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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7338210 No.7338210 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone here start school late?

I was 25 when I began undergrad. Now I'm 29 and about to start grad school.

I was really surprised to find out about a third of people here are actually older than me. I was expecting to be the "old man" of all my classes.

>> No.7338225

That's good to know, I'm 25 with a year and a half left for my bachelors and planning to go to graduate school. Are you going to a good college or just whatever?

>> No.7338230

I'm currently at UPenn's LPS doing a Master's in Medical Physics.

>> No.7338237

If you don't have a PhD before 20 then you fail at life.

>> No.7338250

I guess you fail at life then.

>> No.7338253

Not everyone lives in a Country where you're allowed to just skid years of school.

>> No.7338254


>> No.7338255

Why do I have a feeling you're probably some community college C student?

>> No.7338263

I'd rather be working in a lab with a mentally matured 30 year old than some 20 year old who thinks he's hot shit who knows everything.

>> No.7338287

I was 21 when I started (Netherlands), pretty much everyone was 18, with like 3 guys who were retired and doing it for fun or getting their degree from their employer and a handful of guys who either took a bit longer to mature and finish high school (like me) or who performed poorly in high school and just worked their way up from vocational studies all the way to a proper uni. Don't feel bad because others are achieving things at an age you couldn't, OP. Feel bad because you're a creepy guy who won't get as much pussy.

>> No.7338298
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>be graduating highschool
>already a year older than everyone
>tfw mental issues have completely fucked up my grades this semester, and my chances at getting into a good institution
>tfw no money to go to university anyways
>tfw probably going to have to put it off a few years while I try to regain my sanity and save up money

Glad to hear I wont be the only person going in late. Anyone have any advice on how to keep up on my studies while not formally attending a university? I plan on majoring in mathematics so I've been reading through Stewart's Early Transcendentals, it's incredibly easy though.
What other subjects should I try to study to try to keep up? Any advice for reading material after I'm done? Any advice for applying as a late student?
I want to eventually go for a PhD but it seems like most people I know assume that if you aren't some sort of autistic, intellectually insecure grade grind there's no hope for you in academia.

>> No.7338373
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If you don't have a PhD, atleast$ on your bank account, 10/10 anime waifu and if you're not a president of atleast one country before 12 then you fail at life.

>> No.7338394

Peter wiggen?

>> No.7338404

27 years old, am going to begin my bachelors this fall.

>> No.7338465

aye, grad school takes people from all walks of life. A lot of the people in my program came from industry.

>> No.7338509

b-but /sci/ told me that you cant go to grad school and get a job if you're older than 20 ;__;

>> No.7338527

28 and just finished Msc. I'm old to be hitting the job market here in Belgium, but noticed US citizens tend to be older as they work between undergrad and grad