem where you're given a computer program and input, and you're asked whether it'll run indefinitely or halt.

t. 2nd year comp sci student

>> No.7368325

cs != programming.

>> No.7368326

The kind of firms that recruit at Harvard and other prestigious compsci faculties pay about double your starting salary

Yes it's easy to get a job SOMEWHERE doing programming.

>> No.7368331


Holy shit are you australian?

>> No.7368335
File: 1.75 MB, 600x338, 8500345_88d75c051216eab938c06c139172f57d_wm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>self taught java programmer

Man, I know 12 year olds who could do that especially with JAVA.

If you want to do CS seriously you will need tons of maths, linear algebra, calculus, fractal geometry, abstract algebra, etc.

You will also need to know a lot about how computers actually work, from morse to braille to binary code to transistors and circuits, in fact, if you want to be a good computer scientist you might aswell learn how to build a tetris from ground up using logical gates and electronics.

JAVA is pleb tier, maybe learn a functional programming language like LISP or Clojure to improve your programming habits.

Here OP, get some inspiration:





>> No.7368364

>doesn't even mention discrete maths, graph theory, number theory, or statistics under his little maths segment

out mate

>> No.7368581

This rarely ever happens but whatever

>> No.7368583

I guess its different depending on which company you join. My boss said he will not hire any "self taught" guys and they should apply else where.

>> No.7368587

To weed out the normies who don't actually care about CS and just want a high paying well respected job when they graduate.

>> No.7368592
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1415371832754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder everyone and their mom may be MAJORING in CS right now, but they sure as fuck aren't graduating with it. I just talked to handful of students last semester who wanted to change their major to business(a real over staturated major) because they thought Calculus 2 was too hard. And there is a difference between a Computer Scientist who' knowledge far extends that of a self taught code monkey...

>> No.7368597

Engineering, KEK
Accountancy EVEN BIGGER KEK.

>Not even considering financial mathematics or actuary.
>Being this dumb

>> No.7368598

Why not major in Engineering and just take CS classes as electives?

>> No.7368619

I've worked for decades as a systems guy (no degree) and I can say that degrees mean shit in this field; especially dev as some of the most worthless wastes of molecules somehow manage to survive in it.

>> No.7368721
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>implying education programs can't be experimental or wasteful
they are experiments;
failed experiments

>paying people to study =

>> No.7368976

Hey OP, can you tell me an efficient algorithm to find the maximum flow through a network with known topology and bandwidths? Oh, right, you never took algorithms.

>> No.7369035
File: 291 KB, 880x487, square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, i could if you gave me a real question. no, never 'TOOK' algorithms, but do know about algorithms more than you.

>> No.7369062

>Implying this isnt easy as hell

>> No.7369067

I work in the industry and can tell you half the people with degrees are fucking retarded. In no way does a degree = competency.

>> No.7369077

what on earth is happening on this guy's board?

>> No.7369115
File: 497 KB, 300x229, wheels training.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terminal velocity in relation to, as a percentage of, escape velocity, expressed in terms of ASCII.
there is also a secret message:
>see if you can decode it

>> No.7369118

That is a real question. I need you to write me a program that takes as input, say, a bunch of routers, the bandwidth between those routers, and two routers I want to send a large file between. The program outputs the list of routers I should route to in order to send the file in the least amount of time.

>no, never 'TOOK' algorithms, but do know about algorithms more than you.
Not that it's really relevant, but given that I regularly TA and grade for the algorithms course at my university (which is commonly seen as the most difficult course in the CS track), I seriously doubt that.

Yes, it is easy as hell, that's why I chose it. If you took a course in algorithms, it's fucking trivial. If you didn't take algorithms, you're lost.

>> No.7369201 [DELETED] 
File: 2.30 MB, 440x360, babydyeded.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant i needed the actual numbers to solve it. you aren't tricking me into doing your work for you. i know that you have to find the maximum flow through a network at your job and you just want me to do it for you because you don't know how. nice try

>> No.7369222

Well that may be true in practice, many employers don't feel that way and will pass you up for raises and promotion just because you don't have a degree. It's not logical or "fair" but the point is it does happen.

>> No.7369226

Are you retarded? I'm asking if you know how to *write the program for the general solution*. Any ass hole with a pen and paper can find the max flow of a specific network, but that's not how programing works. The answer is literally two words.

>> No.7369281

Enjoy being a codemonkey for the rest of your life.

>> No.7369301

If you wanted to do programming as a career you should've done CS.
Emphasize the skills you have. Your best bet is probably learning some obscure software based on physics principles.

>> No.7369350


>> No.7369388
File: 77 KB, 499x341, 1stPressman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told you, yes, i can write the program

>> No.7369391


>> No.7369399

A binary tree with some physics shit.

>> No.7369432

Uh huh. How.

>> No.7369443

>which is commonly seen as the most difficult course in the CS track)

Is this really true? I don't study computer science but I've taken an algorithms course at my university, a combinatorial optimasation course in the maths department (which covers intractability and constructive proofs for correctness).

I always assumed that the computer science courses about formal languages, formal systems, semantics and AI-machine learning were more more difficult and advanced.

>> No.7369454

I should clarify: most difficult course in the *core* CS track. As in, the most difficult class every CS major has to take. Your capstone (which those classes would be) are of course going to be more difficult, but generally have a higher pass rate since fewer people end up making it there anyway.

>> No.7369459

Oh, also: AI and machine learning are very, very rarely tied together. Intro machine learning courses generally start with the disclaimer of "If you're here because you think this has anything to do with AI, you should probably drop now." There are some mathematical crossovers, but no more so than with any other CS discipline.

>> No.7369495
File: 1.10 MB, 462x270, cerebral palsy pancakes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is too complicated for you. you wouldnt understand if i told you. you are clearly very stupid and have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.7369504

Again, the answer is literally two words.

>> No.7369531
File: 1.99 MB, 266x239, shocking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a hypothetical question with no definite answer.you would never understand. why keep asking when you wouldnt even know it if i gave you the answer.
ProTip: i already did

>> No.7369544

Come on, I believe in you! You can do this little code monkey! Two words! "[Blank] algorithm"! There, I even gave you the second word!

>> No.7369561

>Actually its 45k starting
>implying this is good

>> No.7369581
File: 2.84 MB, 310x232, edgy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you think thats the answer? are you really that stupid? maybe you could ask an actual question that takes real practical knowledge to answer. maybe if you wanted the code with an equation to solve for log, to name variables and give a formula but this is dumb. youre a total doofis.
here's your answer; take 30 seconds and listen

>> No.7370048

Are you 13 years old and autistic by any chance? Just curious.

>> No.7370197

You could just admit you don't know.

>> No.7370259

Jacob Barnett in a nutshell, eh.

>> No.7370549

>he thinks people go to uni for learning how to code

Haha, enjoy getting your job outsourced

>> No.7370581

Jesus, why the fuck is this thread still around?

>> No.7370601

>fractal geometry
>abstract algebra

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. CS majors don't study calculus. They HATE continuous maths.

>> No.7370609

Student beginning uni in October, the answer is "minimum cut" right?

>> No.7370624


Why you got butthurt? Discrete maths, graph theory, and stats are first semester courses in my country and you already get a fairly deep introduction to those topics in highschool so yeah, you can fuck off..

>> No.7370633


Why? I have found number theory, trig, linear algebra, and calculus to be extremely useful (and often necessary) for problem solving.

In terms of optimization, refactoring, and decomposition---standard development tasks---if you consider a graph, the performance of a piece of code against every necessary use case, you can see that there must be an optimal and elegant solution that can be rigorously defined, proven, and implemented algorithmically. Using calculus, you can find it.

>> No.7370635

>Doesn't think 45k is good for a no degree developer

>> No.7370641

>Implying it's not NATO's insistence on a 2% military budget that is causing European economies to tank.

>> No.7370646

University is a scam, you can teach yourself anything, why must you pay someone to do it? Universities should be turned into exam centres where you sign up for a day to pass the exam and get your certificate after self studying.

>> No.7370648

Yeah, how many times did you created your own algorithm and found its asymptotics using calculus?

>> No.7370670

bout 350

>> No.7370703

gr8 ∰

>> No.7370704

Question: Do people actually major in Computer Science just to become programmers? Isn't CS just applied mathematics?

I got a B.Sc. in Programming & Software development because I wanted to be a software engineer and developer.

I always figured majoring in CS to be a programmer would be like majoring in Aerospace Engineering to become a pilot.

>> No.7370707

i got a full ride and started at 75k
graduated with no debt
where's that dick you were trying to wave

>> No.7370737

>$7,000 Computer Science Degree
>Georgia institute of Technology
>4th highest rated in the country

Is this legit? Is it 7k per year or a 4 year BS?

>> No.7370744

you didnt even ask a question

>> No.7370750

7k for Georgia residents
30k for out of staters

>> No.7370753

I'm wondering this too. What exactly is the difference in CompSci and programming? Every time I ask I get a different answer.

>> No.7370758

It's an online course. Do they really expect Georgia residents to take an online course to a local college?

Also when do we get those $2k college degrees that Bill Gates promised?

>> No.7370766

If you want to work with computers you don't really need college. As cliché as it sounds, there are tons of certifications you can take tests for with zero work experience and zero education.

Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe, Oracle/Java, etc. combined give you the option of hundreds of certifications you pay $50-$100 to sit for. You can self study online with stuff like Quizlet, Anki, and Studyblue, and with books that are probably in your local library.

These certifications range from networking to programming, and there are plenty of entry-level positions with them. Yeah you'll start at low pay but it beats having thousands of dollars in debt.

>> No.7370769

OP is a correct, CS is a meme major now, mostly due to companies pushing women into the major. The good job field right now is attracting many people who are only in it for the good pay. Big name companies are pushing people to learn to code so the market will saturate and cause them to be able to push down wages. CS is probably going to become the next law in a few years.

>> No.7370771

Doesn't matter in the end they all end up doing the same thing. Don't let CS majors tell you otherwise most are delusional.

>> No.7370776

CS = Applied mathematics, literally the science of computing algorithms to make a computer do something - ranging from robotics to databases.

Software engineering/programming = The process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs.

Creating a new programming language = computer science
Using that newly created programming language to make an application = computer programming

>> No.7370843

I'm in serious need of help, so I hope someone reads this. Threads asking for help are frowned upon and topic is relevant, so I'll post here.

> kind of old (27)
> had lots of problems as a kid ( will not expound now, but whatever)
> started to fix troubles a few years ago
> got summa cum laude degree in Electrical Engineering from university I'm ashamed of having attended
> know all sorts of theory, but am actually shit at doing anything employable
> intended on grad school, want Stanford (to study signal processing on the brain) or Berkeley, nothing else
> have no research or internships (I could explain why--some of it actually involves medical mishaps that led to Texas because screwed by insurance)
> realized all my skills were useless
> started trying to program real well using learn python and learn c the hard way, a few other resources
> have only C, C++, Java, and Python syntax down very well down to where I can answer most questions in interviews (from companies that call me, though); understanding of big O, data structures, etc., but never really done a good project
> don't know where to start on frameworks
> anxiety builds, no idea what the fuck to say on cover letters, etc.
> keep getting older
> thinking about killing myself every day

>> No.7370846

>have no research or internships (I could explain why--some of it actually involves medical mishaps that led to Texas because screwed by insurance)

I accidentally that sentence.
I was in an REU in Texas that didn't cover insurance and got screwed over when shit happened (enlarged prostate of all things)

>> No.7370852

just take a job from any of the companies that call you lad. in the meantime get a github and fill with projects.

then when you've got a pad, some dosh and a job, reevaluate your sitch. see how you can go on to whereever you want.

>> No.7370860

More appropriate questions:
>When will I ever use any of that stuff in the workplace?

>Who the fuck cares?

>> No.7370861


The EECS/CS PHD programs at Berkeley and Stanford are getting so competitive now that they mostly are selecting those with years of industry experience.

>> No.7370873
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I don't get the maymay.

Why is engineering bad?

>> No.7370876

>just take a job from any of the companies that call you lad. in the meantime get a github and fill with projects.

I read the contracts very carefully and a lot of them seem scammy.
A friend of mine graduated from the same university a year later with a BSCS and a significantly lower GPA than mine, and got 3 offers, for 79K, 85K, and 95K.
I'm trying to basically have him tell me everything he knows.
I don't want to take a job at some scammy "*tech word* solutions *USA/America*" company.

>> No.7370881


>> No.7370886


The average time a programmer spends at a company now is like 2 years

>> No.7370895


I was one of the top students in my graduating class.
I studied signal processing.

I don't want to design websites or iPhone apps because I'm worried about the direction it will point me in.

I'd take a 45K job doing the right work over a 90K job doing the wrong work.

>> No.7370899

Have fun with your boring shit tier job

>> No.7370904

Take the 90K job, work there for 2-3 years living off dirt and scummy pond water. Then start up your own business.

Once you have your own business you can hire graduates for 45k claiming yours is the "right work."

>> No.7370940
File: 267 KB, 630x1104, algorithmic tendancy to under ask questions and over evaluate answers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think there aren't 10 different ways to solve this problem; all with 2 words with the 2nd being algorithm?
my naive friend; you need more info to answer the question, correctly, that is, to determine what would be the most efficient way. oh, right, you never solved these kinds of problems in the real world.
this was your first question, then you changed it to >>7369118 then >>7369226 make up your mind, shithead. do you want me to write the program out, name it, name the log, or name the type of log?? there are quite a few different ways to solve this problem. it is very clear that you have ZERO experience in real applications
of algorithms. If you have ever done any kind of
problem solving for log you would understand
the what i mean, but you clearly do not.
I cant understand what you want to know but
my intuition tells me there is no real answer but
if you want i'll give you the last 1 i used, here:
Easy, it was that simple, but i know you
dont even understand what any of that means

>> No.7370941

We don't want the same things.

>> No.7370950

>>People actually go to college for this

This is your misconception right here.

>> No.7370975
File: 134 KB, 604x700, what i learned on khan academy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont have to go to school to learn about algorithms. there are plenty of places better than college or uni, right here on the internet; for instance, such as, like, comparatively, as a matter of fact, just, for example:


>> No.7370996

But I don't live in a 3rd world country I study for free anon.
Well actually I do have to pay 130€ every 6 months so there is that

>> No.7370999
File: 305 KB, 640x974, 1434080394260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people pay for this
>mfw I have no face and I must meme

>> No.7371084

Nice trips,
But I think there's a difference between class learning and actual skill. Clearly both are necessary, and both are achievable with or without school,
but knowing English isn't the same as being a great novelist, and you can't write a great novel without knowing the language (and concepts within the language), either.

>> No.7371102

>CS majors why do you waste 4 years and thousands of $ doing something you could literally learn for free?
I didn't. I spent that time improving my knowledge and abilities in something I literally learned for free well before ever setting a foot in university.

>> No.7371104

>learn some obscure software based on physics principles
Not that guy, but would fortran fit that category?

>> No.7371111

>1 year in CE
>know meme technologies such as Java, Scala and web development
>have few projects behind
should i get muh degree or do web applications?

>> No.7371115

Use your skills to get good internships.
Then get your degree and get hired for much more than you would get, otherwise.

>> No.7371129

To be honest the cost of CS degrees is absurd, my university offers a post-bac for 20k for something that is done entirely online and graded by TAs.

CS degrees have value but it's questionable if it's worth going back to get a CS degree if you already have a bachelors.

>> No.7371174
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>implying you don't pay a 68% income tax in exchange for this free studying

>> No.7371181

This. Become that guy who is the only one that knows the software the entire company uses. They literally cannot fire you.

>> No.7371187


Im not seeing the problem with it.

>> No.7371190

>he thinks CS is just about programming

>> No.7371198
File: 52 KB, 425x282, 1411563405216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, got a degree in comp sci.

it's funny how lot of "programmers" think comp sci is about "programming". thats the grunt work.

we had a simple coin exchange problem last week in our company(vending machine returning the optimal count of exchange coins while keeping optimal stacks in the machine.) the "programmers" came up with some brute force crap which took hours to compute. the cs guys realized after a short meeting that it's a specialization of the knapsack problem which could be solved by using dynamic programming.

there is also a big gap between simply using a library and understanding what that library does.
if you don't know about foundations of classification algorithms the spam filter proggy you slapped together will maybe work, but will also be utter shit compared to solutions brought by guys who actually know what they are doing.

> java

do yourself a favor and learn python and c++ and then move on to scheme and have a look into prolog so you get an idea of different paradigms.

and no, just using c++ like it's java is not using c++, it's actually a crime.

>> No.7371224

Hey. This guy >>7370843 here.

I'm pissed the fuck off by Java as a language, mostly because I learned C++ first, but Java is everywhere as far as job listings for software engineering go, and I'm thinking it's entirely because of how much is already built into Java.

Nonetheless, I'm pretty directionless, at this point. I need to strengthen a GitHub. Any sage advice?

>> No.7371235

Speaking of which, what is the best way to learn C/C++?

>> No.7371244
File: 274 KB, 600x572, 1430991244324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be a programmer
>live in the backwoods of eastern KY
>must learn a trade, go into the medical field, or move away

>> No.7371250

>Learn Trade
>program in free time work on your own projects and not be a java monkey

>> No.7371254
File: 44 KB, 704x441, 1417198184062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i (>>7371198) started as c++ developer at a embedded company last year. before that i was somewhat freelancing for 7 years, mostly in image processing, the contacts came from my uni buddies and a professor. the company i work for does not pay that much at start but raise later when you get your own projects. it a) pays the bills and b) have a lot of interesting people there(some people from robotics research and we got one guy who was into nanotech at delft before starting in our company) and most important c) i got to meet these people, because it made me realize that i'm not alone.... (7 years of freelancing makes you really lonely, i developed a solid depression during that time)

so i dunno if i can give any advice but i looked all job listings for c++ found 4 out of kindalike 100(all the others been java and web shit) and applied: 2 answered, two interviews, one offer after that.

>I'm pissed the fuck off by Java as a language
same here;) try to tell the new guy in the company who only learned java to use multiple inheritance and polymorphism, took me 8 weeks to get that "no that is bad because if it would be good it would've been in java also" mantra out of his brain.

>Java is everywhere as far as job listings for software engineering go, and I'm thinking it's entirely because of how much is already built into Java.

my expierence now is: they use java because the suits once decided so because some marketing monkey told them java is great. also c++ is on the rise again, i always laugh my ass off when the some java guys come up with a tomcat web app which consumes 4gb ram when my wt based fastcgi module is like 100 times faster + 100 times smaller.

btw: i experienced that feeling that some skills i leanred are useless too, in the long run no skill you learned is useless.

>> No.7371270


>> No.7371282
File: 52 KB, 511x509, 1428722128510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I made 5k/month off my websites when I was 15

forever stay plebs, non-special snowflakes!

>> No.7371528

If you seriously think that covers even half of what's in an algorithms course, you are sorely mistaken. Hell, most of that stuff is in whatever the university calls their first upper division CS course.

are you high on meth, or trolling?

>> No.7371533

holy shit the newfags

reminder it's literally this easy to bait /sci/ in mid 2015

>> No.7371659

>If you seriously think that covers even half of what's in an algorithms course, you are sorely mistaken. Hell, most of that stuff is in whatever the university calls their first upper division CS course.

Learn C the Hard Way is what I recommend to most people. Lesson 1 is Hello World, Lesson 26 is programming a package downloading program, Lesson 47 (the last one up -- there are supposed to be 52, but the last project isn't up) is programming a URL router.
Data Structures are covered.

>> No.7372218

what projects? i'm also interested in the same thing but currently NEET.

>> No.7372642

>seriously thinking that 1 link is everything
there is about 25 times more than just that one link just on that 1 site(khan), not including the thousands of other sites.
it was just an example as to show there are plenty of places to go to learn algorithms. >you're just mad that you paid 48,000 to learn shit you could have learned for free

>> No.7372742

What's a GOAT degree?

>> No.7372847

What's the answer, faggot?

>> No.7372953

>Lisp and Haskell

nigga do you even deep learning?

>> No.7373089

you neither....

>> No.7373166

>implying any worthwhile reputable corporation is going to hire some teenager off the street with no prior experience and no degree
what are you, retarded?

>> No.7373361

How does it feel knowing you will be a code monkey the rest of your life?

>> No.7373476

>-randomised quicksorts can have a poor run time iirc first year's data structures correctly

surprisingly, picking a random pivot ensures O(nlogn).

>> No.7373726


>> No.7373855

kek you're the one who's butthurt

maybe try moving to a country that isn't a shit hole and taking these classes past first year lmao

>> No.7373868

That's actually pretty good for a 19 year old. Just keep building projects. Also, do your fucking degree, even if it's online or night classes, or even if it's just MIT OPW, just make sure you do it and record everything.

>> No.7373934

>le self taught programmer man meme :^)

This is just as retarded as the manlet threads on /fit/ and cuckold threads on /b/

>> No.7373953

Is this /sci/'s version of the Navy Seals pasta?

>> No.7373955

In Russia you can get education for free in any university just by doing well on your final tests, and having enough score to compete with others. Most of my friends study for free.

>> No.7374086
File: 19 KB, 448x311, 1318198167869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this delusional butthurt, hahahah.

>> No.7374106

is this pasta?

>> No.7374397

it is now

>> No.7374439


I applied to med school, didn't go when I saw how miserable every motherfucker in the field was. Contrary to popular belief, it's not an intellectually stimulating career, it's often thankless work, and there are better careers to go into if you just want to make a shitload of cash.

>> No.7374449

>there are better careers to go into if you just want to make a shitload of cash.


>> No.7374495
File: 176 KB, 1200x1697, mustaf atajew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7374449 you have 3 options: (a)work very hard to save up and open your own business, then you can make money in any field; or(b)
become a dictator of a small country, or(c) convert to judaism
>pic related

>> No.7374512

> (a)work very hard to save up and open your own business, then you can make money
That's hit and miss, just like the lottery. Medicine is pretty much guaranteed to be a decent paycheck.

>> No.7374636
File: 57 KB, 400x480, sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats nothing like the lottery. the lottery is luck. if you work hard and learn how to make customers happy for a decent price then you can easily make it with enough discipline. problem is that people aren't willing to have a pile of cash sitting around(figuratively speaking) waiting, when they can buy nice $400phones, $30,000cars, $100clothes, $50haircuts, and other aesthetically pleasing things while going out and partying. Same thing with people who borrow the money; they either don't do their homework in order to make smart decisions, or they wind up buying a good idea some one sells them without doing the proper research, or they spend money before they have it and don't invest it back into the business making them in debt to things that have zero chance of having a return.
pic related
>they're sisters

>> No.7374646

You're a retard.

There is no recipe for a succesful business and undercutting the market by working harder for less is not a viable business strategy.

Shoo shoo you underage pleb.

>> No.7374652


In the UK you will definitely make more money than a doctor if you get a job hrough graduate recruitment at a big 4 accounting firm, a magic circle law firm or any bank.

I'm not sure what the equivalent are to those prestigious firms in the US or other countries.

>> No.7374686
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lol that's how employees think. i started out working for other people, then as a sub contractor. hard work and educating yourself is exactly how you get ahead unless you're born into money. keep thinking otherwise and you'll be a loser for life. go ahead, stay in that consumer mentality, it's better for us.

>> No.7374688

>implying people don't wanted better products for less money

>> No.7374711

Congratulations on job.

I agree, there's a lot of people in CS who have no business being there. It doesn't make any sense to spend $ on 4 years worth of tuition, when you could teach those skills to yourself. I predict the 2-year trade school for software devs is going to be huge, because it just doesn't make economic sense anymore for the majority of people.

>CS majors why do you waste 4 years and thousands of $ doing something you could literally learn for free?

I do it because I want work as a researcher on algorithms and complexity theory, or cryptography.

>CS jobs

People are retarded... you most likely mean programming jobs, not "CS jobs". It's people like you who turned the field to shit.

>> No.7374717

fact: increased standard of living will be politically based. If you look at the distribution of income, BS degree jobs now are what high-school diploma was 20 years ago.

You aren't making more but you're in far more debt yet it's necessary to have one.

Want more money? Advocate for socialism because for 99% of people that's the only way it's going to happen.

>> No.7374731

Because you can get paid more by being an "expert" in something. The more specific and niche you get the more you get paid because there are less people doing that certain thing.

Be mediocre at a bunch of things or great at one thing.

>> No.7374759

cyborg based Arcturus

>> No.7374820 [DELETED] 

>wanna be a computer scientist
>doesn't say anything about getting into a PhD program, or at least an MS program or a fucking research position

I know (or hope) it's probably troll, but damn people are so fucking retarded

>> No.7374825

>Want more money? Advocate for socialism because for 99% of people that's the only way it's going to happen.

Or how about you get off your arse and start working harder. Innovate, create a stratup... Create the next tinder (or grindr, ya fucking poof).

Get an MS degree, certifications, or just git gud and scale up.

>> No.7374838


lol, not sure if trolling or actually believe this.

>> No.7374877
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So where saying the only thing education is good for is salary? Are we forgetting about culture , skills involving perseverance, time management,relationships, not to mention the education itself?

>> No.7374879

And you just want to limit yourself to Java? Take my advice…Shortcuts never pan out.

>> No.7374888

Did you even read his post? He called Java a code monkey language, of course he isn't limiting himself to it.

>> No.7374901
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Damn dog he ethered you. Just leave the thread now. The prosecutor just got you to act like an animal on the stand…your credibility is gone. Maybe Uni will be a good idea.

>> No.7374913
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you must not be from U.S.of America. How sad.

>> No.7374920
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>>7374901 i have enough money from my work on computer interfaces that i could buy this website and shut it down if i wanted to, don't fucking tempt me.

>> No.7374966

opinion discarded

>> No.7374968

Good for you, you also wasted a ton of money in the process doing something you could do for free

>> No.7375015

Anything can be learned for free in the internet age.
It's the credentials that are necessary for advancement.

>> No.7375131

Saw this thread awhile ago. Either same fag trying to get more bait or different fag with a stupid fucking mind and life.

>> No.7375164

i never gave my opinion on anything, just said it's sad that you people dont know what its like to work hard and have a chance to get ahead. its sad you cant live in a country where you know you can become something in life if you just want it bad enough and try with all your might and have the discipline to accompish that dream. its sad to think you have nothing to live for if you cant even dream. we know we can have our dreams here in america. we see it happen all the time here. we do it all the time here. come here, you'll see

>> No.7375382


>> No.7375435

>tfw I want to get into theoretical computer science/quantum computation
I don't know if I should get a major in CS or something like theoretical physics.

>> No.7375438

>cs/math majors will have taken them by the end of sophomore year
You're so full of shit.

>> No.7376763


45k is below what you get as an intern partway through a CS degree. Just sayin'

>> No.7376784
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>you people
no  U

>> No.7377524

>$45k starting
Fuck if this is somewhere in Canada not in the Eastern regions I would be satisfied. Otherwise, if you can do this part-time and still go to school to finish a CS undergrad, then goddamn good for you.

The only thing that's going to ruin the CS field and make it a meme field is the fucking companies riding on the whole shenanigans of 'muh LGBT & women's rights' and 'muh trying to save monies'. These 2 issues right here fucking pisses me off. Programming is a skill and an art to learn and anybody can do that, it's just that social media is giving the fuckers a false sense of entitlement. The latter issue is a consequence of capitalism but some companies just doesn't give a shit as long as the work is done and the customers are happy and as long as the shit doesn't hit the fan. When shit hits the fan (i.e. data breach, hacked accounts, etc.) they just turn into fucking cowards.

>> No.7378541
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>Implying you owned a website that wasn't a geocity
>implying you owned several websites
>Implying they were 5k/month profitable

Anon, I like imagining things too, it's okay.

>> No.7378591

>Directionless, unmotivated pleb since middle school
>BC in business because my folk would pay for that, I didn't want to end up burger flipping yet and I hated school math
>Taught myself basic CS while there, went to study a CS masters
> "OK, so this so what recursion is"
> fuckton of unrelated mandatory economic
> what have I done

>> No.7378634

>go to state uni for free because poor and not retarded
>already halfway done because of free CC classes and AP from high school
>get to spend those years drinking and smoking weed

OP is missing out on the real Uni experience.

>> No.7378647
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This is a double edged sword, and I always recommend people avoid this. Golden handcuffs are real.

The guy that can't be fired, even if he is well paid, is also the guy who can never move up or on. You are eternally

>that guy who troubleshoots when the electrodynamics software crashes.

Your career's progress is over. You will never receive raises, and your requests will be rejected.

They'll say they're paying you well as is and that you have no leverage, since your job is both so domain specific if you leave, no equally compensated work will be available doing the same thing, and that due to the limited nature of your current work, you'll have little experience to leverage to get a new job.

They'll be correct on all counts.

You might say

>But I'm a single point of failure, I can do what I want!

Generally, that's not true. Despite exclusivity, there's always somone else who knows or is willing to learn your company's strange dialect of COBOL or whatever your legacy tech is. Even when there isn't someone immediately available, this will quickly make them hate you, which makes work a hostile environment and will deny you a recommendation to get out later.

Furthermore, if and when they tire of you, they will make you train your replacement, who will work for less.

Still feeling job secure and refuse? You're no Bartleby. At this point, you're persona non grata and they'll eat any costs of firing you out of spite. Also, you better pray future potential jobs never call your business: they'll have some choice and memorable words for your applicant screener.

And, finally, as the tech you're working on will probably be legacy, if it's a pain in the ass, you're a pain in the ass, or management decides to do some updating, you're unemployed.

So fuck being niche-man. Your career is effectively over before it began and you're a glorified code monkey. Worst of all, you won't know it till it's too late.

>> No.7378712

>no applied/pure distinction meaningfully exists at the undergrad level

Not true. Theoretical mathematicians are not trained how to use their math algorithmically using computers (i.e programming their own models) or in applied probabilistic contexts such as non-theoretical statistics (e.g. data mining and analysis).

>> No.7378745


>Token military spending is enough to collapse an economy

The levels of delusion in this thread are off the chart.

>> No.7379389

You know. GOAT medicine. GOAT accounting. GOAT engineering. Ya know. GOATs.

>> No.7380633

i hope this thread dies soon

>> No.7380956

>autistic /sci/ faggots taking the bait and getting mad

>> No.7380968

Holy shit. Just how angry and bitter can you get in a fucking Internet discussion? You are those friendless, creepy, greasy guys that I make fun of at my uni. You are fucking pathetic.

>> No.7381316

Interesting thoughts, man.

>> No.7381398

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "cs degree", since my degree program is definitely more advanced than self-taught programming.

Mine has a lot of data structure type stuff, math going up to differential equations (after calc 1-3 of course) among other varieties of specialized courses for different concepts like computer vision or applied cryptography.

My projected salary coming out of this is supposed to be around 60k starting from most figures, and a lot of possible jobs aren't typical "programming" jobs. So is self taught really comparable to a degree with all this shit?

>> No.7381400


Why do you think differential equations is advanced?

You learn some routine methods to solve them, I honestly don't understand the point.

I don't even understand why math majors take the standard ODE class - it's irrelevant.

Proofs are what's important.

>> No.7381405
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Dubs only speak truth.

>> No.7381435

Well, I'm in sophomore year so I'm not there yet. I figured since it's done after calc II and vector calc it must be kind of difficult. Anyway, my major point is that this curriculum seems to cover a lot more than code monkey jobs, so I don't think it's right to compare that to a self taught java developers education.

>> No.7381437

Best way to self learn machine learning techniques?

>> No.7381441

program a machine to learn that shit and teach it you tbh

>> No.7381444

>starting physics degree september
>quickly realising I'm going to be poor for the rest of my life
At least it should be interesting

>> No.7381447
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>>7381398 you're an asshole. everyone knows differential equations are retarded. so shut your stupid fucking mouth, you're so dumb. that's total bullshit. CS is not much more than programming. its processing and stupid shit like that. its simple.
my deftness at problem solving is equaled by no one who has been brainwashed by a university, such as yourself. YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT. i build computers. i study their mechanisms inside and out. i would win in a me vs you contest of overall computer knowledge. i make semiconductors on the side, for fun. i know how computers work better than you, my weak minded friend. you are the kind of person who is baffled by the halting problem while, me, i understand it fully. you don't even know the true definition of a string and their full capabilities toward the application of this problem, but i do. i not only know how computers work i know how quantum computers WILL work and how the internet works on the whole as well as anyone can know. i have been on the internet since i was 6 in 1991. you fail at seeing the depth of my knowledge and how it is superior to your small intellect.

>> No.7381451

this. also, if you're the single point of failure, have fun being glued to your phone 24/7 with no ability to take time off

>> No.7381455

read lecture notes from good schools and attempt the problem sets

try popular machine learning tutorials, and then (the most important part) try to expand them to a less trivial dataset

>> No.7381466

>any pleb off the street can get an math-degree equivalent education


>> No.7381520

Holy crap, an apt 4chan literary reference!

>> No.7381529

I don't go here often but I'll assume the second part was a copypasta. Like I said, I'm not claiming to have any "superior" knowledge, my point is that there's a lot more math and physics in this degree than if one were to just learn how to develop software on their own time.

>> No.7381530

ITT: BTFO CS majors fail to grasp the concept that they went into a saturated meme degree

>> No.7381579

Milo master race

>> No.7381586

kek how delusional are you? CS is one of the least saturated fields.

>> No.7381611

How do you guys get past human resources? Dont a lot of them just
discard people who dont have the necessary degrees? Im frankly only
using my university degree as a safety net, ive learned much more
by studying myself.

>> No.7381677
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is that why all the best are self taught? thought so. why is it that people are so afraid to admit that they got scammed for something they could have learned for free? after 6 months or maybe even a year or two in the field, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between a self taught person and a scam school attendant. usually self taught people go on to do much better because they did it all out of real interest and at their own pace so they don't miss much. sad but true. so many people ITT are so mad because they owe so much money; they just can't admit to themselves they might have been better off another way. it's called cognitive dissonance, sad really. anyone who has any experience can tell you experience is what matters, not formal education. if you been in the business for a while, you know the best and most creative people out there are self taught.

>> No.7381710
File: 50 KB, 643x869, portfolio vs degree vs resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an impressive portfolio matters more than a resume or a degree to most employers and especially investors

>> No.7381711

A lot of people treat it as work. For example: look at almost any Asian person, all of them attended university, they comprise like 50% of the workforce and you see practically non of them contributing to open source, or do anything outside of what their job is (my dad even mentions that they are the biggest half assers that he has to work with, even ones that have lived here for a generation already, often unloading work on other people if they can, ive also observed this at college as well, they just dont seem to have a serious passion for anything). Many people are not genuinely interested in the subject, they do it purely for the money and are unable to force themselves to do extra curricular shit.

I cant say I really blame them, not everyone's brain is built the same.

Also if you look at a lot of the big names in CS (Dennis Ritchie, Linus torvalds, Richard Stallman, Bjarne Stroustrup, Ken Thompson, etc.) they all have degrees (it might be just because being in a university was the only way to get your hands on a computer those days).

>> No.7381733
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>CS is one of the least saturated fields
>he actually believes this

>> No.7381740

Not him but I live in quite a large high tech center in Canada, and across every university and college here (around 10-15 that I know of) we maybe have like 400 people graduating in CS (40 people in my college, which is one of the larger programs and starts with around 300 people).

Meanwhile there's probably thousands of business fags and social workers graduating.

The demand for programmers is only going to grow IMO, everything is getting a computer chip inside of it, and somebody needs to program that shit.

>> No.7381760

It's not like I have some kind of deep seated opinion about it, I'm at the uni because I had the opportunity to do it debt free and the piece of paper looks good on resumes.

>> No.7381862

>implying you are debt free when you live in a country where you pay almost %70 income tax

>> No.7382055
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It's saturated for STEM, but for degrees in general it's tiny.

Look at this.

>> No.7382412

Chemical Eng is God tier

>> No.7383597

Compared to Humanities and Business majors? Yes, it is. Computer Science may go the same route as Psychology or CIS in the next 20 years, but right now its still not really that saturated.