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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7341266 No.7341266 [Reply] [Original]

>the only people who can review your papers are essentially compeditors

>> No.7341330

Then you'll get your chance at vengeance

>> No.7341341
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>Not enrolling into multiple institutions under multiple names
>Not creating shell publications with names similar to well known ones
>Not petitioning your university to create a new department with you as the head and your aliases as the only other employees/students
>Not manipulating research statistics to have your score artificially inflated
>Not creating grants and awards administered by your shell corporations, given to your aliases to enhance your prestige

>> No.7341360

made me laugh
at that point you're probably spending all your time fronting an empty portfolio

>> No.7342678

>at that point you're probably spending all your time fronting an empty portfolio
yeah, to yourself

>> No.7342708

Don't worry, if that's how you spell competitors, they won't even use your papers to wipe their ass.

>> No.7342709
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>your competitors are the first to read and can profit from your work

>> No.7342791

Hey, the T is like

a key away from the D

>> No.7342795

and I also use greentext

>> No.7342796

Let me guess, some type of life science.

Every month, there's a new scandal about some biologist lying about his results. Why are you people such worthless researchers?

>> No.7342808

That's a broad guess, but you didn't miss.

I'd figure out why I'm worthless but everyone else always decides writes papers on it before I get the chance to.

>> No.7342838
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You watch to much picrel m8
Doesn't work irl, and even if you were a genius you wouldn't need to cheat your citations and shit.

>> No.7342906

If your work is good and you're good, having your competitors read it is a good thing because it increases your reputation (allowing for cool collaborations, which can often mean money), and potentially attracts more attention to your research area, which attracts money for grants, which you should get easily since you're already established and recognized by the community.

If your work sucks, then you're fucked, but they won't steal it from you. They'll just know you suck. And yeah, you'll feel bad, but you should feel bad. Work harder, you pleb.