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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7353712 No.7353712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do you all go to school? I just got accepted

>> No.7353714
File: 641 KB, 1200x766, Purdue University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Purdue

>> No.7353715

I had a PHD in marxist women's sociology

>> No.7353718

Nice what are you studying?

>> No.7353719

nuclear engineering

>> No.7353724

Oh yeah didn't you post this in a /lit/ thread

>> No.7353725

i'm a multi-board shitposter. i don't discriminate

>> No.7353730

Lol I don't mind, I just remembered from yesterday

>> No.7353741
File: 107 KB, 1000x600, unt-logo-big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNT, living in Corpus though.

>> No.7353772

Corpus here too. What are you majoring in?

>> No.7353781 [DELETED] 


>> No.7353807

Chicken school tbh

>> No.7353813

>muh ivies
its like top 10 in almost every engr field, top 10 overall for engr in grad and undergrad studies. also top 10 pharmacy and cs programs

>> No.7353814

>there are people born in 1997 and 1998 on /sci/ right now

>> No.7353816

Yes, and?

>> No.7353818

>tfw '91 master race

>> No.7353822

'89 masterrace here

>> No.7353825
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University of Antioquia

>> No.7353827
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Rose-Hulman, majoring in mechanical engineering.

>> No.7353831

About to start a PhD at MIT for a non-stem field because I'm too dumb for math.

>> No.7353834

Nice I'm also doing mech engineering. What do are you trying to get? I don't even know what's out here

>> No.7353836

oh, you're dumb alright

>> No.7353838

You're not dumb, just lazy

>> No.7353841

Which field?

>> No.7353844

Liberal arts

>> No.7353848
File: 26 KB, 350x350, IU_seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IU, dual major in physics and astrophysics

>> No.7353850

>dual major in physics and astrophysics
That seems so redundant and pointless.

>> No.7353852

Are you asking what I want to do with my degree? I plan on working in the aerospace industry. I am with Rolls-Royce this summer, and it is pretty enjoyable. Mech majors have a lot of options though.

>> No.7353857
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Shit tier here

>> No.7353858
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Chem major.

>> No.7353863

University of Frogs?

>> No.7353870


I went to the University of Western Ontario for my undergrad. And now I'm shipping out west to do my masters at UBC.

>> No.7353876

Shit for Brazil or shit because of Brazil?

>> No.7353878

just graduated from Texas Tech and trying to apply for grad school there but 2 professors won't fucking email me back about rec letters so fuck me

>> No.7353886

It's not a dumb decision in that regard because it's still a top school in my field, but I'm dumb to whatever extent being bad at math implies. Really I think I was taught badly, grew to hate it, and never learned to overcome that, so I found something reasonably analytical but unrelated to math.

>> No.7353890

I lived in London but went to Mac.
What did you study and what are you doing in graduate school?

>> No.7353901

You're not dumb, just lazy

>> No.7353903
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Incoming freshman

>> No.7353907

How hard is it to get in?

>> No.7353914

It's difficult, but if you attend one of their summer programs it increases your chances drastically. Upwards of 30% of the people who attended the one I was in got accepted.

>> No.7353917

I don't think I'm lazy because I put plenty of effort into things I like, it's more of an issue of when a math problem is put in front of me, my mind goes blank and I think "FUCK". It's more of an attitude problem than an effort problem.

>> No.7353918

How hard is it to get into one of those?

>> No.7353921
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Urbana-Champaign CompE

>> No.7353926

Because of Brazil. It's one of the best in the country though.

>> No.7353932

No idea. I'd imagine it's a little more difficult than actually getting into the school considering that it increases your chances.

>> No.7353933

That's like being the smartest kid with down syndrome

>> No.7353937

It's basically IU's shitty physics undergrad and then you take one astronomy class.

>> No.7353943

Cool, do you know Prof Snow? What year are you ~

>> No.7353947


Sweet, sup Canadabro?

I studied Biology at Western -- I focused on genetics, animal physiology, and evolution.

I'll be studying Journalism for my masters at UBC. It'll be a big change, but I look forward to it.

What about you?

>> No.7353950

I-I dropped out

>> No.7353953

Why did you give up on biology?

>> No.7353954

Why the change from bio to journalism? What do you want to do and how does that compare to what you wanted to do?

I study physics here. I'm in my last year before graduate school. Looking at Caltech, MIT, Princeton, as my top 3. My fallbacks are U of T and Waterloo

>> No.7353993

Don't worry about it bro, keep trucking along. You'll find your way.


And I never gave up on biology -- just because I didn't pursue an advanced degree in it does not, in any sense, mean that I've given up. I love biology and will forever be a scientist (in thinking, likely not in practice).

I switched to journalism because it fit in with my goals. It took my quite a long time to determine what I wanted to do with my life -- pretty much my entire undergrad, actually.

I started out as nearly every bio student did -- wanting (or at least thinking I wanted) to be a doctor. But I soon realized that career path wasn't what I truly wanted, and it was a tough realization and a tough few phone calls with my parents. But, I told them that it wasn't for me and that I had to find my path. The problem was I didn't know what that path was yet. What I did know, is that science had to be a part of it because I loved the field so much. The next big breakthrough came in a field course that I took between 3rd and 4th year -- I went to Tanzania to conduct animal research. It was amazing, I went to the middle of the Selous Game Reserve in south-central Tanzania, slept in a tent on the ground and was surrounded by wildlife constantly (I have dozens of stories from that trip, so ask whatever you like). Animals would walk around my tent at night, and I would go seek them during the day for data collection.

This is when I realized that I didn't want to be constrained in my line of work. Being in a lab was to restricting for me, I had to be outside in some sort of way, and if I got to interact with animals, the better.

The final piece came in my second last month of my undergrad. My time at Western was coming to a close, and I still had no idea what I was going to pursue. I was at the end of the line and was considering shipping off to Japan to teach English for a bit (lol). But, as I sat waiting for the bus to take me home, I came across an............

>> No.7354002

UC Berkeley, Mechanical engineering

>> No.7354004


I came across an Instagram post from National Geographic regarding some explorers who travelled to Myanmar to climb a mountain. And that was it, that was the spark I needed, the final piece to the puzzle. I realized that all of my talents and passions could be put to use as a writer for National Geographic. This career path would encompass all that I love and all that I want, and so it was an easy progression for me.

It was very strange, though -- science, travel, and writing/oration are all skills/passions that I have known I excel in and champion, yet I never thought to put them all together. Especially the writing/speaking aspect -- I just figured that I'm a good writer and speaker, but I never realized that I could centre my career on these abilities. It was as if I had been playing that children's game where the blocks fit into their complementary shaped holes, and it just took me four years to turn the triangle block to the right orientation. I had the pieces all along, I just needed to make them fit.

So ya. I'm not giving up on biology, I'm just using my skills in a different manner.

>> No.7354009

Youre gonna love what you do. Good luckin life!

>> No.7354010

Wow you won't have trouble finding a job

>> No.7354013

Yeah, they actually told us today that they have something like a 95% placement rate

>> No.7354019

All it is is just all the classes of a physics degree, plus a couple classes in astronomy/astrophysics and you get 2 degrees for almost the price of one

I will be a freshman this fall, so I don't prof snow. Any words of advice for me?

>> No.7354020
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>tfw the 5% are robots and other assorted autists

>> No.7354028

Focus on getting in lots of math classes, IU Physics undergrad is notoriously weak for the first two years. Get into honors P221/P222 at all costs, the nonhonors class is mostly premed shitters and very easy although my professor(snow) tried to make the best of it. Getting to take Diffy Q(343) honors is also invaluable because the physics department wants students who take the non-honors version to take an additional diffy Q class for physics before taking Analytical Mechanics/Vector Calc based E&M.

Astronomy you will enjoy, deliyannis and pilachowsky are both good.

One of the best things about stem at IU is the number of seminars/research opportunities because IU is a primarily research school in these fields. Check bulletin boards in Swain/ Rawles Hall constantly for stuff you might be interested in.

>> No.7354032


Thank you, bro, I appreciate it. Good luck to you, as well!

>> No.7354038

Hey anon, thanks so much for the advice! I already scheduled my classes at orientation and I was told I couldn't take honors p221 becuase I wasn't invite to the hutton honors college so I said whatever and scheduled the normie p221. It seems to have 2 profs, being Chen-Yu Liu, and Shixiong Zhang. Any knowlendge of them? Did I fuck up anon?

>> No.7354047

It's probably higher. A lot of the kids who don't get jobs are those who go into grad school immediately.

>> No.7354050

Also, my schedule is as follows:
PHYS-P 221
MATH-M 211 calc I
CSCI-A 201 Intro to computer programming I
I got all that gen-ed bs done in High school

>> No.7354110
File: 10 KB, 520x135, ucdavis_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UC Davis Physics major here.

>> No.7354181

It won't matter, just make sure you know physics >_> P221 is like the definition of babby-tier, but the curriculum is taught with calculus, it's just that you never have to use it on problems. Either prof is fine, you can ratemyprof if you care alot but at least when I took the class it was "flipped" with online lectures so it won't even matter terribly. Good labs and general experience though. So it's not actually terrible for learning concepts, especially if you work examples and watch the MIT OCW 8.01 lectures from Walter Lewin(Which is how I learned physics in the first place, honestly these are extolled everywhere on the internet and I couldn't agree more, they are just God Tier derivations and apply a rigor to tie together all the crap you will hear from confused classmates, TA's, and professors that can't be bothered to get it right).



Congrats on gened bs, that stuff can suck at iu.
Calculus at IU is also really wierd, M211 is easy mode, M212 is fairly challenging, M311 is piss easy, M312 is far more difficult. Just don't get lulled by the ease of M211 when you start M212 spring semester.

Bloomington is a great place, lived here since before elementary school and it wasn't until university that I discovered all it had to offer. Swain is about the shittiest building on campus and I still love it.

>> No.7354193
File: 57 KB, 200x197, nd_blue_seal..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notre Dame '17


>hurr durr bio stupid

I like it

>> No.7354250
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integrated science & chemical engineering

>> No.7354394

Same. Guess I'll be seeing you in the fall, although I won't know who you are.

>> No.7354399
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Cmu full ride
Mech E

>> No.7354409

Northeastern University doing a BS/MS in Computer Science and Math
Taking my last summer final of my freshman year on Monday.
I love college. You learn so much fascinating shit.

>> No.7354410
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UK fag here
Starting at Imperial College this year

>> No.7354514
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headed here next year, have any other /sci/ been?

>> No.7354521
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Any ausfags in here? UQ reporting in

>> No.7354529

how hard was it to get in and what subject?

>> No.7354537
File: 47 KB, 514x307, um.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the chance to switch to MechE, not sure if I should.

>> No.7354566
File: 16 KB, 500x525, u cant finish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like im the only one who likes the math department here

>> No.7354576

Switch to whatever you have more passion for. You are way more likely to be successful in a field that you have a genuine passion for, rather than a high-demand field that you don't have any emotional investment in.

>> No.7354582
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Wouldn't have gone to college if they didn't offer me free tuition. And this school is pretty second rate as far as universities go for majors other than physic/ astronomy

>> No.7354600 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 282x57, header-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy lmao. I anm going this fall school full of rich, smart people. tfw poor and dumb.

>> No.7354605
File: 45 KB, 366x455, uchicago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming for Math + either CompSci or Physics.

>> No.7354612
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>> No.7354616

Bull fucking shit.

>> No.7354624


>> No.7354646

Post proof.

>> No.7354650

I'm nt him, but what's so unbelievable about that? There's an incoming MIT freshman in here, which is more selective than Chicago. Why not ask him for proof? Why not ask everyone here for proof?

>> No.7354651
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Based Rutgers, Mechanical Engineering

>> No.7354653
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>> No.7354657

There are 2 possibilities.
1) underage, idolizes UChicago
2) applied to UChicago, got rejected, thinks he's the smartest person on /sci/

>> No.7354663

>idolizes UChicago
lel. It's a great school, no doubt, but my image of them is colored by the fact that they sent out all those ads to drive their selectivity up

>> No.7354671

I made a point of not applying to any schools that tried to recruit me. I ended up at Berkeley for engineering (I posted earlier) and I don't think I could have made a better choice. I hate colleges that are creating a false sense of selectivity.

>> No.7354674

What ads?

>> No.7354682

Is there any truth to this: http://www.bestvalueschools.com/physics-degrees-best-roi/ ?
Specifically, that UCB is just after Harvard and Princeton in terms of the physics program?

>> No.7354685

UChicago sends out lots of mail/emails to everyone, even to students who often have no chance of getting in, to try and decrease there admit rate.

To be fair, UChicago is in an odd position. It selects some of the best applicants and is a world class university. Despite this, the school is not known to the general public like Harvard or MIT, so it didn't get nearly as many applicants in the past. There admit rate used to be as high as 40%, though the type of student entering the school today is not significantly better than those entering a decade ago.

>> No.7354687


>> No.7354693

That is a return on investment list. In other words, it's who's making the most money after getting a degree in Physics, not necessarily which program is "best".

>> No.7354694

Are the things disingenuously worded to imply that they should apply to the school even if they really won't get in, or are they more neutral things saying "We are UChicago and we exist"?

>> No.7354698

I mean, is physics at Berkeley really that good?

>> No.7354703

we have several nobel laureate professors, and are regarded as the best physics program in the world by ARWU and QS

>> No.7354706

My bad. We're 5th in the world according to QS.

>> No.7354707

I got in for Medicine. Entry is quite arbitrary at Imperial overall. My offer is AAA but i this year there's someone i know with a A*A*A* offer and has to do step (A level btw ). They key to get into medicine is to do well on the BMAT.

>> No.7354709
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>> No.7354711

It's mostly existence stuff. They mostly discusses what the school is like, or generally stupid jokey stuff (One of the emails they sent me had the subject line "Hogwarts + Star Wars = UChicago").

What is true though is that they send out much more than other schools, and they send it out to everyone. I made a point of never giving information to anybody throughout the application process, and they somehow got my email very quickly, when literally no other college did.

If a student doesn't know better, they might think they will get in because of the sheer volume, and the fact that they received stuff without asking for it. Add this with the fact that people don't realize that Chicago is a competitive school, and you definitely have many people applying who shouldn't be as a result of the mailing campaign.

>> No.7354712

>it's who's making the most money after getting a degree in Physics
But the article seems to talk about mostly the undergrad research opportunities offered at each institution, not the "return on investment."

>> No.7354727

>The physics degree ranking list below is designed to help prospective physics majors choose a school with a high thirty year net return on investment, that will give students the best opportunities in the field at the undergraduate level.
>Universities were included in the list according to their inclusion in the top 25 ranking of the Academic Ranking of World Universities for Physics.
>The schools were then ranked from the highest to lowest 30 year net return on investment as reported by payscale.com.

So in other words, take top 25 schools for Physics, then rank them based on the amount of money graduates make. Obviously these are all good schools, but keep in mind that some of the better schools, where more students go to top graduate schools, will show up later on this list because they are foregoing a career with a higher salary to pursue academia.

>> No.7354729
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>Hogwarts + Star Wars = UChicago

>> No.7354735

This is the academic ranking they reference. The order here is very different. http://www.shanghairanking.com/SubjectPhysics2013.html

>> No.7354760

Are there any rankings of physics programs that specifically focus on the academia potential for students, instead of "return on investment"?

>> No.7354765
File: 259 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-University_of_Maryland_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double major in Physics and Math.

>> No.7354766

The shanghai ranking, the one I posted. Their methodology is here: http://www.shanghairanking.com/ARWU-SUBJECT-Methodology-2013.html

Don't put too much stock in rankings. They can give you a general picture, but they aren't perfect, and school #4 is probably not "better" than school #8.

>> No.7354787

As a freshly minted UChicago graduate, the "hurr we so nerdy we read marx and do scav" stuff really did start to annoy me toward the end

It's a cynical but understandable move. As I understand it, lower yield = higher rankings, so why not

Let me know if you have questions

>> No.7354803

>start to annoy me toward the end
It annoyed me from the beginning so I didn't even apply.

>> No.7354814
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I'm at a community college right now and hopefully will have all my credits necessary to transfer out by the end of May of 2016. I don't really know how the transfer process goes, but my top schools are San Diego State University, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, and maybe UCLA(long shot). I want to get into the business world, but I'm not sure what degree to get. SDSU has Accounting and Finance majors while UCSD has a joint major in economics and Math. I just don't know if I can do the math since I'm 26 and barely in Calculus III. I struggle with Math and when I first entered community college I started in Elementary Algebra.

>> No.7354820
File: 42 KB, 604x125, 604px-University_of_Cambridge_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished IA NatSci.

>> No.7354831

Good luck. I just transferred unis myself, not from a CC but from an exremely low-ranked no-name school to a top 10/15 in my fields. I'd give transfer advice but I'm so burnt out from the process, I can't bring myself to think about it.
So I'm just gonna say, work like hell until May 2016. Get out there and look impressive, do whatever it takes. Maybe even stop hanging around on /sci/. Once you've transferred you can sit back and relax, and come back and shitpost on /sci/ as much as you like.

>> No.7354834
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>tfw going to be applying for med with only 1 week of work exp in a GP and 4-6 weeks at a elderly home and hospice

am I fucked? half the kids on this forum i frequent have like 2 years volunteering and all seem like fucking completely perfect students

im looking to apply to newcastle university sheffield and probs 2 other ones which accept stupid people who took too long to figure out what they wanted to do and didnt take biology

>> No.7354835

Do you know what sort of preparation I should do over the summer if I want to try and place into Honors Analysis as a freshman?

Also, what books can I read over the summer that I'm likely to run into during the core.

>> No.7354841
File: 51 KB, 1045x212, logo_CentraleSupelec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double degree master race

>> No.7354842

The advice I've heard is to basically just self-study all of baby Rudin on your own. That said, it's perfectly alright to take 160s in first-year and get into HA in second-year.

I wouldn't bother with pre-reading the Core books. Just read them when school starts. What I would do is study the hell out of the catalog pages/requirements/testing pages and figure out how to game all the graduation/major requirements in the most efficient manner possible.

Also, when you choose SOSC sequences, take Power or Self. Or just don't, for the love of god, take SSI.

>> No.7354855

>common core
Pretty gross.

>> No.7354859

We just call it the Core.

And I guess like the common core it sounds good on paper but boy does it suck in execution.

>> No.7354910

Classic. Dumb. Freshman who is majoring in something without direction.

>> No.7354930
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I-it's still.. good. I think.

>> No.7354938
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Achava que era o único gaúcho que acessava o /sci/.

>> No.7355055

Hey, I used this list when deciding where I wanted to go for undergrad.

Also, this:
>According to the BLS, physicists vie with engineers and computer scientists for high median pay, and many with just undergraduate degrees can still earn the top figures in the field. The median pay for physicists is over $105,000 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, making it one of the highest paying fields in the modern world.

Why do people keep telling me this isn't true?

>> No.7355058
File: 14 KB, 220x319, oh boy it's this shit again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't. I don't know a single physicists that makes more money than an engineer.

>> No.7355063

Why would the website lie though? What does it get from it?

>> No.7355066
File: 52 KB, 448x419, 138798919056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably not a lie, but the majority of physicists doesn't earn as much as an engineer. I'd say a small percentage is successful enough to earn more, though.

>> No.7355073


They probably mean physicis who are employed in their field get that. It's not counting those who do nonphysics jobs or unemployed.

>> No.7355076
File: 92 KB, 750x749, Large_university-of-texas_seal_rgb(199-91-18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Studying Physics.
but i'm a retard because im transferring from CC

>> No.7355077

nah you're smart cause you're saving $$$

>> No.7355078
File: 102 KB, 1280x518, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're fucked if med is anything like vet- which I believe it is from what I've heard! Might want to get in a few more weeks over the summer.

Going to pick related to study vet med this September. September can't come soon enough!

>> No.7355079

thanks maynge.
Now i just have to worry about getting research time

>> No.7355083
File: 4 KB, 130x129, Leiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dutchies are underrepresented on /sci/
>tfw doing a shit course
At least I'm going to an actual uni next year..

>> No.7355087

So many MEs in here what the fuck

How is UM? I was thinking of going for grad school (ME of course)

>> No.7355089


>> No.7355092
File: 71 KB, 1280x540, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any britfags here???
physics at pic related

>> No.7355094

Mechanical engineering , mechatronics

>> No.7355098
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1362281788513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I'm also doing MechE.

>> No.7355104

Who's doing Offshore and Coastal System Engineering?

>> No.7355105

I spent 3 years from 2009 -2012 (shitted around for a year) at a local CC.

My total tuition for 3 years was about $9k. CC is where its at

>> No.7355106

>Offshore and Coastal System Engineering


>> No.7355108

I went to blinn community college for a year and transfered into A&M. Got all my core classes out of the way and saved my parents money.

>> No.7355111

What are you confused about

>> No.7355115

I spent 2 years at a local 4 year uni loaded with scholarships that put $12k in my pocket by the time I transferred. All my credits transferred too, really schweet.

>> No.7355118

I never knew it existed. Is it undergrad?

>> No.7355123

>Offshore and Coastal Systems Engineering (OCSE) provides an interdisciplinary education in offshore, coastal, and structural engineering. The curriculum introduces the students to a systems oriented approach to design. This program was previously known as Maritime Systems Engineering and has been graduating students into this exciting field for 40 years.
Yep its undergrad

>> No.7355126

So is everyone and their mom.

Advice from someone working at the moment, don't take a shit job if you cam avoid it.

If you start as a design engineer and stay with it for like 2 years, you're gonna be a CAD jockey for most of your career.

Take a job where you can work on varied projects and see what you like doing, somewhere at a smaller company where you're asked to do a lot of things Taking a job at a big firm (like Boeing) will just take a dump on your soul with boredom.

>> No.7355147
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Thanks for the advice. I'll actually start a major in EE after graduating in MechE, though. It's very autistic, I know, but my parents are willing to pay so it's pretty nice.

I'm very afraid of having a single major. I tried double majoring EE and MechE, but it didn't work as expected (my grades dropped "exponentially".). Even though I was good, I didn't expected it to be so time-consuming.

I plan on getting work in the Mechatronics or Aerospace industry. Would be happy if my job involved both.

The EE is just a "plan B" in case I end up in a shitty job as a MechE.

>> No.7355154

na its impossible i havent even done the 6 weeks at the care home or hospice yet i need to wait like 6 weeks for an interview and a DBS check so by the time i've started volunteering i'll only have 6 weeks by the time I send off my personal statement

i fucked up pretty bad most likely i'll have to do a gap year next year but wgaf even though ive got the grades

>> No.7355443

I've been going to community college for the past 5 years. Yes my life is in shambles.

>> No.7355461
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Will be starting the math PhD program this year. Though, much of my interest is in theoretical comp sci, so I'll probably interact with the comp sci faculty a lot too.

>> No.7355469

Sounds good. Why didn't you just apply for compaci though?

>> No.7355474

What kind of job are you looking floor?

>> No.7355483

How hard would it be for me to get into a decent math PhD program after doing a terminal masters at a school where the masters is the highest degree?

>> No.7355493
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Just finished my sophomore year of Physics

>> No.7355499

I want the kind of education you get out of a math program. Seeing connections between apparently disparate topics is easier once you've laid down the language that connects them. When you have things like rings, fields, vector spaces , inner products or whatever to create analogies learning becomes easier.

I'll be a math professor, probably. Maybe work for the NSA.

>> No.7355503
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Argentine here, pretty good público college here

>> No.7355504

What did you do your undergrad in?

>> No.7355510


I mean public college, it was the autocorrect keyboard

>> No.7355512

I really wouldn't know, I came in from undergrad and I think this is how most americans do it.

If I had to guess, I'd say it would be harder than for someone coming from undergrad because then they'd be comparing you to the other masters students.

Double major in math and computer science.

>> No.7355516
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>> No.7355520

What escuela

>> No.7355522

Where did you go to undergrad?

>> No.7355536


Washington and Lee University

>> No.7355565

im jelly of berkeley
not jelly of CS tho

>> No.7355572

no but Rolla sounds like shit though

>> No.7355573


Also starting a PHD this year at Berkeley but in the engineering department.

>> No.7355576


>> No.7355968

richfag detected.

>> No.7355973
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I'm waiting on my CC -> Brown friend to show up in this thread.

>> No.7355994
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UCSB Physics

transferring because my cc didn't offer dynamics therefore i got rejected for MechE

>> No.7356010

Depends if he has finaid

But yea uchicago expensive as fuck

>> No.7356012

UChicago finaid is really nice. If he needs it he has it

>> No.7356014

>mfw international student at UChicago

At least I'm making bank now, so I don't feel so bad. Shout out to my parents and their amazing money management

>> No.7356015

Oh yeah internationals have it super rough... sometimes forget about taht

>> No.7356023

Aryan masterace reporting in

>> No.7356054


>> No.7356063


>> No.7356075

EE here
>I transferred from physics

>> No.7356078

Are you majoring in horse fucking?

>> No.7356079
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Tufts University reporting in!

>> No.7356080


I'm majoring in physics starting this fall.

I know people always think
When people mention flyover states, but tbh it's a pretty sweet school.

Gorgeous campus, beautiful women, great social scene, and most importantly, very good academics. The physics department especially has some cool equipment and a couple professors are doing astrophysics research with undergrads helping.

Add into that the fact that Manhattan has an astronomical society, and they had me.

KState gets a bad rap, but they have a pretty good history with math and shit. My grandpa went there when it was the Kansas College of Agriculture and Applied science, majored in math, graduated and got hired by IBM immediately.

>> No.7356084

Yeah I was just messing around lol. Congrats anon.

>> No.7356240

Awesome school you'll love it there

>> No.7356241
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Pure mathematics

>> No.7356257
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Italianfag here, CS.

>> No.7356267

transferring to stanford from community college. monstrously proud

>> No.7356295

>UChicago finaid is really nice. If he needs it he has it

It isn't about how much finaid they offer. It's the fact that if he got into Chicago then he probably comes from an affluent family to begin with. Poorfags tend not to be able to afford to educate their children well enough to get into Chicago if they come from a shit background. That's like saying 'Well Stanford gives free education to poorfags that make under 125k!', yeah... well do you fucking know who gets into Stanford? Not poor people.

>> No.7356304
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that giant h-e building is my school

>> No.7356323
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Meh tier, but I like it.

>> No.7356330
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I don't know, It's okay I guess. I only go there for showing homework solutions and writing exams so I get my grades.

>> No.7356333

Congratulations, what are you studying?

What do you think you did that made them accept your transfer? I don't imagine only getting a high GPA is enough.

>> No.7356342

Lol m8 no.
I got into all my offers and i had 1 week work experience. 1 from a hospital. Just 1. That was it. And i made it sound perfect on my PS. Getting into med in uk isn't half as hard as it's made out to be.

>> No.7356346

Lol how's it feels with your 3A* offer to study at a fucboi tier uni for physics when you could have applied to Oxbridge instead. Brian cox ain't all that.

>> No.7356363
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>> No.7356383

Me too. Got a first. Feels good.

>> No.7356413

>this many Blinn-A&M students in this thread

Makes me feel better about starting school

>> No.7356472
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University of Pretoria. Double majoring in physics and maths.

>> No.7356485


>Are you asking what I want to do with my degree?

No, they were asking what do you are trying to get.

>> No.7356495

Fuck. First time in 4 years I've seen someone from UP post on /sci/.

Can you actually double major (ie get both disciplines on your degree) now or are your just taking a lot of math electives?

When I was a junior faculty dean told me we I wasn't allowed to register for math because I would only need 64 core credits to get the degree.

>> No.7356501

(*Roughly 16 credits for our American friends.)

>> No.7356504

BLS splits engineering salaries between entry level engineering and management engineering which virtually all professional engineers (excepts are research engineers etc.) past their 30s do. That salary is around 130k last I checked (which is much higher than the true career median because it excludes the entry level). If you want to speak strictly in terms of major politics very few physics graduates are employed as "physicists".

>> No.7356519
File: 16 KB, 520x294, RS0PpbD4SC2Xb6Usmimk_university_of_cincinnati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curves for days.

This is where people in my area who can't make it into Purdue go.

>> No.7356526

>I base my entire self worth on what university I attend

>> No.7356528

Manchester honestly has a better international reputation for science than Oxford at the moment. No real person cares about pleb media rankings.

>> No.7356532

B-but they're building the Oxbridge of the North..!

>> No.7356548

North, South, East OR West there's only ONE Oxbridge.

>> No.7356613

Well they told me l could because I took stats in first year and I am taking every single maths and applied maths module, except the financial ones.

>> No.7356637

Ah cool, as long as you get both degrees, admin is really full of shit here, but sounds like you have it sorted.

Any plans for grad-school?

>> No.7356661
File: 241 KB, 1280x1280, My South is Rising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going thru this thread
>tfw 23 years old
>tfw just figured out what i want to do with my life
>tfw going back to Community College to take a pre-engineering course
>tfw i wish i cared about school when i was in HS

fuck it still going to work my ass off.

>> No.7356663

stanford cs phd, sup

>> No.7356666

That was exactly me.

>> No.7356668

I'm at UIS majoring in BIOLOGY ask me anything :^)

>> No.7356670
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pretty good engineering uni

>> No.7356671
File: 3.52 MB, 2618x2648, Gaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are you up to now friend?

also nice quads

>> No.7356672

same story here, only I was 22.

>> No.7356676

who drake uni here

>> No.7356678

Im planning to do honours in both maths and physics at UP and then do my masters at WITS.

>> No.7356683
File: 51 KB, 480x600, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably don't remember half the shit a nigga did for you
Yeah, you ain't really fuck with me way back then, girl

But how 'bout now?
Cause I'm up right now, and you stuck right now
Oh, you thought you had it all figured out back then
But how 'bout now?
Cause I'm up right now, and you stuck right now, yeah
You thought the little effort that you put in was enough, girl
How 'bout now? Yeah
Girl, how 'bout now, how 'bout now, girl?
What about now, girl, how 'bout now?

>> No.7356688

US university buildings are so kawaii.

In germany it's either a beautiful old building (rare), a beton fort or some modern steel and glass bullshit
but then again, we don't have to pay google's annual revenue in tuition

>> No.7356700

Not sure if it works differently in the department/institute you're applying to, but an honours degree is all the coursework you need to finish for your masters, you can get your M in less than a semester after you do your B(Hons) (assuming your adviser gives you the project during your honours (mine did)), it's kind of a waste to start your masters at another uni afterwards. I would recommend you do your PhD at WITS or in the states/EU.

>> No.7356709

Yeah lol I'm at the Australian National University!!! Seems like everyone on 4chan is USA..

>> No.7356719

I hate the rapper

>> No.7356725


MIT makes a point of having a fantastically ugly "campus".

>> No.7356743

Only surpassed by the students themselves.

>> No.7356752

I meant to say what job are you trying to get

>> No.7356761

I was gonna apply there, but they literally have a 1% transfer rate ad a fuckload of essays (not to mention $90 fee). Grats, m8

>> No.7356772
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Chemical engineering
fug it man

>> No.7356792


It's not that bad, but I'm not going to call it great. It's dull but unless you're making a point of standing around trying to admire the buildings rather than going from X to Y to get something done, it doesn't matter.

>> No.7356805

Anyone else feel like they could've gone to somewhere better if only they didn't fuck up, and will constantly kick themselves over it for the rest of their life?

>> No.7356817

If you are not 100% confident that you could get a post doc / gradschool at a better school than you are now then you probably never could and would've done poorly at the top school too.

>> No.7356822

Is that a fucking problem?

>> No.7356843

I had been kicking myself, now im content on getting a degree that will land me a decent job until I can work my way into a career I'm interested in. I was always one that advocated for STEM and what not, but as of late I am more interested in a career involving the arts. Maybe film or animation or something.

>> No.7356852

I got into a top 5 school in Canada for undergrad.
I am just about to finish my degree and wished I didn't fuck around so much maybe, sure. But I'm still gonna get into McGill and U of T for graduate school, so I guess I don't have all that many regrets.

>> No.7356995

UT guy here. Nothing wrong with TAMU. I would've gone there if i have done engineering. Really good agriculture and animal programs there as well.

Honestly, i'm not into the charade of rivalry. Both schools are awesome in their own right. I'm actually about to try and ask out a girl who goes to TAMU on monday. Lets see what happens

>> No.7356999

I have to take Fitzgerald for wave and oscillations for the fall semester. I heard everybody doesn't like him.

>> No.7357028

How much did you fuck around? Also, waterloo or UBC?

>> No.7357082

depends on what you mean by top really, and probably in what discipline. for example in math it is easy to see that harvard/yale/stanford etc practically never take grad students from the top public schools. Just look at the enrollment lists. Post-docs at these places are a lot easier to obtain. If you're willing to go somewhere just as good but not as prestigious to the general public like berkeley or u chicago you can get in from a lower tier school.

>> No.7357180

I'm a part of the applied CS here

>> No.7357194

who drake university here

>> No.7357205

Manchester > Oxford

>> No.7357228

>Never from top publics
Even if it's Berkeley? They're missing out

>> No.7357257

It's really not a thing for current students so you'll have no problem. But for older alumni that was our soul purpose in life

>> No.7357291

>not getting the joke
Purdue... chicken...

>> No.7357310
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CS fug it

>> No.7357491

you the Stanford autist that appears in every thread?

>> No.7357541


>> No.7357584

yep, pretty much.

>> No.7357601

What's the point, even? They only want to take people who seem rich? I don't get it.

>> No.7357648

NC State. Apparently, there's a few of us here.

>> No.7357655

Just graduated last may. Gonna apply to a post bacc program tho. Trying to become a doctor now.

>> No.7357660

forgot to mention: Undergrad at UC Berkeley. Architecture program.

>> No.7357882

Also physics/math.

Originally wasn't sure about coming here, but turns out we have a top 10 (top 5?) math program. 295-396 will devour your schedule and then your soul if you don't take them seriously.

>> No.7357924

>(top 5?)

>> No.7357925
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San Jose State

>> No.7357937

University of Texas at El Paso, cheap, decent professors, a good uni for STEM, all the departments in engineering hate spending money for anything.

>tfw in mechanical and it is consider to have the worst of all departments

>> No.7357967
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>> No.7357991

still not as bad as reed

>> No.7357992


>> No.7357993
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Dual Major in ME and Aerospace at UF
>I fucking love vehicles and engines
Hoping to work for Porsche or Boeing
Then my crack pipe dream is to go to Clemson ICAR for my master's

>> No.7357999

I'm here my dear.

>> No.7358006

Seems like I missed you by a whole day =(

>> No.7358011

Fuck off. One NEET who claims to be from Stanford posts in a thread literally devoted to college dick-waving, and the entirety of /sci/ pisses itself for the opportunity to shit on the school.

>> No.7358013
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doing math

>> No.7358014

Best math prof I ever had was an Oberlin/MIT grad.

>> No.7358088

yeah, i mean im just doing undergrad here. it's honestly pretty fucking great, good professors, super healthy environment, no worries about all the resources going to graduate programs, etc

>> No.7358159
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Incoming freshman

>inb4 shit tier

>> No.7358186

Just graduated from there; MS in Math.

Tell Lutwak I said hello. The french professor is fun as fuck. Take a class or two with him. Rogers will murder you if you take a class with him.

>> No.7358189

ha he's gonna ruin your life. Expect to take a minimum 6 hours on problem sets.

>> No.7358204
File: 291 KB, 768x1366, HW10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you name 5 schools where freshman math homework looks like this? Harvard's 55 is the only class that's substantially harder AFAIK

(2-3 pages of this, then problems from Hoffman/Kunze, each week)

>> No.7358207

Freshman math homework does not determine the rank of a school.

>> No.7358210
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Columbia University anyone?

>> No.7358222

Fullerton - Accounting. Save the money, save on the bullshit.

You can thank me later. Most Econ/Math at UCSD end up as actuaries or accountants. What sucks is that the big 4 accounting-auditing firms don't recruit out of San Diego. They're based in LA and target UCLA-USC-Northridge-Fullerton.

>> No.7358224

my mannnn
>lets go ramblin wrecks!!

>> No.7358225

>show that every cyclic group is abelian
>actual homework problem
>implying school is not made for tards

>> No.7358228

A freshman class on its own doesn't determine rank. But when 400-level content and 20-page psets are in the easiest class in your major, it says a lot.

It's hard to get objective data about how rigorous the curriculum is, so most rankings simply don't. If you rank by "employer perception" or "research production" or "international influence", you find out a lot about the professors but not about the education.

Materials science here is ranked like 4th by US news, but the undergrad department a complete joke. They just have prominent researchers.

If you go by the difficulty or depth of the curriculum, or by the amount of work expected/content learned, or anything else that matters, then Michigan is probably top 5 for math.

>> No.7358238

yeh look no offense but your school would have to be above multiple of stanford harvard yale ucla berkeley princeton mit caltech and u chicago to be in the top 5

>> No.7358244

lol I just took a closer look at those problems

Most of them are trivial 1-2 line proofs that involve pushing around definitions. They just look impressive because you see an <span class="math">L^p[/spoiler] space and assume it's an actual analysis problem

The average math student in a Russian math program takes a math-55 type curriculum. The fact that we brag about this shit is embarrassing.

If you think any of those problems are '400-level' you're actually retarded. Writing out what <span class="math"> L^p[/spoiler] convergence is just an exercise in regurgitating a definition. Proving a fucking cyclic group is a abelian takes 1 line and 10 seconds to do.

Also, that class is obviously for incoming freshman who are already a couple years ahead of the US-pace of math education, just like math-55.

>If you go by the difficulty or depth of the curriculum, or by the amount of work expected/content learned, or anything else that matters, then Michigan is probably top 5 for math.
Nobody cares about the rigor of your undergraduate program. The mathematics rank is determined by the quality of research being done. Rankings within 10 or each other don't really matter, but in any sensible overall ranking Michigan cannot be grouped with Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford. Deal with it.

>> No.7358252
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Who else is /ClaremontColleges/ here?

>> No.7358262


West Quad Best Quad

>> No.7358279


>> No.7358293

Where would you study? Evans or somewhere else

>> No.7358310
File: 161 KB, 1366x768, HW10-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not even a group theory or analysis class, it's linear algebra. Some the problems on each set are usually unrelated to the course description/not discussed in class, so there's a good deal of definition pushing.

Harvard is certainly better, Princeton/Chicago most likely are. MIT/Caltech have better applied math programs and are much better in most other areas, but from what I've seen, not pure math. Granted, their student bodies are still stronger, higher Putnam performance, etc. But what I'm saying is, every school has a specific strength, and Michigan's happens to be this math sequence and the grad courses afterwards. The average MIT student would mop the floor with the average Michigan student, but this sequence is one of the few things where UofM is #5 instead of #twenty-something.

I was honestly surprised by this myself, so I was looking around catalogs a lot a while back. Here's MIT's equivalent to 296 (18.700) for reference. Caltech, Stanford, etc. are similar from what I've found: http://math.mit.edu/~dav/700ps6.pdf
There's no analysis, no number theory or other grab bag topics, and not even half of the linear algebra work.
Analysis 1 is similar at the two schools (18.100 vs 295). For analysis 2, 395 tends to be a bit more involved than 18.101.

>that class is obviously for incoming freshman who are already a couple years ahead
I had up to calc 3, and 295 was my first "real" class. I remember we took a poll one day, 40% of the class had not taken linear algebra (or presumably anything above calc) prior to 296.

Also, sorry for getting argumentative about this. I'm aware that the school isn't unique for doing this, it's just that I didn't expect it when I came to a "#30" school.

>> No.7358329

Look dude, you go to a 1st rate school for math and good for you. It just isn't top 5 in the sense in which most people talk about rankings, which is in the sense of the grad school and research. There's no reason you can't get as good an undergrad education as a Harvard student and go to a top 5 for grad school if you wish.

>I had up to calc 3, and 295 was my first "real" class
Ok, well that makes more sense then - those definition pushing exercises were probably just to introduce you to the objects people in this track of math classes are going to soon encounter. But had you really never self-studied any basic analysis or algebra? How to do proofs?

>> No.7358343

Don't think of schools in terms of general rankings be zuse that doesn't matter for anything other than impressing the ignorant masses with the name.

U Michigan is the third best public school in the country and ranked 9th nationwide for mathematics.

>> No.7358353

> But had you really never self-studied any basic analysis or algebra? How to do proofs?
The first ~5 weeks of 295 are easy to make up for that. It was like 5 problems and half of them of them would be basic set theory, or "prove that a+b(2^.5) is a field with a,b rationals." It builds from there.

"3rd public school" doesn't say that much to be honest. 9th grad school for the most part isn't that important, although it is worth mentioning when students at good schools can take grad courses.
Really, most rankings are kind of pointless unless you agree with their methods.
If you're an investor looking for research, you can trust QS to tell you who the top 20 are.

On the other hand, Harvey Mudd is a solid undergrad school but rarely ranked, and some opportunites like Simon's Rock are completely unheard of.

>> No.7358354

You are not picking up what I'm puttin' down. I am a math student. I know that UM is good. I'm talking about math rankings. 9 is reasonable. 'top 5' isn't. That's all.

>> No.7358355

Harvey Mudd is always ranked. It doesn't offer doctoral degrees so it isn't ranked with places like Harvard. It's ranked with other undergraduate schools.
What school do you go to? FSU or some shitty place? Lol.

>> No.7358358

I'm not sure what you mean. #9 is for grad school. (speaking of which, those tend to be more accurate since the students and teachers are there to do research, and research is what they're measuring.)

I'm talking about the undergrad department, and generally they don't get ranked because it's too much work and not easy to measure. I'm not saying you should choose Michigan over Caltech, because you definitely shouldn't.
I'm saying that, given two acceptance, you would develop your core math skills slightly better at Michigan, and that I was completely unaware of that beforehand. There are plenty of places with more opportunities, better professors and better students on average.

A tank is more effective weapon than a chainsaw, but if all I'm trying to do is cut down a tree, I want the chainsaw.

>> No.7358363


This started when you mentioned rankings. You said Umich might be top 5. It's not. The high math rank is a good indication that the undergrad program is excellent as well.

I suppose you took what I said to mean that not being top 5 somehow implies you can't get as good an education as Caltech because they are 7 and UM is 9. I'm not saying this. Your undergraduate education can be as good as Harvard's for all I know. If it is, good for you.

>> No.7358416

I had an apartment up in northgate that I did all my studying at. That and the math lounge

>> No.7358430

Nice. I would always go to either the library or the mechanical engineering building. Are you a math major?

>> No.7358462

Are you speaking from personal experience?

>> No.7358509

I go to Caltech. Freshman math homework (i.e. Core, which everyone in the school takes) basically looks like this. Not even counting those who take more advanced classes immediately.

>> No.7358523

we barely get any homework here.
which is better because you have to make your own homework and study guides. you learn better this way.

>> No.7358588

No, I am going to both.

>> No.7358633

This guys came loaded for bare to defend his school and no one even attacked him

>> No.7358636

But Cambridge is where it's at

>> No.7358647

Manchester has had a better science and engineering reputation than Oxford for a while now even before they discovered Graphene.

Cambridge is still master race of UK tech though. though.

Cambridge > ICL > Manchester >> Oxford.

>> No.7358651
File: 46 KB, 287x295, University_of_Southern_California_USC_174423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USC. Physics. At least it's free.

>> No.7358655

There are free universities in the US?

>> No.7358658

If you're a poorfag any private school worth a shit is free.

>> No.7358680

Can confirm, I go to Tufts for free

>> No.7359187

Oh cool so you're blinn team

>> No.7359195

Fine I'll agree with you anon. Where you study anon? But why is ICL where there?

>> No.7359224

What's a "NEET"

>> No.7359232


>> No.7359237

Ha, is that supposed to be an insult? Enjoy your public schools faggots