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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 453 KB, 738x249, hyperloop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7333477 No.7333477 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ listen

what if we came together and designed our own pod to enter the competition


we have until september 15 to submit
it's a student event, shouldn't expect too sophisticated designs

>> No.7333486
File: 350 KB, 940x494, Hyperloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best possible shape.
I'm a aerodynamics expert by the way.

>> No.7333492

have you tested it in a vagina tunnel?

>> No.7333506

>implying /sci/ has technical skills
>implying /sci/ could effectively work together

>> No.7333525 [DELETED] 


a skype group was enough to manage the 4chan football cup

>here's mine

>> No.7333558

Hey, it could be a really nice idea, we do have a lot of engineering students in very different fields over here, so if things are nicely organized, it could be possible, in fact, as OP said, it's a student event, so it might be possible to achieve some good stuff.

And who here doesn't want Musk love ? ;_;

>> No.7333566

it needs a team that has diverse expertise and knowledge, so you could answer these technical questions:

1. What safety mechanisms are in place to mitigate a complete loss of pod power?
2. What safety mechanisms are necessary to mitigate a tube breach? The results should be quantified with regards to breach size, leak rate, tube pressures, and pod speed.
3. How should the ground operators communicate with the pod, especially in the case of an emergency (emergency stop command)?
4. Which sensors, if any, should be incorporated into the tube to aid navigation? How should the pod maintain accurate navigation knowledge within the tube?
5. What is the recommended pod outer mold line (OML)? Based on this OML, what is the drag on the pod as a function of speed and tube pressure?
6. If an air bearing system is used, how much surface area is needed for the footpad design?
a. Specify driving pressure and flow rate needed at those required air bearing areas.
b. Compare the flow rates required with practically available commercial units.
c. Specify total force applied in both vertical and horizontal directions.
7. What sizing and spacing of linear motors would be required to maintain a given speed?
8. What is the steady-state temperature of the capsule as a function of speed and tube pressure?
9. What is the heat flux into the capsule as a function of speed and tube pressure?

>> No.7333570

I'll design the logo

>> No.7333571

And apparently, even, more, since the full release of every requirements will be in August. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to start something now !

>> No.7333573

Call me an optimist, but i do believe in the ability of students over here to work on something together.

>> No.7333574

n-no ;_;

>> No.7333579

that's the spirit!

i'm a structural engineer so i could work on the platform design
i brought up the idea but if /sci/ pulls a competent team together i'll immediately step aside and just tag along. i just want in on the fun

maybe we can set up a skype group?

>> No.7333584

Apparently you're only supposed to work on the pod, so i don't know, structural engineering is probably needed, even if i don't know what are you doing in StructE !

I suppose people on 4chan want to stay anonymous, so no skype, maybe some stuff over the internet, i don't know.

>> No.7333591

It was a /g/ joke actually, but it's good to see so much enthusiasm on a site filled with such cynicism.

>> No.7333593

well the skype is a throwaway but at some point you have to submit the team to the competition

in the technical questions horizontal and lateral forces are involved which have to be transferred down so that's where i could help.

i'm studying structural engineering but i'm an entrepreneur, currently developing eye tracking tech. but the point i was trying to emphasize was let's keep it as a collective effort and have fun.
we could select the most competent ones among ourselves and i'm by no means one of them

>> No.7333596

oh lel

that's pretty much me, i pull people along and keep them motivated and do the hustle work

>> No.7333600

Chemical engineering grad student here.

Can I play too? I'm specialized in materials and thermodynamics though I can do control too if we can't find anyone better.

>> No.7333603

welcome aboard!

>> No.7333606

>maybe we can set up a skype group?
Can we get a Teamspeak server instead? I don't want to use microcucked bloatware.

>> No.7333607

okay guys let's keep this thread afloat for a couple of hours because i have to do some programming

as i've said my throwaway skype is

but if you have alternative comm methods i'm totally down

let's just group up and see what we can do

>> No.7333611

sounds good, never used teamspeak before though

>> No.7333615

The problem of TS or mumble or this kind of vocal software, is that the vocal part doesn't allow for archiving easily, which, for a real project is pretty much needed.

>> No.7333616

Nothing beat a good old IRC channel.

>> No.7333617



>> No.7333621

Thanks, I'm very interested in this. If we recruit enough people ITT I'll message you on your skype with my contact info. I don't want to be involved in organization though just hand me sub problems.

TS has a chat window.

>> No.7333628

Also I recommend you guys check out https://trello.com/ which is a great site for organizing large projects and it's free.

I also have 40+ gigs on my dropbox if someone wants to create a server to dump lit studies and output docs.

>> No.7333630

But TS isn't focused on the chat window, while IRC is really simple to use, very modular, and anonymous.

>> No.7333635

i also set up a slack page


if you have throwaway emails i could send invites

>> No.7333636

I agree I would prefer an IRC if someone can set up a server.

>> No.7333639

>Inb4 /sci/ is recognized and awarded the Nobel prize.

Moot then kills himself for leaving.

>> No.7333640

>dubs name my hyperloop pod

>> No.7333641

it's up


while we wait for someone to set up an IRC server we could chat here

everyone has a fake email right?

>> No.7333651

I'll just post my real email over the IRC when it's up, be back in a few hours.

If the thread goes down for some reason I'll PM you on your skype.

>> No.7333676 [DELETED] 

okay i've set up the IRC

password: billnye

>> No.7333708 [DELETED] 

we're now two guys in the IRC. anyone else coming up?

pass: billnye

>> No.7333728

hey guys
we're now two guys in the IRC to talk about hyperloop competition

pass: carlsagan

why don't you come and join us for a chat

>> No.7333768
File: 58 KB, 500x750, 1349799464814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are looking for an EE to join if anyone is interested. Preferably one that has already finished his control/signals/instrumentation courses.

>> No.7333774

also someone to work on aerodynamics

>> No.7333776

What's the price?

>> No.7333778

Glory and probably patent royalties.

>> No.7333779

nope, it's totally open source if i recall correctly, but yeah, glory and musk love.

>> No.7333781

there will be sponsors spacex is bringing in, so also possibly investments & job opportunities

and maybe we get to hang out with elon musk

>> No.7333782

Aha, yeah. I'm out.

>> No.7333785

Y-You don't want musk love ? ;_;

>> No.7333786

You can patent subsequent work on open source. I'm assuming they will want further work on the competition winners before committing to a final product, the prize will likely be contracts and investments like >>7333781 mention.

Not to mention if you actually win something like this with all the media exposure you will be able to get any job you want. Probably 300k starting too.

>> No.7333787

from the competition guideline:

>Design Weekend
> The goal of the design weekend is for entrants to submit their pod designs, which, after receiving feedback and vetting from SpaceX officials, will then be constructed for the competition weekend.
> Entities that are not interested in building a pod may still present designs for a pod, an individual subsystem, or an individual safety feature. As an example of an individual subsystem submission, a team could choose to optimize the pod’s aerodynamics or to design the pod’s low-speed system. The purpose of this submission would be to receive design feedback and to participate in a fun educational event.
> Entrants will present before an evaluation panel, which will be composed mainly of SpaceX engineers, Tesla Motors engineers, and university professors.
> Companies will be able to use design weekend as a platform for selecting teams to sponsor, meaning that those companies would then contribute funds, at their discretion, toward the construction of a team’s competition pod.

>Competition Weekend
it is yet to be disclosed

SpaceX will publicly release a package which includes:
1. Requirements for Preliminary Design Briefing contents
2. Requirements for Final Design Package contents
3. Full Design Weekend logistics
4. Full Competition Weekend rules
5. Full criteria and performance metrics for Competition Weekend judging
6. Complete tube specifications
7. Competition Entry Agreement to be signed by all entrants
8. Intellectual Property Policy

>> No.7333808 [DELETED] 

current core design team skills:
Mech E

support team skills:
Finite Elements
Structural Design

needed for core design:
EE - control/signals/instrumentation

everyone regardless of skill set is welcome to join us

rizon chat
pass: carlsagan

final bump for now

>> No.7333819
File: 315 KB, 3107x2330, Elon-Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current core design team skills:
Mech E

support team skills:
Finite Elements
Structural Design

needed for core design:
EE - control/signals/instrumentation

everyone regardless of skill set is welcome to join us

rizon chat
pass: carlsagan

final bump for now
>with elon's pic too

>> No.7333831

some of you can make a saucer

>> No.7333843

Quantum mechanical engineer needed?

>> No.7333844

Quick update.

The AeroE postgrad I talked about earlier in the IRC seems interested and he is currently reading through the alpha documents. He has some experience leading projects like this so hopefully he can organize it if he joins. (we might need a few more MechEs though)

Also he has direct access to our uni's wind tunnel, so if we ever get funding and decide to do the actual build phase we can get some data from it.

>> No.7333848

We need everyone we can get, we want this to be a large community project there is a need for everyone if you retained some skills from undergrad we could use you somewhere especially doing sub problems etc.

>> No.7333868

will he join us in the IRC later on or should we maintain contact through you

>> No.7333872

Not today I think, he has to deal with some of the undergrads on his project who need help with the simulation package they're using, I'll call him tomorrow and add his email to the contact info if he accepts.

>> No.7333873

sure i meant in the coming days

>> No.7334000 [DELETED] 

here's another bump

Current core design team skills:
Mech E

support team skills:
Quantum Mech E (?)
Theoretical Physics
Finite Elements
Structural Design

needed for core design:
EE - control/signals/instrumentation

everyone regardless of skill set is welcome to join us

rizon chat
pass: carlsagan

>> No.7334003
File: 64 KB, 646x536, sagan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another bump

Current core design team skills:
Mech E

support team skills:
Quantum Mech E (?)
Theoretical Physics
Finite Elements
Structural Design

needed for core design:
EE - control/signals/instrumentation

everyone regardless of skill set is welcome to join us

rizon chat
pass: carlsagan

>> No.7334139

hi EE here

what do

>> No.7334160

Post your contact info and shit in the IRC.

>> No.7334208

he tested it in his butt tunnels

>> No.7334250

imagine the drag

>> No.7334275

literal and figurative pipe dream

>> No.7334287

Pipe dream with tons of press. It doesn't have to work for us to win the comp.

>> No.7335121
File: 117 KB, 322x336, 1428168354887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does it for free

>> No.7335140
File: 14 KB, 416x416, 1434421566184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's moralizing knowing that at least one of us will be raped in the effort

>> No.7335142

Anything to make that old cuck kill himself.

>> No.7335188

underrated posts

>> No.7335190

who cares, nerd

>> No.7335200
File: 87 KB, 684x576, 139772945398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Chemist and probably nothing to contribute

>> No.7335224

are you from /g/?

>> No.7335238

there is room for everyone, come on up
we have a chemE on the team >>7333600

>> No.7335239

that's why
because you can't get raped if it's for free

>> No.7335262
File: 41 KB, 619x351, hyperloop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

team update

after reading the hyperloop alpha document and settling the team, we'll begin planning the project development

Current core design team skills:
Mech E

support team skills:
Quantum Mech E (?)
Theoretical Physics
Finite Elements
Structural Design

needed for core design:
EE - control/signals/instrumentation

everyone regardless of skill set is welcome to join us

rizon chat
pass: carlsagan

>> No.7335302

>who cares
every nerd who posts in the thread

>> No.7335330

You forgot to list mathematicans.

>> No.7335348

So jealous. Good luck guys.

>> No.7335350

>You forgot to list mathematicans.
anyone else showed up last night?

>> No.7335352

thanks anon, feel free to join if you can!

>> No.7335357

I'm going to enter either electronicE or mechE next year, so I can't help.

>> No.7335383

there are people tagging along, even i'm one of them more or the less
just the experience is fun enough
and there is no reason why you can't contribute given something you could do would appear

>> No.7335391

Oldfag electrical /electronic eng here.

Studied robotics and have been project managing high power UPS systems (HV and LV) for the last 8 years Inc. Power distribution and protection. Can chair meetings etc...

Happy to help but have limited time.

>> No.7335396

welcome aboard, much needed guidance!

>> No.7335414

you could perhaps leave a throwaway email at the IRC as we're organizing the crew and probably we'll arrange a kickoff meeting soon

>> No.7335457

the only contribution i can really make is the color of it

post ending in:
0 = red
1 = blue
2 = yellow
3 = green
4 = orange
5 = purple
6 = white
7 = black
8 = rainbow fag colors
9 = the isis flag

>> No.7335460

wait for the dubs decides the team name thread

>> No.7335462

so isis flag then?

>> No.7335472

allah muskbar my friend

>> No.7335555
File: 17 KB, 782x522, tarddrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello im undergrad CE fag, can i be of any use ? I did some technical drill drawings in the digging in to mars thread pic related.
Please dont send me away

>> No.7335602

Will it have toilets that evacuate into the vacuum tube?

>> No.7335607

its fueled on human excrement

>> No.7335705

Gents if you want to join please leave a throwaway email in the irc (preferably with your background and skills), it's archived so we'll add you, but we can't permanently monitor it.

>> No.7335873

your trips leave us no choice but to comply

come on in the IRC

>> No.7335876

i mean quads

>> No.7335970

I don't see why a penis shaped pod wouldn't work out.

>> No.7336743

I lost my shit

>> No.7336823


this isn't actually a completely bad idea. the human penis is actually shaped to act as a sort of pump in the vagina: the head is specifically designed to reduce any sort of drag in a tunnel. But the tunnel is vacuum anyways so it doesn't matter.

>> No.7336826


>> No.7337393

okay guys
so i'm about to finish going through the hyperloop alpha document and tonight i'll post an outline highlighting development phases. this is by no means a technical guideline, i'm just repackaging the doc in order to make it easier to comprehend and work on.

we will keep on accepting anyone who wants in, but right now we need a kickoff meeting (possibly in IRC) in order to preserve the initial momentum we've acquired. things are looking good and overall our enthusiasm is very high, which we should not let falter.

>p.s. i'll use this trip itt from now on

after the meeting i'll start a new thread with a pastebin most probably


>> No.7337394


pass: carlsagan

i try to be on there as often as possible but there are other guys also sticking around. please leave your throwaway email and specializations if you want to take a part or just tag along with the project, we're keeping them stored for communication

>> No.7337397


>me in charge of using tripcode

here it is