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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 291 KB, 600x738, Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7341701 No.7341701 [Reply] [Original]

What is your net worth /sci/?

>> No.7341707

Fuck off and kill yourself NSA. I don't have to tell you shit.

>> No.7341711

An old laptop, a half-broken iPhone and a nice yellow fan that I bought for 30 Euro.

>> No.7341717

I'm a grad student.

So my nett worth is 1k and 3 bottles of scotch.

>> No.7341725

300k starting

>> No.7341728

deluded math major detected

>> No.7341735

Yeah where did this "muh 300k" meme come from for math majors?
It is pretty easy to look up that this is a completely inaccurate number.

>> No.7341752

$100 000
but im in a 3rd world country, so adjusting for living expenses and such its equivalent to about $1 200 000

>> No.7341755

appx. -$500

With student loans? kek, let's just ignore those shall we

>> No.7341759

Math major here, I can confirm what this guy >>7341725 said is true.
Of course every math major got 300K starting. Isn't that a fact? Math is generally hard to do, required talented people and the fields are always demanding. I must say that 300K starting is still not enough for mathematicians like us.

>> No.7341770

CSfag here, $1M starting.

>> No.7341775

-$50,000 and no way to fix it.

Kill me.

>> No.7341802

~120k two years after college
CS major btw

>> No.7341809

starting last year of undergrad next year.
6k in loans, 5k in savings. so -1k

>> No.7341817
File: 128 KB, 350x200, condellcaching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


~6 million dollars

its inherited though, and i live in squalor because i dont wanna turn out like a fucking loser surfing on undeserved money. Still the financial security is pretty great.

Im on track to making my own fortune, working hard every day, but im not gonna pretend i dont have a massive advantage..

>> No.7341825

go bankrupt

>> No.7341833

408m. Just recently liquidated my stock in abyssal whips. Anyone else remember when they were 4m?

About 2.5k and I'm eating top ramen and camping out in people's back yards stealing wifi and playing runescape.

>> No.7341836


The CS grad is paying for itself I see

>> No.7342124


>tfw fell for the EE meme

>> No.7342269


my nut worth is half a shot glass
depending on how long i edge

>> No.7342272

79.3 billion USD

>> No.7342283

A notebook, a nice TV, an 4000 dollars in the bank.

>> No.7342286


tfw student loans

>> No.7342380

>tfw you avoided students loans like the boss you are

>> No.7342391

A Graham's number of Graham's number dollars and 99 cents.

>> No.7342395



>> No.7342396
File: 70 KB, 296x200, 1337591312528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


99% of us are younger than 25. Do you expect us to have money, you goof?

>> No.7342406

>implying quarks, fermions and bosons have intrinsic value
lol economists btfo

>> No.7342409
File: 144 KB, 499x499, FzefoxEMr_RZBCRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master Race Physicist reporting in this fucking thread right now, get ready to scramble cunts, because you're about to get BTFO.

>$1 million starting
>get to fuck bitches and keep those cocksucking engineers in line with my overwhelming knowledge on every single fucking topic in science
>in free time come up with new theories to unite relativity and QM
>the most intelligent status achieved in literally every party setting
>objectively the highest IQ on most charts


engineers mad as fuck

>> No.7342422

bout tree fiddy

>> No.7342436
File: 98 KB, 800x533, loch ness girl scout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have it?

>> No.7342442

Im giving you no God damn tree fiddy you God damned Loch ness Monster

>> No.7342451

I am a theoretical physicist and I'm worth 20 mil. I have 7 gfs, one for each week and an exponentially growing social circle, currently around 1000 close brahs and brahetts. I'm swole as hell and could probably wreck any of you neckbeard virgins by staring at you for a second. You would shit your pants at the sight of me. I am a member of skull and bones, went to yale, and am the member of several jewish cabals.

>> No.7342452

>implying pure math is not the autistic top IQ king with >= $6billion starting

>> No.7342456

physics won

You can go home everyone, the show is over.

>> No.7342457


>> No.7342506

About $1000 dollars, successfully avoiding student loans so far.