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File: 18 KB, 249x189, Base10BlocksPic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7340956 No.7340956 [Reply] [Original]

When is this base 10 meme number system finally going to die?

Sure Stacey can keep using it to count how many more days until her period but for actual science we need to start using the number system of our universe not some lazy dumbed down human made system based on how many fingers we have.

All the great scientific discoveries are being figured out in some retarded messed up system that will prevent anybody from seeing patterns with nature.

Who else wants to see the dogshit base 10 system die?

>> No.7340960

you're stupid

>> No.7340965

base 10 is easy for humans to intuitively understand, and it's trivial to convert between bases. There's no reason to change.

>> No.7340966


calm down stacey

>> No.7340970


but the universe isnt even using a base system. If we really are serious about figuring it out we need to abandon this base meme. Science needs to lead the way.

>> No.7340975

why are you feeding him?

>> No.7340985


why are you halting the advance of science?

>> No.7341002

Which system you suggest?

Also quiz question: Is a base 1 system possible?

>> No.7341010

science doesn't use numbers, it uses letters and arrows.

>> No.7341013


base: light speed.

>> No.7341025

That... that isn't even a number...

>> No.7341034



>> No.7341046

Base 12 is really not that hard to count on fingers like the Sumerians did. I often use it (just moving my thumb costs less energy than moving my five fingers and putting my hands in unnatural positions).

The only problem is that permanently switching to base 12 would imply changing the naming of numbers in every language on Earth (and don’t bring your dec-el-do garbage you saw on Numberphile, it’s ugly as hell and not convenient for big numbers).

>> No.7341052


Its the only absolute constant everywhere in the universe. There is nothing better to base it on.

>> No.7341054

In a vacuum or what? Light is not constant, dear. It depends on the media in question. Within a particular medium, it is constant though

>> No.7341058

That doesn't make any sense because the value attributed to the speed of light is arbitrary.
It can literally be any number if you so wish.

>> No.7341061

tally marks are base 1

>> No.7341078

We should use base 1.

>> No.7341081

We haven't even got rid of 28 days in February yet. It's gonna be a long time before we ever get rid of base 10.

>> No.7341097

pi much?

>> No.7341100

Is it? The problem is that you only have the digit 0 in a base 1 system like you only have 0 and 1 in base 2.

>> No.7341104

>pi is a number
what's its exact value?

>> No.7341106

<span class="math"> \pi[/spoiler]

>> No.7341107

that's not a number, that's a letter

>> No.7341110

It's a symbol and it's as much as a number as 1 is.

>> No.7341111

what's it's numerical value?

>> No.7341113
File: 44 KB, 550x449, 1418083044076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trying too hard anon and you're not even good at it.
I mean, you don't even come up with a new base proposition, what about the golden ration base ? this would surely rust some jimmies.

>> No.7341115


>> No.7341116


>> No.7341117
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wildberger pls stap

>> No.7341118

I think you're asking for the exact decimal value, and there isn't one.
But most numbers don't have an exact decimal value so it doesn't disclude it from being a number

>> No.7341121

Do you think decimal representations are the number?
What do you think is the "numerical value" of i?

Do you even know what the symbol 1 represents?

>> No.7341123
File: 299 KB, 245x140, tumblr_n9ael9G2Xa1rtontio4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> most numbers don't have an exact decimal value

>> No.7341124

Since this is a good thread to ask, I never understood that stupid portal joke "two plus two in equals ten in base four". No it doesn't?

2^2 + 2^2 = 2^x

x is 3 not 10

>> No.7341127

> rationals aren't numbers
> algebraic numbers aren't numbers
> reals aren't numbers
> imaginary numbers aren't numbers
> complex numbers aren't numbers
> hypercomplex numbers aren't numbers
be in denial all you want.

>> No.7341128

2+2 = 4 = 10 in base four

>> No.7341129

in base 2 the numbers are (starting at 0)
0 = 0
1000=8 and so on...

in base 4 the numbers are(starting at 0)
21=9 etc

>> No.7341131
File: 11 KB, 259x194, 1408263045991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7341134

i think you didn't understood me, what i say is that every real number have an exact decimal value. Hell, some of them even have 2 exact decimal value ! (if by decimal value you mean the sequence of their decimals)

>> No.7341141

Wha? What's the point of that?

So if I wanted to convey to an alien who only knows base 2 that I have (as I see it) 10 apples on the table, I'd say "there are 2 apples"? What if I had 9?

>> No.7341144

I guess I meant they didn't have a decimal representation.
You can't write down an infinite number of digits.

Fuck Cantor

>> No.7341146

in base 2, 10 would be 1010

>> No.7341160


what's the problem with that ? you can't draw a perfect circle either, but that doesn't matter if you have a way to describe it (eg x^2+y^2=1). The same goes for decimal representation.
Take the number between 0 and one which décimals are 1 if the decimale is in a position of a prime number and 0 if not. so it would be
0,01101010001010001010001000001... etc i can't write the whole sequence like i can't draw a perfect circle, but every decimal of this number exists and is perfectly defined. You even have an algorithm to determine if the decimal in position n will be 0 or 1.

and leave cantor alone.

>> No.7341165


However if you say that decimal numbers are the numbers with a finit decimal expansion then pi is not a decimal number. But it's still a real number and it still have an (infinite) decimal expansion

>> No.7341170

So I would tell him "there are 1010 apples"?

>> No.7341171

There's nothing wrong with it.
I was claiming there's nothing wrong with reals like pi

>> No.7341234

That's why customary > metric

>> No.7341247

This is a perfectly reasonable interpretation given your definitions, which I will reiterate in a little different way. Decimal number are numbers that are uniquely defined by a finite countable number of digits to the right of the decimal place.

Pi can not be represented by a finite decimal, ergo it is not a decimal number.

However, by your definition there are whole bunches of other conceptual numbers not included in your system. e.g. rationals such as 1/3, 1/7, 1/(any prime number >1).

so your definition of decimal numbers has a limitation that excludes numbers that are expressible in other forms (mainly rationals), which generate infinite but repeating decimal numbers. If you include infinite repeating decimals, why not also include infinite non-repeating decimals.

Hence Irrational number are born. Long live Pi. The thing you really should be worried about is are there numbers in the real number line not expressible as a decimal (repeating or non repeating) that are missing. In other words is the real number line complete or are there still gaps that need to be filled in?

>> No.7341248

Base 1 is the best.

0 + 0 = 00
00 * 0 = 00
000 * 00 = 000000

>> No.7341402

Would you please express 1/2 in your base?

>> No.7341405


>> No.7341411

Would you please express 1/3 in your base?

>> No.7341413

I mean as point number.

>> No.7341420

its called a radix point
1^3, 1^2, 1^1, 1^0, 1^(-1), 1^(-2), 1^(-3),
all equal 1

>> No.7341423


>> No.7341426

I think base one is only natural numbers

>> No.7341427

So base 1 is impossible?

>> No.7341431


>> No.7341459

But is't not really base 1. Properly speaking in base 1 you can only express 0 because 0 is the only digit.

>> No.7341465

Base 2i, I choose you!


>> No.7341479

Isn't pi not only irrational, but transcendental? Or am I confusing this with e? According to google:
>A transcendental number is a real number that is not the solution of any single-variable polynomial equation whose coefficients are all integers

So how can we express things like pi or e? Can we express them as a solution to a single-variable equation with NON integer coefficients? Like say the coefficients were irrational? Or can they only be expressed in terms of other transcendental numbers (e^i*2pi=1)? Or are they just concepts (the ratio of the circumference of the circle to it's radius, or the function that is it's own derivative) and can't be conveyed in any numerical way?

We can convey e and pi with infinite series, but are there any other obscure transcendentals that cannot be?

>> No.7341528
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Damn this thread escalated to get incredibly complicated fast.

I dont even know what anyone is saying anymore.

>> No.7341831

yes, pi is transcendental, just like e.
but it's not a problem, you can easily take for definition the folowing :
<span class="math">\displaystyle e= \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k!}[/spoiler] and <span class="math">\displaystyle \pi=4\int_0^1 \sqrt{1-x^2}dx[/spoiler], once you have a proper theory of series and integrals. And this allows you too make numerical approximations as close as you want.

>Like say the coefficients were irrational?
take all the roots (in C) of the non identicly zero polynomial with integer coefficients, we call this set the algebraïc numbers,it's a field and it's algebaicly closed, that is a polynom with algebraic coefficients have all his roots in the algebraic numbers. Since e and pi are transcendental the answer is no.

> but are there any other obscure transcendentals that cannot be?
yes, but it's a little more complicated. First of all, there are numbers that cannot be defined with a finite formulae (which is not the case of pi an e since the formulae i used up in my post are perfectly finite) but i can't find the wikipedia article on them right now...
and also there are numbers that are definite with a finite formulae but that we cannot approximate in a numerical way see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaitin%27s_constant for example.

>> No.7341838

So, natural units?
That has nothing to do with the base of a number system.

>> No.7341854

yes, the definition of decimal numbers is quite arbitrary and non natural. this is why it's almost never used. And of course the "right" concept should be the rational numbers.
The problem with decimals expansion is that it's not unique (for example 1,00000...=0,99999... is perfectly true, 1 has juste two decimal expressions) so one try to avoid it as much as possible. But the cool thing is that you can define without ambiguity the decimals of a real number. For example define the first decimal right after the comma a real number x strictly between 0 and 1 to be floor(10x) where floor is the floor function. The second decimal is defined by floor(100x-10floor(10x)) the third by floor(1000x-10floor(100x)) etc... Defined this way decimal expansion is unique but remember that it's unique only because floor(0.99999....)=floor(1)=1 and because with this particular definition of decimal expansion 0.999... would not be the decimal expansion of 1 but we'd still have 0.9999...=1 though.

> In other words is the real number line complete or are there still gaps that need to be filled in?
nope. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number#Completeness.. The real numbers are the completion of the rational numbers (for the usual metric), there is no gap.

>> No.7341867

>but i can't find the wikipedia article on them right now...
there it is : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computable_number

>> No.7342022

depends on whether your spoken language is based on base 2 or 10.
If you are talking english with base 10, as you normally would, say "10 apples"

But if the language is based around base 2, he will think of 10 things if he heres the word 1010

>> No.7342055

Yes, you can only define a base b if the series <span class="math">\sum \frac{1}{b^n}[/spoiler] converges, think about it.

>> No.7342080

Science already does that, it sets c=1 for theoretical computations.

>> No.7343806

I think you are mixing a numbering system and a speed unit.
Most physicists adimensionalize every speed with c (v/c), so your argument is pointless.

>> No.7343991

If I understand correctly then the number of zeros is effectively the value of the number? It's very easy but really impractical for humans as largers numbers are extremely space craving.

>> No.7343998

>Scientific notation

>> No.7344062

Yes. It's the same reason we leave base2 to computers and logicians. It takes too many digits.

>> No.7344066

zero isn't defined, you simply denote absence with absence.
Tallies really are base 1.

>> No.7344073
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>arguing about conventions.

>> No.7344236

>expecting 4chan not to devolve into stupid console wars

>> No.7344355

base e would be ideal, but we're too stupid

I vote base 60

>> No.7344358

also balanced ternary, sort of same story ad natural base

>> No.7344361

Light speed isnt constant, changes depending upon what light us traveling through.

>> No.7344604

whats the problem?

1: 0
2: 00
3: 000
6: 000000
10: 0000000000

>> No.7345069

okay and HOW do we measure it?
in what "units".
there has to be a preconception.
i love the fact that the Kilogram is no longer measured by "weighting" something, but because of some specific number of a stable isotope of silicon, so it is not affected by gravitational variations/decomposition.

>> No.7345081

Base 1 is objectively the best. Easy addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. And it easily maps to real and analog computing.