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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7339080 No.7339080 [Reply] [Original]

>Sellect all images with Road Signs
>mfw I pick all the signs perfectly every time and it never works
Why the fuck are these captchas getting impossibly hard? Is machine-learning really advancing that quickly?

>> No.7339083

>being retarded

>> No.7339227

This happened earlier:

>Select all food
>One of the pictures was a bong


>Select all burritos
>Only 1 burrito
>Not enough pictures selected. Try again
>Taco is a burrito

>> No.7339228

If you post a shit ton, sometimes you have to answer more than one CAPTCHA. I've had to enter 4 before. Perhaps clearing cookies?

>> No.7339233

>Perhaps clearing cookies?
perhaps go outside

>> No.7339241

Please do