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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 430x177, Autism Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7355895 No.7355895 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite cringe. This is some oc.

>> No.7355896
File: 29 KB, 434x225, Autism Lol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7355900
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>> No.7355907
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>> No.7355912

Soon he'll be saying that lenardo has no emotions.

>> No.7355916

this is so bad its good

>> No.7355928

Now I feel like I have nothing to add to this thread

>> No.7355929

The context was a status about marriage equality being a cover-up for TPP, and him talking about how it's part of Obama's plan to rewrite the constitution and amend the amendment that restricts presidents to 2 terms so he can establish marshal law as a dictator.

>> No.7355937

lol i love when shills think everyone else is a shill
ill bet he read that on a wordpress blog post

>> No.7355938

This guy is like /sci/'s own Nef Quintero.

>> No.7355942
File: 30 KB, 422x235, Autism 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can keep 'em coming.

>> No.7355951
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>> No.7355956


>> No.7355972
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>> No.7355984

he's right though

marriage equaulity is just to keep the masses happy while we are getting ass fucked on other things.

>> No.7356048


>> No.7356055

And /pol/ lived miserably ever after!

>> No.7356061

How is that /pol/

It's true that there are many more pressing issues in the world besides marriage equality that no one seems to care about

>> No.7356062

>>7355984 #

>> No.7356070

When will these autists learn IQ =/= Intelligence. At best a higher IQ might let you learn stuff a little quicker.

>> No.7356531

now see i can tdismiss that except IQ means intelligence quotient so IQ = intelligence, so good day sir and try again to annoy another participant in intellectual convorsations

>> No.7356534
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>> No.7356546

There are like 8 types of intelligence, though. This kind of test mesures the analytical/ mathematical one.

>> No.7356547

>> How is that /pol/
> politics, current events, social problems
> not >>>/pol/
am i being trolled?

>> No.7356554

people who have high iq are sperging out on sites like lesswrong or math overflow or something, not trolling normies on facebook

>> No.7356558

>I can't judge the validity of what he's saying unless its related to science, even though OP implies he's an autistic retard
I'd say OP's post is even less relevant than the one you quoted.

>> No.7356592

>that dumb female who couldn't understand the sarcasm

>> No.7356599

"Radio waves are not light because they don't act like a particle, only a wave."

>> No.7356610



>> No.7356621

"quantum physics implies voodoo, mysticism, im god etc."

>> No.7356624

Every Time You Hear A Sound You Are At Nice Beach Because Sound Is Made Of Wave

>> No.7356629


>> No.7356635


I thought she was just playing along. She clearly wants the Crisp Dick

>> No.7356659


That's the only one that matters.

>> No.7356737

>one that matters
for robots

>> No.7356740

he's pretty cute

>> No.7356748

Plz be fake.

>> No.7356776

it is, the guy does a pretty good job portraying an autist though

>> No.7356806

Do you have an axe to grind with this guy? Just let him be.

>> No.7356819

Why is no one commenting on OP's facebook pictures

Profile pic is nice, but the one where you're driving is shit, that hair style + glasses don't work, at least not together

Post more pics OP

>> No.7356821

OP is probably his real life friend and want us to destroy his social life. Maybe OP will try to post this on /b/ later.

>> No.7356823


>> No.7356827

Why wouldn't you? What a fucking pretentious cunt.

>> No.7356835

I really should've censored my name, but I was too hasty. Fuck.

>> No.7356845

Well /sci/ is hardly /b/ so I think you're okay.

>> No.7356847

This is /sci/ and the majority agrees with your sentiments towards the 140 iq retard, so you're safe. Just lock down the pictures if you feel uncomfortable with people possibly looking at them.

Meanwhile, post lewd pls

>> No.7356855

Michael "QuarkChild" Crisp, I know this isn't /b/, but it's risky to put your personal information here.
You don't want to be the new GodKing, do you?

>> No.7356863

pls no

My entire profile is private though, save for a few profile pics I just made private.

Can't have everyone knowing where I go to uni and stuff.

>> No.7356866

You could have left the cat and confederate stuff visible to the public.

Thanks for leaving the profile pic at least.

>> No.7356871

You believe that not a single friend of yours visit /sci/? Preparing to be seen as an asshole from now on.

>> No.7356873

Luckily for you, I don't care enough to dox you. But be more careful next time, you already gave away enough information to know a lot about you; hiding your diary isn't going to be of much help when your friends are showing everything.

>> No.7356876

do it faggt

>> No.7356877

I'm fairly confident that I'm the only one who regularly comes here.

>> No.7356882

Most of my friends probably would never guess I come here.

>> No.7356883

>Luckily for you, I don't care enough to dox you
No one would ever care about some retard doxxing someone who browses, it's the most uninteresting thing ever, maybe doxxing someone caught on /d/ would be something funny to a few of his friends, but most of 4chan is main stream as fuck.

Thinking a /sci/ dox means something is seriously about as retarded as thinking a PF dox means something, less so because you can't see all his previous posts.

>> No.7356885

>someone who browses */sci/

>> No.7356889

post ur facebook then big boy

>> No.7356891

I don't have facebook because I'm not a gaylord.

>> No.7356892


>> No.7356894

Yeah, that's what I thought
Don't lecture OP on security when you've got none yourself, you misandrist

>> No.7356905
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>> No.7356911

I guess it's funny to see him brag about being so smart with his poor writing skills, but I think this kid is deeply insecure and compensating for that insecurity. Makes me sad for him.

>> No.7356936

Can someone explain to me why these are mutually exlusive, and how this isn't just a linguistic fallacy by using one word for two different things, and why this dichotomy is absent when we're talking about gender and sex?

>> No.7356952

There's tons of occultist retards that post similarly convoluted and deluded shit every fucking day, just leave him be.

>But something is WRONG on the internet!

>> No.7356956

It's not about that he's wrong. People are just having a laugh at this guy who is clearly full of themselves.

>> No.7356964


>> No.7356969

>People are just having a laugh at this guy who is clearly full of themselves.
That makes those people even worse. It's like monkeys laughing at other monkeys for eating their own shit, in fact I'm willing to bet most of you are religious or have other similar delusions.

You must have no life experience if common behaviour like this is still funny to you.

>> No.7356971




>> No.7356974

>all that conjecture
I'd highly doubt most people on /sci/ are religious, but nice strawman.

>You must have no life experience if common behaviour like this is still funny to you.
That behavior is hardly common in real life. It's quite ironic you say this because most people aren't like this in real life. On the internet, it is commonplace.

>> No.7356981

But it's true

Go read the president of Portugal's statement when gay marriage got legalised. It's something like "We're legalising it because there's more important things to think about" and that was that.

The White House, on the other hand, can't stop talking about it

>> No.7357004

The fuck it is. It's conspiracy theory tier bullshit implying that the masses are being controlled.
Seriously, get the fuck back to /x/, you'll be welcomed there.

>> No.7357013

Spoken like a true sheep

>> No.7357024

Kek. I don't even think you're being ironic despite posting one of the most ironic things I've ever seen.

>> No.7357038

WHy is there no /l/

>> No.7357115
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Allright I'll dump some

>> No.7357118
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Probs what most of you look like

>> No.7357119
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>> No.7357123
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>> No.7357126
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>not posting Shane
>implying lenardo had motions

>> No.7357132
File: 448 KB, 640x828, MyLittlePonyresumePT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe incoming

>> No.7357142

It's sad because that guy actually seems reasonably talented and qualified.

>> No.7357160

bread and circuses, go google it.

While everyone's busy jerking off over gay marriage, they're passing TPP.

>> No.7357178

/l/ used to be the loli board, it was deleted.

>> No.7357182
File: 112 KB, 481x639, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Kek what a fucking faggot

>> No.7357207

I will never understand how that person thought that was in any way a good idea.

>> No.7357243

Race has been downgraded to mere social science. Hence it is a social construct. This isn't that different from gender which has been abstracted out of sex. Gender is a social construct while sex is science.

Social science deals with all of that retarded crap that he masses like to constantly fight over. From the perspective of science the social sciences are more or less pseudoscience due to their lack of rigor and reproducible experiments. To say that a person was born into the wrong race is (from the perspective of science) just as legitimate as saying a person was born into the wrong social class. eg.

>I should've been born into the 1%. I'm not cut out for this hard working lifestyle.

Ultimately the issue is social and it's something only some fringe people would say.

So, no, the two issues are not mutually exclusive. The first button is what the non-scientific say and the right button is how the scientific would respond.

Incidentally this is also why /pol/ only worries about retarded pseudoscience shit and they constantly get BTFO whenever they post here.

>> No.7357251

>the first button is what the non scientific would say
But gender dysphoria is something that is proven, and it's not something you just choose to have, so yes you can be born the wrong gender, no? How is it a social construct if you don't choose what you act like?

>> No.7357319

I'm not >>7357243 but
>But gender dysphoria is something that is proven, and it's not something you just choose to have, so yes you can be born the wrong gender, no?
I've been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, but I'm not fully convinced about that "wrong gender" thing.
I live as my assigned sex. Yes, it feels like a mixture of slowly burning alive and being raped by my own brain and body inbetween phases of apathy, and it gets worse, in fact, I overdosed just three weeks ago and I have to do it right yet. But just because I feel like that doesn't mean that I'm actually in the wrong body. The rational part of me refuses that.
I can understand why people decide to try to find happiness in transition though, since apparently there's not much of an alternative treatment.

>> No.7357321

>big sword
>big guy
>ready to seriously smash some shit
What's not to like?

>> No.7357324

I'm cringing that you threw that shit together.

>> No.7357368
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>> No.7357386
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>> No.7357388
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>> No.7357436

why do this to yourself

>> No.7357476

Pic I came across on another Cringe thread.....people can post pictures that they didn't make you Autist

>> No.7357520

It's not about conspiracy, it's commonsense politics. If you were a political ruler trying to push an agenda (protip: if you're a political ruler and have no agenda to push, you're in the wrong position), would you not use media coverage at your advantage, making things public when it will garner support for your measures, and keeping them nondisclose when you don't want to be disturbed by public debate ?

Every one does it, it's getting things done in democracy 101. Doesn't mean it's good or how things should be, but it's really business as usual.

>> No.7357525

Because gender is not sex.

Sex is dick or pussy.

Gender is masculine or feminine.

Cant' really answer the bit about whether it's a linguistic fallacy or not.

>> No.7357573

That's actually funny

>> No.7357580

Why talk about class and real social injustices when we can talk endlessly about what kind of set of junk we have between our legs?
And spend tremendeous amounts of time debating how this makes us feel about what kind of label people use while refering to us.
I swear, sometimes I feel like the whole bunch of transgender fucks are secretly these right wing trolls trying to sabotage the entire leftist agenda with their genitalia.

>> No.7357589
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>> No.7357591
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are there any real black scientists with IQ over 135?

>> No.7357604
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>> No.7357607

those two are the exact same

>> No.7357613

no they're not

one forbids you from recognizing differences in people, the other encourages you to recognize differences

>> No.7357616

but there ARE differences in people

>> No.7357617

In the side? Also, that's a pretty unceremonious pile of dirt there. Also, "Uneeka".

>> No.7357618

Let's put it in a way your pea brain might comprehend:

>don't make distinctions among people
>embrace distinct groups of people

>> No.7357619

I think in this context discriminate more refers to treating people unfairly based on those differences, and not merely noticing them. I think there's no reason that it isn't possible to both notice and embrace differences while not judging people unfairly based on things they were born into like race and culture, unless their culture is demonstrably inferior like the muslims who stone people like this is the fucking bronze age.

>> No.7357620

Wait, so people here actually support marriage 'equality'?
I thought you guys were meant to be smart and not emotionally driven?

>> No.7357626


>> No.7357627

It's not about the ceremonies or cultural bullshit about marriage. What it's really about is gay couples getting screwed in terms of not getting the same tax breaks straight couples get and not being allowed the same rights when the significant other dies.

>> No.7357630

This so much. If gay people want to be as unhappy as other married people, let them.

>> No.7357632

>It's not about the ceremonies or cultural bullshit about marriage.
Perhaps it should be. Destroying long held traditions in favor of emotionally pleasing individualist causes puts the long term stability of society at greater risk.
>not getting the same tax breaks straight couples
I am in Australia where gays can get unions that give the same rights, so this is not true in all cases. But regardless, the state grants tax breaks to straight couples to facilitate procreation not anal sex.

You are meant to be scientific and logic based but you are succumbing to ideology and emotion. Put the community and society above the emotions of a few selfish individuals.

>> No.7357642

>destroying long held tradition
I don't see how you call me unscientific when you care about something as arbitrary and useless as tradition.

>> No.7357644

>arbitrary and useless
You really do have to ignore the entirety of history to believe such tripe.

>> No.7357654

>Stuff I don't personally agree with
> Not /pol/

>> No.7357668

im doing to dox you right now

>> No.7357685


>> No.7357795

Jimmies are now in a rustled state.

>> No.7357796

Why are you shilling for the cigarette smoking man?

>> No.7357797

makes sense under the law tbh

>> No.7357814

Is this from Texas?

>> No.7357818

>Post your facebook
I'll do it because I agree with the dude above. I ain't afraid of no legion.


>> No.7357823

Marriage inequality relies upon an arbitrary and pointless distinction. Either there should be marriage equality, or there shouldn't be marriage.

>> No.7357890

this is not cringe tho. he's just insane

>> No.7357899

I think she means on the side.

So she is posting her sister mourning her baby daddy (the father of the sisters children) while saying she missed having an affair with him

>> No.7357914

Why is it that E=mc`2 is only theory and not law after this many years? I will give the world the real formula it is " E=me`2" or (Energy = mass times the speed of the electron squared) The electron in a vacuum is at least twice as fast as the photon. April If you think I'm wrong than find out why in every single instance that we create light or photons from x-rays to radio,we slow down the electron or ion to produce a photon, that's like saying you get more from less. Fools The reason E=mc`2 never became law is because when the formula was applied to the speed of an electron it always came out with a number larger than the speed of the photon this is fact ask any MIT professor. My Paper E=me`squared was released yesterday and the video will be up soon... ...

>> No.7357974

>I don't know what punctuations go where except the comma
>except the comma
does this man actually believe he's using commas right?

>> No.7357976

what on earth is a linguistic fallacy?

>> No.7358018

>we should all do exactly what the people before us did for the sake of society, no exceptions
k nigger

>> No.7358196

Started out good "Distracting from TPP" but then went to the Hell where the light of Black Science Man does not shine.

>> No.7358334

>Redwood Creek
Why did I have to be born into this laughingstock of a state?

>> No.7358351


>> No.7359153

this gotta be from those fucked up homeschool textbooks right? dont tell me that jesusistan is so fucked up that this things are alowed (even in public schools)

>> No.7359174
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>aerosolized mind control "vaccines"

>> No.7359600


>> No.7359732
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Then I must congratulate you on your filenames.

>> No.7359738

He looks like the /sci/ version of /k/'s deagle guy

>> No.7359789


>> No.7359796
File: 64 KB, 625x433, 1433489683686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7359835

That's not cringe, that's just shitty memes.

>> No.7359879

youtube 'ATP rap/song'
instant scientific cringe.

>> No.7359888

>Destroying long held traditions

You mean the long held tradition of sky-high divorce rates, uninspired middle-class marriage, spousal abuse and money-motivated unions ?

Face it, marriage lost its traditional appeal long ago, if anything the gay stuff only rejuvenates it as it makes it looks relevant, modern and compassionate. You could even argue most people wouldn't really care about marriage if it weren't for that gay controversy.

As for the "traditional marriage", it never was an ideal, and it's actually one of the greatest provider of comedy and social critique in history (and I'm not talking about twentieth-century critiques of marriage here). Only someone who has not read any literature written pre-1900 would idolize marriage like that, as if adultery was ever not an widely practiced and acknowledged thing, as if arranged marriages were never the law of the land, as if most people ever perceived marriage as some wonderful traditional thing and not as a burdensome law of nature. Marriage doesn't necessary provide overall stability, even some very conservatives advocates of marriage have argued that prostitution (and sometimes adultery) are unfortunate but necessary consequences of marriage, meaning it's an institution that requires balancing practices in order to not threaten stability.

>> No.7359894

>the long term stability of society at greater risk

Please. With all the changes in technology, economics, infrastructure we're witnessing, you're gonna pretend that less than 1% of the population suddenly getting access to marriage is what's putting stability at risk ? And what stability are you even talking about ? We've been rushing recklessly ahead for the past hundred year.

Tradition is nothing more than that: tradition, ie something that has been passed down for a long time. It can be essential or it can be retarded and useless, there is no way to judge simply from the fact tht something is "tradition".

>Put the community and society above the emotions of a few selfish individuals.

Seems like you're the one putting your own emotions above the common good. Equality before the law is an important principle, and people in trouble are actually being denied help because they cannot be marries. If there's a perception that marriage not being allowed for gays is breaking that principle, it should be adressed one way or the others. Your only objection is "muh traditions" which, as I said above, is per se nothing but appeal to emotion.

Don't get me wrong, the other guy was stupid for saying traditions are baseless and unscientific (tradition are based on having been passed down, and can be scientific or not), but simply retorting "traditions matters" isn't enough particularly when you're referring to something who hasn't been "traditional" for over fifty years.

>> No.7359895
File: 92 KB, 973x168, What do you think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came to /sci/ one day and saw this

>> No.7359906

I fear he is being serious. How terrifying...

>> No.7359911

This entire thread.


>> No.7360165

>recognizing differences in people is the same thing as discriminating
This is some funny bait.

>> No.7360180

Emotionally driven is the entire basis for the whole premise of marriage for anything outside of law and finances, anon.

Get married for the tax cut and legal/fiancial benefits. You don't need to get married to reproduce. Even the late John Nash didn't turn his nose up at the thought of having illegitimate children.

>> No.7360186

lol why is Australia so backwards.

He's right though.

>> No.7360232

I think he means a "false dichotomy."

>> No.7360474

recognizing differences is discrimination in definition lol
"Hey Marty, boy you are tall!"
*5 minutes later*

>> No.7360496

Science IS current events.
Science takes place in society and hence its problems are social problems.
Politics is very relevant in /sci/. I've noticed in my time here lots of evidence, (e.g. just today I read something about first generation hispanics having an easier time getting into good unis (nosource apology).

>am i being trolled?
no just narrowminded

On topic of marriage equality, I personally believe that Marriage is too traditional to be brought down to a matter of sexuality; and therefore I am lightly leaning towards "no" but oh well. People should still be able to do whatever they want so "Yes" would be my official vote, if it would ever come to a vote here.

>> No.7360499


In Japan they just call this chuunibyou or otherwise called "eight grader syndrome". It's when kids start to legitimately believe that they have secret super powers or that they are actually aliens or that they are super geniuses or that they are half demons and shit in eigth grade and seems to be so common in Japan that it has it's own name. They usually lose that when they grow up.

Let me guess OP. The guy posting it is maybe... 13-14 years old?

>> No.7360522


>> No.7360525

this is literally you


>> No.7360536

Thad is in jail for CP iirc, he was serious

>> No.7360538 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 389x387, 1435180368363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Japan they just call this

>> No.7360543

lol nah its this guy from my school

>> No.7360590

Navy Seals pls

>> No.7360599

Oh I get it, you are TRYING to make cringe posts.

>> No.7360639
File: 469 KB, 1536x2304, 8797597865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.03 higher GPA than your own

>> No.7360647

oh no someone knows

>> No.7360654

Yeah, just get your dick turned inside out, I'm sure you'll feel better that way.

>> No.7360680

Are you a child?

>> No.7360686


This logic is great, because when someone asks you "were you there?" you can just say "yes". And then when they call you a liar, you can just say "Were you there?"

>> No.7360702



No cringe/errors present.
Why is Sci a bunch of narrow minded illiterates?
Answer me please, someone. Is there no healthy person here? I'm seriously considering leaving.

>> No.7360711

> one less creationist
good riddance

>> No.7360713

Okay I'm out.
Have fun you fucking retards.

>> No.7360719

fitness also takes place in society. take this shit to /fit/

>> No.7360732

This is me:
I'm out.

One last word though:
You are right. Fitness can not be scientific.
Please just tell me where you are from-
I need to localize my disappointment in humanity.

>> No.7360741

i think i saw this one

>> No.7360800

>the scale is a max of 140
I still can't believe this is real.

>> No.7360813

Thank Jesus that faggot left

>> No.7360912


>> No.7360924

>I already figured out how teleportation is possible without kill the living being.
The trick is to create the being into light and intercept the light with a machine that reassembles the being. To the being, they'd be there instantaniously because it'd be from the point of view of a photon if any at all. The only limitation is making matter into light and then back again. Also keeping solid objects out of the way is important, too.

>> No.7360962

Hey OP the guy you posted is exactly like this friend I have except he posts about how he can prove god exists and he is the chosen one.
He also "came up with a maths formula" which he wrote a paper about and I believe he got it copyrighted but he claims it's his patent. All this with help from god of course.

>> No.7361004

Not a "scientist", but Thomas Sowell

>> No.7361828
File: 150 KB, 882x925, tmp_14855-Hdq1C6T-1540364341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7361836

Please kill him if you know him. He doesn't know shit 'bout quantum mechanics.

>> No.7361845

Oh god.
oh... oh.
I'm sorry, I've lost faith in humanity.

>> No.7361855

you have a moral obligation to ensure that this man never breeds

>> No.7361857

I'm pretty sure he is joking.

>> No.7361861

relax, its just a pic from devianart, its not a real resume

>> No.7361863

Now I'm thing, how does it work.

>> No.7361907

Differentiating and discriminating are the same things.
One word just sounds meaner

>> No.7361943

It can't just be that he enjoys to play a joker and fool around?

>> No.7361945

> Let's see if I can troll some people who actually know some shit and belong on /sci

>> No.7362158


>> No.7362205

>not gay
>cares about the legalization of gay marriage


>> No.7364078

When I was looking up hearing protection a number of websites said that combining earplugs+earmuffs doesn't double the level of protection but only 3-7 decibel.
Had a laugh after that

>> No.7364093


>> No.7364282

He's gonna do that to himself.

>> No.7364305

please be satire
please be satire
please be satire

>> No.7364348


>> No.7364354

Don't say there "are" x types of intelligence... Gardner's theory is a practical one, but it's theoretical. This isn't something we know for a fact or understand fully and oversimplifying MI theories to this degree just spreads misinformation. For example, there is a strong correlation between a higher score in tests targeted to one of Gardner's intelligences and a higher score in the others.

>> No.7364402

pretty sure he's just fucking with everybody

>> No.7364408
File: 1.62 MB, 1342x758, 654354676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just quantum believe and it will be true :v)

>> No.7364483

Then don't expect anyone else to stand up for you when you are considered the disgusting cancer of society.

>> No.7364538

I came on /sci that day and left immediately. I took that as a sign I need to stop internetting for a bit

>> No.7364553


>> No.7364554

Dont worry anon, at least you're not as cringey as that guy

>> No.7364683 [DELETED] 

I seriously have a series of sincere Ceres questions...

...actually, just kidding it's only one:

NASA has been saying for months that the spots are "probably" ice (or "maybe" salts)....

What data supports these statements?

>> No.7364728



>> No.7364730


WTF did I just type

>> No.7364736

you must commit sudoku with great haste

>> No.7364737


either that or your an attention whoring narcisistic faggot

>> No.7364740

Cringing is a part of life. Learn to accept it, learn to master it, to ride it as a prideful steed into the sunset, nay as a strong warhorse into battle until thy enemies bones may rattle.

>> No.7364742

sci/pol/ - scipol - sciphol. OMG IT'S A CUMSPIRACY!!1

>> No.7364745


I don't think /sci/ is the best board for a creationist to browse anyway

>> No.7364748

Are you gonna böl now or what?

>> No.7364749


prolly still lurking

>> No.7364752

It's actually a valid address it's searches the catalog for threads with "pol" in the OP subject line or body.

And for example linking generals

>> No.7364756

You can always drink alcohol. It's pretty much the only acceptable way you can deal with it in society. All other ways will label you as a freaky monstrosity or a mental patient for life.

>> No.7364758


Maybe in one parallel universe that neck-beard got killed by a stray sniper round usin dem kawuntum fisics

>> No.7364763

Maybe to learn of peoples behaviours and classify his surroundings. He may be interested in who he can rely on and whom is just there for as long as stuff goes well.

>> No.7364764


>I can't even fuck up properly

>> No.7364770


im fucking mad

>> No.7364775

Compton physics?

>> No.7364776

Haters ona grate. Could get ripped cheesy. Rhyming like it's easy. Gonna quit soon or I'll be bait. It's kinda in muh fate.

>> No.7364782

Dude. It's in the nature of fucking up that you can't do it properly.

>puts on sungoggles

>> No.7364786

Ok take it easy. You're gonna go into a mania episode mate. You don't wanna crash head first in you know.

>> No.7365039

A classic - gets me every time.

>> No.7365044

There is a cringy thread on /sci/ RIGHT NOW.

>> No.7365065

>hurr durr I'm just pretending to be retarded

>> No.7365947

>race has been downgraded to mere social science

Thats a cringe. The common usage of the word race has to do with genetic ancestry, you can't get make up a definition mate.

>> No.7365978


Why are you guys acting like TPP wasn't being jammed through Congress while everybody was busy talking about the gay marriage ruling?

The government uses distractions all the time when trying to do something that's unpopular. It's not some /pol/-tier conspiracy, it's a fact.

>> No.7367849

This is the one where you shoot robots in the desert right? My friend actually worked on this game.