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7341773 No.7341773 [Reply] [Original]

I want to spend 100% of my time getting smarter and bettering myself
What do

>> No.7341776

Just keep shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.7341778
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>> No.7341786


>> No.7341797


>acquire hobbies (learning an instrument, doing maths, reading books)
>spend most of your time practicing
>be consistent with it for years
>acquire years of experience, skill in said hobbies, interests

are you retarded OP?

>> No.7341903

Learn lucid dreaming

>> No.7342293

write out a plan
write the skills you want to acquire
manage time well to practice them but mix things up so you dont get burned out
also mix in some leisure time for said reason

>> No.7342342

We live in a time where the entirety of human knowledge is at our fingertips in an instant; there are free university lectures and courses on youtube, and a plethora of free textbooks available for download on google. Pick a subject and get started.

>> No.7342352

go to therapy

>> No.7342433


>> No.7342516

Define better yourself

No, seriously. Not abstractly, but very specifically what does it mean when someone says they are "bettering themselves?"

In regards to what?